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Radicalisation Of Indian Muslims - Guest - 08-16-2006

<b>Abdul Patel, 2 other NRIs among 24 arrested </b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->London, Aug 15: <b>Three Non-Resident Indians, all hailing from Gujarat</b>, were among the 24 persons arrested last Thursday in connection with the foiled plot to bring down ten US-bound planes from the UK, sources revealed today.

Besides Abdul Patel, the teenager son of an NRI migrant, police held Patel`s wife <b>Soophia and her father</b>, the sources said.

While one person has so far been released with no further action, the remaining 23 are under detention until tomorrow and their detention is likely to be further extended by the court.

Of the 23, assets of 19 including that of Abdul Patel were frozen following a direction from the treasury. Patel`s wife and her father do not figure among the 19. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Radicalisation Of Indian Muslims - Guest - 08-16-2006

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>18 suspected SIMI activists arrested in Kochi </b>
Kochi, Aug 16: In a major crackdown, <b>Kerala Police on Tuesday arrested 18 suspected activists of the banned Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) in Binamipuram in Kochi district.

Acting on a tip-off that SIMI activists were conducting a meeting at an auditorium in Binamipuram, the place was raided and the suspected activists were arrested</b>, police said.

They also seized certain literature enumerating SIMI's activities in India, and pamphlets and books printed in Pakistan.

All the arrested were in the late 20's and were from different parts of the state, police said.

Top police officials including the Ernakulam rural SP M Wahab have rushed to Binamipuram and the interrogation was on, police added. 

Radicalisation Of Indian Muslims - Guest - 08-16-2006

<!--emo&:argue--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/argue.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='argue.gif' /><!--endemo--> The Muslim delusion
> In the 21st century, when the world is moving fast and some nations have
> already reached the stars, Muslims remain far from the horizons.
> Decadence, illiteracy and orthodoxy are the pronounced facets of the
> current Muslim culture. Deluded by their fantasies they are entrenched
> in illusions, vanities and misconceptions. Illiteracy, sectarian strife,
> and misconceived perceptions have further added to their despair.
> The delusion that besets the Muslim mind represents a deep psychological
> betrayal that leaves severe scars on the body politic of the Muslim
> Ummah. It is a period of anguish, despair and delusion, which many
> Muslims fail to recognize. They brush aside the realities by declaring
> that they are the darlings of God and everything will be resolved in
> their favour.
> The issues are varied and the situations are challenging. Muslims are
> entrapped in the cobweb of their fantasies and imaginations. It is from
> this premise that we have to take a start and pursue our quest for truth
> and insight. We have to see where we are wrong and how we are being
> undermined by a growing wave of fanaticism and distorted perceptions.
> The Muslim delusion based on past achievements is not likely to play any
> significant role in the transformation of our destiny but consciousness
> of present experiences and the quantum of concrete contributions will be
> the driving forces to impact our destiny, politics, economy and
> civilization.
> The current realities will not allow us to outstrip our religious
> imagination and fantasies. We will be needing more knowledge, more
> insight and more vitality to capture the segments we have lost.
> Unnecessary links between religion and violence will have to be smashed
> to reinstate balance and affinity in our attitudes. Humanity and
> creativity will have to be the focal points of our ingenuity.
> Muslims might raise loud slogans, but the world will not believe them
> unless they come forward with more realistic and pragmatic ideas to
> change their environments. A vacuum of purpose and meaning would not he
> helpful in fostering the plans we may need for our well-being. Without
> change, we cannot reach our destination.
> We have to make a serious attempt to give a coherent explanation which,
> of course, is backed by convictions and implications. These have to be
> involved in the formulation of appropriate policies which motivate the
> interplay between traditions and practical realities.
> Our extreme orthodox sections need to be coaxed into a more
> knowledgeable and intelligent conversation on religion and modernism,
> science and dogmatism. They have to be brought into a debate which
> should establish how humility and balance are restored to the corridors
> that refuse to be familiar with other's point of view. Jihad and ljtihad
> have to be examined in context of new situations and realities.
> Religion and violence ought not to be mixed in modern age, which merits
> new strategies and new technologies. Riding camels, living in caves and
> deploying Stone Age weapons cannot help us defeat the enemies. Muslims
> may be good warriors of Allah, but employing wrong policies in varying
> situations may not merit divine blessings, they could lead to fatal
> consequences.
> Links between religion and violence too are not desirable facets of any
> progressive ideology and may not be an endearing aspect of our culture
> and civilization. As civilized human beings we have to resolve our
> differences with intellectual and diplomatic means even though the
> results may be frustrating in the short term.
> In responding to the changing political and technological realities
> Muslims will be well advised to upgrade their infrastructure and
> accelerate the development of their modern outlook. This does not mean
> the breaking with traditional modes emanating from the Quranic
> injunctions and the Prophet's traditions, but a growing realization of
> intellectual and secular notions.
> The call for rationality and intellectual ingenuity may not be agreeable
> with the modes of thought of some sections of society. However, an
> attempt has been made in this book to show that the door is open and
> efforts have to be made to discern it.
> In the words of Wittgenstein, we may be caught in a philosophical
> despair, or find ourselves like a man in a room who does not know how to
> get out. He tries the window, but it is too big. He tries the chimney,
> but it is too narrow. And if he would only turn around, he would see
> that the door has been open all the time. This is the door of knowledge,
> wisdom and insight.
> Writing a hook on this subject dealing with so many varying situations
> in so many dark recesses is an exceedingly challenging task. The task
> becomes all the more menacing when conversing and colliding with other
> disciplines and world views. At the same time we have to be concerned
> with the unity of faith and reality of experiences.
> The situation demands that the mindset is refreshed and activated to
> assign it the role of the decision-maker, the leader and the propagator.
> Caught in the contradictions of orthodoxy and modernity we need to
> evolve a strategy for the explanation and exploitation of our resources.
> The destination has not to be painful stage of stagnation, but a
> perpetual process of thoughtful exertion for exalted goals in life, both
> from secular and sacred perspectives.
> The ensemble of doctrines, traditions, values and norms that built the
> past civilization may contain the seeds for the realization of ideals
> that we aspire. The great civilization that Islam cultivated could be
> revived to reveal the real facets of a humane life. Humanizing the
> civilizations will be the next stage, which will need in larger measure
> the growing components of insight and innovations. To reach this, we
> will have to be far from fantasies and vanities.
> This will also help us serve the great Islamic traditions and survive
> the dazzling brilliance of modern culture and civilization. We don't
> have to be afraid of western cultural hegemony that is oriented to
> perpetuate the modern imperialist impact on Muslim culture. Muslims to
> thwart such onslaughts must be equipped with sustained vitality and
> inbuilt values so that no foreign culture should be able to tarnish the
> essential contours.
> The Islamic faith in this respect has been explained in broader
> perspective transcending the orthodox and obscure views and dogmas. The
> essential views have been preserved without allowing them to be
> subjected to sectarian and distorted ideological interpretations.
> Human progress, whether sacred or secular, is the main measure of human
> accomplishments. Our writings will prove that there is a constant need
> of ever-growing vitality in religious doctrines and socio-cultural and
> scientific innovations. Religious traditions have been a source of
> guidance and they have often inspired me. But Muslims will have to come
> out of their preconceived perceptions to shatter the darkness that
> obscures their power of discernment. This is where we falter and this is
> the cross-road where we have to choose the correct course.
> The root of all troubles, in our view, lies in illiteracy, orthodoxy and
> obscurantism. The -self-serving fantasy is a serious obstruction on the
> way to mutual understanding and viable resolution of our difficulties.
> This is an age of cynics who, through fanaticism and intolerance, refuse
> to comprehend and compromise. This impedes the process of resolution
> between the two extremes. The loss of consciousness makes man incapable
> of penetrating into the recesses of darkness and bringing the resources
> of faith and reason to task.
> This is the major challenge that confronts any daunting undertaking and
> especially the writing of a purpose-oriented book. The importance of the
> task has encouraged me to traverse this journey and reach the
> destination that remains a collective aspiration of the Muslims as a
> whole. This is the task, if realized graciously, might lead to improving
> and recycling the ideas that are replete with hopes and aspirations.
> This is the first step that paves way for a thousand-mile journey.
> The writer is the author of a number of books on Islam and contemporary
> socio-political developments.
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Radicalisation Of Indian Muslims - Guest - 08-16-2006

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Intelligence agencies take note of NDF march</b>
8/16/2006 7:54:39 AM
KASARGOD: Intelligence agencies have taken a serious note of the NDF ‘freedom parade’ held in the town on the Independence Day<b>. Kasargod is one of the four centres in the state, other than Alappuzha, Thrissur and Palakkad, where the NDF freedom parade was held on Tuesday.</b>

<b>The NDF ‘soldiers’ wearing green fatigues and black shoes marched through the streets before the march culminated at the maidan near the mofussil bus stand. Intelligence officials, both of the Central and state, have been camping here for the past few days to view the freedom parade of the NDF, since Kasargod is a sensitive area where hartal is observed every year on December 6 to protest against the Babri Masjid demolition.</b>

A volunteer of the NDF who led the march carried a national flag.

According to sources, it was the only symbol of nationalism. The NDF cadres who marched in the rally wore green caps which carried the insignia of ‘star’ instead of the Ashoka pillar. The march past took nearly 15 minutes to cross a point. Unlike the marches of the IUML or the INL, the volunteers had been well trained in taking out the ceremonial march, said an official of an Intelligence agency.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Radicalisation Of Indian Muslims - Guest - 08-17-2006

Convert from Hinduism to Islam

Radicalisation Of Indian Muslims - Guest - 08-18-2006

<b>11 killed, 52 injured due to explosions in Midtown Baghdad</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->On fighting terrorism, <b>the Iraqi military announced that it capture a leader of a terrorist cell in west Kirkuk</b>.
A Military source told reporters that a military mission was conducted by the army in several villages at Shargat area.
A number of nine suspects were captured during the mission. <b>One of the suspects was accused of leading the terrorist group.</b>
<b>The suspect, who was an Indian national</b>, confessed his crimes to the security forces.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Radicalisation Of Indian Muslims - Guest - 08-18-2006

<b>UK terror suspects' faith made in India</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Among those arrested in connection with the recent terror plot to blow up transatlantic airliners, the key figures seem to be linked to the <b>Tablighi Jamaat, an orthodox Islamic movement that was formed in India in 1927. Its headquarters was in Nizamuddin, Delhi</b>.

The followers of the <b>Tablighi Jamaat have to adhere to the strict tenets of Islam</b>. However, now security agencies — not just in Britain but across Europe and in the US — <b>are concerned that the missionary movement has become a sleeper or active cell of militants and has links to Al Qaeda</b>.

Assad Sarwar, a suspect arrested in High Wycombe, is said to be a follower of the sect. His brother Amjad was quoted as saying that Assad, who dropped out of university, attended weekend study groups of the Tablighi Jamaat. On Channel Four, Amjad said, <b>"He was at Tablighi Jamaat, which is a sect in Islam which encourages the youth to grow beard, pray five times a day…. He thought religion was more important than study."</b>

Is this is same sect, who were involved in crime against Indian origin in CA and Colorado?

Radicalisation Of Indian Muslims - Guest - 08-18-2006

link<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In time, Lindh found a tablighi jamaat hub at the Islamic Center of San Francisco. He also went to Masjid Darussalam, one of the city's largest mosques. A mosque official, Souleiman Ghali, said Lindh's father showed up about six weeks ago, carrying a picture of the son he had not heard from in more than four months.

Frank Lindh also had a letter from the head of the Pakistani religious school. That fact made Ghali think he stayed with tablighi jamaat last year.

more info on this sect

US Govt link <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Tablighi Jammat's annual meetings in Raiwind (Pakistan) and Dhaka (Bangladesh) are the most attended congregations of Muslims in the world, outnumbered only by the Hajj. Its unique modus operandi, which eschews political activism and use of violence, has allowed the group to spread discreetly and peacefully all over the world, finding minimal resistance from local governments. Dr. Borreguero will discuss this little-understood organization, detailing its ideology and values and their approach to Islam as well as its ever-expanding transnational presence.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Radicalisation Of Indian Muslims - Guest - 08-18-2006

<b>When I feel ashamed to be a Muslim!</b>
By Firoz Bakht Ahmed

Radicalisation Of Indian Muslims - Guest - 08-18-2006

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Crackdown on SIMI </b>
The Pioneer Edit Desk
Anti-nationals never had it so good

Students Islamic Movement of India, banned on February 8 this year for the third time since its formation in 1977, continues to deviously work towards its proclaimed objective of "liberating India by converting it to Islam". According to a report in this newspaper Thursday, intelligence sources have pointed out how money collected during ramzan, the Muslim holy month, for ostensibly social purposes, is, through intricate but well organised network, finding its way towards the proscribed outfit. In other words, regardless of the legal injunction against it, SIMI's project of converting India into Darul Islam continues undeterred. Gullible Muslims donating in the hope of serving Allah are thus being exploited with virtually no remonstrance or action contemplated by their social leaders to warn them of the serious consequences their blind faith can have. But perhaps this would be too high an expectation from Muslim communitarian panjandrums considering the manner in which this downright anti-national organisation has been - and still is being - coddled by the political leadership in the country, mainly the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Mr Mulayam Singh Yadav, and the Left Front in Kerala. Considering both the parties are either allied to or supporting the Congress-led UPA Government, shouldn't the Centre let the recalcitrant members of its bandwagon know that they could be held guilty of supping with the devil? Indeed, SIMI has a dismal history of working against national interest and undermining its ethos. Its members openly claim Quran to be their only constitution, jihad as the only way and shahadat as their only desire. With a volunteer base of 20,000, this organisation could churn out suicide bombers - holy warriors in their parlance - by scores every month. And still the ruling dispensation allows itself to be pushed around by its allies when it comes to taking iron-fisted action against SIMI.

Apart from its widely reported role in the Mumbai blasts on July 11, the rabid outfit has a number of other serious charges against it. Four members of a family out of a total of the six arrests made following the assault in the Ayodhya temple complex this year were associated with SIMI. All the eight accused in the Ghatkopar explosion in December 2002 were alleged volunteers of SIMI. In November 2004, Maulana Nasiruddin, chief of the Tahaffuz Shari'at-e Islam with links to SIMI was arrested from Hyderabad in connection with his suspected role in the murder of former Gujarat Home Minister Haren Pandya. These are but a handful of instances when the ansars of SIMI have fallen foul with not just the law of the land but the very idea of India. Yet, leading political parties, two of which are ruling major Indian States, think nothing of patronising the terror module that SIMI doubtless is. Meanwhile, the Centre is either too effete or too preoccupied with its own survival to crush this menace.

Radicalisation Of Indian Muslims - Guest - 08-19-2006

<b>Probe over cops entering Jama Masjid </b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The inquiry was ordered after the Shahi Imam of the Jama Masjid reportedly took offence to the police party entering the masjid without his 'permission', a senior police official told UNI.

''An enquiry has been ordered into the inciident and we are going through the facts.'

It started with a three-member police team reaching the masjid, sometime close to 1400 hrs, following an information that a bomb had been kept at the holy place

Radicalisation Of Indian Muslims - Guest - 08-19-2006

How urdu press twist facts ?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Urdu Daily gives perverted version of temple found in a Mosque  </b>
Posted on 18 August, 2006
Reference: Remnants of temple found in a Mosque washed out in floods link

Giving here the English translation from of the perverted version of the Mosque at Paithan by the Urdu daily 'Aljajira Hind'. The editor of this daily is Shaikh Sajed.

<b>400 Hindus attack the Mosque</b>

Some reckless individuals without keeping their minds steady attacked the Mosque at Paithan and tried to disturb the sanctity by putting gulal and colour. They shouted slogans like 'Jai Bhavani, Jai Shivaji', 'Glory to Shalivan Maharaj'. The Police reached there and drove them away from the incident site.

The mob claimed the presence of an olden period river bank and said that' as they had done the repair at the Naga river bank ,so also must it have been done at this river bank, but the Tahsildar Madhav Nilavad and Police Inspector Shri. B.S Khillari conducted panchanama and discarded away this saying of the people and said that there was no river bank at all.

The mob after being driven away by the police went to the bus stand and tried to destroy the shops of the Muslims. The police kept control of them. As a result a great disaster was averted.

The backing by the police to Muslim's hatred towards Hindus!

When the representative of 'Dainik Sanatan Prabhat' contacted the police inspector Shri Khillari to enquire about the version of daily 'Al-jazira Hind', he clarified saying that "We have not conducted any panchanama". Later the same representative when telephonically contacted the Editor of this Urdu daily Shaikh Sajed Ahmed about the news and asked him as to "What is your intention behind giving this news?" he kept the phone down and did not lift the phone when called again. It appears that in the process of averting this question the Daily is trying to mislead everybody.

On the first day of the incident at Paithan when the representative of 'Dainik Sanatan Prabhat had gone to meet the local photographers about the photographs taken about the Mosque, they said that "the Sub divisional Police officer took away those photographs from them .Along with he also told them to delete any photographs if kept in the computer and not to take any more photos of the Mosque. As a result we cannot help you as regards to the photographs ".

<i>(Police who are operating under the terror of the Muslims, trying to destroy the evidence of the remnants of temple in the Mosque ! Hindus become religious warriors for protection of your religion and your country-Editor)</i>

(Courtesy- Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)

Radicalisation Of Indian Muslims - Bharatvarsh - 08-19-2006

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Bukhari's men beat up cop in Jama Masjid
Staff Reporter | New Delhi
In yet another display of his arrogance, Shahi Imam of Jama Masjid Syed Ahmed Bukhari on Friday declared the masjid a 'no-go area' for the police and prevented officers from carrying out a search operation after they had reached there on a tip-off suggesting possibility of a paper bomb in the premises.

Bukhari and his men reportedly stopped the policemen, including the SHO of the area from carrying out the search and shouted at them.   

According to some eyewitnesses, the Imam and his supporters even beat up sub inspector Abdul Kalim when he opposed him. Shahi Imam had also abused and manhandled a TV reporter Yusuf Ansari on April 18 this year.

According to police sources, Jama Masjid SHO Davender Kumar had gone to the masjid with SI Abdul Kalim and an ASI of special staff Abrar Ahmad at 1.45 pm.

He had reportedly informed the supporters of Imam before going for the check but they did not in turn inform the Imam.

When the SHO with other police officers went to the main tomb of the mosque, the Imam stopped them and asked for the reason for checking without his permission. The SHO told him that he had received information about a paper bomb in the mosque and had informed his men to call him to cooperate.

But the Imam reportedly fell in argument with the officers. According to some sources, the Imam even pushed sub-inspector Abdul Kalim.

However, the Imam alleged that cops did not inform them and entered the mosque without permission.

Strangely, Imam's brother Yahyah Bukhari said, "The SHO and two others, when asked, told us that they had come to the mosque for hanging around which is not allowed for a cop in uniform."

He alleged that the SHO met two tourists before going to the tomb and was unnecessarily bothering them. "We have doubts that the SHO and two other cops were sent by the Government following some conspiracy against us and it should be inquired into properly and action should be taken against them," alleged Khan. He also asked the police to register an FIR against the cops.

Deputy Commissioner of Police Neeraj Thakur, however said, "We have not received any complaint from anybody and we are carrying out an inquiry into the incident". According to police sources, if the SHO and two others are found guilty in the incident, there could be an inquiry against them for impropriety but they were on duty and the Imam has harassed them while performing duty.

Meanwhile, the call was declared hoax as no paper bomb was found in the mosque.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Radicalisation Of Indian Muslims - Bharatvarsh - 08-20-2006

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->‘Recitation of Vande Mataram against Islam’

Press Trust of India

Lucknow, August 19: Muslim leaders and clerics reacted sharply to a reported decision by the Centre asking all schools to make their students recite the first two stanzas of Vande Mataram as part of the centenary celebrations of the National Song on September 7.

"Reciting Vande Mataram is against the tenets of the shariat (islamic law)," Zafaryab Jilani, a member of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board(AIMPLB), said.

"There are some lines in Vande Mataram which go against our religion," Jilani said. However, Muslims had no problem in reciting the National Anthem, Jana gana mana, he said.

All India Muslim united Morcha vice-president M Asiddique also denounced the move, saying the recitation of Vande Mataram was "against Islam".

He said Muslims could under no circumstances allow their children to recite the song.

Another AIMPLB member, Khalid Rashid Firangi Mahali, aired similar views and demanded scrapping of the move.

The Centre has sought the Uttar Pradesh government's help for the concluding function of the ‘Vande Mataram centenary celebrations’, wherein the song will be sung in all schools, colleges and educational institutions on September 7.

An official release issued in Lucknow on Saturday had said that a letter from Union Human Resource Development Minister Arjun Singh had been received by Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav, seeking his help for successfully holding the function.

Necessary directives according to the wishes of Singh for ensuring the recital of the song's first two stanzas at 11 am on September 7 were issued to concerned officials, the release said.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->UP Muslims to oppose Vande Mataram in schools

Indo-Asian News Service

Lucknow, August 19, 2006

A section of Muslims in Uttar Pradesh are in no mood to abide by a government directive that 'Vande Mataram' be recited in all educational institutions on September 7, claiming that the national song is 'anti-Islamic'.

"We consider recitation of 'Vande Mataram' by Muslim students as un-Islamic and I have no hesitation in advising members of our community to shun it," said prominent Islamic cleric Maulana Khalid Rasheed, who heads one of India's leading Islamic institutions, popularly known as Firangi Mahal.

Human Resource Development Minister Arjun Singh had written to all Chief Ministers to ensure that the first two stanzas of the song are recited in all educational institutions across the country on September 7 - the day marking the culmination of year-long centenary celebrations of the song.

The song, composed by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee in 1876, was adopted as the national song at the Varanasi session of the All India Congress Committee on September 7, 1905.

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav, who has sent a formal consent to the central government, has also issued a circular to all concerned departments on the matter. However, Maulana Khalid Rasheed's announcement has put the Chief Minister in a tight spot.

Of late, Yadav has been busy trying to retain his literally slipping Muslim vote bank.

Asked why he considered recitation of 'Vande Mataram' as 'anti-Islamic', Rasheed, also a member of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board, said, "Well, the song tends to equate the nation to god and Islam does not permit this. Even Prophet Mohammad cannot be placed on an equal pedestal with Allah, the almighty."

He went on to clarify, "Our opposition to 'Vande Mataram' must not be construed as any kind of disrespect to another religion. It is simply because our religion does not allow any Muslim to bow his head before anyone other than god, the almighty."

He wondered, "How a secular government like the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance had not cared to consider the sentiments of Muslims while issuing such a directive across the country."

The Maulana added, "In fact, even the Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance government had to eventually withdraw its order whereby recitation of 'Vande Mataram' was sought to be made mandatory in all educational institutions across the country."

He proposes to mobilise public opinion among Muslims on the issue. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Radicalisation Of Indian Muslims - Guest - 08-20-2006

Some Goan Christos don't like Vande Mataram either, notably a <b>Santosh Helekar</b>:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->I would find it equally as hard to accept Vande Mataram as a national anthem for a secular India. The references to Durga and Laxmi betray a bias towards Hinduism.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->(Goanet mostly has Christos on it - not really representative of Hindu-majority Goa.)

This is the same <b>"Dr." Santosh Helekar</b> who has a website where he relies on the early biased genetics study by Bamshad et al. to show that "the AIT had happened and how the caste system was a racist system".
That the Bamshad study was biased has been shown. For example, by Vishal Agarwal at
Many unbiased genetics studies, with larger and more representative sampling, have been conducted after Bamshad's embarassing faux-pas, and have concluded that there is no genetic evidence for AIT (hence no historic racism at all). But Santosh Helekar, being on fire for Christ, refuses to update his web page with the latest findings which refute his racist views. He wants his racist propaganda to spread, probably so that more Hindus imagine Christianity is more egalitarian.

It further proves how ChristoIslamists are the only racists here, they believe - they insist on believing in spite of evidence to the contrary - in Dravidians and Aryans. And to this end they will hide facts, lie, and do anything to convince others of the 'evils and racism' of Hinduism. ChristoIslamic racism is a matter of historic record, so Christians, desperate to level the playing field, have to resort to lying with impunity to accuse Hinduism of the same.

Radicalisation Of Indian Muslims - Guest - 08-20-2006

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->http://www.dailypio indexn12. asp?main_ variable= OPED&file_ name=opd2% 2Etxt&counter_ img=2
<b>Muslims: Smell the coffee </b>
by Khwaja Ekhram

The community is stigmatised by jihad. It's time educated Muslims come forward to replace the traditional leaders

India, home to the world's second highest Muslim population, may not have produced any Al Qaeda operative yet, <b>but the rank-and-file of the minority community is slowly finding itself sucked into the vortex of pan-Islamic movements sponsored from beyond India's borders</b>. The secular character of the Constitution has ensured equal treatment for members of all communities - majority or minority - and India's progress has been shared by Hindus and Muslims alike. But today, the spectre of political Islam is haunting Indian Muslims, which is not helped by certain sections of them joining pan-Islamic groups, terror outfits and espousing the cause of Muslims in distant parts of the globe.

India's political system, based on democratic pluralism, provides space for all ethnic groups and sub-nationalities. <b>There has been no discrimination by the State against any member of this community which has produced three Presidents, Chief Justices, Foreign Secretaries, apart from a galaxy of top diplomats and Government functionaries. None of the factors that provide a breeding ground to pan-Islamism, whether social or economic, perceived closeness with the US and takes sides with Israel, are present here. </b>

Historically, Indian Muslims have not been impervious to the happenings in the Islamic world. The Khilafat movement of the early 20th century (in support of the Ottoman ruler, who was also the Caliph) was supported by Indian Muslims. Their sentiments have assumed a "pan-Islamic" character following the US "invasions" of Afghanistan and Iraq. The poverty and low literacy that increasingly marks the general profile of Indian Muslims have also contributed to this. But it must be pointed out that the condition of a large section of India's Hindu population is not better either.

Today, more than 50 per cent of those involved in Islamist terrorism in India outside Jammu and Kashmir are Indian Muslims. The remaining are Pakistani and Bangladeshi nationals. The Pakistani military intelligence establishment has been clandestinely helping to spread terrorism to other parts of the country to create pockets of political and economic instability, thus trying to prevent the emergence of India as a major economic and military power at par with China. They have a much larger agenda of bringing Islam in India under the influence of Wahabi school of thought by weaning Muslims away from their cultural roots.

In this age of globalisation, countries and communities are fast moving towards political and cultural renaissance. Keeping with the overall trend of globalisation, countries are witnessing the blurring of their political, social and cultural frontiers. But a large section of Muslims are caught in a "time warp" more reminiscent of the medieval age.

<b>India's Muslims have not moved ahead, and the blame for this does not lie with the Constitution or structural impediments of the Indian state. </b>Had it been so, the community would not have provided a scientist like APJ Abdul Kalam who pioneered, developed and structured India's missile programme.

The distinguished members of the Muslim community rose into prominence not because of any system of political reservations or political favours but because the country provides equal opportunities to all its citizens. A vast majority of Muslims wishes to move forward and share India's emerging economic prosperity but are being held back by traditional forces that lack vision and instead guide the people to espouse causes that are relevant beyond India's borders.

Muslims seem to be at the crossroads as they are unable to decide either to reject modernity espoused by their political and religious leadership or move forward. They must consciously cease to remain as vote-banks.

The political leadership of Muslims presents a mix of traditional conservatives and religious leaders, who are anti-West (read the US) and anti-Israel and loses no time to protest any move by them in West Asia. In the process, it ignores the socio-economic conditions of Muslims at home, as this suits their politics.

Muslims in India face the strongest challenge in deciding whether to be or not to be Indians in its most integrate form. Among them, there are several highly educated and modern professionals who should have emerged as natural leaders of Muslims. But they are beaten back by the domination of the present leadership.

Every time a challenge seems likely to emerge to the established leadership, the name of religion is invoked to neutralise them. The current leadership has medieval overtones, which is more akin to the "fundamentalist fringe" of Pakistani politics.

Between 1999 and 2005, the ISI-supported Pakistani jihadi organisations have spread out to other parts of India beyond Jammu and Kashmir in order to motivate Muslims and intensity their jihad against the state and society. They gave a pan-Islamic orientation to jihad, and started guiding organisations such as the Students' Islamic Movement of India. Under such circumstances, Indian Muslims have to find visionary and bold leaders who could thwart attempts by pan-Islamic organisations and have more integrative approaches to the nation.

The mosque needs to be separated from politics. It should remain only as a shining symbol of the religion and spiritualism.

India's Muslims cannot be Arabs or acquire Arab identities, nor can they live on any other borrowed identities. The identity of Muslim in the country is purely Indian. It is unfortunate that movements launched by various organisations in the name of championing the cause of Muslims have not only kept them in a closed society but also caused harm to them. They need to educate themselves and reject all their hackneyed political forms, attitudes and approaches. Muslim women and the younger generation need to free themselves out of their bindings.

Muslims should demand modernity of thought, action and deed. They should break out of their self-imposed ghettos. India would be richer and stronger when Muslims are successful in shedding the shackles of their leadership and join the national mainstream. Only that would facilitate the full harnessing of their talent and potential. Muslims have to move forward from the crossroads of identity crisis to a prosperous future as stakeholder- citizens of India, as the country is their home and it is here that their future and prosperity lie.

<i>- (The writer is assistant professor, Centre for Indian Languages, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, JNU)</i>

Radicalisation Of Indian Muslims - Guest - 08-20-2006

<b>Shariat court to decide on 'illegal' remarriage</b>
State within state.

Radicalisation Of Indian Muslims - Guest - 08-20-2006

Vande Mataram against Islamic beliefs - Shahi Imam

National song Vande Mataram is 'against Islamic beliefs' and asking Muslims to sing it would amount to 'suppression' of the community, Shahi Imam of Delhi's Jama Masjid Syed Ahmed Bukhari said on Sunday.

Addressing a press meet in Allahabad, Bukhari, who is also patron of the United Democratic Front, said according to the tenets of Islam, one could love one's country and even lay down one's life for it if the circumstances so demand.

"But when it comes to worship only Allah is given that honour. A Muslim cannot worship his or her parents, motherland and even the Prophet though they are held in high esteem," he said, reacting to a Central directive to states for recitation of Vande Mataram in educational institutions during a celebration on September 7 to mark the national song's centenary.

"Ever since independence, all governments at the Centre and in the states have been suppressing Muslims. This proposal is yet another example. If somebody sings Vande Mataram voluntarily, I have no objections. But if people are forced to do so, it will meet with resistance," Bukhari said.

Radicalisation Of Indian Muslims - Guest - 08-21-2006

<b>Directive on Vande Mataram 'voluntary in nature': Arjun </b>
Varanasi, Aug 20 (PTI) Seeking to quell the controversy over a Central directive for the recitation of Vande Mataram in educational institutions, Union Human Resource Development Minister Arjun Singh today said the measure was not mandatory.

The HRD Ministry's directive to states for recitation of Vande Mataram during a celebration on September seven to mark the national song's centenary was <b>"voluntary in nature", </b>Singh told a gathering at a minority academic institution at Jamia Salfiya in Raja Telab locality here.

The recitation of the song was aimed at paying tribute to freedom fighters and martyrs, he said.

"The song should not be viewed otherwise," Singh said referring to protests by the Samajwadi Party and some Muslim organisations over the directive. ............<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Lets start kalama in schools.

Radicalisation Of Indian Muslims - Bharatvarsh - 08-21-2006

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Ulemas lash out at terror tag

HT Correspondent

New Delhi, August 21, 2006

“Stop denigrating Muslims as terrorists and madrasas as factories of terrorism,” cried ulemas at a two-day conference on terrorism and urged the government to introduce curbs for biased and partisan projection following the blasts in Mumbai.

Instead of adopting the role of an objective and neutral medium in disseminating news about events and ideas relating to Islam, the government had played a subservient role to the western perceptions, rued Ulemas.

Maulana Asarul Haq Qasmi, Maulana Fuzailur Rehman Hilal Usmani, Maulana Matinul Haque Osama and Maulana Matinul Haque Osama were among the leading ulemas present at the conference. They said the concept of jehad never defended terrorism and was well laid down in Islamic Shariah.

“A person ceases to be a Muslim when he becomes a terrorist,” said Maulana. “The media should be invited to visit madrasas at any time without notice to see for itself that it’s not a factory for terrorism,” said Qasmi. He added, thanks to the media, an impression had gained ground that there was something wrong with the Muslims in India. Hence, the media should be prevented from such projections.

However, I&B and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Priya ranjan Dasmunshi advised them against a “negative” approach and suggested a dialogue with the media to correct the wrong impressions adding that he too would do so separately with editors soon. “Curbs don’t work. The media loves its freedom. But there are many in the media who are against spreading misconceptions.”

Rajya Sabha deputy chairman K. Rahman Khan  said, “Madrasas teach brotherhood and not terrorism as is being projected.”

Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt blamed the Indian media for aping the West in demonising Islam. Lawyer Majida Memon demanded that the media should stop calling anyone a terrorist, while activist Teesta Setalvad said the media should go for a deeper probe into what started it all.

Dasmunshi concluded, “I understand what you are saying because even I have suffered during the late sixties when every Bengali was suspected of being a Naxalite. If acts of terrorism are condemned by Hindus and Muslims alike, it will go a long way for keeping the amity alive.”,0008.htm<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->