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Christoislamic terrorist agenda in TN: targeting of Hindus in key positions - Husky - 07-21-2013

This thread's on:

Key HindOOOs of Tamizh Nadu getting hacked to pieces/otherwise murdered by christoislamania, as per the christoislamic agenda for the state (while the christoislamaniac culprits keep getting off for the crime, which shows that it's all orchestrated and carefully pre-planned).

I'm not (yet) sure if

* It's christianism a la the northeast where christian terrorists keep hacking key Hindoos to death in just this manner.

* Or whether it's islam like in Kerala etc where islamic terrorists more often than christian terrorists keep hacking key Hindoos to death.

* Or whether this is part of the larger case where christianism is acting in tandem with islam. I think it's the last: christianism having already prepared the ground in TN for takeover (including by terrorist means) - considering christianism has already been gearing up to make TN the next Kerala and Andhra Pradesh - and so it gave islam the green light to murder Hindus with impunity, where the deal is that islam will do the knife-work (christianism may or may not be the brains identifying which key Hindus are to be the target), while christianism will get islam off scott-free and ensure that the Hindu victims get no justice. <- And that matches the overall christian government of India's policy on How To Convert with the still-majority Hindu country, so the tactic is not peculiar to TN. And the fact that now politicians get murdered and their murderers will never get caught/punished, and how the main christomedia will deliberately not link the murders together in a chain of related events but will present each murder as an out-of-the-blue/who-could-possibly-have-dunnit type story, that just underlines it all the more.

Christoislamic terrorist agenda in TN: targeting of Hindus in key positions - Husky - 07-21-2013

All these related posts are July 2013 (this month) note.

02 July 2013



Protest against Tamil Nadu Hindu Munnani leader's murder

Tuesday 2nd of July 2013 11:04:47 AM

[Image: tctf158pjq_8td8wxalsu_w8fyt203y_b.jpg]

Hindu organizations in Kerala will mark Tuesday as 'protest day', following the murder of S Vellaiyappan, state secretary of Tamil Nadu Hindu Munnani. Hindu Aikya Vedi will also stage a remonstration in the evening protesting against the gruesome murder.

Vellaiyappan was hacked to death by a group of terrorists, at around 3.00 pm. According to sources, Vellaiyappan was proceeding towards the Munnani office after praying at the Vellore temple, when miscreants committed the murder. The body is now kept in Vellore government Hospital.

The place witnessed tense scenes following Vellaiyappan's murder. Police personnel have been deployed in the area to prevent any further outbreak of violence.

Vellaiyappan, a native of Thenkasi has been associated with the Hindu Munnani for over 20 years. An active pracharak, he was always in the fore front in exposing and dealing with the social menace of love jihad. Vellaiyappan was undaunted, even though he continually faced death threats while spearheading campaigns against love jihad.

Vellaiyappan marked his presence as a staunch activist of Hindu Munnani, with the protests against state government's proposal to take over the famous Jalakandheswari Temple, under Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Board.

The temple, which has an antiquity of over four centuries, was in a neglected state with the idol of the main deity missing because of Islamic invasions. The deity's absence had made daily rituals impossible. With the Hindu Munnani coming to the forefront in 1981 and taking over of the revival of the ancient temple, a few Islamic groups associated with local governing bodies registered violent protests.

According to sources, the board's move to take over the temple is said to have sprung up from the increasing revenue flowing into the temple. Vellaiyappan played a prominent role in launching protests against the state government's plan of taking over the temple.

(The cryptochristo TN govt take over of the temple is christianist, while the islamics did their part by violently "protest" against the Hindoos reviving the Hindu temple.)

Note how the kallai Vellaiyappan [I'm assuming that's him in the picutre] as per the summary above is quite the typical kind of Hindoo heathen - loyal to his Gods and consequently protective of Hindu society - which even the Hyperionion (this title actually refers to both the latter's Father and to himself, I mean it in the 2nd sense) would surely be proud to call one of his own. But this Heroic Hindoo's one of mine, being a native Hindoo.

And like the aforementioned Hyperionides - and the countless other such loyal Hellenistic GrecoRoman defenders of Hellenismos who went to their ancestral Olympic Gods after christianism brutally murdered them - the devoted Hindoo Vellaiyappan is now gone to his beloved Amman/ancestral Divine Parents, i.e. the Hindoo Gods.

Christoislamic terrorist agenda in TN: targeting of Hindus in key positions - Husky - 07-21-2013

6 days later.

08 July 2013

Quote:Hindu Munnani leader murdered in Rameswaram


08th July 2013 05:12 PM

In the second such fatal attack on its leaders, a local functionary of Hindu Munnani was today found murdered here, police said.

55-year old Nambu alias Kuttainambu, the Secretary of Hindu Munnani's Rameswaram unit, was found dead with injuries in the head and chest caused by a boulder, they said.

The murder, coming close on the heels of the killing of Hindu Munnani state Secretary Vellaiyan by a gang in Vellore last week, sparked tension amid suspicion that leaders of the religious and cultural organisation, founded in 1982, were being targeted.

Officials said they were investigating the case in all angles.

Meanwhile, police arrested one Ramachandran who allegedly confessed he murdered Nambu due to previous enmity.

Police claimed Ramachandran said his family and Nambu were at loggerheads for a long time and he along with some others murdered him.

Police personnel had been posted in the sensitive areas in the holy island which has a sizeable population of Muslims, they said.

Meanwhile, BJP local leader Muralidharan appealed to Chief Minister Jayalalithaa to provide assistance to the family of Nambu, who left behind six daugthers and a son.

2 of the 3 comments are instructive concerning that alleged and most convenient 'confession':


This trend of murdering Hindu activists is strongly condemnable. It only means that Hindus are not safe in their own land. The 'confession' of one Ramachandran that he murdered Nambu due to previous enmity is not convincing. A police officer of sound integrity should investigate into the killing of Hindu activists, which seems to be a diabolic plot against Hindus.

Posted by Vijayalakshmi at 07/08/2013 17:53 Reply to this Report abuse

Hello JJ, Have you gone to sleep? Has Kodanand made you morose & indecisive? L&O is a joke in TN now. Anyone can kill anyone & walk away with it. At this rate, JJ can kiss the next LS polls a good bye.

Posted by Guru at 07/08/2013 18:35 Reply to this Report abuse

It could be a fabrication by introducing previous enmity so that the already suppressed Hindu community who will never react as usual. The police will also get a pat on their back for not having any violence after a community leader got murdered.

Posted by Prakash at 07/09/2013 09:33 Reply to this Report abuse

Page 1 of 1

Christianism always covers up murders of key persons where it can: christianism's aims are that the murders must take place (in order to get rid of important Hindu persons) AND Hindus must not notice the larger pattern of events, hence the christoised police in TN (previously seen torturing the Kanchi Shankaracharya, Jayendra Saraswati Swamigal) is likely to have been instructed to insert this little red herring of one Ramachandran.

The unlikelihood of the convenient confession ringing true is underscored when a third Hindu in a key position (for Hindu society in TN and its future) was murdered just 11 days after:

Christoislamic terrorist agenda in TN: targeting of Hindus in key positions - Husky - 07-21-2013

11 days later.

19 July 2013

Quote:TN BJP General Secretary murdered

20 Jul 2013, 0920 hrs IST, AGENCIES

BJP Tamil Nadu unit General Secretary V Ramesh was hacked to death by unidentified assailants near his house in Salem on Friday (July 19) night, police said. The 52-year-old Ramesh alias Auditor Ramesh was attacked with sharp-edged weapons and he died on the spot, they said.

The identity of the assailants and the motive for the attack were under investigation, police added.

Ramesh is the second senior party functionary in Tamil Nadu to be murdered in the last nine months.

BJP state medical wing secretary Dr V Aravind was killed in front of his clinic in Vellore by a gang in October, 2012.

Police teams formed to trace assailants

Special police teams have been formed to trace the assailants who hacked to death BJP's Tamil Nadu unit general secretary V Ramesh even as a state-wide bandh has been called by the party on July 22 to protest the murder.

Protesters, meanwhile, set on fire five government buses to protest the incident even as authorities declared a holiday for schools in the city.

Salem range Police DIG Sanjay Kumar said the BJP leader had gone to his office to discuss party affairs around 9 PM and was attacked by four persons while returning to his residence. A case has been registered, police said.

Talking to reporters, BJP state unit President Pon Radhakrishnan accused the state government of not providing security to his party leaders. Condemning the murder, he claimed that in the last one year, three state-level leaders-- Arun Reddy, P Murugan and Velliyan-- were murdered and the culprits were still at large. He alleged that police had not taken action on their pleas to provide protection to partymen.

(That's because in TN the police in important posts - especially those appointed to key Hindu matters that christianism has stoked up (e.g. Shankaracharya case, Chidambaram temple case, etc) - are christo and work for christianism. These christist policement carry out what their christian higher ups tell them to do, who are working themselves according to a plan/hitlist: again, christianism gets islamania - or else faithful christo cannibal sheep - to kill important Hindus, and then gets the christoislamic murderers off, by doing nothing and providing no protection to targeted Hindu victims and even through use of of false confessions in the christomedia in order to file away the murder cases without reeling in the perpetrators that christianism hired.)

A BJP release said party activists would stage a demonstration in Chennai on Saturday condemning the murder and seeking speedy action to trace the assailants and a probe.

Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi had called and enquired about the murder, he said, adding, a state-wide bandh has been called on Monday to condemn the murder.

So that's 5 TN BJP members murdered as per just the above article, in summary:

* Oct 2012: BJP state medical wing secretary Dr V Aravind was killed in front of his clinic in Vellore by "a gang" (i.e. christoislamics again)

* 19 July 2013: BJP Tamil Nadu unit General Secretary V Ramesh was hacked to death by "unidentified" assailants (i.e. christoislamaniacs)

* Three (BJP) state-level leaders-- Arun Reddy, P Murugan and Velliyan-- were murdered in the last one year and the culprits were still at large

So that makes it a total of 4 or 5 + 2 = 6 or 7** key Hindus murdered in the space of about a year who are thus far mentioned in this new thread, 3 of whom were murdered by christoislamania in just this month, and we're not even out of it yet.

"Sensitive" people will hate to "fingerpoint" christoislamania, but everyone else can do the math.

** Depends on whether Velliyan = Vellaiyan = Vellaiyappan.

(Again: I wish that, besides registering his complaint, Narendra Modi would get Hindus in each state to organise a yagnya, to perform abhicharikam concerning all Hindoos' sapatna-s. I'd be the last person to complain if christoislamania + communism was never heard from again.)

Christoislamic terrorist agenda in TN: targeting of Hindus in key positions - Husky - 07-21-2013

More on the previous.

Quote:Yet another Hindu leader murdered in Tamilnadu by Jihadis

19/07/2013 20:03:58

[Image: ram197201320358200.jpg]

Salem, Tamilnadu July 20: In another shocking incident, Sri V Ramesh of Salem, BJP Tamilnadu State General Secretary, has been MURDERED last night by Jihadi Goondas.

Rameshji, a practicing Chartered Accountant and served as Jilla Karyavah of RSS in 1987 to 1992., was an ardent Swayamsevak. He contested unsuccessfully for the post of Mayor for Salem City Municipal Corporation in September 2011.

The 52-year-old Ramesh alias Auditor Ramesh was attacked with sharp-edged weapons and he died on the spot.

Last month Hindu Munnani State Secretary Vellaiyappan was Murdered by anti-national elements. BJP state medical wing secretary Dr V Aravind was killed in front of his clinic in Vellore by a gang in October, 2012. Now Rameshji, another victim for Jihadis.

RSS expressed Shock, condemns:

RSS Sah-sarakaryavah Dattatreya Hosabale expressed shock and severly condemned the act by anti-national elements on patriotic social workers. In his statement, Dattatreya Hosabale said “Shocking and Deeply painful is the news that Shri Rameshji of Salem, BJP Tamilnadu State General Secretary has been killed last night. This is a dastardly act of Jihadi terrorists which I severely condemn. In recent days such murders are increasing in Tamilnadu. Its high time terrorism is put to an end with Iron hand. Rameshji, a practicing Chartered accountant and RSS former Jilla Karyavah, was an ardent Swayamsevak, an active Public Worker, a friendly man helping all good works. My deep condolences to his brother Sri Seshadri, an ABVP functionary, and all family members’.

Christoislamic terrorist agenda in TN: targeting of Hindus in key positions - Husky - 06-20-2014

1. Christoislamic demons brutally murder another Hindu.

Tomorrow the terrorist AmriKKKan govt-mouthpiece NYT will lie again that Hindus are persecuting christoislamaniacs in India.

18 June 2014

Quote:Yet another Hindu Munnani leader brutally murderd in Chennai.

18/06/2014 22:04:44 HK

[Image: padi+suresh.jpg]

Chennai June 19: In another shocking incident, Hindu Munnani leader Sri Suresh was murdered by anti-national elemnents in Chennai on Wednesday night.

Suresh, 45years, was hacked to death around 10.00pm last night in front of his business centre at Ambattur (Chennai Sub-urban area).[color="#0000FF"]He was the Thiruvallur East district president of the Hindu Munnani, was closing his STD booth on MTH Road around 9:30 pm when a bike-borne gang of three attacked him, inflicting serious injuries to his face, neck and body. Ravi, a juice shop owner who witnessed the attack and ran to help him was also attacked, causing a deep cut to his hand.[/color]

[color="#800080"](A few years ago, article repeated documention on how, in Kerala, islamaniacs were seen practising to genocide Hindus by going around on motorbikes chopping up dogs with sharp weapons. This is what they were practising for.

I hear Iraq/ME is already beckoning to many Indian islamaniacs. They will be made to choke on their own blood there.)[/color]

A passerby who saw the incident took Suresh in an auto-rickshaw to the Sundaram Medical Foundation Hospital, but he died without responding to treatment. Ravi has also been admitted to the hospital. Doctors said he was in shock.

Enraged by the murder of their leader, over 100 irate cadre of the outfit staged protest outside the hospital, blocking road twice demanding immediate action against the culprits. At one stage they even refused to let the ambulance move without the police initiating action. The body was sent to KMC for autopsy. Suresh, originally a native of Kanyakumari, was staying at Mannurpet. He is survived by wife Bhuvana and two children.

Since last 30 years so many Hindu Organisation workers were butchered by Jihadi forces.

RSS functionaries, Hindu Munnani office bearers condemned the incident and expressed their shock and condolences, also demanded strict police action against the increasing attack on Hindu leaders by anti-national elements.
Another kallai Hindoo hero. Opted for death rather than christoislamising or otherwise de-heathenising.* But I wish Hindoos would in future universally opt to kill all their would-be murderers. It's in self-defence after all. No need for Hindoos to die when the christoislamic assassins can die in your place. At worst: if Hindoos are going to die, take down as many of the murderous christoislamaniac assailants. Every Hindoo - certainly every key Hindoo leader, as they're on christoislamania's hitlist - should carry a grenade with them hereafter and if it looks like they won't survive a christoislamic ambush, release the pin and leave all the demons' families bereaved.)

* Further underscores that no one ever chose to convert to christoislamania of free will, but that it has always been the christoislamaniac convert-or-kill genocide policy that has resulted in christoislamania's current presence/demographic in the world.

Quote:Hindu Munnani Leader's Murder; Massive protests across Tamilnadu

19/06/2014 14:45:06 VSK Chennai

Hindu Munnani lost yet another activist in Chennai following the murder of Sri Vellaiyappan at Vellore and Sri Ramesh BJP of Salem. [color="#0000FF"]K P Suresh, 48, Thiruvallur District President of Hindu Munnani was hacked to death on Wednesday night, 18th June around 9.30 p.m. K P Suresh is a soft spoken swayamsevak of Kanyakumari.[/color] It is said that unidentified gang of three suddenly attacked Suresh causing serious injuries to his face, neck and body. Hearing the shocking news, hundreds of Hindu activists staged road roko demanding the initiation of police action.

RSS functionaries and Hindu Munnani founder Ramagopalan strongly condemned the continuous murders of Hindu leaders in the state. In his statement, “It is not even a year passed on the murder of Sri Vellaiyappan. He hit the State Government that the release of Hyder Ali, (on 17th June) a terrorist wanted in various cases including the bomb blast of RSS Office Chennai, (1993) shows the soft dealing view with terrorists and Tamilnadu is now a peaceful haven for terrorists.

He further appealed that the Chief Minister should directly oversee the case pertaining to the killings and ensure that the miscreants are brought under law".

Hindu Munnani and parivar organizations called for a rally and protest demo throughout the State. Hundreds of Hindu activists of all parivar organizations staged protest demo. In Chennai, a rally was organized wherein 2000 activists from all parivar organizations participated. Sri Ramagopalan Hindu Munnani, Prant Sevak Pramuk Sri Ramarajasekar, Sri M D Shankar Vibhag Pracharak, Sri Elangovan HM City Secretary, Smt Vanathi Srinivasan BJP and adhikaris participated in the rally and paid their tributes to the departed soul. The last rites is to be performed at his native place Kanyakumari.
(What has protesting against christoislamicommunist terror ever achieved? Why even bother? Why not demand from Modi that he do something about it *now*? Or else can do something about the assailants themselves.)

What's going on in TN is exactly what the christian terrorist outfits in NLFT etc did in Tripura and Nagaland: murder all the key Hindu leaders, as a stepping stone for being able to round up the powerless Hindu masses in convert-or-kill sprees.

To repeat from a few years back: need a "Quit India" movement (actually a "Quit the Hindu subcontinent" and the world movement) against the christoislamicommunists and traitors infesting India. They need to get lost. Preferrably from the world. <- Have always been an advocate for keeping suicide legal. Personally I thought christo-islamania murdering christo-islamania - as is happening all over the ME/Africa - was rather harsh, and would have preferred that they just suicide themselves already, but hey I don't make the rules: they will kill each other before they kill themselves. Anyway, for every Hindu murdered by christoislamaniacs in India, a great many christoislamaniacs are kicking the bucket over in ME/Africa. At that exchange-rate, even if Hindus don't ultimately survive christoislamania, other heathens may.

2. This next is not TN, but there are murders of key Hindus everywhere. And they all need to be documented somewhere.

Next to Maharashtra's Gopinath Munde christo-magically dying "by accident" last month on the very same anniversary date of 03 June 2014 that way too many of his also-politically-active relatives "accidentally" died, as per Karyakarta at the Rajeev2004 blog, there's now the following (stolen from that blog's twitter feed):

14-15 June 2014

Quote:rajeev srinivasan @RajeevSrinivasa "@abpnewstv: Bareilly: Dead body of BJP leader Rakesh Rastogi, who had been kidnapped yesterday, found in a car" [color="#0000FF"]three and counting in UP[/color]

Which is a reference to:[color="#0000FF"]2014/06/15[/color]/article343519.ece/Dead-body-of-BJP-leader-found-in-Bareilly?id=343519

Quote:Dead body of BJP leader found in Bareilly

Bareilly: Dead body of BJP leader Rakesh Rastogi, who had been kidnapped yesterday, found in a car on Uttarakhand border.
Not sure what the statement "3 and counting in UP" alludes to in Rajeev's comment... is it referring to 3 murders of BJP members in UP now?

Wonder if the govt will do anything about any of these murders?

Christoislamic terrorist agenda in TN: targeting of Hindus in key positions - Husky - 07-08-2014

20 days after the previous TN Hindu Munnani leader was murdered by christoislamia:

Quote:Jihadi Slayers strikes again.One more Hindu leader murdered

05/07/2014 05:14:30 HK

(Not necessarily jihadi at all: I suspect that some of the comments at TOI may have a point and that the murderers may actually be christians. Certainly that christianism is behind the hitlist. Just like christian terror outfits in NE initially orchestrated hits against Hindu leaders before then having made the Hindu laity sufficiently powerless to ethnically cleanse them from their homelands.)

Shocking news shook the state as Hindu Munnani town secretary Sri Jeevaraj (38) was found murdered in Sankarankovil, Tirunelveli, near his house. A deep cut in the throat have caused the death. Police have formed special teams to nab the killers. Sri Ramagopalan, Hindu Munnani founder has strongly condemned the inaction of the Government in safeguarding the Hindu leaders in the state.

Watch how India's christomedia tries to spin this latest murder of a Hindu Munnani leader, by pretending it is just secular coincidence:

Quote:Hindu Munnani leader murdered in Tamil Nadu’s Tirunelveli

PTI | Jul 5, 2014, 11.01PM IST

[img caption:] Photo of the slain Hindu Munnanu leader Jeevaraj.

[Image: Hindu-Munnani-Jeevaraj.jpg]

TIRUNELVELI (Tamil Nadu): A 38-year old Hindu Munnani leader was murdered during wee hours on Saturday in front of his house at Sankarankoil near here by three unidentified men, triggering tension in the area, police said.

Jeevaraj was a former town secretary of the right-wing organization, they said, adding the incident occurred when he was having a chat with a few others in front of his house at Pattathur past midnight.

(Look how the christomedia manufactures consent for the serial murder of Hindoo leaders. AmriKKKa/west and its Indian converts specifically started dubbing Hindu groups "right-wing" for this very purpose. Hindus really need to start referring to all christian groups, churches and organisations as christian fundamentalists/hardliners and christian rule in India's NE as "christian fascist government of NE". I mean, Nagaland's christian NSCN terrorist group= National Socialist Council of Nagaland=Nazi Council of Nagaland. So can just call it nazi as well as the christian state it bloodily carved out of Hindu India, right?)

Police said investigation revealed that the three persons used chilli powder so that Jeevaraj could not escape from there before they attacked him with sickles. He suffered cuts on the head and shoulder and died on the spot.

(That's the third case just on this page of the Hindu victim dying "on the spot". Points to very carefully planned hits. Not meant to intimidate but to kill - to permanently remove these and other key Hindus. Probably so that christianism can have a chance to take over in the areas of influence of these murdered Hindus parts, so that christianism can trample over the Hindus left leaderless here.)

This is the second murder of Hindu Munnani functionary since last month after Tiruvallur district president Suresh succumbed to injuries on June 19 a day after he was attacked at suburban Ambattur.

State government has set up a special investigation division into murders of several BJP and Hindu outfit leaders, including state Hindu Munnani secretary S Vellaiyappan and BJP functionary auditor Ramesh, in the past few years in the state after the party raised the issue.

("special investigation division". No doubt of christian cops - like the ones that tortured Shankaracharya - to make sure the christoislamic murderers forever escape justice so they can keep killing more TN Hindus on christianism's hitlist.)

[img caption:] A policemen and crowd stands near the body of Jeevaraj. (TOI photo by K Antony Xavier)

Investigation is on into multiple angles, one whether it was due to a domestic issue, as Jeevaraj has two wives and business angle, since he is involved in real estate.

(Having admitted - just a few sentences ago - that Jeevaraj was the latest Hindu Munanni leader killed in a line of those murdered, now they pretend it must be all "secular" misfortune onlee.)

[img caption:] Cops inspect Jeevaraj's body and site on which he was murdered. ((TOI photo by K Antony Xavier)

Police said a case had been registered and steps are being taken to nab the culprits.

Note how in each murder case, the police of TN's crypto-christo joylolita's govt *doesn't* actually catch the culprits. And how in each case, magically nothing is known about the ideology of the assailants: not a single murderer has been caught and named so far. This concealment is necessary to protect the christoislamaniac ideology behind this genocide of Hindu leaders.

A few of the more relevant comments at the TOI piece:

Quote:vgsan (usa)


This is the work of the Al Ummah Islamic terror group in Tamil Nadu. This terror group is directed by the Paki ISI and has carried out scores of murders and bombing in the past.

Suraj (Trivendram)

Evangelists in USA are much more dangerous and fundamentals than Talibans! With money power they wanted to convert the whole world to Christianity and they have been engaged in such sins since long time. Catholic force is also not behind them! Sin of conversion is dancing in their minds and so they may go for murdering also and that is what happening in Tamilnadu and Kerala! Muslim and Christian fundamentalism is dangerous for the world peace and both should be controlled before it destroys the world!

Velamur (Dallas,tx)

This has become a regular feature in Tamil nadu. Hindu munnani leaders are being eliminated ad nauseum in a state which s considered to have an efficient law and order administration. This shows that anti Hindu forces are gaining ground in Tamil nadu and this cannot happen without some overt or covert help from the authorities. With bjp government at the centre, this shows utter disregard for the rule of law. All Hindus should appeal to the TN government to put down such heinous crimes against the majority community with an iron hand. Our sympathies go to the bereaved family. ash (Location)

hindus are being murdred one after another . TN police are incapable of bringing culprits in . set up special force . amazingly media is complacent , but if it was muslim death it would be big news . hindus are 80% of india's population yet hindus get second class treatment .

Superman CID (Unknown)

Murders in Kerala and Tamilnadu are backed by Christians indirectly but in Tamil Nadu directly. Most of the Murders are claimed as some others as the murders were cunningly pre -planned. Tamil Nadu is a place where keen in hurdle business promotions by violent actions . A Hindu personnel was foundout duel SIM technology and its software was killed within hours as he published the research. Christians supported by CIA are doing all violence here. The new procedure they started in Srilanka is to make Isolate Muslims from other communities and the wind started blowing in Tamil Nadu also.

I think the series of (obviously pre-planned) murders are very much the handiwork of christianism and islam colluding. Christianism made the hitlist - that there is a hitlist is beyond doubt - and christians infesting TN probably committed at least some of the murders, while islam did the rest. (The alternative is that christianism is committing them all. Some of this may even be the fallout of the christoterrorist LTTE that washed onto Indian shores.) Which would explain why the police force of cryptochristist TN CM joylolita is careful not to catch a single christoterrorist criminal. In the past joylolita at least ensured some islamaniac terrorists were caught for acts of terrorism in TN.

People are not allowed to write off christianism while suspecting islam uniquely for this, since christianism in India's northeast specifically targeted Hindu leaders first. And the south - like the northeast/NE - is earmarked (by christians) for christianism after all. Plus the project to christianise TN is currently on full overdrive, since the conversion of the NE has been completed, so it is most likely that the hits in TN are *entirely* by christians (more likely than islam). I wouldn't be surprised if the injunction to start the hits is as per US govt/CIA's time table, as per the final comment pasted above. US govt is the prime pusher for converting TN to christianism at this time. (After all, the conversion programme in TN has in the last few years gone up many notches - several orders of magnitude - since even the early 2000s, when the number of converts was already bad enough.)

Whatever. Indians should kick all christoislamania out of the country once and for all. No need to bother sending it off to TSP-W/-E anymore either. Can send India's christoislamic infestation straight to Iraq/Syria. Let it play soldier either for or against the ISIS/Khalifate there and blow itself up.

Why are Hindus putting up with christoislamania in their own homeland? Why are they allowing every Hindoo state to be turned into the next Kashmir or the next Nagaland/Mizoram/NE? Why will Hindus take no action, except to "protest" and complain to govts that are - at best - apathetic and inactive.

The time for talking should have been over a great many christoislami-terrorist murders and rapes and ethnic cleansings ago.

And is Modi going to do anything at last? Or do more good men still need to die? (They're suddenly becoming really rare you know, so let's not allow them to become altogether extinct from the gene pool.) And if more do need to be sacrificed, how many more? Each death certainly vouches for BJP's secular credentials, as not one of these murders appears to have led to the arrest of the actual perpetrators. Or am I wrong? Have any?

You know, I'm coming to realise this whole "internet activism" thing of modern 'Hindu' activists is no more than a cover for their cowardice... Their inability to actually *act* when action is called for. Their unwillingness to strike - with physical force. Epitomised perhaps by Rajarant's "intellectual kshatriya" tirade, which phrase was so *obviously* invented as an excuse for the very kind of people unwilling to be anything like actual kShatriyas. The pen is not always mightier than the sword: there's a time for the pen and a time for the sword. And people unwilling to recognise (or rather, fearful of recognising) the latter are surely the definition of cowards?

Need a Quit India movement: "Bharatam/Indian subcontinent for the Indic religions. (Alien ideologies get lost.)"

Quote:One more Hindu leader murdered

05/07/2014 05:14:30 HK

Shocking news shook the state as Hindu Munnani town secretary Sri Jeevaraj (38) was found murdered in Sankarankovil, Tirunelveli, near his house. A deep cut in the throat have caused the death. Police have formed special teams to nab the killers. Sri Ramagopalan, Hindu Munnani founder has strongly condemned the inaction of the Government in safeguarding the Hindu leaders in the state.

Christoislamic terrorist agenda in TN: targeting of Hindus in key positions - Husky - 09-23-2014

Post 1/2

Not about TN but about Kerala and Andhra Pradesh (or Seemandhra and Telangana). And the christians of the LTTE in India colluding with ISI from Pakistan, in the conjoined-monotheisms' publicly stated plan to split India into between christianism and islam.

It seems I was - yet again - wrong, in this following statement from the first post: Kerala etc where islamic terrorists more often than christian terrorists keep hacking key Hindoos to death.

Apparently christos including christo-communists are at least as active in murdering key Hindoos in Kerala as islamaniacs are in doing the same.

(While Indian communists - and Asian communists - tend to be christian or christianised as a rule, am talking about communists whose christian identities are explicit/known.)

Lots of Kerala Hindoos have apparently been massacred by the evil mono-terrorists in the last while.


Quote:How Media Adds Fuel to Hindu Anguish

06/09/2014 02:19:38 Prashant Parameswaran

Folliwing the hartal call by Sangh Pariwar to protest against the brutal murder of RSS leader Manoj, Media houses had a topic to dwell upon, to add a touch of spice and make meaty their debates- ‘How has Kerala benefitted from the hartal? What has BJP gained from the hartal?’

Well, sounds logical at the first glance. But, looking a few steps further, it was quite evident that it was one that exposed the heights of animosity brimming in the hearts of intellectual beings and media houses, towards the person who was brutally murdered. If TP Chandrashekharan was slain under the shield of darkness for the perpetrators to remain incognito, Manoj’s was a brutal cold blooded murder, done in broad day light. And just three days back, the very same marauders had taken the life of another kinsperson, Suresh.


Quote:CPM’s Spree of Violence Continues: Murder Attempt on BJP Leader in Bathery

14/09/2014 01:33:32 HK

There seems to be no stopping to the murderous tirade adopted by CPM, with yet another attempt to take the life of a BJP leader coming to light. In a recent incident, Lilin Kumar, a BJP leader was brutally stabbed by CPM-DYFI goons in Bathery.

Lilin, who suffered serious injuries, has been admitted to a private hospital in Bathery. “DYFI activists Akhil Mathew, Nikhil, Basil Ambalavayal were the goons who spearheaded the attack,” testified Lilin later.

("Nikhil" is probably a christist too, despite having poached a Hindu first name like "Akhil" Mathew did.)

The incident took place at 11.00 pm, as Lilil Kumar was returning home on his bike, after preparatory work related to Sree Krishna Jayanti programmes. He was confronted by the perpetrators, who had tied a rope to topple his bike and there by attack him. However, with vehicles coming in the opposite direction, the marauders made a bee line for their escape.

The recent large scale exodus from CPM and DYFI to Sangh organizations has been stated to be the prime cause for the spate of violence unleashed by CPM.

One of the comments:

Quote: Gopal Mani

16/09/2014 10:37:33 Role of Christians in Attack has to be Probed

It is interesting to note that one of the attackers' name is Christian. Sulthan Bathery and Wynad district as a whole has a sizeable population of Christian settlers, who will not take kindly to the BJP widening their base there. As such, the role of Christian organizations in this attack also has to be investigated.

Gopal seems to have missed that 2 of the 3 assailants named have noticeably christian names: Basil and Mathew.

In India, christian and islamic communists are always christian and muslim by religion and merely use communism as their "secular arm" (or cover) to neutralise Hindus with.

3. While christianism is active in massacring key Hindoos in Kerala, in Tamil Nadu the christian-controlled police have finally been allowed to cathc some of the murderous assailants who had till then been given a free hand to serially murder key Hindoos. The ones caught were all islamaniacs:

Quote:TN police arrest 4 Al Ummah men for Hindu Munnani leader's murder

07/08/2014 21:33:51 Rediff

In what is considered a breakthrough in the sensational murder of Hindu Munnani leader Suresh Kumar, the Tamil Nadu police have arrested four men said to be part of the deadly Al Ummah terror outfit.

The police arrested the four men from Bangalore, who were later identified as Mohammad Shammiullah, Mohammad Sadiq, Abdul Shameem and Nawaz. Shammiullah, who is based in Bangalore, is accused of sheltering the other three who are alleged to be directly involved in the murder of Suresh Kumar, which took place on June 18, 2014.

Bangalore’s Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime) Hemanth Nimbalkar informed that the three had fled Tamil Nadu and sought refuge in Bangalore. “Shamiullah then provided them with painting jobs,” said Nimbalkar.

Currently in the custody of the Tamil Nadu police, the four have revealed to interrogators that the murder was part of their agenda of eradicating leaders of the Hindu Munnani, which the terror outfit considers a threat to Islam.


4. Islam is working closely with their christian brethren to take over Kerala and all India for monotheism:

RSS leaders murder : Popular Front terrorist's loses sleep over UAPA charges

14/09/2014 01:57:57 Courtesy: Janmabhumi

5. And again, islam and christianism are working closely together. LTTE is in India and working closely with ISI (who didn't see that one coming?):

(LTTE was always an obviously christian terrorist outfit. And it was always clear that eventually they would turn their eyes to TN in India to take that over for christianism.

Luckily for TN, Pakis are such oryanist racists that TSP wouldn't touch "dravoodian" TN with a pole and is happy to hand it over to christendom and delineate mughalistan outside TN's boundaries. See, there's even a silver lining to oryanism. But like Nagaland and the rest of the NE - which inhabitants TSP also doesn't much fancy - TN will be left to the christian convert-or-kill terrorist outfits. So the silver lining was shortlived.)

Quote:A “Master Spy” arrested in Chennai, but “Revealations” are Very Low Key!

13/09/2014 06:18:29 K Vijayan

We had to wade through multiple newspapers before getting some information which we give below, including sources, much of which we gleaned from the Chennai Tamil Daily, Dinamalar, next to which we would place the Times of India.

Dinamalar; Chennai; 13-9-14 (Tamil – our translated gist)

* Arun Sevaraju is a Pak Spy and LTTE man. (TNIE, HT and others fight shy of taking the “Our Great Friend and Great Christian-made Victim LTTE name.)

* He had secret contacts with prominent politicians and “Cinema”

* State Police(??) are searching for a Young Female who was staying with him and gathering Spy Information.

* He has landed in 2008 Tamil Nadu along with his parents as “Refugees”, enrolled for Aviation Training, and with ISI help started an Event (Mukkall Thodarbu?) Organisation, and developed “friendship” with Celebrities.

* He has received Rs.2 Crores from ISI.

* He has taken active part in struggles organized by LTTE in several parts of Tamil Nadu during the peak of the Civil War waged in Srilanka in 2009. At that time he has received “friendship” from several Celebrities and second-rung Leaders. Many such persons have given him refuge only because he revealed his LTTE Credentials.

* His “lover” used to travel abroad often. He was to have married her, but now she is absconding.

* He has revealed the names of four associates and they have been arrested.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ISI spy arrested in Chennai also an LTTE man

Deeptiman Tiwary, TNN | Sep 12, 2014, 04.38AM IST

(Very brave since TOI zero presence in Tamil Nod?)

- - - - - - - - - - -

(LTTE name not taken. Nor Xian connections – Sabotage Project Kooduncekulam)

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Updated: September 13, 2014 10:45 IST

Spy rings sets off security fears

(No ref to LTTE Christian Terror, Tamil Terror. No Koodunce ref.)

(Joshua Inc holds this Anti Hindu newsrag by the short & curlies.)

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Almost all mention that CDs, pen-drives, laptops, an I-pad, six mobie phones, hard-discs, a kilo of “ganja”, and a wealth of materials have been seized.

The spy’s Paki Handlers have been named as Siddiqui attached to Pakistan’s embassy in Srilanka (who has been expelled by Srilanka) and another named Saage still working in Colombo.

The first Lankan national to be arrested for spying in India was Mohammed Sakir Hussain, arrested from Chennai in April 2013. This was followed a month later by the arrest of Lankan national Mohammed Hussain Suleman Hussain in Malaysia.[/color]

What strikes us as not-at-all-Odd is :

We Dare Not talk of Christian or Islamic Terror and Treason. Not as freely as we bandy Hindu Terror, Saffron Terror about, and even link some Indian Parties and PM to it.

We Dare Not talk of weekly letters from CM of Tamil Nadu (or the deadly silence even as they were cavorting around with “True Tamils”, Victimised Tamil Freedom Fighters, Captured and/or released Tamil Fishermen playing fishy kabaddi in Ceylon waters etc.)- not to The Centre, Pre-Modi, or Post Modi about Tamil-Christian-Islamic Terrorists and Spies operating freely in Tamil Nadu, India, since years. Perhaps they shared Changamaum Strutting platforms and opening Memorials to Pirabhakaran and moaning over his killed Minor Son (Charles if we remember) with them. We dare not take the names, designations of the Celebrities, Government Officials – and also how "Arun" holds a Lankan Passport and a second Indian Passport in the name of “Saravana Muthu”?

Like we cannot give any kudos to the NIA, and the Modi Government for arresting the Spies so promptly, within 100 Days.

Nor can we speculate that CMs in a few States have been releasing jailed convicts en-masse – certainly not to augment the Diminished Pool of traitors in circulation.

Which last reminds us of a Tamil Cliché “escaping fish slips out with fishes being washed” – beautiful Tongue Twister, most Tamils find difficult to pronounce.

An even Deadlier Silence prevails in all the noise now, than that one over Real Involvement of Principals and Collaborators like Headley, Rana, and the Stable of costly ‘mares’ they employed.

Where Christian Terror and Indian Treason is concerned an even stricter Omerta rules.

Be grateful that Arun Selvraju aka Saravana Muthu will not demand to be sent to Colombo for Medical Treatment forcing the SC Hand.

Nor is Hon'bull Lodha likely to dump a suo-moto wad on some Ministry or the SG-AG pushing for the Formation of a High Power all Tamil Central Committee to go into the Roots, Roothairs of this Grave Situation and Report within a fortnight.

Oh what a surprise that christoislam is working in tandem to divvy up Hindoo India between them. (Especially now that christo LTTE has little hope left in Sri Lanka. But christos are happy to have at least killed Hindoo-dom in SL.)

Repeat: Christianism and islam have hatched a deal to split all of India between them.

6. And another current project is in the now-divided Andhra Pradesh and is proceeding according to schedule apparently. It was already known that Seemandhra was earmarked for takeover by christianism, now it turns out that islam had similarly long schemed a plan to make Telangana a dar-ul-islam:

Quote:Friday, September 19, 2014

Quick notes: Bullet points, Nizamiyat revival...



The Nizam surrendering Hyderabad to Sardar Patel at end of Operation Polo, This day in 1948.

— Harpreet (@CestMoiz) September 17, 2014


Fully convinced that real goal behind creating Telangana is 2 revive Nizamiyat in Peninsula.RSS as usual clueless

— Sushupti (@Sushuptii) September 14, 2014

(Link goes to video featuring a very Middle-Eastern (non-Indian) looking woman, who apparently was the 8th or so wife of the last nizam. She's seen meeting KCR, the CM of Telangana.

Don't know why everyone always expects RSS to die for them. Why doesn't Sushupti go join up - or better yet, form his/her own "Hindu" org to actively stop christoislamania from terrorising the heathens?

And why aren't there at least as many expectations from Modi/the BJP as there are of RSS, when RSS is a *volunteer* org that has no formal political power and where members are merely turned into target practice for christoislamaniacs anyway? Not to mention that "hindu" "scholars" regularly sneer at RSS and VHP etc members and call them dunces and unintellectual (which may or may not be true, but the accusers are NOT clever and not intellectual either, so the finger-pointing is hypocritical). Little in it for RSS and VHP members to sacrifice their life for or even waste their effort on. I know I wouldn't lift a finger for a bunch of whiny ingrates.

In contrast, the nationalist politicians were *voted* in by the Hindu majority, so they owe the Hindus and need to implement what the democratic majority needs: such as protection from christoislamic terrorism. Much better that Sushupti etc make demands of them. And BJP isn't even seeing much result in protecting members of its own party: BJP members in the south keep getting murdered by christo-islami-communists, and the centre can only commiserate and "pray".)

Posted by Pagan at 9/19/2014 07:38:00 PM 0 comments Links to this post

Labels: medicine, mohammedan, pseudo-secular, Quick Notes


Hindoos in AP could have seen it coming though: divide and conquer was never a policy that served native heathen interests, after all. AP is likely to be christoislamised in convert-or-kill sprees in time, since the state has been cut into more manageable pieces now. As it's slowly approacing Sink Or Swim time, perhaps Tamil Nadu's Hindoos should start on the project to recover the historically Tamil-populated territories back from erstwhile AP, since lots of important Tamil Hindoo Kovils are there. For as long as AP was Hindoo majority, it didn't matter whether Tamil Hindoo Kovils were with Andhra Hindoos or Tamil Nadu's Hindoos. But now that the future is going to look bleak for AP Hindoos also, Tamil Hindoos may as well chance it - since AP is no safer from the monotheistic terrorisms than TN is anymore - and try to preserve the Tamil Hindoo Kovils currently still standing in AP.

Who knew that AP was going to turn into the next Bengal/Kerala/Kashmir? I thought TN was going to beat AP in the race, but it still seems to be a close call between the two.

Modi's govt is perhaps still busy building the Buddha Circuit to please Arun Shourie and other Bauddhified Indians, and to attract foreign Buddhist tourist money. Don't seem to have much/any time to spare for pressing Hindoo concerns, I suppose. Viva "Hindu" nationalism.

Sushupti only booed at RSS.

I suppose it's something that Philippines has carved a mini Pakistan of its own out of its backyard. Some weeks or months back, Philippines IIRC gave autonymous rule to its islamaniac terrorist hub. Bad move. That terror nest will certainly in time turn into a TSP-E and TSP-W of their own, with islamaniacs there starting love-jihad/kidnapping forays, infiltrations, land-grabs and ethnic cleansing in the christianised part of Philippines.

But there will at least be crocodile tears in the international christomedia when *that* happens, since Philippines is jeebus' few strongholds in Asia, after all.

Christoislamic terrorist agenda in TN: targeting of Hindus in key positions - Husky - 09-23-2014

Post 2/2

7. News from a few days back. A hit prevented. At last.

An islamaniac was hired by islamaniac terrorist outfit to monitor a key Hindoo who was the next target.

Quote:Man arrested in Coimbatore for spying on Hindutva leaders

21/09/2014 00:19:32 TOI

COIMBATORE: The city police have arrested a 27-year-old man for collecting information about Hindutva leaders particularly Hindu Makkal Katchi (Tamizhagam) founder president Arjun Sampath to murder them, was arrested on Friday. He told the police that he was asked to collect the information about the Hindutva leaders by Kaja Mohideen who was the key accused in the murder of the Hindu Munnani leader KPS Suresh Kumar in Ambattur.

The arrested person has been identified as A Shahul Hameed alias Vaikarai Shahul alias Kutti Ghulam, a native of Pallivasal Street, Vijayapathi village in Tirunelveli district. He was picked up by his father-in-law's house at Thudiyalur in Coimbatore on Friday morning.

Police said, Kutti Ghulam was a wanted accused for plotting to murder of HMK leader Arjun Sampath. He was taken to an isolated place by Selvapuram police where they conducted detailed inquiry. The preliminary inquiry revealed that he was assigned to monitor the movement of Hindu Munnani leader Suresh Kumar in Ambattur. He was staying with the master mind of the murder case accused Kaja Mohideen in Ambattur. He gave all the information to Kaja Mohideen who executed the murder in Ambattur.

After the murder, Kaja Mohideen, his accomplices and Kutti Ghulam had gone to Bangalore where they were hiding to evade arrest in connection with the case. However, Tamil Nadu police arrested Kaja Mohideen and others. Meanwhile he escaped from the police and came to Coimbatore on June 29, 2014.

"He was staying at his father-in-law's house and told his relatives that he was engaged with scrap business. He was assigned to monitor the movement of Arjun Sampath. Meanwhile the gang leader Kaja Mohideen was arrested and he had stopped the monitoring work," said Ravikumar, inspector of police, Selvapuram police station.

Kutti Ghulam told the police officials that Kaja Mohideen started an organisation in the name of Muslim Orunkinaippu Peravai (MOP). He planned to execute murders of Hindutva leaders by using his organisation name which would develop in the state

Full report @

It's times like this that I wish India had that perfectly barbaric device for such an occasion, the electric chair: to electrocute to death all the christoislami-communist mass-murderers terrorising the heathens. Then broadcast each electrocution live - if people can stomach bollypuke, they'll love public executions, surely? same class of entertainment after all - so that christoislamaniac terrorists are struck with fear of the consequences of their christoislamania. (Or maybe it will encourage them to move back to TSP where the mono-moronisms all belong.)

And if no one wants to hit the switch on them, just rig it so that the murderers are forced to slowly push the switch on themselves.... They would then electrocute themselves to death bit by bit. Confusedo deserved:

Christoislami-communist terrorists in India aim for extremes of ruthlessness because they know there are no consequences to fear. Even the few Paki terrorists who got caught attacking Parliament and Mumbai all got 5-star service in Indian prison for being treasured monotheists: all-expenses paid healthcare worth lakhs of Hindu taxpayers' money for Abdul Nasser Madni, islamic terrorist from Kerala, and delicacies in prison like "chicken biryani" (note that innocent chickens had to die to feed terrorists) as a reward for attacking parliament, Mohammed Afroz the islamic gangrapist-murderer of Hindoo girl Jyoti Pandey pleads "underage" and is first awarded 3 years and then gets off at 3 months in a juvenile delinquency centre, and the christian Italian navy entities who murdered Indian christists (for being lower in the christo-hierarchy) even got to go home for christmas and then just stayed in Italy thereby escaping all further punishment (well, their Indian christo victims did choose to convert to christianism after all, so these may as well get used to the treatment). No wonder Pakis are lining up to get caught for terrorist and gangrape attacks in India if they can't attain the promised 72 raisins/houris: they get a far better life in Indian prisons than as free islamaniacs in the hell-hole that is Pakiland. And most of the time, the christoislami-infested Indian govt and forces tend to let christoislami-communist perpetrators off the hook anyway, in return for votes.

But show the terrorists who are waiting to make their debut the kind of consequences that scare them witless and maybe it may get them to reconsider their career options. Or even encourage them to view Pakiland as preferrable to staying in heathen Hindoosthan.


I am still certain that in TN, the hitlist is determined by christianism with some of the middle-men/handlers and footsoldiers (orgs) being islamic, while others are christian. The fact that the TN police force was allowed to catch the al-ummah and other islamics - and especially the fact that Indian christo media are suddenly willing to name and refer to islamania as the culprit - indicates that they want to hide the fact that christianism is just as heavily involved in the murders of key Hindoos in TN. Christians in TN are as fiendishly murderous as the islamaniacs (christianism's DMK satellite project is too) - rather like the named christians in Kerala who've been recently caught serially-murdering Kerala Hindoos of the RSS and BJP.

Plus not to forget the LTTE christists now infesting TN.

The news and sudden decision to catch some token islamic orgs at last - when TN Hindu and BJP leaders have been requesting protection and requesting police action against the murderers for over a year and complained that the TN police/govt was just twiddling its thumbs all that while - and from the fact that christonews is suddenly all for declaring the case closed and implicating islam as the sole perpetrator is just to hide the christian entities and orgs that are also involved. Like that HaindavaKeralam article about the news coverage on the LTTE member caught in Chennai working for ISI showed: Indian christomedia is studiously avoiding namedropping the christian angle to the larger plot, but is ready to name islam. And only small fry there too, I bet. Even the Kerala christos who murdered Kerala's BJP and RSS leaders probably only got named because they further had a communist cover, so that christianism then has the option to dismiss them as "just communists".

Christoislamic terrorist agenda in TN: targeting of Hindus in key positions - Husky - 10-11-2014

Kerala's christo-communists again. They really should name the attackers once more to reveal their christian names (as was seen for instance in news pasted a couple of posts ago).


Quote:Karat's Kannur Model again - CPM bomb attack on BJP's lady leaders house

06/10/2014 02:25:26

It is now clear that CPM's bloody agenda will not spare women folk either. They have furthered their bloody agenda, this time a carefully planned bomb attack on a lady BJP worker. The attack happened on K Ratnavalli's residence in wee morning hours, in an apparent bid to take her life. Ratnavalli is the vice president of Dharmadam Niyojaka Mandalam. The frontal area of the house was completely destroyed in the attack.

According to sources, there have been earlier attempts to take Ratnavalli's house. The earlier attack came following the recent Vijayadasami celebrations. BJP held hartal in various parts of Dharmadam, following the event. A bomb squad, which arrived from Kannur took details of the attack.

Failure of media in highlighting these day to day attacks on Hindus and their leaders in Kannur gives them a sense of confidence. Only when Hindu organisations start retaliations the messiahs of peace and non violence descend in Kannur.

Some comments:


08/10/2014 20:40:06 State police inefficient ?

Why not include this law less area as red terror infested area and start combing operations by CRPF like happning in some other states, before situation go fully out of control.

kashmir hindu

07/10/2014 03:52:41 human rights commission

It is high time that the central human rights commission visits these areas where these godless communist goons are targeting political opponents.Let the union law minister Ravi Shankar prasad also use his legal acumen


Quote:CPM terror in Kannur again - Attack against Swayamsevaks going for Vijasadashami Pathsanchalan

05/10/2014 01:09:24 HK

The CPM has launched yet another attack on RSS activists, this time in Kandakali in Payyanur. Some of them were seriously injured in the attack and were rushed to the hospital; Those injured are M Narayan, District Secretary of Karshika Morcha; Jijith, Mukhya Shikshak of Chittadi Shakha; Sanjay, RSS worker from Chittadi.

The RSS workers were on their way to Payyanur to participate in the foot march organized by RSS, in connection with Vijayadasami celebrations. The RSS workers, who were travelling by jeep were halted by a large gang of CPM goons. The marauders then unleashed their terror spree.They mainly resorted to hurting their opponents by hurling beer bottled files with water, ensuring that they hit the RSS workers.

Quote:kashmir hindu

07/10/2014 03:57:08 FRUSTRATED CPM

CPM is enraged because bjp increased its strength to 13000 votes in lok sabha while CPM lost 2000 votes to finish at 70000 votes.CPM is losing votes to BJP and wants to keep its demoralised cadres together which is the reason for these attacks.Payyanur assembly segment comes under Kasargod Lok sabha seat.GO BJP MAKE CPM LOSE ITS DEPOSIT.
"Kashmir Hindu" - a regular at HK - is often seen writing encouraging or concerned comments.

(In case I haven't said it before - though it goes without saying - I feel immense gratitude for the fact that Hindoos (originating) in such distant parts of India take such a sincere interest in the welfare of their fellow Hindoos in Kerala etc. There was a time - not so long ago - when such fellow-feeling was the norm, owing to a realisation of close kinship. But apathy and disinterest have grown common in recent decads, or at best, people can muster only some nationalist/"civilisational"-level interest rather than interest in their fellow *heathens*.)


Red Terror hits again in Kannur - Swayamsevak's vehicles attacked at Payyannur

Christoislamic terrorist agenda in TN: targeting of Hindus in key positions - Husky - 02-01-2015

Quote:BJP leader murdered in Allapuzha [Alappuzha, Kerala]

29/01/2015 12:41:20 HK

Alappuzha: The Marxist bloodbath continues, with the latest of their victims being from Alappuzha. Venugopal, a BJP leader was found murdered in the.morning, in Kalavoor in front of his home in IT Colony.

Venugopal, the Mandalam Secretary of BJP Alappuzha was lying in a pool of blood when he was spotted by locals. According to sources, police have not yet been able to gather more information about the assailants.

The local BJP unit has called for a hartal in protest against the.gruesome incident.


Also, marxists tend to be christians, so should mention the religion of the murderers.

Don't know why the natives of India still won't just drive away all christoislamicommunists=terrorists infesting India to TSP where these belong. (Actually, they belong in ISIS-infested Iraq/Syria, but a one-way ticket to TSP is cheaper.)

And if cryptochristo aliens start whining about "human rights" then can take that as an invite to ship all christoislamicommunists in India to the aliens instead.

Christoislamic terrorist agenda in TN: targeting of Hindus in key positions - Husky - 04-13-2015

Found via - I think - the "sighbaboo" twitter handle (itself found via HKupdate)

(twitter account of an Indian express reporter apparently)

Quote:Maneesh Chhibber @maneeshchhibber · Apr 11

News just coming in Shiv Sena leader shot at in Gurdaspur (Punjab). Assailant shouted pro-Khalistan slogans on being caught @IndianExpress

51 retweets 13 favorites

Oh yeah, forgot about that other monotheism centred around some invisible=non-existent* mono-gawd, soon to be subsumed by the umbrella christoislami monotheisms.

* Well, it vehemently denies that its central God was originally Vishnu, when it specifically had been so before. Therefore, whatever the central gawd is now, it most certainly is non-existent, as it has morphed from Vishnu to Not-Vishnu/not any Hindoo God (I note they still unashamedly plagiarise the O~Nkaaram though, which represents the Vedic=Hindoo Gods onlee and not any other Indic traditions, regardless of the latter's inculturations). But that morphing - even more than the invisibility - is what proves that whatever it is supposed to be now is non-existent.

Still, can't rule out the possibility that it was the usual islamic TSP infiltrator pretending to be a Khalistani-monotheist (i.e. false flag op).

Christoislamic terrorist agenda in TN: targeting of Hindus in key positions - Husky - 06-02-2016


Quote:Swayamsevak pramod 1st victim of next five years of Leftist Terror in Kerala. @RSSorg

Posted Image


11:09 AM - 20 May 2016

The evil christoislanicommunist monotheist demons murdered him. Probably of the jihadi variety, see point 3 below.

2. Another heroic Hindoo, a brave lion-hearted teen also filled with love and devotion to protect his ancestral heathen homeland, attacked by the christoislamic communist demons infesting India:



Dalit boy (16 ) slashed by CPM/SFI goons for attending RSS Shakha at Haripad. National MSM silent. #CPMKillingRSS

(Video at link)

9:31 AM - 25 May 2016

And his mother behind him, looks so brave at such horrors that have threatened her lion cub.

I will avenge you all. In this life, in any life at all. I swear on my heart's blood.

Not a trace - neither whisper, shadow, echo nor shade of memory - of the christoislamaniac meme or its carriers will remain.

I will come back as an unspeakable disease and carry off all the demonism, leaving the heathens safe behind. The world will be free and my Hindoos avenged.

3. The communist red brigade in India is entirely christoislamaniac. And every one *knows* they're the ones murdering HindOOs of the RSS:

Quote:Anand Shivaâ„¢



Massive RT

Left parties celebrating their victory in Kerala

@AmitShah @narendramodi

Check the picture

Description of the picture:

Quote:Chandra M ‏@CSManiar May 20

@anandshiva999 @MahaveerM_ Is this Kerala or Kuwait? Look at the sea of Islamic green & Arabic gowns work by most men!


Debashish Adhikary ‏@bironpro May 20

@anandshiva999 @AmitShah @narendramodi Never knew left was green in colour. Is the Red Left dead.

(The left was always a monotheist ruse. In India all "leftists" are christoislamaniacs. There are no other kinds of communists in India.)


KS India ‏@sarathykousik May 20

@anandshiva999 you think its Pak flag? That's #IUML flag. #ECI should move to de-recognise parties resembling other states and target #IUML

1 retweet 1 like

bangu ‏@hindubangu May 21

@anandshiva999 @YesIamSaffron What is shocking?This is happening4last 15 yrs,commi/kangrss created thugs in Kerala,follow 54 attacks on RSS!

1 retweet 0 likes

WhatsInTheName ‏@darshank022 May 20

@anandshiva999 @khamandhokla @AmitShah @narendramodi @jeetensingh @sardanarohit @sudhirchaudhary @ShivshankarS I thought it's Pakistan.

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Why aren't Hindus retaliating. 10 IUML jihadis' lives for every RSS Hindu they attempt to attack. And a 100 IUML jihadis lives for every RSS Hindu they succeed in attacking. And 1000 IUML jihadis' lives for any RSS Hindoo they injure. And 10,000 IUML jihadis lives for every RSS Hindoo kill.

At that going exchange rate, the evil christoislamic demons may find the cost of "living" (crusading jihading) in India to expensive and may move out to ISIS lands at last, where all christoislamaniacs belong.

If the US ever elects Trump, India can ban christoislam. After all, what's good for the goose...

Can't let the American demons be allowed to purge the US of islamania while they simultaneously facilitate christo takeover and islamic jihad in India. US is free to take the deported christoislamaniacs from India, if it wants too. See how Trumpists and/or Hillarites like that.

4. More.



#Kerala : Kids recount horrific Kannur CPM attack - "They overturned our Auto, slashed Biju uncle with swords " MSM?

[video at link]

5:54 AM - 2 Jun 2016



#Kerala Six BJP men, two women seriously injured in yesterday's CPM attack at Guruvayoor. No MSM coverage.



4:18 AM - 2 Jun 2016

Why would MSM cover it? India's MainStream Media is entirely christo. They paid for the jihad. It's meant to occur silently: of course they'll be silent. It's why whenever islamaniacs in India attack and murder Hindus, all christians are JUST AS GUILTY in the murder. Christians are more evil than muslims, since muslims are hired to get their hands for christian bloodlust.

If christomania is banned forever from India, islamania will lose jihad's chief facilitator. Islamania can easily be controlled and banished once christomania is banned.