Media's Nexus With The Congress And Communists - Printable Version

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Media's Nexus With The Congress And Communists - Guest - 08-17-2006

The perilous nexus between the media and political parties

It would be fair to say that our country is experiencing the greatest media revolution it ever had before since independence. The contemporary media looks like playing safe by associating itself with a particular political ideology or may be they don’t have any option. Personally, I refuse to buy that reason. There is a difference between relationship with politics and relationship with political parties. It is very much legitimate on part of the media to observe objectively the activities of politics and reporting the news and events to the audience without distorting the facts. When I say that the relationship of the media with political parties is dangerous then I mean to imply that the odds and ends are far more precarious than anything else.

We talk about self-regulation for almost all business verticals in our country but what about the media which is also an industry and the entities are incorporated with the prime motive to earn profits and not to forget the TRPs? Profit is not a bad word but I still believe that one can stick to social and business values and still run business in profits. It applies to media all the more as it is the mirror of society and carries a greater onus of reporting the truth and facts as they happen.

A classic example of how media and political parties can influence each other is as follows:
NDTV’s Chairman and President Dr. Prannoy Roy (no offence whatsoever) married Radhika Roy who is Brinda Karat's (Prakash Karat's wife) sister. Brinda and Prakash both are politburo members of the CPI (M). It is rumored that Prannoy Roy's seed capital for NDTV came from the comfy relationship he had with Bhaskar Ghose, then Doordarshan's head honcho. DD was fond of doing business with Roy at the exclusion of other contenders, which fondness Roy exploited to the detriment of DD's revenues but to his own advantage. Rajdeep Sardesai, former test cricketer Dilip Sardesai's son and was an anchor at NDTV, is married to Bhaskar Ghose's daughter Sagarika Ghose who writes columns for the Indian Express. Indian Express' Shekhar Gupta in return hosts a talk show on NDTV. Last but not the least, the stylish and sophisticated Dr. Prannoy Roy was known to be close to Rajiv Gandhi and now Sonia.

No wonder that the channel that initially hounded Natwar Singh on the Volcker Scam had raised its doubts on the opposition party’s intention of joining hands with Natwar Singh. Whoever has watched the parliament proceedings (I know most of us don’t waste time watching such a silly drama on TV) on DD will agree that the Speaker is clearly partial towards the government. To my surprise and utter dismay none of the channels condemned or gave an impartial reporting on that issue. Most of the talk shows and debates telecast are finely orchestrated to suit their favorites’ (Communists and Congress) interests.

The danger is clear. In the garb of sophistication, highly educated image, the image of holding high moral and social values these channels are cleverly selling the ideology of their favorites. They definitely wouldn’t like to be called mouthpieces. Therefore, this veil of intelligence and urbanity is a clever trick. I wonder why these so called ‘modern and liberal’ channels haven’t highlighted grave issues like illegal immigration from Bangladesh, Kashmiri Pundits’ lives as refugees in their own country, criminals in politics, vote bank politics in the name of caste, poor infrastructure etc? The amount of time or space given to these issues is either nil or very less, unless of course something like floods or other natural calamities strike in case of poor infrastructure. The worse thing is that these channels and newspapers do not shy away from covering ‘B’ grade or ‘C’ grade actors’ wedding ceremonies, Saurav Ganguly’s future in Indian cricket team, how many wives does a popular Bollywood singer has, the divorce drama between former leading Bollywood actress and her husband, vulgarity in a ‘C’ grade music album etc. No wonder people like Govinda are MPs. This is the kind of peril that media can make happen. I wouldn’t even suggest them to have reality checks or introspection for I’m sure that the kind of people that are in media are highly educated and whatever they are doing is their conscious decision.

Will the Indian media ever emerge above these inconsequentiality and nepotism? Save the nation!

Media's Nexus With The Congress And Communists - utepian - 08-17-2006

Excellent topic Lavanya. This is a quick reply. There are some changes in para three now and I will expound on them later this PM. In addition to media outlets aligning directly with political houses, there are also indications of media houses aligning directly with foreign powers. For example, The Hindu's N.Ram is a member of CPI(M) and his paper has become the first Indian news outlet (first probably in the world) to subscribe to China's XINHUA. Despite putting on the cover of having an independant ombudsman and very public announcement of stripping news with opinion (Harish Khare) - it is funny how The Hindu continues to manipulate and mix the two. There was a letter by the ombudsman just a few weeks back that infact justified this on grossly flimsy grounds.

Also look at the blog spindianexpress that has been documenting for the last three years the paper's complete subservience to the Congress. I also remember another example of a blog being shut down because it did a similar exercise with the TOI.

More later.

Media's Nexus With The Congress And Communists - Guest - 08-18-2006

Great topic. I am not an expert, but would keep an eye on this thread to unravel many secrets on how partial media of India operates. There were some threads earlier on similar topics, may be those can be merged?

Media's Nexus With The Congress And Communists - Guest - 06-20-2009

<b>Harish Khare to be Manmohan’s Media Adviser</b>

Harish Khare

New Delhi: Senior journalist Harish Khare will be the new Media Adviser to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

<b>A well-known political columnist, Mr. Khare (62) is Senior Associate Editor and chief of the National Bureau of The  Hindu.</b>

He is expected to take over next week.

<b>Mr. Khare, who holds a Ph.D in Political Science from the Yale University</b>, has worked as Editor of the Ahmedabad edition of The Times of India and as a Senior Editor for Hindustan Times.

He succeeds Deepak Sandhu, who was appointed last year after Sanjaya Baru took up a teaching assignment in Singapore. —

Media's Nexus With The Congress And Communists - Guest - 06-27-2009

<b>Govt to regulate coverage of Mumbai attack-type incidents: Soni</b>
Well, now they will convert India into complete Facist state.

Media's Nexus With The Congress And Communists - Guest - 05-03-2010

Got this from a reliable source thru email:

Quote: There is a one Journalist (Siddharth Vara.....) who works for the The Bejing Daily from Chennai. There is a female tv anchor in Nehru Dynasty TV - called (Nidhi Ra..) who is married one Neelesh Mi... , a song writer & journalist .

It seems the female anchor is going "around with" Bejing Daily journalist. She might be divorcing the song writer soon.. All extra-marital affairs in the "liberal-progressive" life....