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Tamil Nadu Reservation Paradox
The caste analyst M.N.Srinivas wrote that Software was the revenge of the south Indian brahmin, meaning this field was disproportionately influenced by this caste

In simple terms, tamil nadu has lost much of the software business to Bangalore, Hyderabad, thanks to driving out the higher IQ brahmin
While the Dravidianist movement was ostensibly pro-dalit and anti-brahmin, many of the OBC-Dwijas in my colleges used to refer to the SC/ST as '####'

Another racket I noticed was this
The vellala caste had 2 major subcastes
Karkatha velala classified as forward and Chozhi velala classified as OBC
All the karkatha velalas got false caste certificates as Chozhi velalas
The apparent high performance of tamil nadu will end when
the real OBCs ( MBC ) sieze power in tamil nadu and turf out the
Chettiar / Mudaliar / Pillai
The PMK is a party of Vanniars MBC
The NRI tamil community is split into 2
Tambrams and OBC-Dwijas

The tamil OBC-Dwija community is fully supporting the anti-hindus
in the California text book controversy

To be fair, a fair amount of psecs are from the tambram community

There is a huge Shiva Vishnu temple in Maryland

The antics of the OBC-Dwijas of tamil nadu during the construction of this temple
They insisted on a shrine for Muruga ( karthikeya )
This was granted

They wanted that some priests trained in tamil prayers be hired
This was granted

Finally they insisted that all the prayers for Muruga be done only in
tamil with no sanskrit prayers
Finally the temple comittee told them to take a hike

They went and then built their own Muruga temple

A bit later they went to a Doctor friend of mine and asked for donations for Muruga temple and tamil sangham
When they mentioned tamil sangham, something clicked in my friends head
He remembered why he had come to the USA
He is a tamil brahmin with an IQ of about 155 and had excellent exam scores
Back in tamil nadu, when he went for MBBS admission, the interviewers told him ' Dirty north indian Parpan ( Parpan is a derogatory term for brahmin coined by EVR) go to north Indian colleges'

He got into AIMS Delhi and later tried for post graduate MD in tamil nadu
and again got 'Dirty north indian parpan go to north India'
He then went abroad

The hatred of tamil OBC-Dwijas for brahmins goes far beyond college seats or jobs
This hatred is similar to the hatred of muslims for kafirs

Brahmins had their thread cut
Brahmins dropped their caste name suffix Iyer for fear of assault

The dravidianists turned the heat on the poor temple priests
Their salaries were cut
Temple lands got looted
In many temples sanskrit prayers were replaced by tamil prayers

Rational voices who argued that both sanskrit and tamil prayers had their uses at certain specific rituals were shut

The DK broke lots of idols
The DK ran public dramas where Ramayana was humiliated
The DK ran processions where pictures of hindu gods were slapped with slippers

A prime example is M.Karunanidhi who said publicly
Hindu means thief

DMK minister Baalu told xtians that he is ashamed to be born a hindu

Look at the mask falling from Pathmarajah, ostensibly a devout hindu,
during the kanchi episode
Reservations is a form of socialism - get rich quick

Land reform, - sieze land without compensation from landlords
Worker rights - make it impossible to fire workers
Subsidies for gas, electricity, food etc

In the long run, there is no such thing as a free lunch and it took the 1991 crisis to slowly dump socialism
I dont know what it will take to dump reservation

India has lacked leaders of vision like Lee Kuan Yew
Modi has a good start, he cut off free power even at the risk of losing votes

The correct path is universal good primary schools then universal good secondary schools and then universal good 2 year colleges then universal good 4 year colleges

All this takes time and probably 4 - 6 generations
farm worker -> factory unskilled worker -> factory mechanic => factory
technician -> factory engineer -> business owner

The India public does not have the discipline of the japanese or korean worker to get rich slowly
so what happens is that Mayawati gets rich immediately whereas the rest of the dalits still are lagging behind

has a letter written by the tamil OBC-Dwijas NRI associations in favor of marxist-mullah-missionary in the California textbook controversy
<!--QuoteBegin-ben_ami+May 31 2006, 11:44 PM-->QUOTE(ben_ami @ May 31 2006, 11:44 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin-mitradena+May 31 2006, 10:42 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mitradena @ May 31 2006, 10:42 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->and leads to the destruction of the Aryan race as has been clearly indicated in the first chapter of Bhagavad Gita and also in the Manu Smrti.



the number of times we come across contradictory statements in this forum !!

i read here that

1) there is no such thing as an aryan race (the post started dramatically with "repeat after me..")
2) then again, all indians are aryans ( some are dravidian aryans, some aryan aryans)
3)and now, allusion to the Gita reffering to the aryan race !! could the gita be wrong????

i dont think it was..... the upshot is that the caste system was invented to preserve the aryan race.... from whom??? the non aryans of india i presume??? like the munda and the santals????
This forum has its fair share of racists/casteists. Its all fine and dandy to refute AIT and sing paens of *all are Indians* stuff. But, suddenly when someones caste is at the receiving end *purity* poppycock are floated around.
It hurts those that are fighting AIT and it hurts those that have rejected caste system in their day to day dealings with public at large.

BTW, there no such BS in BhagawadGita and ManuSmriti has no exalted standing in Hinduism.

These casteists are sick, they are driving increasing numbers of ST/SC towards Christainity/Islam.
Would it be ok to generalise and say that FeTNA/LTTE is OBC/Dwija ? or MBC ?
<!--QuoteBegin-G.Subramaniam+Jun 1 2006, 06:21 AM-->QUOTE(G.Subramaniam @ Jun 1 2006, 06:21 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->As I previously wrote,
based on 1975 data, my average IQ with bell curve estimate in tamil nadu was
Brahmin = 115
OBC-Dwija = 105
MBC = 95
SC/ST = 85
and numerous gerrymandering schemes were put in place to limit brahmins in professional colleges, because brahmins kept severely outscoring non-brahmins

thanks to the relentless anti-brahmin pressure, most of the higher IQ brahmins ( most migrants are higher IQ ) have migrated to Bangalore, Mumbai, USA , with the net result that mostly only below average brahmins are left behind in tamil nadu and the remnant brahmin in tamil nadu, probably has an IQ of 105, same as OBC-Dwijas


This is really interesting.

You stated that Brahmins in TN had an IQ of 115. Now the IQ of Brahmins got reduced to 105. How did that happen?

Could you please give the statistics of Brahmins in TN before migration and after migration. How many % of Brahmins migrated and how many remain in TN now?
<!--QuoteBegin-rajesh_g+Jun 1 2006, 12:22 PM-->QUOTE(rajesh_g @ Jun 1 2006, 12:22 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Would it be ok to generalise and say that FeTNA/LTTE is OBC/Dwija ? or MBC ?


The MBC are really backward and very few are NRI
<!--QuoteBegin-valmiki+Jun 1 2006, 03:49 PM-->QUOTE(valmiki @ Jun 1 2006, 03:49 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin-G.Subramaniam+Jun 1 2006, 06:21 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(G.Subramaniam @ Jun 1 2006, 06:21 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->As I previously wrote,
based on 1975 data, my average IQ with bell curve estimate in tamil nadu was
Brahmin = 115
OBC-Dwija = 105
MBC = 95
SC/ST = 85
and numerous gerrymandering schemes were put in place to limit brahmins in professional colleges, because brahmins kept severely outscoring non-brahmins

thanks to the relentless anti-brahmin pressure, most of the higher IQ brahmins ( most migrants are higher IQ ) have migrated to Bangalore, Mumbai, USA , with the net result that mostly only below average brahmins are left behind in tamil nadu and the remnant brahmin in tamil nadu, probably has an IQ of 105, same as OBC-Dwijas


This is really interesting.

You stated that Brahmins in TN had an IQ of 115. Now the IQ of Brahmins got reduced to 105. How did that happen?

Circa 1975, severe gerrymandering was used to limit brahmins in professional colleges
Even as early as 1950, during my fathers time severe gerrymandering was used
was used against brahmins
From at least 1950, large numbers of tambrams , the top half of the bell curve has migrated
The bottom half of the bell curve, having lesser IQ, there is no further need for gerrymandering, but the quotas still remain
Given the huge NRI, out of state tambram population, it is certain that at least 50%
In % terms this is almost as large as the ethnic cleansing of hindus from east

Could you please give the statistics of Brahmins in TN before migration and after migration. How many % of Brahmins migrated and how many remain in TN now?
<!--QuoteBegin-G.Subramaniam+Jun 1 2006, 05:38 PM-->QUOTE(G.Subramaniam @ Jun 1 2006, 05:38 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->
Given the huge NRI, out of state tambram population, it is certain that at least 50%
In % terms this is almost as large as the ethnic cleansing of hindus from east
So according to you 50% of TN Brahmins migrated outside, due to the single factor, reservation.

That is really amazing and need to be addressed adequately.
<!--QuoteBegin-valmiki+Jun 1 2006, 05:53 PM-->QUOTE(valmiki @ Jun 1 2006, 05:53 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin-G.Subramaniam+Jun 1 2006, 05:38 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(G.Subramaniam @ Jun 1 2006, 05:38 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->
Given the huge NRI, out of state tambram population, it is certain that at least 50%
In % terms this is almost as large as the ethnic cleansing of hindus from east
So according to you 50% of TN Brahmins migrated outside, due to the single factor, reservation.

That is really amazing and need to be addressed adequately.

Reservation is just the tip of the iceberg
An overall hostile environment has been created
Temple lands have been grabbed, Pujaris have been impoverished
Reservation in college, reservation in jobs, reservation in promotions
If you cut off job opportunities, a community has to adapt or perish
Many have migrated, some have evolved into marwari type industrialists
the poorer remnant are perishing
Darwinian evolution in action
In the long term the surviving community will be higher IQ, much richer and more entrepreneural

Similarly, even before the 1989 ethnic cleansing, due to the hostile environment,
35% of Kashmiri Pandits emigrated out

Similarly in east bengal, thanks to enemy property act and daily harassment
500 hindus a day leave, this apart from the pogroms
The example of east bengal is illustrative
The upper castes ( more IQ segment ) saw the writing on the wall in 1947 and left by 1961. Most of the remnant ( low IQ segment ) hindus in east bengal are Dalits
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->While the Dravidianist movement was ostensibly pro-dalit and anti-brahmin, many of the OBC-Dwijas in my colleges used to refer to the SC/ST as <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
A correction, the dravidianist movement in the initial stages was vehemently anti Dalit, after Brahmins the most hated people by Periyar were the Dalits, we can see his disdain for them in his own writings and speeches, here is an article that I posted before that mentions this:


As far as I know in the initial stages, only the non Brahmin Dwija castes were considered Dravidian, meaning Dalits and Brahmins were not, it was only later after the Dalit movement took off that the Dravidianists changed their tune and began to portray themselves as Dalit saviours.
Can the Tambrams ask for a minority status ? The concept of minority in article 30 IIRC was pretty vague and I think it does leave lots of room for interpretation. I think if all the things that have been discussed in this forum are presented to the court there is a fair chance that tambrams can be declared a minority.

I was doing a google on "india constitution Article 15(5) 93rd amendment" and "india constitution minority educational institutions referred to in clause (1) of article 30". Dont have time to go through what googleshwara shows right now but it is something worth investigating IMHO.

This link looks interesting tho I havent gone thru it completely.

<!--QuoteBegin-rajesh_g+Jun 1 2006, 09:27 PM-->QUOTE(rajesh_g @ Jun 1 2006, 09:27 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Can the Tambrams ask for a minority status ? The concept of minority in article 30 IIRC was pretty vague and I think it does leave lots of room for interpretation. I think if all the things that have been discussed in this forum are presented to the court there is a fair chance that tambrams can be declared a minority.

I was doing a google on "india constitution Article 15(5)  93rd amendment" and "india constitution minority  educational institutions referred to in clause (1) of article 30". Dont have time to go through what googleshwara shows right now but it is something worth investigating IMHO.

This link looks interesting tho I havent gone thru it completely.


Tambrams even if they ask for minority status will not get it in Tamil Nadu

Tambrams asked for inclusion as OBC due to desperate poverty , but were turned down in Tamil Nadu

Their best bet, is to ask for linguistic minority status outside tamil nadu

For example, the MEA or DTEA schools in Delhi are a tambram community venture
and offer excellent education for reasonable cost
Their educational record is so good that many north Indians send their kids there

If the DTEA model is taken further, the tambram community can open engineering and medical colleges outside tamil nadu as a linguistic minority

In addition, in their new homes, they must build caste alliances with local brahmins, local forward castes, sanskritising OBC castes etc so that they never again are isolated
As I wrote earlier, the pre-1950 tambram caste had a single bell curve IQ of 115
It is now disintegrating into 2 bell curves
The higher bell curve with 125 IQ is found as industrialists in tamil nadu,
NRIs abroad and in other states
The lower bell curve with 105 IQ is found among the remnant population

Despite dravidianist propoganda, that tambrams are north indians
there has been at least a 30% admixture with the local tamil population

Wherever brahmins have migrated they have inducted some members of the local priesthood, literate class into brahminhood, despite the so called caste rigidity
There are brahmins in Thailand who look like Thais
There are brahmins in Assam who look assamese and so on

Meaning, 30% of the tambrams can 'pass' as OBC-Dwijas
I fully expect those who can 'pass' as OBC-Dwijas to get false caste certificates and declare themselves as OBC-Dwijas
This can easily be done in cities

This is similar to mixed race blacks 'passing' as whites in the US until a few decades ago
Today, the US spelling bee is being shown on ABC from 8PM to 10PM
There are 275 finalists

Out of these 30 are of Indian origin
I would expect the rest 245 to be whites

Whites have an average IQ of 105 and are 70% of the US population
Indians are mostly hindus, sikhs, jains and are 0.5% of the US population

Using the spelling bee as a crude bell curve IQ test, I shall now calculate average NRI hindu/sikh/jain IQ

IQ threshold for finalist = 145
White % among finalist = 89%
White Average IQ = 105
Indian % among finalist = 11%
Average NRI IQ = 122

Consitution of India is above the Dravidianist games. If there is legal backing Tambrams need to get minority status right there because they are TAMIL brahmins. If Tambrams leave within 50 years there will be a partition. Brahmins are the glue that binds Bharat.

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