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Blast In Mumbai's Suburban Train

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Indian Home Minister Shivraj Patil said the government had some advance knowledge that such an attack might take place. "What we didn't have was the place and the time," Patil said.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

What advance knowledge did this fellow have ? And what the heck did he do to address it ? Was he thinking that the terrorists were brothers out to get jobs ?
I have made a collection of reader feedback to various outlets.

(1) The Hindustan Times

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The Indian Govt should wake up to the terror being spread in India. They should learn from the past and not open the borders and start plane, train, and bus services with other nations. I am outraged at the utter laxity of the Indian Govt regarding terrorism. The Indian Govt has to take a very tough stand against terrorism just like Isreal has taken against Palistine. - Diane, Parlin, USA (July 12, 2006) <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->This is of course a terrible and despicable act of terrorism. This act never can be justified. Innocent human lives are precious. But before we condemn this act of terrorism, <b>we must also bring our governments on account, which are responsible for creating such kind of rifts between sections of societies</b>.- Atif Suhail Siddiqui, New Delhi, India (July 11, 2006)<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

From the Times of India
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Another proof that the nation is there for the taking by the terror groups. Thanks mainly to our political leaders who are leading us into the hands of terrorists by their appeasement of the so called minorities and upholding the double standards by keeping two separate civil codes based on the religion. Democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of thought and human rights will soon be things of the past as the numbers continue to change. Wake up guys we are heading for another partition soon. Attoti Someswara Rao<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Terror attack is happening to India for last three decade. Politicians are busy in Mandalization and building relation with Pakistan to get more vote. Sanjay<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->We Indians should stronly condemn the brutal attacks on commuter trains in Mumbai which had resulted in loss of lives. <b>It is highly regrettable to observe that some section of the media is trying to paint a communal colour which will make things worse</b>. I am quite sure that Mumbaikars will give a befitting reply to those who wish to see destablisation taking place in India in the form of communal riots and I hope people will carry on their lives as usual and will stay calm in the wake of terrible tragedy that has struck this massive metroplitan city. Hope the govermant will bring to book those who are responsible for this brutal and cowardly act. Mathew Simon Doha, Qatar <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->I am new to Mumbai. On Sunday we saw the destruction caused by the Shiv Sena people in Dadar and today we came across this disaster. So many innocent people were the victims. Shravan Kumar Mumbai <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Stop publishing this baseless news! Medium like yours should be used to spread authentic information which can really help establish peace and communal harmony and not the otherwise. The intelligence never does any work and can only use LeT and SIMI for their intelligent rescue. Please stop supporting such politicians and help maintain peace and harmony. If you really have to publish something like this, do it with supporting facts! Zaid Kazi Mumbai <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Just a few days ago India condemned Israel for defending herself, so I say to you: I urge both sides to show restraint. Ray Solar Israel <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

(3) Indian Express
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->This is the time to decide India's future. We are heading towards the end of tolerance. Bring down this government which consists of corrupt and selfish people. people like Lalu, Paswan, Arjun singh, who are the rotten breed of our polititians. They nurture terrorism in the name of secularism. Enough to do with secularism now. bring back TADA and give more powers to police not the criminals. just in the last week crazy muslim mob killed 2 police persons because a police chawky is planned in front of the mashid. are we living in India or we are living in Pakistan. My appeal to all nationalists let it be hindus or muslims. stand up unite and strike back at terrorists. zero tolerance acceptance for terrorism is what we expect from muslim community. otherwise the future would be difficult. Posted by: Kedar, India, 11-07-2006 at 2107 hours IST<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Mumbai Blasts are not surprising if you see the sequence of events ,first it
Was Bhiwandi violence instigated by Abu Azmi(Dawood man) and local Madrasa and next the defacing of Statue of Bal Thackeray’s wife and now the Train blasts.
What is appalling is that nobody takes the responsibility and do Mumbaikars
deserve this ? The answer is NO.The State Govt was cool even though the police constables were killed And in the second case the ex-shiv sena and present congressmen were Blaming the Shiv-sena and the Media endorsed this view.


Govt will may not bother if hindus are killed as they are not their vote bank. Mumbaikars also have to blamed for the kind of support they give to so called
Media savvy Elites like Memons,Mahesh Bhat and the likes of him who are terrorist sympathizers. Posted by: shankara, India, 11-07-2006 at 2059 hours IST<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->A tragedy foretold
By Praveen Swami
The Hindu
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

It could take months to identify the perpetrators of the Mumbai bombings, but the recent past holds some clues.

TUESDAY'S MURDEROUS terror bombing in Mumbai was a tragedy foretold. A least half-a-dozen Lashkar-e-Taiba and Harkat ul-Jihad Islami cells planning major operations in western India had been interdicted since January: one, sooner or later, was certain to penetrate India's police and intelligence defences.

Investigators have already begun work that could led them to the perpetrators of the single worst terrorist outrage since the Mumbai serial bombings of 1993. Dozens of shards of forensic evidence, hundreds of phone calls in and out of Mumbai, the testimonies of thousands of witnesses will have to be carefully studied before even preliminary suggestions about just who might have been responsible can be arrived at.

What evidence is available, though, suggests that the tactics and techniques used in the Mumbai bombings are similar to those deployed in the wave of strikes that have taken place across India since the end of 2005. Fabricated from easily-available chemicals such as potassium permanganate or aluminium chlorate, with small amounts of RDX to accelerate the detonation, the kinds of explosives that seem to have been used in Mumbai are easy to manufacture -- and lethal when used in crowded locations.

If recent experience is a guide, investigators are likely to find that the real architects of the bombing are outside its reach: the Lashkar is headquartered at Muridke, near Lahore, while the HuJI operates out of bases in Dhaka and Chittagong. More likely than not, though, the operation will have been facilitated by local operatives of these terror groups -- part of a subterranean but still enormously dangerous movement of small numbers of recruits into the ranks of Islamist terror groups.

Whichever terror group executed Tuesday's bombing is likely to have drawn at least some of its operatives from the large pool of former Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) members in Maharashtra -- an organisation that has survived a ban imposed in 2001 by operating under a variety of cover names. Several of the 11 Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives arrested from the Aurangabad area in May, while attempting to move a shipment of explosives, assault rifles, and grenades into Gujarat, had worked for SIMI before it was proscribed.

Zainuddin Ansari, the still-untraced head of the cell, had also worked as a SIMI ansar, or full-time activist, for several years. Another member of the cell, <b>Shakeel Ahmad Shaikh, had been known to Indian intelligence since at least 1999, when he delivered an incendiary speech at a SIMI convention in Aurangabad.</b>

The Lashkar's then commander for its operations in Hyderabad, Azam Ghauri, was among those present at the convention, where the institutional links between SIMI and the terror group became evident for the first time.

<b>Lashkar operatives seemed to have used contacts built from that convention onwards to recruit cadre in recent years. </b>Interestingly, several of the members of the Aurangabad cell were well-educated. Sharif Ahmad, who was detained in Aurangabad on May 15, was a doctor, while Sayyed Jafaruddin was in the second year of a Bachelor of Science programme. Bilal Ansari, another member of the cell, was a professional calligrapher, while one of the men still wanted for questioning, Zahibuddin Ansari, worked as an electrician.

<b>However, the Lashkar has also attempted to tap the estimated 3,000 seminaries in Maharashtra, where an estimated 200,000 students study.</b> Irfan Moinuddin Attar, a Lashkar operative who was killed on May 30, 2006, while training with a Hizb-ul-Mujahideen unit in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama district, had studied at seminaries at Shirol and Udgam in Kolhapur.

<b>Investigators believe he also attempted to recruit for the Lashkar from amongst seminary students in Gujarat -- but with little success.</b>

A wide canvas
SIMI's network, though, extends across much of India -- a fact that has made it the principal ally of almost all major Islamist terrorist groups.<b> Former SIMI ansars have played a key role in several major terror strikes in northern India, as investigations into the July 28, 2005, bombing of the Shramjeevi Express at Jaunpur, and the Varanasi serial bombings of March 7, 2006, demonstrated. </b>In both cases, the links of SIMI cadre with the Bangladesh-based Harkat-ul-Jihad Islami were instrumental in the action of the strikes.

Mohammad Walliullah, the 32-year-old cleric from the village of Phulpur who is now facing trial for having organised the Varanasi bombings, was a SIMI ansar who had served time in jail for harbouring Jaish-e-Mohammad cadre. Among his closest associates in SIMI was Mohammad Zubair, the HuJI terrorist from Bharaich in Uttar Pradesh who was killed in a recent encounter with the Jammu and Kashmir police at Handwara, along the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir.

Intelligence sources told The Hindu that SIMI's Bangladesh links had been forged during its dealings with the Islami Chattra Shibir, the students wing of Bangladesh's Jamaat-e-Islami -- contacts that were entirely legal before the Islamist group was proscribed. Both Waliullah and Zubair were recruited by one-time activists of the Islamic Chattra Shabir who had gone on to join the HuJI. HuJI cadre from Bangladesh executed the bombings -- but Waliullah and Zubair provided the safehouses and guides necessary for a successful strike.

SIMI cadre, interestingly, also appear to have attempted to expand their presence in southern India. According to an official declaration before the tribunal that examined the legality of the ban on SIMI, its one-time cadre in the State had begun to develop links with the Lashkar.

SIMI, the Kerala Government believes, operates through 12 front organisations engaged in charitable work, two of which are based in the State capital, Thiruvananthapuram, and a third in Kochi.

In West Bengal, too, former SIMI cadre have attempted to draw new recruits from seminaries, religious associations, libraries and other community bodies -- all legitimate enterprises. In the summer of 2003, for example, Islami Chattra Shibir activist Jamaluddin Chowdhury is believed to have taken seven men from an education camp organised by former SIMI operatives for training at a HuJI-linked seminary. Islamist mobilisation in Bangladesh is a source of considerable concern for the West Bengal Government.

Uttar Pradesh authorities, though, remain curiously reluctant to act against key SIMI figures. In May, an Uttar Pradesh Home Department spokesperson asserted that the State Government would not support an extension of the proscription of SIMI, claiming that it was not involved in "any [terrorist] activities" -- a proposition undermined by the State police's own investigation into the Varanasi bombing. Local politics has long complicated counter-terrorism work in the state, a problem that needs to be addressed.

Policing and intelligence work helped prevent at least a dozen major terrorist strikes just this year. What the Mumbai strikes have made clear, though, is that India must prepare itself for a long and brutal war ahead.
WTF is a puki doing setting up wiki pages on mumbai bomb blasts ? and setting IMC links of condemnations ?

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> WTF is a puki doing setting up wiki pages on mumbai bomb blasts ? and setting IMC links of condemnations ?<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Started by SAJA ---
Now you will see all SEEKULAR junks.
Did you noticed they had already mentioned year 07-06. So they are expecting more. And they will have avenue to write junk for longer period.
<b>Mumbai bomb blast - Aaj Tak</b> Video in Hindi/Urdu
Gosh!!! what a third class coverage. His language, description, poor content quality and presentation is pathetic. From where they hire these people.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Hindu Council UK condemns the terrorist attack in Mumbai today 11/7 </b>
Seven simultaneous bombs devastated the Mumbai city rush hour as more than 170 people were massacred in an organised terrorist plot. This is a cowardly and brutal act designed to kill and maim innocent people travelling on the very central railway line of the city. The attack was designed to kill as many people as possible, like New York, Bali, Madrid, London.

We pray for the victims and the injured. In the UK there are people worried of their loved one relatives living in Mumbai and in Birmingham they are holding prayers all night at the oldest temple Geeta Bhawan.

Dr Krishan Kumar at the prayers meeting at Geeta Bhawan temple in Lozelles, Birmingham, said, “we had just been praying for the 7/7 victims and now the 11/7. People of all faiths will unite in condemning these terrorists.”

Dilip Joshi from the Southampton temple and an HCUK executive said, “These terrorists will neither live themselves peacefully nor let others live, they are simply evil.”

Whilst we must pray for the victims now, the world must unite to eradicate this evil.

Hindu Council UK
<!--QuoteBegin-rajesh_g+Jul 11 2006, 07:19 PM-->QUOTE(rajesh_g @ Jul 11 2006, 07:19 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->WTF is a puki doing setting up wiki pages on mumbai bomb blasts ? and setting IMC links of condemnations ?

There is something called al-Taqiyya that in reality is followed by Sunnis and Shites ALIKE. The response of Pakistan, the lay Mohammedans (as illustrated by Manu's post above) and their allies is itself pointing where the guilt is. When someone denies vehemently they are definitely responsible. In a part of the world that has seen Mohammedans in action for 14 centuries none of what we are seeing even slightly out of the ordinary -- the beards a just doing what they are good at.
In response to this atrocity, the politicians will shed crocodile tears. Naive hindus with a pathetic secularist-communalist value system will appeal for calm. Some idiots will advise not to communalize an already communal attack, while other idiots will equate this to some bus torchings by Shiv Sena. \"Secular\" vermin in media, academia, and elsewhere will try and justify it as a response to some action or words of Hindus or the government (after all, an \"oppressed\" minority can be excused for killing innocent members of the majority). The security-intelligence establishment will point the fingers at some group in Pakiland but as usual there will be no response (What can we do? They have nukes you know!), and Hindu blood is cheap anyway. The Indian Armed Forces will remain silent spectators, instead of forcing the government\'s hand in order to uphold the oath they took to defend the country and its citizens. Those claiming to be pro-Hindu organizations will declare a bandh and forget about it a day later. The clock will start ticking till the next bunch gets blown up, and the who drama will begin anew.

No, we need such attacks, and more of them, till the stench of death becomes so strong that it reaches within our soul, and awakens the natural instinct, the instinct to live and to fight. And if that day comes, the Hindus will shun their idealism and engage in a blood bath; if not, the Muslims will put us out of our miserable existence.
Coverup is new Mantra of UPA. Till now no leaks etc. No information on bomb construction other than timer was used. Mumbai police is silent.
Mumbai blasts: Death toll rises to 190

Mumbai Police - list of injured and dead
Pakis are craving for talk, please send Feroze Khan again<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Pakistan's Foreign Minister says the train bombings that have killed more than 170 people in Mumbai, India, show the two countries need to resolve disputes that can be exploited by extremists.</b>

Foreign Minister Khursheed Mehmood Kasuri, echoing statements from Islamabad, condemned what he called the "absolutely horrendous" attacks on crowded commuter trains and stations in India's financial hub.

ISI behind.
<b>Mumbai blasts: LeT hand suspected</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> Police suspect Lashker-e-Toiba (LeT) and banned Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) to be behind the serial blasts in suburban trains in Mumbai.
The magnitude of the sychronised blasts has conclusively pointed to the use of RDX by the attackers<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Forgive me Mudy, for I remain a more than a little skeptical about the news story of arrests made in Delhi. Under pressure from Faggots like Shivraj Patil, They pick up some <i>Do Kauri ka Jhuggi wala Mussalman </i>and shoot him in the back and we are to believe that "L-E-T" operative was killed (with RDX etc. to boot)? Pleeeeease. Nobody who is actually responsible for this will be excoriated.

I have two more points about the events:

(1) The media of India (indeed, the world) is praising the "never say die" attitude of the Mumbaikars. Forgive me for saying so, and I say this with due respect to my Marathi brothers and sisters, but this is the attitude of cattle and antelope. When they see a Hyena tear apart one of their own, they simple move on. There is, ultimately, a fine line between defiance and passive dhimmitude.

At least the Gujaratis give as good as they get, and for this, they have my eternal respect. Which corner of India is now beyond the reach of these islamofacists? I mean, what do they have to do to get us angry? Kisi ko koi farak hi nahin parta. And the frikkin' middle class will still not vote, come next general election. And these insects will keep multiplying.

The SENSEX is up by 60 points over Tuesday's closing level - so everything back to normal? I think not.

If anger at government inaction boils over into riots, you are a wicked Hindooo Nationalist but if you respond with Passivity and a "chalta hai" attitude, you have a "never say die" attitude. Yeh Kahan ka logic hai?

Finally, I must say this, for those of us who wish to heap scorn on the security agencies, it must be said that they are doing the best they can given the circumstances (<i>Sonia Mata Raj</i>). They have interdicted many shipments of RDX in Northern and Western India. They have to be right all the time, the Muslim Terrorists, only once.

Very soon, the only safe place in Mumbai will be Haji Ali.

(2) For those of us in the US, have you noticed a much more balanced coverage by FOX news, (compared to CNN, say)? What accounts for this change of heart, I wonder?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->For those of us in the US, have you noticed a much more balanced coverage by FOX news, <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Fox News does not believe in India type of secularism and understand danger from Islamist.
CNN is liberal, they gets ads from middle east companies and airlines.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Do Kauri ka Jhuggi wala Mussalman <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Any poor jack n harry or drug addict.

Police was more active investigating Rahul Mahajan. Terror investigation is no fun, no soap or glamour.
Coverup is on, I think Police is under UPA pressure. Silence from Police and govt regarding identity, bomb makeup and slow information is not good sign.
Terrorist have to get lucky once, Police have to get lucky every day.

I think there is a connection between riots started by Raza Academy, statue of Thakrey's wife and yesterday blast.
Dear Ram Bhakts,

I deeply regret the senseless killings of hundreds of innocent people in Mumbai. Terrorism must be condemned in unmistakable terms. That said, one ought to look at the deeper implications of the whole crisis. What provoked terrorists to act in this manner? Everything happens for a reason, and this incident is no exception. If analyzed, we can understand that it's Hindu intolerance that's forcing terrorists to commit these acts.

So the solution is to tame Hindu terrorists such as rss, bjp, and usher in a new era of secularism, socialism and peace. As long as Hindus oppress muslims, this will continue. The only way forward is for hindus to apologize for Gujarat riots and other atrocities, so that terrorists will not commit such acts in the future. Hindu terrorism must be curbed, or else, so-called Islamic aggression will persist.

Morever, most Hindus are hindus in name only, they've given up dharma, they have no respect for Lord Ram (how many times they've abused and ridiculed Ram), this is why they're punished by the Almighty. You only get what you deserve, not what you desire. Inculcate Ram Bhakti, that's my advice for Hindus, there's no other way.

At any rate, may Lord Ram give us the courage and strength to handle this dark event.
B.Raman on terrorism

I find this B. Raman character rather reprehensible. The fellow is supposed to have been a major intelligence officer of India. The way he shifts blame on the Hindus- because we broke the effing Masjid which was built on our holy sthala the kaTTus are staging reprisal strikes on us. They are unhappy with the lack of protection from police so the kaTbollahs need to kill our people. With people like him no doubt the Momeen continue their Jihad with impunity.

From reliable sources I know that this Raman character is a brahmin- this is hardly the what you need from the head of the puruSha.
Hindus will have to realize that no secular government of India will ever protect them and that they have to take care of their own security if they have to survive as a nation. For secular politicians, Hindus are just fodder to fulfill their political agenda which is to stay in power by hook or crook. This has become so frequent by now that most Indians (Hindus) carry on with their daily grind just thanking their luck for not being at the place of the blast. Average Indian is least bothered about deaths of a few hundreds of their country men.

The government has already fulfilled their part by offering a lac or two rupees for deaths and making well publicised and televised visits to those injured. Sonia (with glee in her heart) is the first one to visit afterall what is better than 200 hundred less heathens and pagans. Commies are happy too as hardly any muslim is killed and hence secularism is well preserved. BJP looks even more lost with every killings with totally defunct JinAdvani and HajPayee in charge.

It is time for Hindus to organize themselves for the sake of their own family, country and civilization.Only way is to create a <b>Counter Terrorist Organization </b>which will reply every terrorist attack with many times more devastating counter attacks against their creed. Why no terrorist attack has taken place in the USA after 9/11? Everbody in the USA knows 'MAD-Mecca threat of Bush' which has prevented further attacks the US soil . Hindus need to learn from Israelis how for each Israeli killed they make terrorist creed to pay many times more.

It is time for doing what Guru Gobind Singh and Shivaji had done in the history. Enough of Ahimsa and Forgiveness. No death of innocent Indians should go in waste. No amount of raving and ranting will do.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>'The masterminds are not in India'</b>

Sheela Bhatt in New Delhi | July 12, 2006 00:22 IST
Last Updated: July 12, 2006 15:16 IST

British intelligence analyst Richard M Bennett says the serial attacks in Mumbai were masterminded by outfits from abroad.

According to him, "The level of sophistication and organisation needed to carry out such a widespread and tightly coordinated attack is beyond the known capabilities of any of the Islamic groups operating in either Kashmir or elsewhere in India."

In an e-mail to rediff.com immediately after the blasts, he said, "This has all the hallmarks of a Special Forces/Intelligence operation... it may have been carried out by expendable extremists, but those who were the promoters and brains have military training."

"The Mumbai blasts is an attack on India's soft underbelly," said Ajit Doval, former director, Intelligence Bureau.

Doval too agrees with the views of the British expert. "From my experience I think that the blasts are not an indigenous effort. It is the exported variety of terrorism. The blasts of Mumbai have a foreign origin and it is obvious that a lot of effort has gone behind its execution."

Doval, who extensively investigated fugitive gangster Dawood Ibrahim's involvement in the March 12, 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts, said, "The saboteurs are telling India that they are alive, kicking and have the capacity to strike at any place in India, at a time of their choosing."

<b>"India must give a counter message,"</b> Doval said. "We must prove that we have the capacity to hound them wherever they are. Terrorists must get the message that the threshold level of patience of Indians is not infinite. If we don't do something now then the enemies of India will keep surprising us."

"Today's blasts must have involved more than 25 people who might have knowingly and unknowingly participated. It is very likely that the masterminds are not in India. The actual perpetrators may not be more than four or five but these guys must have got help from many people. The infrastructure for these blasts must have been quite big. Motor vehicles, local agents, people who provided cover to terrorists and people who planted the devices must have been involved. They should be and will be found out."<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Usual, expected sermons....

<b>How much will India endure?</b>
<i>Pakistan Needs to Respond to Militants </i>
By Xenia Dormandy
Wednesday, July 12, 2006;

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In return, India would need to step up in a real, substantive way on bilateral issues such as Kashmir. The third round of the high-level composite dialogue taking place next week, assuming it is still on, is the place to do it.

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