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Miscellaneous news and discussion - 2
Forwarded message

EXTREMELY URGENT Petition to Dismiss Arjun Singh - PLEASE SIGN and circulate

The petition http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/Kat/


Dr. Manmohan Singh
Prime Minister of India
7 Race Course Road
New Delhi, India

November 30, 2006


Hon. Manmohan Singh ji: Sat Sri Akal:

We have come to know that Mr. Arjun Singh, Human
Resources Development Minister has concluded an agreement
with Saudi Arabian government under which a few billion
dollars will be given to Jamia Milia University in Delhi
to establish Arabic Center. Under the terms of this
agreement, hundreds of Arabs will come to India to
propagate Arabism and Islam.

This is a very dangerous move designed to Islamize India.
This will have deleterious effect on the internal
security of India. The consequences of this treacherous
activity cannot be assessed at this time.

Saudi Arabia is ruled by a Wahabi sect of Islam which is
considered virulently extremist and dangerously
fundamental. We suspect the intent of Saudi Arabia in
giving billions of dollars to a Muslim University in
India. We believe that this is a part of the grand
strategy to suck India into the vortex of pan Islamic
movement. We should also not forget that it was Aligarh
Muslim University which produced fanatic Muslim leaders
like late Liaqat Ali Khan, former Prime Minister of
Pakistan. India has already suffered a lot at the hands
of Islamic terrorists. It will be height of insanity on
the part of UPA Government to enter into such agreements
which could destabilize India and endanger its internal


History is testimony to the fact that India was not
defeated because of lack of valor and chivalry on the
part of Indian soldiers but because of the treachery of
its Jai Chands and Man Sanghs. Jai Chand invited Mohammed
Ghori to attack India and Man Sangh helped Muslim ruler
Akbar to consolidate Islamic rule in India. In the same
manner, Mr. Arjun Singh is inviting Saudi Arabia to
spread Islam in India.

Arjun Singh is obviously anti-Hindu, anti-Indian and an
appeaser of a minority community. He is infamous for
falsifying Indian history. His other moves to pit Hindu
castes against one another by extending reservations for
OBCs to even private colleges and to institutions of
higher learning and at the same time excluding Muslim
institutions from having to provide reservations for OBC
Hindus, shows how hateful he is of Hindus and how
shamelessly he is trying to cozy up to Muslims for their
votes. This man is a danger, is an enemy of the Hindus,
is an enemy of Bharat, is an enemy of excellence, is an
enemy of all that is decent and he has no regard for
ideas like reverence and respect for all religions and
equality of all human beings.

He is born with an animus against Hindu people. His
actions are, to say the least, detestable, demeaning, and
subversive. We believe that he suffers from some sort of
cognitive disorder. That is the reason he derives
vicarious pleasure by hurting Hindu sentiments. Hence we
demand that he should be dismissed immediately from your


Narain Kataria


End of forwarded message

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Noida serial child killer arrested

December 29, 2006 17:09 IST

<b>Fingers crossed, Mulayam keeps away from Noida </b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Samajwadi Party General Secretary Amar Singh came to Mulayam's defence by saying, "The CM's younger brother and PWD minister has gone to Nithari," Information and Broadcasting Minister Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi was rather curt:"By its own admission, Mulayam is guilty."

There are many politicians who believe that Noida is a political jinx. In fact, this could be one of the reasons why chief ministers of the state are reluctant to visit the place.

It all started in 1988, when the then Chief Minister Vir Bahadur Singh lost his job just days after a trip to Noida. The next year, ND Tiwari was voted out of power just days after an official visit to Noida.

Kalyan Singh tried to defy the odds, but he too was unsuccessful, losing power in 1999. Mulayam Singh and Mayawati too have met with similar fates in the past.

"If he does not go now, people will dislodge him," former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Kalyan Singh said.

According to the records of the National Crime Bureau, more than 400 children are murdered every year in Uttar Pradesh and figure keeps increasing.

But in country's most populous state, it seems the chief ministers prefer to believe more in superstitions rather then face the stark realities such as Nithari killings.
Copycat tag on Centre
<b>The Centre has been accused of lifting a paragraph from the affidavit of the All-India Muslim Personal Law Board — mistake and all — for its own affidavit defending Shariat (Islamic law) courts.</b>

Advocate Vishwa Lochan Madan had filed a petition in the Supreme Court challenging the constitutional validity of such courts and seeking their dissolution. The Centre, the personal law board, several states and the Islamic seminary Dar-ul Uloom were asked to respond to it.

In his rejoinder today, Madan has told the court that the affidavit filed by the Union law ministry had incorporated “everything’’ submitted by the board to defend the right to establish Shariat courts. The government had not only borrowed ideas from the board’s affidavit, he said, but also the language and the errors.

In one paragraph in its affidavit, the board had given the total number of lower darul qazas (Islamic courts) in the country as 31 by mistake, Madan said. The list submitted by the board with the affidavit had mentioned 53 darul qazas, he added.

The same paragraph appeared in the affidavit submitted by the Centre, he said. Madan described this as appeasement of Muslim clerics by the government.

The law ministry’s affidavit had defended the setting up of Shariat courts, saying it was the fundamental right of every religious denomination to “manage its own affairs in matter of religion”.

The darul qazas are protected under the Fundamental Rights enshrined in Articles 25 and 26 of the Constitution, the ministry said, seeking dismissal of Madan’s petition.

“Freedom guaranteed by Article 26 to every religious denomination or every section thereof to establish and maintain institutions for religious and charitable purposes and to manage its own affairs in the matter of religion would include the freedom to establish darul-qaza/nizam-ul qaza to settle disputes between two persons professing Islam, according to Sharia,’’ the affidavit said.

It, however, refuted the charge that such forums meant a parallel judicial system and described them as an alternative dispute redressal forum.

Both the Centre and the board had contended that darul qaza was a conciliatory forum to settle civil disputes outside courts expeditiously in an amicable and inexpensive manner and there was no bar on Muslims from going to court, Madan said.

The two affidavits also said the orders or fatwas were advisory in nature.

Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bengal and Delhi are the states asked to respond to Madan’s petition. Among the Islamic courts that he wants dissolved are those in Asansol and Purulia.

The Centre admitted that besides the board, several other Muslim bodies had also set up darul qazas in various parts of the country. Imarat-i-Sharia and Imaraa-e-Sharia Phulwari Sharief, Patna, had set up darul qazas in Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa and Bengal.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>`Kalyanamastu' breaks barriers</b>
Special Correspondent

Five couples - four of them Dalits - were betrothed amidst Vedic chants Five couples - four of them Dalits - were betrothed amidst Vedic chants by Tirumala priests

MOMENTOUS OCCASION: A couple exchanging garlands at the betrothal ceremony for the mass - marriages organised by the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams in Hyderabad on Saturday. Photo: G. Krishnaswamy

HYDERABAD: There were days when Dalits were prevented from entering temples. It appears to be the other way round now if the efforts of the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) are any indication.

For people who could not have dreamt of inviting Brahmins to perform their marriages, <b>the step initiated by the Devasthanams has come as a boon. Amidst Vedic chants, the priests of Tirumala temple performed betrothal ceremony for five couples, four of them from Dalit families, here on Saturday. </b>  <!--emo&:cool--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/specool.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='specool.gif' /><!--endemo-->

The couples had registered for Kalyanamastu, the mass marriage programme to be conducted by the devasthanams across the State in `abhijit lagnam' at 11.54 a.m. on February 22. They were presented new clothes, garlands and prasadam from Tirumala.

The betrothal ceremony was held under the supervision of TTD chairman B. Karunakar Reddy. High Court Judge Justice L.V. Ramana, TTD advisor P.V.R.K. Prasad, MLA G. Kishan Reddy and APCC general secretary D. Nagender and others were present. The TTD proposed to conduct 50,000 marriages on February 22 as part of the programme to conduct one-lakh weddings every year.


<!--emo&:clapping--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/clap.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='clap.gif' /><!--endemo--> .
वीर सावरकर का नाती भीख मांगते पाया गया
[Saturday, January 13, 2007 09:02:10 pm ]

पुणे (वार्ता) : स्वतंत्रता सेनानी वीर सावरकर के इंजीनियर नाती प्रफुल्ल माधव चिपलूनकर को पुणे के सारसबाग गार्डेन इलाके में भीख मांगते हुए पाया गया। महाराष्ट्र नवनिर्माण सेना के कार्यकर्ता संजय डोंगरे ने शनिवार को यह जानकारी दी। उन्होंने कहा कि हमारी पार्टी ने प्रफुल्ल की देखभाल का फैसला किया है।

आईआईटी से केमिकल इंजीनियरिंग में डिग्री लेने वाले प्रफुल्ल थाइलैंड में इंडोजर्मन कंपनी और आदित्य बिड़ला ग्रुप में काम कर चुके हैं। एक उपकरण को ठीक करते समय हुई दुर्घटना में प्रफुल्ल बुरी तरह जल गए थे। उन्होंने दिल्ली, मुंबई और पुणे के अस्पतालों में करीब 6 वर्षों तक अपना इलाज करवाया। साल 2002 में एक सड़क दुर्घटना में उनकी पत्नी और बच्चों का निधन हो गया। प्रफुल्ल ने रोजीरोटी के लिए एक दुकान में चौकीदार की नौकरी भी की, जो बाद में छूट गई। पिछले कुछ दिनों से वह सड़क पर लोगों से भीख मांग रहे थे।
Minimal translation:
Veer Savarkar's grandson found begging.
<!--QuoteBegin-Capt Manmohan Kumar+Jan 14 2007, 01:06 AM-->QUOTE(Capt Manmohan Kumar @ Jan 14 2007, 01:06 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->वीर सावरकर का नाती भीख मांगते पाया गया
[Saturday, January 13, 2007 09:02:10 pm ]

पुणे (वार्ता) : स्वतंत्रता सेनानी वीर सावरकर के इंजीनियर नाती प्रफुल्ल माधव चिपलूनकर को पुणे के सारसबाग गार्डेन इलाके में भीख मांगते हुए पाया गया। महाराष्ट्र नवनिर्माण सेना के कार्यकर्ता संजय डोंगरे ने शनिवार को यह जानकारी दी। उन्होंने कहा कि हमारी पार्टी ने प्रफुल्ल की देखभाल का फैसला किया है।

आईआईटी से केमिकल इंजीनियरिंग में डिग्री लेने वाले प्रफुल्ल थाइलैंड में इंडोजर्मन कंपनी और आदित्य बिड़ला ग्रुप में काम कर चुके हैं। एक उपकरण को ठीक करते समय हुई दुर्घटना में प्रफुल्ल बुरी तरह जल गए थे। उन्होंने दिल्ली, मुंबई और पुणे के अस्पतालों में करीब 6 वर्षों तक अपना इलाज करवाया। साल 2002 में एक सड़क दुर्घटना में उनकी पत्नी और बच्चों का निधन हो गया। प्रफुल्ल ने रोजीरोटी के लिए एक दुकान में चौकीदार की नौकरी भी की, जो बाद में छूट गई। पिछले कुछ दिनों से वह सड़क पर लोगों से भीख मांग रहे थे।
Minimal translation:
Veer Savarkar's grandson found begging.

Veer Savarkar's grandson found begging.
[Saturday, January 13, 2007 09:02:10 pm ]

PUNE: Freedom fighter Veer Savarkar's grandson Praful Madhav Chiplunkar, an engineer by profession was found begging close to Sarasbaag Garden in Pune. Maharastra Navanirmaan Sena activist Sanjay Dangre passed on this information on Saturday. He said, "Our party is taking care of Praful."

Praful has a degree in Chemical Engineering from IIT, and was working in Thailand and has worked in an Indo-German company and in Aditya Birla group. While working on a contraption, Praful was severely burnt in an accident. Praful underwent treatment for nearly six years in hospitals in Delhi, Mumbai, and Pune. In 2002 he lost his wife and kids in a road accident. Praful then started working in a shop as a chowkidar (security guard) to keep himself alive, but that job too was lost. For the past few days, he has been begging (in Pune.)


Very very sad indeed. Brought me to tears. <!--emo&Sad--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
These mass marriages are common practice in temple towns and many including harijans get married during those ceremonies. Not far from Tirumala my town celebrates mass marriage ceremony of several hundreds of couples some years thousands on Shiva Ratri season on the Sacred Muhurta day when marriage between Shiva and Parvati is held. Even the rich families get to marry on that days as regular Vivaha Muhurta is hard to get during February season.

These media guys create a propaganda of Dalit discrimination based on some incidents in some temples some where and when this news happen it becomes a big deal even when such practice is common for time immemorial.

BTW, nobody asks caste in a temple at least in AP. This reporter probed the castes of marrying couples to juice it up.

<!--QuoteBegin-k.ram+Jan 6 2007, 07:56 PM-->QUOTE(k.ram @ Jan 6 2007, 07:56 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>`Kalyanamastu' breaks barriers</b>
Special Correspondent

Five couples - four of them Dalits - were betrothed amidst Vedic chants Five couples - four of them Dalits - were betrothed amidst Vedic chants by Tirumala priests

MOMENTOUS OCCASION: A couple exchanging garlands at the betrothal ceremony for the mass - marriages organised by the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams in Hyderabad on Saturday. Photo: G. Krishnaswamy

HYDERABAD: There were days when Dalits were prevented from entering temples. It appears to be the other way round now if the efforts of the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) are any indication.

For people who could not have dreamt of inviting Brahmins to perform their marriages, <b>the step initiated by the Devasthanams has come as a boon. Amidst Vedic chants, the priests of Tirumala temple performed betrothal ceremony for five couples, four of them from Dalit families, here on Saturday. </b>  <!--emo&:cool--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/specool.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='specool.gif' /><!--endemo-->

The couples had registered for Kalyanamastu, the mass marriage programme to be conducted by the devasthanams across the State in `abhijit lagnam' at 11.54 a.m. on February 22. They were presented new clothes, garlands and prasadam from Tirumala.

The betrothal ceremony was held under the supervision of TTD chairman B. Karunakar Reddy. High Court Judge Justice L.V. Ramana, TTD advisor P.V.R.K. Prasad, MLA G. Kishan Reddy and APCC general secretary D. Nagender and others were present. The TTD proposed to conduct 50,000 marriages on February 22 as part of the programme to conduct one-lakh weddings every year.


<!--emo&:clapping--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/clap.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='clap.gif' /><!--endemo--> .
The news about Veer Savarkar's grandson found begging, brought back some memories from the past.

It is several years back that I used to live in a small and lesser known town in Maharashtra. I was sharing a rented accommodation with a friend. We needed a maid-servant, and upon asking, our house-owner introduced to us a lady who was badly in need of work. She was past her middle-age and was getting towards what we would call old age, though still active. Looking at her age, we were reluctant, but house-owner and the lady insisted that she needed work, so we hired her.

She used to live at some distance in a very small house, along with her aged and ailing husband, who used to herd cattle of the villagers, for earning a living. One day, for some reason, I and my friend had to go in that direction, so we decided to see her husband. Upon entering the house, we saw a very old and striking photo of Veer Savarkar on the wall, along with some young men posing. Upon much inquiring he started telling us his story. He was a freedom fighter who had left everything he had in his youth to the call of the nation, and had joined Savarkar's movement. He was indeed a very well known name associated with the Goa liberation, and had earned quite a fame. (I would not like to share his name.)

But in doing this, he earned nothing for himself, neither education, nor a steady living. And after freedom, everybody forgot him, and here he was herding cattle in his 70s, and his wife working as a house-maid. He did not wish to earn money or get anything in return for what he had done for the nation; he did not even apply for freedom-fighters benefits which government offered.

In the end, he was full of tears and so were we. I had no words to say to him. All I could do was to touch his feet and leave.

I had to leave that town soon, and have never gone there again. I could not think of what I could have done. Now I think maybe I could have done something.
Very sad. <!--emo&Sad--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->degree in Chemical Engineering from IIT, <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
With this education, he is unable to get job. <!--emo&Sad--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<!--QuoteBegin-Sunder+Jan 13 2007, 04:00 PM-->QUOTE(Sunder @ Jan 13 2007, 04:00 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->

Praful has a degree in Chemical Engineering from IIT, and was working in Thailand and has worked in an Indo-German company and in Aditya Birla group. While working on a contraption, Praful was severely burnt in an accident. Praful underwent treatment for nearly six years in hospitals in Delhi, Mumbai, and Pune. In 2002 he lost his wife and kids in a road accident. Praful then started working in a shop as a chowkidar (security guard) to keep himself alive, but that job too was lost. For the past few days, he has been begging (in Pune.)


Very very sad indeed. Brought me to tears. <!--emo&Sad--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo-->

Is it really a misfortune or some other force at play? like Rajesh Pilot and madhav rao scindia getting killed, like mahajan family tragedy? Only god and the cospirators know.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>BJP comes to the rescue of Savarkar's begging kin  </b>
Navin Upadhyay | New Delhi
For months, Pune denizens passed by an old man who sat listlessly on a busy street near Sarashaug garden.

The dishevelled and bearded man looked like a beggar, sagging under the weight of layers of torn sweaters and bundle of dirty clothes. He talked to no one and asked for nothing. Those who took pity on him offered him food, which was often snatched by street dogs.

On last Saturday a TV channel linked the man with history and disclosed that he was the grandson of legendary freedom fighter Veer Savarkar.

The live telecast of the plight of Praful Madhav Chiplunkar, an IIT graduate, should have been enough to create a storm and prompt the Government to step forward to rehabilitate him.

But nothing of that sort happened. Only the BJP came forward to rescue the man, whose grandfather has been a symbol of valour and sacrifice.

Soon after the telecast, BJP national spokesman Ravi Shankar Prasad spoke to Maharashtra State unit president Nitin Gadkari and the party wasted no time in taking care of the Savarkar's grandson.

"It is a disturbing matter and it only shows how the nation has forgotten the heroes who laid down their lives for freedom," Prasad said.

"The BJP has always stood by Savarkar and we opposed the move to remove his plaque from the Cellular jail and brand him as a terrorist in the history books," Prasad said.

<b>Gadkari told The Pioneer on phone from Nagpur that the BJP cadre from Pune would look after Chiplunkar for whole of his life. "He has been fully rehabilitated and it is our responsibility to look after him,"</b> he said.

The Maharashtra Navnirman Sena has also repeatedly come out to support Parful.

<b>Praful is the son of Savarkar's daughter.</b> An IIT graduate in chemical engineering from Delhi, he worked for an Indo-German company in Thailand and later with an Indian corporate.

<b>Tragedy struck him when a fire accident consumed his wife and daughter in 2002 and he spent years recovering in hospitals</b>. Later, Praful worked as a watchman in a shop and after he lost that job, pavement became his shelter.

Praful seemed to be still struggling to recover from the trauma. When he was asked on TV about Savarkar, he lapsed into silence and then mumbled, he was my Guru deo." <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I witnessed the Republic day Parade after a gap of 12 years since I was abroad all these years. I do appreciate the points made by Mr. Naqvi in his article in the Dawn Newspaper of Pakistan.He has very rightly pointed out the need for the armored limousine in place of the horse drawn carriage, in view of the troubled neighborhood that we live in today. HE SHOULD THANK HIS FELLOW CITIZENS IN PAKISTAN FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT:The two other aspect on which the columnist has commented relate to the display of the military might which he terms as borrowed military might and the cultural aspect of the parade.
On the quantum of military hardware that was on display, I would like to point out that it was much scaled down than what used to be in the past. There were only three T-72 Tanks and two Bator Guns plus three BMP-I armor cars. Two tank prototype did drive pass the saluting base as did several pieces of communication and signaling equipment, some developed and produced in the country itself. The same was the case with the fly pass as only a very few aircrafts did participate at the function. The only missile of any significance that was on display was the Bramose cruise missile. For a change there was no display of any long range missile to any nuclear delivery system...
On the contrary, the cultural component of the event was much larger than the armed forces participation. There were elaborately designed floats, performing artists and some one thousand three hundred school children who participated in the event. The cultural part did represent the varied religious, multiracial and multi cultural aspect of the Indian society.
All will agree that in the absence of world disarmament, it is but necessary to retain an armed force to defend the nation. In the case of India, there is no exception and the symbolic display of a few armaments whether manufactured in the country or purchased from abroad was nothing in neither appropriate nor was it designed to show off to any particular nation in the world. The manifold achievements of India as a nation and the multifarious social and economic problems that a considerable number of its citizens still face, was obviously in the mind of each of the citizens who are today better placed in society both economically and socially. The festivities of the Republic Day is rather symbolic in nature to remember all the brave citizens who have given their life in defense of their nation and to re dedicate ourselves in our struggle to make life comfortable for all its citizens.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The festivities of the Republic Day is rather symbolic in nature to remember all the brave citizens who have given their life in defense of their nation and to re dedicate ourselves in our struggle to make life comfortable for all its citizens.
Ravish: Last Republic Day parade, there was a report that brave soliders weren't honored since Saudi Prince/King was cheif guest and the fact that soliders being rewarded for dispatching jihadis to jannat might have offended the sensibilities of our guest. Is this true?
As you are aware many bloggers could not digest the selection of the Chief Guest so it is naturally that several rumors went round the Internet. I am quite surprised that a person of your intellectual standing believed in such a story.We are not a Banana Republic and do not bend our rules and customs to suite the taste of State Guests.The factual report of the Hindu of 26 January 2006 is reproduced below:-

Date:26/01/2006 URL: http://www.thehindu.com/2006/01/26/stories...12601731300.htm


311 military personnel get Republic Day honours

Special Correspondent

Ashok Chakra, highest gallantry award, not awarded to any one

NEW DELHI: Two young army officers who died while battling terrorists in Jammu & Kashmir figure among the 311 military personnel in this year's Republic Day roll of honours. The lone Kirti Chakra, the nation's second highest award for gallantry during peacetime, has been awarded to Subedhar Jagat Bahadur Ghale of Gorkha Rifles who died after killing three militants in hand-to-hand combat near the Poonch River following an ambush on September 18, 2004.

Ashok Chakra, the highest gallantry award has not been awarded this time.

Major Salman Ahmed Khan of 6 Rashtriya Rfiles (Sikh) killed a self-styled divisional commander of Lashkar-e-Taiba before succumbing to his injuries. The 27-year-old, popularly known as Sallu among his friends and colleagues, displayed tremendous courage in fighting the militants.

Major Khan as well as Major Deepak Kumar Padda have been awarded the Shuarya Chakra. Major Deepak was injured in Kupwara and was shifted to Delhi where he passed away. He left behind his wife, son, mother and father, a former Army officer.

Havildar Atol Singh Panwar and Dafadar Harbajan Singh are the other two posthumous Shaurya Chakra awardees. Squadron Leader S. S. Chaitanya, an IAF officer, who died during the Air Force's maiden ascent of Mount Everest, was decorated with the Vayu Sena medal for gallantry

Apart from one Kirti Chakra and 17 Shaurya Chakra, the awards list comprises of 18 Param Vishist Seva medals, 47 Ati Vishist Seva medals, 17 Shaurya Chakra, 119 Sena medals, 106 VSMs and 25 Vayu Sena medals.

Director-General Military Operations Madan Gopal, Vice-Chief of Army Staff S. Pattabhiraman, Western Air Force Commander A.K. Singh, Director General Infantry Devraj Singh and Adjutant-General Anup Singh Jamwal are among those decorated with PVSM, for distinguished service of the highest order.

The awardees also include Eastern Air Commander Fali Homi Major, Strategic Forces Commander AD and the country's first woman Air Marshal Padma Bandhopadhyay. Among others, AVSMs have been awarded to Deepak Kapoor, slated to be the next Army chief and Director-General of Military Operations Deepak Summanwar.

Vayu Sena Medal

UNI reports:

Everest climber Squadron Leader S.S. Chaitanya is among the awardees of the Vayu Sena Medal for Gallantry. He was one of the three IAF men to climb the tallest peak last year. He slipped and fell to death while climbing down. Sirigare Shivashankappa Chaitanya will be awarded the medal posthumously by the President on the 57th Republic Day.

Hailing from Chitradurga in Karnataka, Chaitanya was commissioned in the IAF as a Technical Officer on May 27, 1996. He completed his basic and advance mountaineering course from the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute, Darjeeling, and was adjudged `best student' in the Advanced Course.

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Ravish: I didn't say I believed the story and hence the query, so thank you for providing the same. Please don't jump to conclusions on my beliefs - certainly doesn't suit your intellectual level.

Danish PMs state visit (not 26th Jan related) was cancelled in the wake of brouhaha over danish cartoons - seems like we do behave now and then like banana republic pandering to certain fringe elements of society.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> do not bend our rules and customs to suite the taste of State Guests<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Question: Didn't rules/custom bend when Bush visited Rajghath? It's an academic question - I love dogs and respect national monuments and am aware of security concerns so please don't read too much into the question itself.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Shiv Sena candidate shot dead in Maharashtra 
Monday January 29, 06:23 PM
Mumbai, Jan 29 (IANS) A Shiv Sena candidate for a civic body election to be held this week was Monday shot dead by unidentified assailants in Thane, police said.

Ashok Bhoyar was shot in the satellite township of this metropolis while he was in his car that was stationary. He died within minutes, police said.

The assailants, whose number could not be ascertained, fled the spot before anybody could identify them.

Preliminary investigations suggested that the murder was not connected with politics, police said.

Bhoyar, a Shiv Sena candidate for the Thane Municipal Corporation (TMC) elections to be held Feb 1, had contested a previous TMC poll on the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) ticket.
The Danish PM's visit at that point of time would have caused unwanted security concern and so the best way was to avoid the chap.Regarding the dog, it is wrong judgement on the part of the small time decision maker.You will agree that there are no w´ritten rules for each and every situation.While deciding, because of the too westernised education of some of us, we forget the small sensitivities.Obviously, a section of the public has the right to feel that it has been done to please the guest. In State craft such small gestures or events do not bring in any change in the State policy, in this case the US policy towards India.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Female peacekeepers reach Liberia</b> 
Photo caption: The unit are experienced in battling insurgency

The first all-female unit of United Nations peacekeepers has arrived in Liberia's capital, Monrovia.
The group of more than <b>100 police women from India</b> will stay in Liberia for six months, helping to train the local police force.

They will also carry out security duties in forthcoming local elections.

The UN currently has 15,000 peacekeepers deployed in Liberia, which is struggling to recover after a 14-year civil war.

The unit is made up volunteers drawn from across India and are experienced in battling insurgencies in Kashmir and the north-east.

UN police advisor Mark Kroeker, who has served with the Los Angeles Police Department for more than 30 years, says the presence of women in UN missions enhances their access to vulnerable populations.

"It also sends a message to the post-conflict societies where we work that women officers can have any position and play any role in a police organisation," he said.
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Because they are Indian, locals won't feel threatened (intimidated) and won't fear harassment. Because they are women, Liberian children and women won't be afraid and will immediately understand this is peacekeeping. Sends a good message.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Hindu Manvadhikar Manch's  appeal for Hindu Vote  Bank
Posted on 31 January, 2007

Hindu Manvadhikar Manch has appealed public to Vote as  Hindu on the
background of Municipality elections. 

Hindu Manvadhikar Manch has prepared a Appeal to create awareness  among the
Hindu Voters on the background of Municipality elections. In this  Appeal
Manch has given the details of Anti-Hindu activities and have appealed  public
to Vote as Hindu. Shri. Vinay Nathani, a representative of the Manch  gave
this information to Hindu Janajagruti Samiti through an email.

In  this letter Shri. Nathani have congratulated Shri. Ramesh Shinde, the 
spokesperson of HJS for the Maharashtra states for receiving Maharashtra 
Sanatan Gaurav Award conferred by International Pratibha Sanman  Academy.

The contents of the appeal are as follows

Because When You Do NOT Vote as a Hindu  THEN. . . .

1. Daily 6000 illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators cross into  Indian territory.
You feed Lakhs of such Bangladeshis; residing in Mumbai.  Hindus are thrown out of
Kashmir & made to live as refugees. Illegal  Bangladeshis are given ration cards.

2. Temples are demolished, whereas  Churches & Madarssas are protected.
Places Sacred to Hindus are under threat  of Islamic terrorists.

3. POTA is abolished to protect minorities &  Quota introduced to split

4. 2 Dalit Policemen are brutally  murdered by Muslim mob in Bhiwandi  the
helpless government keeps mum

5.  Hindu temple Trusts are taken over by Government and its earnings are
used to  feed non-Hindus projects. Non-Hindu places of worship are allowed to
mushroom  uncontrolled.

6. A Hindu is unsafe everywhere. - In Parliament, Trains,  Buses, Temples,
Market place and even at Home  and none is bothered.

7.  Terrorist Ishrat Jahan is killed in encounter; Politicians compensate her
family  with Lakhs of Rupees.

8. Parliament attack mastermind Afzals death  sentence is unduly postponed.

9. Terrorist Masood Azhar gets free  passage to Afghanistan, Coimbatore blast
mastermind - Madani is served Biriani  & given Massage service in Jail,
whereas Hindu religious Head  Shankaracharya is arrested on Diwali day &
treated as criminal.
10.  Terrorist Sanjay Dutt moves freely and is compared to Mahatma Gandhi. 

11. Prime Minister wishes to Give first claim on Resources to Muslims 
There is special census for Muslim head count in Government offices. Reservation 
in Public, Private Sector and even in Police & Army is proposed.

12.  Subsidy is given to HAJ Pilgrims whereas Service tax is imposed on
Amarnath,  Mansarovar pilgrims. Muslims dare to refuse - singing of Vande

13. Terrorist organization like SIMI is given clean chit by Mulayam  & Arjun.

14. Government (Banerjee Report) projects Godhra Train  Carnage as an
meager accident while Gujarat riots are blown out of proportion. 

15. Supreme Court shows disrespect & suspicions on its own Gujarat  Courts
and transfers Best Bakery Trial from Gujarat to Mumbai.

16.  Media continuously targets Hindus & Hindutva in a planned manner. Black 
Magic bill is introduced to put an end to all Hindu rituals and to term
them  as superstitions.

17. Some so called 171 Intellectuals like Barkha Dutt,  Testa, Ashutosh
Guavarikar etc, propose Bharat Ratna for M.F.Hussain who dares  to
insulted Bharatmata & Hindu Gods & Goddesses.

18. Most  Convent schools ban Kumkum, Mehandi, Bangles, Rakhi & Hindu

19. Despite Court verdict, film like Da-Vinci code  (which shows cruel  face
of True Christianity), is banned in 8 states. Exponents of Freedom of 
Expression keep mum.

20. Missionaries convert poor Hindu families under  the garb of convent
Education & Social service.

21. Thousands of  Cows - sacred to Hindus are slaughtered in Mumbai,
everyone keeps  mum.

Keeping Mum is Suicidal . .

To Protect Our Nation, Hindu Religion & Family - VOTE AS A HINDU.

To Support Hindu Manavadhikar  Manch

SMS I AM WITH YOU on 9819041467

Email: hindumanavadhikarmanch@yahoo.co.in

(Compliments  to Hindu Manvadhikar Manch for starting activity for Hindus.
All Hindus should  take part in this activity and fulfill religious duty. 


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