<!--QuoteBegin-Viren+Oct 10 2007, 09:33 AM-->QUOTE(Viren @ Oct 10 2007, 09:33 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--> Probe Medha's foreign links, MPs urge PM
Does this require a separate thread in itself? Lot of open questions. Who's McNully? What is "International Rivers Network"? Why are they involved? What are they doing now in India? In US? Which NRIs are working with them and why? Why did they want to honor some people in UK and not in US via their other groups? Who are these other groups?
Angana Chatterji is of course the most obvious rapscallion related directly. Sandeep "10000 liter petrol" Pandey and the NAPM scums are another. But look for some of these chota fellows too.
1. Kawaljit Singh: Does a lot of the Pepsi Dharnas. Leads something called Public Interest Research Group.
2. Xavier Dias in the Jharkhand area - mining crap - Jharkhand Mines Area Coordination Committee
3. Smitu Kothari - Edits something called Lokayan, environment rag - Also teaches at Princeton during summer. Came on NPR once and I called in the show and gave my piece of mind.
3. Leo Saldhana, Environment Support Group
Also check one called Ambika Chawla from Univ of Colorado at Boulder wo cooridinates Friends of the Earth. May or may not mean much. Just that she is desi and is in the environment bachao business. And another one called Colin Rajah.
Thanks Utepian.
Googled and found this on Angana Chatterji
Is it a coincidence that this is same Angana Chatterji who led the attack on CA kids and parents during last year's CA book edits? Would hate to think that there's two of her kind - even God's cannot be that stupid or evil.
International Rivers Network
Patrick McCully: Campaigns Director
Angana P. Chatterji : Board of Directors
Angana P. Chatterji is same who is linked with FOSA , PAA, ASHA and AID.
She is the one who is also ring leader of J&K and anti India and Pro Paki.
Who is funding here crap?
So it means all these groups are against people of Gujarat, MP and India.
Remember poster "Allah Destroy India".... during Kargil times.
let see search actual poster.
here it is
<img src='http://www.geocities.com/aid_india_info/glimpse-502.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Friends of South Asia
Association for India's Development (AID) - BayArea
Alliance of South Asians Taking Action (ASATA)
American Muslim Voice
Pakistanis at Stanford
Pakistan American Alliance
Progressive Muslim Union of North America
The Vigil book on NGOs
http://www.vigilonline.com/index.php?optio...=843&Itemid=109 which stands in the Parliament library is now also in the Heidelberg University library under the section South Asia: Politics!!!
<b>Whoever thought of putting it there has placed it correctly under 'Politics' . Good. Funding NGOs is only political.</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>SIMI controls NGOs in rural Maharashtra,</b> indicates media report
Daily News & Analysis reports that the role of a splinter group of the proscribed Studentsâ Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) is being examined by the internal security agencies for its alleged linkages with some rural non-government organisations (NGOs) in Maharashtra. An unidentified intelligence official said cadres belonging to the SIMI splinter, Tehereek Taifooz Sher-e-Islam, could have established linkages with a section of Muslim functionaries in these NGOs. Central intelligence agencies and the State Intelligence Department reportedly have been investigating the way these NGOs are managed.
Look in wikipedia
Sri Viswa Viznana Vidya Adhyatmika Peetham
A peetham started in Bhagdad and moved to AP and headed by a muslim family with titles like Bramharishi! Some of the peetadhipatis (all from the same lineage of muslim family) have written books like 'Adhyatmika Tatvam'.
FFI decides not to drop cases against Dutch NGO
December 8, 2007,Bangalore, PTI:
Fibres and Fabrics International Limited (FFI), the Indian apparel supplier to global brands like Gsar and Mexx, today said it has decided not to drop legal cases against a Dutch NGO that accused its subsidiary Jeans Knit of having poor workplace conditions.
The move not to drop the cases against Clean Clothes Campaign and the Indian Committee of Netherlands comes in wake of G-star deciding that it would stop sourcing its material from FFI.
"It is very unfortunate that G-star has taken a decision to stop sourcing with us. This will cause social and economic harm to both companies and countries", FFI Director (Manufacturing) Mohammed Ghiase said.
"The democratic right to seek justice is being used as the last resort. It is our only last resort to defend ourselves. The board of directors of FFI and JKPL decided to conclusive continue legal cases", he said.
However, he also added, "We hope the present intervention of the Dutch Government would yield positive results".
<b>A local court on Saturday had issued international arrest warrants against eight Dutch nationals, including the activitsts of CCI and ICN, acting on a suit filed by FFI.</b>
CCN and ICN had launched a campaign in 2005 against alleged labour rights violation at FFI and its wholly owned subsidiary Jeans Knit Private Limited (JKPL).
Earlier, FFI claimed that pressure was being mounted on various fronts, including from its key client G-star, to withdraw the cases of defamation filed by FFI and that it perhaps would have no option but to withdraw the cases.
CCI and ICN had been urging G-star to stop sourcing material from FFI unless it implements conducive labour conditions within its factory premises.
Oxfam also operates in India so this news is relevant.
Also World Vision has orchestated the current violence in Orissa when it instigated its followers to attack a local Swami popular among the tribals.
Tsunami aid 'spent on politics'
Ean Higgins | December 27, 2007
<b>THREE years after Australians donated $400 million to rebuild Asian lives devastated by the 2004 tsunami, aid groups are under attack for spending much of the money on social and political engineering.</b>
A survey by The Australian of the contributions by non-government organisations to the relief effort found the donations had been spent on politically correct projects <b>promoting left-wing Western values over traditional Asian culture.
The activities - listed as tsunami relief - include a "travelling Oxfam gender justice show" in Indonesia to change rural male attitudes towards women.
Another Oxfam project, reminiscent of the ACTU's Your Rights at Work campaign, instructs Thai workers in Australian-style industrial activism and encourages them to set up trade unions.</b>
A <b>World Vision</b> tsunami relief project in the Indonesian province of Aceh includes a lobbying campaign to advance land reform to promote gender equity, as well as educating women in "democratic processes" and encouraging them to enter politics.
Also in Aceh, the Catholic aid group Caritas funds an Islamic learning centre to promote "the importance of the Koran". This is seen as recognition of the importance of Islam in a province that has been the scene of a long-running and bloody independence struggle against the secular central Government.
The earthquake on December26, 2004, created the most powerful tsunami in 40 years, killing about 230,000 people in 12 Indian Ocean nations, just under half of them in Aceh.
Critics say the aid agencies have exceeded the mandate provided to them by mum-and-dad donors from middle Australia who thought they were giving money to rebuild houses and lives shattered by the tsunami, rather than forcing the ideological views of the Australian Left on traditional Asians.
One critic, Don D'Cruz, wrote at the outset of the relief operation that Indonesian claims of "foreign interference" through Australian NGOs were too often brushed aside.
Mr D'Cruz, then a research fellow with the right-wing think tank the Institute of Public Affairs, wrote "it would be a mistake to ignore the substance of these claims, especially when it comes to the activities of Western aid groups operating in Indonesia. The trend among aid organisations has been to become more involved in politics, although this activism has been largely masked."
Going beyond humanitarian and development aid, he wrote, risked alienating Asian governments, which could deny access.
Looking through their websites, the aid groups ventured far beyond standard aid and development.
The Oxfam website describes how $18,690 of its tsunami relief fund is being spent on a theatre production to "help change attitudes toward women in Acehnese society".
"In one scene, Apa Kaoy, who cannot cook, grumbles when his wife, exhausted from working in the rice field, has not prepared supper," Oxfam says of the play.
"In another, he disapproves of his daughter's ambition to study at university. Instead, holding a newspaper upside down because he cannot read, Apa Kaoy tells his daughter it is important that she learn to cook, clean, marry and have children.
"Eventually, though, his attitude towards women softens as other more enlightened men point out the error of his ways."
Oxfam Australia chief executive Andrew Hewett yesterday said his organisation initially concentrated on immediate humanitarian relief, including providing food, shelter and medicine to those affected by the tsunami.
It had since then turned to reconstruction, and rebuilding the ability of those affected to earn a living.
But Mr Hewett said Oxfam "did not shy away" from its concentration on those less well off and less empowered, including women, indigenous groups and the low caste, saying it was a practical issue of delivering aid for maximum effect.
"Women, like it or not, fare least well when it comes to resources and political power, including within a village community, and those who are disadvantaged often suffer most when disaster hits," he said.
56 NGOs raising funds, cadres for naxals in state
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The naxal threat in Maharashtra is far more serious than perceived. The intelligence wing has sent the state home department a list of 56 non-government organisations (NGOs) that raise funds and conduct recruitment for naxalites.
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The NGOs have been under the scanner for quite some time now and are based in Mumbai, Pune, and Nagpur.Â
And all of them work under the umbrella of the Tactical United Front (TUF) and the All India Peopleâs Resistance Forum (AIPRF) â a conglomerate of groups sympathising with the naxal cause.
Any way to get a list of these 56 NGOs?
Google throws up lot of links for All India Peopleâs Resistance Forum
Looks like these cretins even publish books and rediff a$$holes are advertising it.
Both these need to be taken care of legally.
Emmanuel Mission in Kota ( Rajasthan) acting as an front for fraudlent conversions.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> Rajasthan revives anti-conversion Bill
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Jaipur, March 18: Vasundhara Raje Government has reintroduced the Freedom of Religion Bill in the Assembly, which is likely to come up for discussion on Friday.
The new Bill gives the Government the power to cancel registration of societies and trusts, where it is found that the âfunds of the body have been used, or are being used or are contemplated to be used for conversion; or the body is involved in securing conversion.â
The 2006 Bill was introduced in the Assembly after Hindu groups began opposing a Christian organisation â <b>Emmanuel Mission â in Kota.</b> The Raje Government had then introduced the Bill to stop religious conversion by means of force, allurement or pressure.
What the Bill proposes
â¢It is mandatory for a person intending to convert to give a 30-day notice to District Magistrate.
â¢The DM will then hold an enquiry to ensure that the person is not converting under any pressure.
â¢However, a person reverting to his original religion does not require to give a notice
⢠The registration of societies and trusts found to be involved in conversion will be cancelled.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Good work done by BJP should be replicated in other states.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Activists need urgent rehab </b>
Swapan Dasgupta The Pioneer
Viewers of English-language TV news channels will have noticed the frequency with which a mysterious community called "activists" has begun popping up. On subjects as diverse as education, health, industrialisation and religion, the utterances of politicians, officials, corporates and the man in the street are invariably countered with views of "activists" presumed to have profound expertise on all subjects. There is also an implicit suggestion that the "activists" are detached, selfless and not burdened by the baggage of interest groups. In short, they are a superior and pious voice in the rabble.
It may be unfair to lump "activists" into the umbrella category of NGOs. There are many non-profit organisations that perceive themselves as philanthropic bodies, charities, religious trusts and even social organisations which occasionally dabble in "social work". They raise their own resources, have nothing to do with the Government but hate being clubbed with "activist" NGOs.
What distinguishes normal NGOs from "activist" groups is funding, political involvement and what the Americans call attitude. The "activists" tend to be globally funded, politically Left-liberal or worse, and blessed with the conviction that they know best and everyone else is garbage.
At the 1999 Seattle summit of the World Trade Organisation, The Economist estimated some two million NGOs in the world; of these, about a million were in India.
The numbers have increased over the past nine years, more so because a growing number of entrepreneurs have discovered business potential in NGOs.
To be fair, most activists are not racketeers, though they have an insatiable appetite for publicity, business class travel and endless conferences in exotic places. Activists from the so-called Third World which, tragically, still includes India, have also developed considerable skills in guilt-tripping angst-ridden Western liberals and UN-sponsored bodies into doling out lavish grants.
The grants are ostensibly aimed at facilitating "people's empowerment" , a euphemism for good salaries, many conferences, media lollipops and sponsorship of agitations that impede national progress.
The activists ostensibly want to "help people help themselves". Some genuinely try to help the informal sector get legal protection and end up getting thrashed by goons. Others, rope in starry-eyed TV reporters from privileged backgrounds and gap-year radical tourists to give legitimacy to movements that seek to prevent steel plants in Orissa and dams in Gujarat.
"Activists" have different priorities but what binds them together is a passionate desire to keep alive the problems that justify their existence.
In recent years, for example, activist bodies have been accused of grossly exaggerating the incidence of AIDS in India. The unstated reason: The massive availability of international funds to fight AIDS.
In Gujarat, the "activists" have also been accused of keeping riot victims in a state of permanent dislocation because it helps score political points.
In the old days, the "activists" were derided as harmless but over-zealous jholawalas and relegated to the margins of civil society -- despite their bogus claims of actually representing civil society.
In recent times, thanks to lavish global patronage, some deft "advocacy" and strategic political interventions against the former NDA regime, the activists have inveigled themselves into the decision-making making process.
The inclusion of "activist" icons in the once all-powerful National Advisory Council chaired by Sonia Gandhi was a signal to the UPA Government to accommodate seemingly radical concerns in the development process. The results have been catastrophic.
Take the case of urban planning in Delhi. The sudden collapse of all systems of traffic management in areas outside Lutyens' Delhi is widely blamed on the construction of the High Speed Bus Corridor. Billed as a system favouring cyclists and bus commuters and flaunted as the success story of Bogota (Columbia), it is likely to be a major factor behind the Congress' near-certain electoral defeat in Delhi later this year.
Yet, as is now apparent, this hare-brained, regressive scheme was sold as a progressive pro-poor measure by activists who have no stake in the future of India.
The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act was the greatest triumph of the "activists". Now operational in 330 districts at a cost of Rs 12,000 crore, it was supposed to do for the Congress what Operation Barga did for the CPM in rural Bengal: Make it electorally invincible. The interim results point to a monumental disaster and CAG's draft report speaks of a 97% under-performance.
In normal parlance this means unmitigated disaster but "activists", egged on by a mindless section of the political class, now want Rs 30,000 crore from this year's Budget to make this profligate, corrupt and unproductive scheme national. They want a dedicated bureaucracy and membership of a so-called Employment Guarantee Council to run NREGA as a form of parallel Government.
They want to turn disaster into calamity. A distraught Government, afraid of admitting its Italian blunder, may well oblige.
Finally, "activists" have poured into sensitive bodies like the Minorities Commission.
Established as a well-meaning talking shop for those who couldn't be accommodated in Parliament, it has become a malignant influence on society. From giving predictable template reports on "attacks on minorities" by a despicable majority, it has moved into tampering with national security.
The interference of Minorities Commission activists in the arrest and interrogation of terror suspects in Andhra Pradesh is a warning.
If you give them an inch, they will take a mile.
Democratic societies operate on the principle of indulgence. However, when minuscule unaccountable "activists" start holding the nation to ransom on the strength of misplaced certitudes, it is time for correctives. An urgent rehabilitation programme for "activists" is overdue.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
03-24-2008, 07:37 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-24-2008, 09:49 AM by dhu.)
<b>V. Sundaram's comprehensive eight-part series on the NGO nexus in India </b> - newstodaynet <i> (previously referenced in this thread)</i>
Four Fold Menace A nexus of enveloping evil - 1
Four Fold Menace A nexus of enveloping evil - 2
Four Fold Menace A nexus of enveloping evil - 3
Four Fold Menace A nexus of enveloping evil - 4
Four Fold Menace A nexus of enveloping evil - 5
Four Fold Menace A nexus of enveloping evil - 6
Four Fold Menace A nexus of enveloping evil - 7
Four Fold Menace A nexus of enveloping evil - 8
The following dangerous conclusions emerge from the point of view of National security from this highly incandescent book 'NGOs, Activists and Foreign Funds: Anti-Nation Industry' edited by Radha Rajan and Krishen Kak :
a) The network of anti-Nation, anti-Hindu, NGOs and activists comprising Marxists, Nehruvian Secularists, Muslims and Missionaries is well-entrenched in the US, particularly American universities.
b) There is a powerful network of donor agencies which include foreign Governments, Foundations, Trusts and other Church Charities which work with Marxist and Christian Indian NGOs in India with well-defined political objectives among the Dalits, women and tribal communities within Hindu society.
c) The Indian Government's Home Ministry through which all foreign funds must be routed has no fool-proof mechanism to inspect and verify if the projects mentioned by NGOs on paper exist in reality and also to check whether the foreign money received has been used for the purpose for which it was brought in and for no other anti-Nation and anti-social purposes.
d) The Indian Government has not cared to haul ASHA or Sandeep Pandey over hot Coals for such vaguely mysterious and poor maintenance of their accounts clearly brought by Nirupama Rajan and Radha Rajan .
e) A safe general inference can be drawn that most of the other dubious NGOs will be no different from ASHA in respect of maintenance of accounts and utilization of funds.
f) All these anti-Nation and anti-Hindu NGOs only talk of grassroots activism, which in many cases is only a fig-leaf for political activism. Persons like Sandeep Pandey, Harsh Mander and Aruna Roy, besides the hundreds of Christian and Marxist NGOs associate themselves with several political parties and political agendas, essentially anti-Hindu in character. Foreign funds cannot be used for political activism and there is a Constitutional ban on receiving foreign money for political activities.
g) If head-count on the basis of religion can be thought of in regard to the Armed Forces, the same approach can also be thought of in regard to the NGOs officially approved by the Union Home Ministry under the FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act) for purposes of State- sponsored Pseudo-secular Evangelism in India. This head-count will surely bring to the broad sunlight the murky nature of political scoundrelism of the anti-Hindu and anti-Nation UPA Government in New Delhi.
Even the vultures don't devour living. These career cusaders deserve the scorn and contempt reserved for criminals.. <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Anti-Modi alliance driving gang rape victim insane?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Navsarjan Trust, the Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) that had secured the girlâs custody, brought her to the court after getting her discharged from Ahmedabad Civil Hospital the previous night. The doctors had allowed the girl to be taken off only after specifically noting in the documents that she was hypersensitive, suffering from severe anxiety. As if to confirm their assessment, she just fainted again even without uttering a word before the judge within a few minutes of being taken to the courtroom. She was rushed for treatment to the government hospital.
The NGO that had the girlâs custody when she fainted last, was apparently keen to start the trial proceedings without further delay. More than 30 activists of Navsarjan Trust had accompanied her and were stopped outside. Her advocate Shaukat Ali Saiyed claimed that she was presented only to seek adjournment. Even as Srivastava adjourned the case to July 10, he directed the special prosecutor Naina Bhatt to begin examining the other witnesses, and only them.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->This painful but inevitable judicial process will obviously demand perfect mental and physical fitness of the examinee. Excessive pressure may take a heavy toll and lead to frequent fainting episodes, as has been happening. She is also at the risk of suicidal ideation. <b>Her father and other family members obviously want to guard against that risk, however, ambitious âcrusadersâ with political axe to grind have been fine-tuning strategies to use her plight to their full advantage.</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Even as an âin-cameraâ magisterial inquiry was ordered immediately to investigate charges, sensationalist journalism brought the NCW on the scene. <b>âGoodâ samaritans of the society in the NGO business demanded that NCW institute a number of public hearings on sexual abuses in the educational institutions and other places throughout the stateâ in the interest of women!</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The father of the girl is keen that the daughter does not become a martyr in the cause of womenâs rights or attain the status of a âcelebrity Dalitâ. He has moved the court to remove advocate Shaukat Ali Saiyed, who is supposed to be âassistingâ the prosecution with his expertise. After all, after the big guns eventually walk out of the scene, the traditional community will be where they would belong. In the parentâs presence, the girl appreciates far-from-ideal realities of life and agrees to their bidding. Navsarjan Trust, on the other hand, seems to be keen to steal the initiative from the Congress-supported spin doctors and transform this into a test case for Dalit empowerment. Its chief, Manjula Pradip cannot be faulted for her ambition to pump up the NGO to eventually take on Narendra Modi.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The moot question is: Are the NGOs and political reformers justified in demanding that the family must sacrifice the girl, and the girl must sacrifice herself to aid them? Or, are the girlâs father and family justified in persuading her to refrain from getting entangled in political intrigue? Let it not happen that they, together, unwittingly drive the âgang rape victimâ to a state of insanity. Worse still, let her not suffer the same fate of Zahira Sheikh of Best Bakery case fame, who was jailed by an enraged supreme court, thanks to such âsocial crusadersâ!
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>The enquiry was wrapped in record time under strict orders from Modi. </b>In the meantime, the accused teachers were arrested. Recording of statements of the accused and the witnesses have been completed and the trial is ready to commence on July 1.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Guddiâs father has accused the NGO of politicising the issue. The poor peasant told mediapersons, "we want justice for our daughter, but the NGO has other axes to grind." He added: "<b>Humne kabhi Dalit shabd ka upyog nahi kiya (we have never used the term Dalit).</b>" Manjula on the other hand, wants to provide professional counsellors to let her overcome the trauma, along with supporting her legal battle. She dismissed the relativesâ allegations, "he can say what he wants, we are not worried about that."
What made the âgang rape victimâ want to dump her parents and go to the NGO now, particularly when she had repeatedly spurned NGOs and rejected being branded as âDalitâ in the past? How could the NGO so confidently rubbish the parentsâ allegations?<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Navsarjan Trust claims to be one of the most effective Dalit organisations of India, widely respected locally, state-wide, nationally, and internationally and feared by those who work against equality. It also stakes the claim for its executive director as being one of Indiaâs foremost Dalit woman leaders!<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Inspector and her team posed as social activists from NGO to nab the maid from a thievesâ colony
Most NGOs are in cahoots with criminals or criminal enterprises have NGOs as a front. No doubt cops have to disguise as NGO to infiltrate colony of thieves.
<b>Terror funding in Kashmir from Europe
Netherlands NGO, Kolkatta Prof set to face action</b>
By Sanjeev Pargal
<b>JAMMU, July 17: Intelligence agencies were reported to have written to External Affairs Ministry seeking action against a Netherlands based Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), a Kolkatta based female Professor, an Ahmedabad based Advocate and a host of "anti-India Indians" who have joined hands not only to carry out strong anti-India propaganda in Europe but were also found in raising funds for terror outfits operating in Kashmir.</b>
Official sources told the Excelsior that the Intelligence agencies have identified nearly a dozen citizens of India, who had recently joined hands along with some Kashmir based separatists operating in United States and London and a Netherlands based NGO, to project what they described "strong human rights violations" in Kashmir at different forums in Europe. They were also reported to have raised funds worth several crores through different forums for terror funding in Kashmir.
Sources said the Intelligence agencies here after obtaining a detailed report of anti-India propaganda and terror funds raised in Europe have written to the External Affairs Ministry to take action against the Indian citizens involved in the plot and cancel their visa.
According to sources,<b> IKV Pax Christi</b>, a Netherlands based NGO was used by a Kolkatta based female Professor, who was reported to have strong links with Pakistanâs spy wing Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), an Ahmedabad based Advocate, a New Delhi based "human rights activist" and about half a dozen "influential persons" of Kashmir to carry out a strong anti-India propaganda on Kashmir and raise funds for the terrorists.
Ghulam Nabi Fai, a known anti-Indian presently operating from America, was said to have utilised all his resources in Europe for anti-India propaganda and utilising the occasion for raising funds for terrorism.
According to sources, Pakistan Embassies in Europe have also played a significant role in anti-India resolutions including a warning to India that the country would be fully responsible if anything happened to Kolkatta based woman and a "human rights activist" of Kashmir, who continued to insist that a large number of people were missing in Kashmir while as the agencies have asserted that most of them have joined militancy and the number of "actually missing persons" was very few.
Sources said about 20 days back also an "advisory" had been dispatched by the State Intelligence agencies that this bunch of "anti-India Indians" have joined hands for anti-India resolutions and terror raising funds.
However, now, the response of the Foreign Ministry was very positive and they were expected to come down very heavily on anti-India protagonists. The External Affairs Ministry is likely to approach Netherlands High Commission to take action against their NGO for providing not only misleading information but the "data far from truth" in Europe against India on Kashmir. The Government is likely to seek complete ban on any international aid for Netherlands NGO.
The Ministry, sources revealed, was also actively considering cancellation of visa of Kolkatta based woman and Ahmedabad based Advocate.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
we know who are these goons. <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Developing healthy contempt is a must
R Vaidyanathan
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The other day, one of my students who was in London for her summer internship, was talking about its tourist spots. She said the so-called change of guard at Buckingham Palace was lousy and many of them were pot-bellied and walking out of step. Having earlier witnessed the beating the retreat ceremony at Delhi and also the show at Wagah border, she thought these were far superior spectacles.
Another student, who was in Paris, said so much is made of that 'stupid' steel structure called Eiffel Tower, which is neither fascinating nor awesome. The only interesting thing about the tower, he said, is the Somalians and Algerians selling knick-knacks at the entrance in their colourful costumes. It�s the same with the so-called 'ancient' Churches (some 500 or 300 years old) in Europe, which are only tourist attractions today, when we have thousand-year-old functioning temples.
I find the youngsters are more forthcoming and less awed by the West and its institutions, structures and people. To me this is very interesting and important, because whether it is books or buildings or works of art, or universities, we generally assume that the western world produces the best and hence crave for their recognition.
That is why, a deputy, assistant, acting, under (you can add more) secretary � generally called a side-kick in Bollywood films � like Robin Raphel, who knows as much about India as I know about the mating habits of flying cockroaches, gets immediate darshan with our Prime Minister. Of course, one could argue that even our Prime Minister can meet such a 'high ranking' official without appointment in the US given our efforts in globalisation.
But, there is no denying our tendency to practise shashtanga namaskaram (complete prostration) when we meet 'experts' from multilateral institutions or from the US or Europe. Some of them are ex-plumbers or carpenters masquerading as 'economists' or 'analysts' or 'financial experts', etc.
Unfortunately, we do not have the habit of asking for the resume of any white man or woman (since it is assumed by definition that they are �experts�) while for some of our 'senior economists', multiple copies need to be sent in advance for Fund-Bank meetings.
We, along with China, are the fastest growing economy in the world and our markets � both product and capital � are eagerly sought by global players. Global capital, along with domestic agents called India Inc, whine and throw tantrums periodically to get more benefits. Actually, given the age structure in Europe or USA, it is funds (pension), which are desperately in search of markets that are relatively high performing.
We need to develop some sense of self-dignity and feel a healthy contempt for others. Note that it should be a healthy contempt born out of our innate sense of understanding of our civilisational role. We should be in a position to retaliate and aggressively stress our point and if needed stand steadfast till our view is agreed upon. To start with, we can recollect the quip by Mahatma Gandhi when asked about western civilisations � �it is an interesting idea.�
For instance, broadcasters BBC and CNN, etc always mention about 'Indian controlled' or 'administered' Kashmir. We need to mention in our TV about �London controlled Ireland or Wales or Scotland� and also �Washington controlled Texas or California� since lots of Texans or Californians are not particularly happy with Washington. These two were annexed by the USA. This is not only in Doordarshan, but also should be on other foreign broadcasters in India , since in China, Murdoch TV has cringed and accepted that nothing linked to the F word (I mean Falung Gong) will be mentioned. We need to arm-twist all foreign broadcasters or print media, etc since they need our market.
It may not look very rational to talk of Scotland and Texas in such terms, but whoever told you that this globalisation business is about rationality? It is simply about our ability to show our power and self respect.
Similar fashion, we need to create a �Global Citizen�s Human Rights Council (not the pink variety created by the government)," which should send notices to Italy and EU about the treatment of 'Romas' in their countries; also, the issue of treatment of refugees in the Sangahtte camp. We should be asking the EU commissioners to attend these council meetings in Eluru or Ratlam.
Identify some 'experts' from these countries and pay them to travel to India and get their views, publicise it in all papers and through the Net. We, as an ancient and living civilisation, should be more concerned about such Himalayan human rights abuses perpetrated by Europe on the nearly 10 million Romas and other refugees. Note, we have and had millions of refugees from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan, etc., at different times, and all of them were taken care of even though we are a poor country.
Why should Italy or France or England not show at least that much generosity? Basically, we need to be extraordinarily proactive if we want to be a player in this globalisation game. Incidentally, the maximum number of human beings has been slaughtered by the many -isms (Nazism, Fascism, Communism, etc) of Europe in the last century.
We should make the West feel continuously and constantly guilty and keep them as accused.
<b>Some abuses, some aggression, some tantrums, some threats, some childish behaviour, some anger and some shouting on a regular and continuous basis has to be done. </b>Then and then only would it be a two-way street. After all, we have been much more 'global' in terms of our civilisational past. We have given 'space' to invaders and marauders and also to many persecuted and oppressed groups such as Jews, Parsees, etc from all over the world.
Our trade with East Asia was thriving, much before the modern European history started. Hence, we are not new to this globalisation business. <b>We should make it clear that India is not just a market, but a living civilisation. We need to play our cards with a healthy contempt for other players. In other words, we should start setting the global agenda. Take it or leave it. </b>That is it.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->