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Corruption Watch
[url="http://www.bhaskar.com/article/del-babas-announced-for-stop-corruption-1891114.html"]भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ बाबा रामदेव का शंखनाद[/url]
Quote:नई दिल्ली.विदेशी बैंकों में जमा काला धन को स्वदेश लाने और भ्रष्टाचार को जड़ से खत्म करने के लिए योग गुरु स्वामी रामदेव के नेतृत्व में तमाम बुद्धिजीवियों ने रामलीला मैदान से शंखनाद किया। रैली में स्वामी रामदेव ने न केवल भ्रष्टाचार के पांच मूल स्रोतों को चिह्नित किया, बल्कि इसे रोकने के लिए पांच सुझाव भी दिए।

रविवार को भारत स्वाभिमान ट्रस्ट द्वारा आयोजित इस रैली में बाबा रामदेव ने घोषणा की कि वह जनता को योग सिखाने के अलावा देश से भ्रष्टाचार खत्म करने का भी अभियान चलाएंगे।

उन्होंने कहा कि एक सन्यासी को राष्ट्रधर्म का भी पालन करना चाहिए और इसी के तहत हमने यह अभियान चलाया है। अपने 40 मिनट के भाषण में रामदेव ने भ्रष्टाचार के अलावा कांग्रेस और नेहरू परिवार को भी आड़े हाथों लिया और कहा कि नेताओं को भ्रष्टाचार से मुक्त करने के लिए अनुलोम-विलोम जैसा योग सिखाना होगा।

उन्होंने प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह को आड़े हाथों लेते हुए कहा कि वह बेईमान नेताओं से घिरे हुए ईमानदार प्रधानमंत्री हैं। गांधी परिवार पर टिप्पणी करते हुए उन्होंने कहा कि [size="5"]देश की अब तक की कुल परियोजनाओं में से आधी मात्र एक परिवार के सदस्यों के नाम पर हैं। [/size]

हालांकि इस परिवार के कुछ सदस्यों ने भी देश के लिए बलिदान दिया, लेकिन देश में अन्य लाखों परिवारों ने भी बलिदान दिया है, जिसे हमें भूलना नहीं चाहिए और उन्हें भी इस श्रेणी में शामिल करना चाहिए।

देश में स्विटजरलैंड के चार बैंकों और इटली के आठ बैंकों की शाखाओं को भारत में खोले जाने के खिलाफ आवाज उठाते हुए उन्होंने लोगों से आह्वान किया कि इन बैंकों में धन न जमा किया जाए, क्योंकि इन्हीं बैंकों में सर्वाधिक काला देश जमा किया गया है। इस मौके पर उन्होंने दिग्विजय सिंह पर टिप्पणी करते हुए कहा कि एक नेता ने छेड़ा तो उसे मुंह की खानी पड़ी।

बाबा ने कहा कि उनके जीवन को खतरा है और उनकी हत्या के षडयंत्र रचे जा रहे हंै, बावजूद इसके वह इस अभियान से पीछे नहीं हटेंगे। उन्होंने कहा कि कालेधन व भ्रष्टाचार के पांच मूल स्रोत हैं। पहला बड़े नोट और अधिक नोट, दूसरा अवैध खनन, तीसरा विकास योजनाओं के धन की चोरी, चौथा रिश्वतखोरी और पांचवां कर चोरी।

उन्होंने इसे खत्म करने के पांच उपाय भी गिनाए। पहला कठोर कानून बनाना व नोटों को प्रचलन से वापस लिया जाना, दूसरा वर्ष 2006 से लंबित भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ संयुक्त राष्ट्र सम्मेलन की संधि का अनुमोदन करना, तीसरा मॉरिशस के रास्ते काले धन को जायज बनाना बंद करना, चौथा काला धन जमा करने वाले विदेशी बैंकों पर प्रतिबंध लगाना और पांचवां विदेशी खाता नीति की तुरंत एलान करना।

[size="5"]अभियान में समाजसेवी अन्ना हजारे, वरिष्ठ अधिवक्ता राम जेठमलानी, सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी, गोविंदाचार्य, पूर्व महिला पुलिस अधिकारी किरन बेदी, आरटीआई एक्टिविस्ट अरविंद केजरीवाल, ऑल इंडिया ऊलेमा काउंसिल के अध्यक्ष मौलाना मकसूद हसन कासमी, पूर्व आयकर आयुक्त विश्वबंधु गुप्ता, स्वामी अग्निवेश आदि उपस्थित थे। [/size]

काले धन की लिस्ट में विलासराव और पटेल के भी नाम : गुप्ता

रैली में पूर्व आयकर आयुक्त विश्वबंधु गुप्ता ने कांग्रेस के कई शीर्ष नेताओं पर गंभीर आरोप जड़े। उन्होंने आरोप लगाया कि विदेशों में काला धन जमा करने वालों में देश के कई शीर्ष नेता भी शामिल हैं। इनमें केंद्रीय मंत्री विलासराव देशमुख और वरिष्ठ कांग्रेस नेता अहमद पटेल का भी नाम है।

इनकी वजह से ही कांग्रेस सरकार इस मुद्दे पर चुप बैठी है। गृह मंत्री पी. चिदंबरम भी कार्रवाई की बात पर सिर्फ इसलिए चुप बैठ गए, क्योंकि इन दो लोगों के नाम लिस्ट में उजागर हो गए। हालांकि विदेशी बैंक में ‘दाऊद’ कंपनी के करीबी हसन अली द्वारा एक लाख करोड़ रुपए जमा किए जाने के मुद्दे पर चिदंबरम कार्रवाई करने वाले थे, लेकिन उन्हें इसी वजह से चुप रहना पड़ा।

जब वित्त मंत्री प्रणब मुखर्जी से मिलने पर उन्होंने इस धन को स्विटजरलैंड से वापस लाने के लिए कहा था, तो प्रणब दा का कहना था कि स्विस सरकार अपने कानून के मुताबिक न ही पैसा वापस कर सकती है और न ही वह इन लोगों के नाम उन्हें बताएगी।

2007 में स्विस बैंकर्स एसोसिएशन का सरकार ने पक्ष लिया और उन्हें भारत में बैंक खोलने की अनुमति दी, नतीजतन देश में 4 स्विटजरलैंड के और आठ इटली के बैंक भी खुल गए।

उनका यह भी आरोप था कि बोफोर्स मामले का आरोपी होने के बाजवूद इटली के व्यवसायी ओत्तावियो क्वात्रोच्ची के बेटे मलिसमा को ईएनआई इंडिया नामक कंपनी के नाम से अंडमान निकोबार में तेल की खुदाई का ठेका दे दिया गया।
[url="http://www.dailypioneer.com/321710/CVC-Thomas-quits;-Govt-on-backfoot-post-SC-ruling.html"]CVC Thomas quits; Govt on backfoot post SC ruling[/url]
Quote:Thomas, chief of India's anti-corruption watchdog, was appointed to the post six months ago by a government committee that included Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. But his tenure was marked by controversy due to his alleged involvement in a corruption case.

[url="http://www.dailypioneer.com/321963/Triple-whammy-for-Govt-in-SC.html"] link[/url]
Quote:With the PM’s image already taking a hit in S-band controversy, the SC ruling has further corroded the shield of ‘Mr Clean’ which Singh has always used to deflect any personal criticism.

Quote:“In the last 60 years, it has never happened that an appointment made by the Prime Minister himself has been declared illegal by the Supreme Court. The PM and Sonia Gandhi are morally responsible for it and they should accept this,” Advani told the media here.
In a perfect advertisement for Fevicol, CVC (or should we say, former CVC) PJ Thomas remains glued to his chair despite a Supreme Court order yesterday asking him to quit. Thomas is likely to challenge the SC verdict and his lawyer says, till then, he will remain CVC. It's a cue for the PM to interevene, but as we well know, he is unlikely to. He is expected to give a statement next week.
Appointed PM of India is also Fevicol King. Even with so many failures everyday, he is still glued with his seat. Either he is narcissistic or he is in same line of Gaddafi or Mubarak. Keep kicking and they are not ready to quit.
Another day and another scam <img src='http://www.india-forum.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Big Grin' />

[url="http://www.hindustantimes.com/BJP-rocks-Parliament-over-shop-allotment-scam/H1-Article1-673287.aspx"]BJP rocks Parliament over Congress Party shop allotment scam[/url]
[url="http://www.track2realty.com/robert-vadra-enters-realty-business-ties-up-with-dlf"]Robert Vadra enters realty business, ties up with DLF [/url]
Quote:However, the business interest seems to be changing as 42-year-old Vadra, known for his punishing fitness regime and love for fast bikes, has sought to scale up and diversify his business activities since 2008, acquiring tracts of land in Haryana and Rajasthan, a 50 per cent stake in a leading business hotel in Delhi and attempting an entry into the business of chartering aircraft.

Regulatory filings available in the public domain and reviewed by Track2Realty reveal the changing graph of Vadra’s business interests. These include wide-ranging transactions with the DLF Group. Several of his companies have received loans, some unsecured, from DLF group companies, including the Bombay Stock Exchange-listed flagship DLF Ltd.

Sky Light Hospitality Pvt Ltd, a company wholly owned by Vadra and his mother Maureen Vadra, is a partner, along with DLF Hotel Holdings and others, in a partnership firm that owns the business hotel Hilton Garden Inn in the upscale South Delhi business district Saket. The hotel is located within the DLF Place mall, also known as DLF Courtyard.

[Image: robert.jpg]
[url="http://www.gurgaonscoop.com/story/2011/3/14/11210/4231"]Robert Vadra Of Gandhi Family - another round of loot by Gandhi Family[/url]

Quote:New Delhi-based entrepreneur Robert Vadra, married into the country's most powerful family, has made a quiet and relatively unheralded entry into the real estate business, including a partnership with DLF Ltd, India's largest realty firm.

Vadra, the son-in-law of the ruling United Progressive Alliance coalition chairperson Sonia Gandhi, has stayed away from electoral politics, maintaining that he wants to be known as a businessman. In interviews he has said that his focus is on Artex, a small company specialising in jewellery and handicraft exports.

That seems to be changing as 42-year-old Vadra, known for his punishing fitness regime and love for fast bikes, has sought to scale up and diversify his business activities since 2008, acquiring tracts of land in Haryana and Rajasthan, a 50% stake in a leading business hotel in Delhi, and attempting an entry into the business of chartering aircraft.

Regulatory filings available in the public domain and reviewed by ET reporters reveal the changing graph of Vadra's business interests. These include wide-ranging transactions with the DLF Group. Several of his companies have received loans, some unsecured, from DLF group companies, including the Bombay Stock Exchange-listed flagship DLF Ltd.


Sky Light Hospitality Pvt Ltd, a company wholly owned by Vadra and his mother Maureen Vadra, is a partner, along with DLF Hotel Holdings and others, in a partnership firm that owns the business hotel Hilton Garden Inn in the upscale South Delhi business district Saket. The hotel is located within the DLF Place mall, also known as DLF Courtyard.

Source: Economic Times By Rohini Singh & Sruthijith Kk Robert Vadra Of Gandhi Family Makes Low-Key Entry Into Real Estate

"The Hilton Garden Inn Hotel in Saket is a small business hotel. I have interest in hospitality and am happy to be part of the hotel," Vadra told ET, speaking on the phone from Europe, where he is travelling presently. He said the business association with DLF stemmed from a long-standing friendship with the family that controls the realty giant.

"I have known the DLF people for a long time and they are friends of mine. I had wanted to invest in real estate and one thing led to another. Right now, I can only be part of a small hotel. If I were taking favours from people I would be doing far bigger things. But I am doing this on my own. I can't expand immediately but I hope to expand a few years down the line," he added. DLF has Given Loans to Vadra's Companies DLF has also extended loans to various companies owned by Vadra. Some of these are unsecured loans or debt without any collateral.

As on March 2009, Sky Light Hospitality had received unsecured loans amounting to . 25 crore from DLF Ltd. As on March 2010, only . 10 crore remained. It's unclear from the statement of accounts if the rest was paid back or written off. Sky Light Hospitality has, in turn, loaned money to other Vadraowned companies such as Blue Breeze Trading Pvt Ltd, North India IT Parks Pvt Ltd, Real Earth Estates Pvt Ltd and Sky Light Realty Pvt Ltd. Blue Breeze Trading, a company incorporated in 2007 with Vadra and his wife Priyanka Gandhi Vadra as first directors and equal shareholders, is in the business of chartering aircraft. The company, however, seems to have done little business, apart from acquiring agricultural land. Priyanka Gandhi ceased to be a director as on July 2008. She is no longer a shareholder. Real Earth Estates Pvt Ltd also had a . 5 crore loan directly from DLF on its books as on March 2010. The joint venture firm Saket Courtyard Hospitality had received . 3.58 crore of unsecured loans from DLF Hotel Holdings Ltd, the group company that owned 50% stake in the JV.

"The business relationship of DLF Group with Robert Vadra has been in his capacity as an individual entrepreneur and on a completely transparent and armslength basis. DLF has always respected and complied with Mr Vadra's explicit directions and wish to not utilise his name or association in any manner whatsoever. The business relationship has been conducted to the highest standards of ethics and transparency," a DLF spokesman said in a statement. The company said it intended to respond to a detailed questionnaire sent by ET on March 9. At the time of going to press, no response was received.


Vadra's companies have also been acquiring tracts of land in recent years. Sky Light Hospitality acquired 5 bighas in Sohna, Haryana, for . 7.9 crore during the first year of operation -- 2007-08. In 2008-09, the company's fixed assets included land acquired in Manesar for . 15.3 crore and by the next fiscal, the company also had bought land in Bikaner for . 79 lakh. The acreage of land is unknown.

Vadra's company, North India IT Parks, has been the most prolific ac-quirer of land. During 2009-10, the company acquired 160.62 acres (including 85.62 acres of agricultural land) in Bikaner for . 1.02 crore. Another Vadra-owned firm, Real Earth Estates, acquired varying quantities (undisclosed) of land in Hayatpur, Bikaner, Hassanpur, Mewat and New Delhi's pricey Greater Kailash (Part II) neighbourhood, during 2009-10. The company paid a total of . 7 crore.

Sky Light Realty has bought an undisclosed amount of agricultural land in Palwal, Haryana, and Bikaner, Rajasthan, which collectively cost the company . 89 lakh. The company also has land in Hayatpur, Haryana, which cost . 1 crore. The company has also paid . 5.2 crore to DLF for buying seven flats at DLF's Magnolia apartment complex in Gurgaon. Another . 5 crore has been spent on flats at the Capital Green complex owned by DLF Estates Pvt Ltd. This might be related to a `Booking of Flats' business under a joint venture between Sky Light Realty and Sky Light Hospitality, both Vadra-owned companies. Vadra said he could explain the details of these transactions after he returns and reviews the documents on which this newspaper has based its questions. However, he said buying up land in tier-3 cities was part of a deliberate strategy akin to value investing. "I've been investing in real estate every time I make money from my other businesses. I make investments in tier-3 towns because it is cheaper to invest there. I usually liquidate my real estate assets whenever I can, but I have no intention to develop. I invest like anyone else, in remote areas," Vadra told ET.

However, at least one of his companies has expressed its intention to enter the construction business. The directors' report accompa-nying the audited accounts of Real Earth Estates for 2009-10, says: "During the year, the company has purchased land in the state of Haryana and Rajasthan. A plot in Delhi has also been purchased during the year. The company has entered into joint venture ar-rangement with Sky Light Realty Pvt Ltd. Very soon the company hopes to enter into the field of construction. Necessary legal for-malities are being completed in this respect."

There have been murmurs in the past about Vadra's interest in re-alty. Vadra's lawyers served a legal notice on the realty firm BPTP Ltd in 2006, alleging the firm has been "intentionally, falsely, and fraudulently claiming that several of their projects were part-owned by Robert Vadra and that he was helping them in their Real Estate Development Business".

Vadra told ET that BPTP has been exploiting his name. "BPTP has been exploiting my name for a long time. In the past I have served them legal notices as well," Vadra said. "I've been married for 14 years but I keep away from politics. I am still grounded. I am be-cause of my own talent and I have to prove myself. I do not try to benefit from my family. I never take obligations from people because if I do then they will ask me for something bigger in return," he said.


But DLF was different. "I have a good understanding with DLF. Our children are friends, we are friends. They are seasoned businessmen. They are not daft. They are educated, sensible people and are reasonable and shrewd in their business. They don't need me to enhance them. They've existed for years," he said. DLF, founded in 1946, has enjoyed spectacular commercial success and built much of Gurgaon, a suburb of Delhi.

Moradabad-born Vadra, whose mother is Scottish, rose to national prominence when he married Priyanka Gandhi in 1997. Gandhi's mother, Italy-born Sonia Gandhi, the chairperson of the ruling United Progressive Alliance coalition, is routinely ranked among the most powerful women in the world. Priyanka's father Rajiv Gan-dhi, grandmother Indira Gandhi and great grandfather Jawaharlal Ne-hru have been prime ministers of the country. Her brother Rahul Gandhi is widely seen as a future prime minister. Because he is married into the family that has played a central role in the history of independent India, Vadra's life and activities attract a great deal of interest.

Vadra maintains a small group of friends in Delhi and is known for his interest in fitness, cycling and aviation. He has been forthcom-ing in recent interviews about his fitness regimen, cycling and the motorcycles he own. He is often seen at public ceremonies and state events with Priyanka Gandhi.

The couple has two children -- Raihan and Miraya. "People can imagine all kinds of things about me but people who matter to me know me and know how I am," Vadra said.
[url="http://www.rediff.com/news/interview/interview-batcha-was-not-soft-enough-to-commit-suicide/20110316.htm"]Batcha was not soft enough to commit suicide'[/url]

[url="http://www.rediff.com/news/slide-show/slide-show-1-why-batcha-was-vital-for-the-cbi-in-the2g-scam/20110316.htm"]Batcha could have led CBI to 2G money trail[/url]
" HOLI of Corruption " fired in Lucknow

[color="#8B0000"][size="7"]HOLY HOLI![/size][/color]

Dainik Hindustan Lucknow Edition page 10




Dainik Hindustan Lucknow Edition page 5




Amar Ujala Lucknow Edition page 24


[url="http://www.dailypioneer.com/325808/Indian-leaders-misleading-public-on-US-cables-Assange.html"]Indian leaders misleading public on US cables: Assange[/url]
Quote:WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange says Indian leaders are trying to mislead the public by challenging the authenticity of US diplomatic cables suggesting some MPs were bribed during a 2008 parliament trust vote.

"It is not correct to say that all these cables are mere opinions by US diplomats, that is not true," Assange told NDTV's Prannoy Roy in an interview telecast Monday.

"These are official correspondence sent by ambassadors, sent in their official capacity... They report what they say are facts, and they also present opinions. It's important to keep these two different," he said.

"In the case of the Indian cable which is causing such a furore about bribery, it is very hard to understand why any US embassy official would lie to Washington...

"The comment I have been hearing from Prime Minister (Manmohan) Singh, these, to me, seem like a deliberate attempt to mislead the public by suggesting that governments around the world do not accept the material and it is not verified... absolutely false!

"There is no doubt these are bonafide reports sent by American ambassador to Washington and these should be seen in that context. That does not mean every fact in them are correct," he said.

Assange's comments follow the uproar in India after an American embassy cable leaked by WikiLeaks quoted an aide to a Congress leader as saying that money was paid to some MPs -- and more were to be paid -- to win support for Manmohan Singh's government in parliament in July 2008.

The government has denied the allegation. Government leaders have also said that the leaked cables carry no authenticity and cannot be verified.

Assange argued that if this was true, then US diplomats in India can be accused of lying.

"If this cable on bribery is incorrect, then the US ambassador in India has a lot to answer for because he has been sending back very serious reports to Washington about senior politicians and (their) behaviour in Indian parliament, which casts it in very negative light.

"It would affect the relationship between India and the US," he said. "So he has committed a grave error."

Assange, an Australian, said there was "an attempt to distort the record and fool the public about the nature of the material.

"First, they refused to comment at all, (then) to suggest the materials are not verified and no other government accepted it. Absolutely false...

"This is actually the behaviour of guilty men. Man who is innocent doesn't tend to behave like that.

"That doesn't mean people making those statements like Prime Minister Singh are guilty of this particular crime.

"It suggests something that how Indian parliamentarians and politicians respond to very serious allegations.

"They respond through indirection and attempting to cover up the issue for the public, rather than address it fully and frankly."

WikiLeaks accessed over 200,000 US diplomatic cables from an American soldier who is now in jail.
[size="4"][url="http://janamejayan.wordpress.com/2011/03/21/swamy-seeks-to-prosecute-chidambaram-sonia/"]Swamy seeks to prosecute Chidambaram, Sonia[/url][/size]

CHENNAI: Janata Party president Subramanian Swamy Monday alleged that union Home Minister P. Chidambaram is involved in the 2G spectrum allocation scam and would seek the prime minister’s sanction to prosecute him.”I will seek the prime minister’s sanction to prosecute Chidambaram. I will also seek the sanction of the prime minister for the prosecution of (Congress president) Sonia Gandhi, heading the National Advisory Council (NAC), for corruption,” Swamy said.He said a cabinet committee had directed former communications minister A. Raja and the then finance minister, Chidambaram, to arrive at the price at which the 2G radio waves were to be sold.The then home minister, Shivraj Patil, had prepared a report against allocating spectrum to Swan Telecom and Unitech on security reasons, he added.Swami alleged that after becoming the home minister, Chidambaram did not pass the information to Raja.He declined to say what was the basis of his seeking the prime minister’s permission to prosecute Gandhi.Swamy claimed that Robert Vadra, Gandhi’s son-in-law, had 20 percent stake in Unitech.
[url="http://www.dailypioneer.com/329681/Hazare-writes-PM-to-show-courage-on-Lokpal-issue.html"]Hazare writes PM to show courage on Lokpal issue[/url]
Quote:Anti-corruption activist Anna Hazare today shot off a letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, slamming the reaction of his government and Congress to his indefinite fast on Lokpal Bill issue, and urged him to show courage to take unprecedented steps to fight the menace.

Responding to Congress' criticism that his protest was "premature", 72-year-old Hazare said authorities resort to "malicious slandering" whenever cornered and asserted that he was not a kind of person who could be "instigated" into going on an indefinite fast. He alleged that "their spokespersons are misleading the nation".

Hazare, who launched his fast-unto-death yesterday here, told reporters that he was willing to join a committee on the bill issue only if Congress chief Sonia Gandhi was a member of it, maintaining that any other such body would lack powers.

Referring to criticism of his protest, Hazare said in the letter, "Dear Manmohan Singhji, this is an insult to my sense of wisdom and intelligence.... I take advice from many friends and critics but do what my conscience directs me to do.

"It is my experience that when cornered, governments resort to such malicious slandering. I am pained that the government, rather than addressing the issue of corruption, is trying to allege conspiracies when there are none," he said.

In the letter, Hazare said the activists were not asking for accepting the Bill drafted by them but create a "credible platform" -- a joint committee with at least half members from civil society.
[url="http://sarvesamachar.com/click_frameset.php?ref_url=%2Findex.php%3F&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.newkerala.com%2Fnews%2Fworld%2Ffullnews-184264.html"]UPA Govt. should take Hazare's fast seriously: Jaitley[/url]
Quote:Guwahati, Apr 6: Senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Arun Jaitley on Wednesday urged the Congress-led UPA Government to take veteran social activist Anna Hazare's indefinite fast over the demand to involve civil society in formulation of the anti-graft Lokpal (ombudsman) Bill very seriously.

Anna Hazare: NGOs for Governance?

Sandhya Jain

7 April 2011
Quote:In the wake of an orchestrated frenzy to achieve a particular legal structure against official corruption, it is pertinent to ask all political parties if they are willing to abolish Parliament and representative government, and entrust power to a coterie of NGOs with overt and covert Western support.

Anna Hazare’s gigantic exercise to delegitimise the elected UPA and elected Members of Parliament, and insist that a self-appointed group of moral guardians shall determine the contours of a proposed national legislation to tackle corruption in government, is an assault on the letter and spirit of the Constitution. Unelected crusaders with agendas derived from unknown sources; and ample funds to whip up moderate street participation; can at best be regarded as a pressure group with a right to be heard.

Anna Hazare’s so-called fast-unto-death is questionable for its anti-democratic disdain for elected government and people’s representatives. The timing is equally suspect – right after the adjournment of Parliament after passing the Union Budget. It may be recalled that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was forced to gift Rs. 40,000/- crores to the leaky MREGA project favoured by Congress president Sonia Gandhi and her unelected friends in the National Advisory Council; his attempts to curtail this hole in the exchequer enraged her.

As if on cue, [color="#FF0000"]Hazare, NAC cronies, Rockefeller Foundation-funded Magsaysay Award winners, and other usual suspects, ganged up against the besieged prime minister[/color]. Concerned citizens and analysts have a duty to ask whether the government of a Republic that derives its power from the people should – in the months preceding the monsoon session of Parliament – cave in to blackmail by well-heeled and well-connected NGOs, and accept a legislation drafted by them? If laws are to be adopted and enacted in this manner, do we need either government or Parliament?

We may as well formally declare India a ‘Mandate’ of the United States. After all, [color="#FF0000"]the NAC that rules the government is chaired by ‘Indo-US nuclear deal is close to my heart’ Sonia Gandhi, and includes French national Jean Dreze, besides ex-IAS officer Harsh Mander,[/color] who became internationally famous by maligning the nation in the wake of the post-Godhra riots.

By an interesting coincidence, the attack of the [color="#FF0000"]NGO Armada coincides with the Supreme Court’s smashing the moral credentials of Medha Patkar and her Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA)[/color], for filing a false affidavit in the matter of the Omkareshwar Dam project. A Bench of

Justices JM Panchal, Deepak Verma and BS Chauhan – annoyed at the NGO’s false claim that the State of Madhya Pradesh had wrongfully acquired 284 hectares of land from Indore farmers – asked it to explain “why it should not be restricted from filing any case/petition before any court throughout the country”. Why indeed.

More pertinently, State Government counsel informed the Court that Patkar’s NGO is not a registered society and is thus not even entitled to represent the oustees! Surely that sums it up – NGOs are only a ‘lobby’; they are not equal to, much less above, elected representatives of the people. Yet the fact that Patkar’s Narmada Bachao Andolan could exist and enjoy high profile for 30 long years without complying with any legal formalities, proves that such NGOs are intricately networked with the Congress-dominated political and bureaucratic hierarchy, despite pretensions of ‘dissent’ and leadership of the ‘voiceless’. There can be no doubt that they have a hidden agenda.

Now that the Supreme Court has taken cognizance of the dubious credentials of this NGO, it must direct the State Government to investigate the sources of its funding, and possible agenda.

To return to Anna Hazare, the aged war-horse has been seriously undermined by Karnataka Lokayukta Justice N. Santosh Hegde, whose name has been recklessly used over the past few weeks to garner middle class support for the private Jan Lokpal Bill drafted by Hazare, Hegde and others. Hedge has suggested that Hazare’s decision to fast until the Centre agrees to pass this Bill is premature, as the National Advisory Council is still discussing this private Bill and has not given its recommendations to the government.

Justice Hegde has indirectly admitted that there are differences of opinion regarding various clauses of the Bill even among the activists who drafted it. This suggests that the NAC may moot new clauses that could divide the activists further. With the private Bill thus likely to be subjected to further changes by the NAC, Hazare’s fast makes little sense to even some of his colleagues. It would seem that its purpose is to coerce Dr Manmohan Singh to commit to whatever Sonia Gandhi dishes out in the name of the NAC, despite institutional reservations from government. This is extra-constitutionalism at its zenith – strange that the opposition BJP should be so blind to it.

Certainly there is something inexplicable in Hazare’s haste – “It’s a fight to the finish for citizen’s rights”. Why? What is the hidden target he is hurtling towards; why is it secret from the rest of us?

Readers who may regard this critique as harsh should consider that Anna Hazare wants a joint committee comprising government and civil society leaders [read individuals and NGOs favoured by him and his friends] to rework the current draft Lokpal Bill. I am refraining, in this article, from going into the merits of his critique of the Government Draft [I stipulate there will be much merit in it]; in fact, I am not going into the text of his draft at all, nor comparing it with the impugned Government draft.

My point is that he is instigating the middle class intelligentsia that comes to hear him at Jantar Mantar – and neither he nor any of his allies is a grassroots mass leader – to despise and distrust politicians and bureaucrats as a class when these are the constitutional pillars of State. In their place, Hazare moots an unelected oligarchy. This does not bode well for the nation or the society.

While he is within his rights to fiercely criticise the Government draft Lokpal Bill, it is utterly unworthy to say that, “If the government alone drafts the anti-corruption bill, it will be autocratic not democratic, there will be discrepancies.” Here it may be pertinent to note that while Hazare’s charmed inner circle includes some high profile lawyers who have made a mark in the battle against corruption in high places, he has placed NO FAITH in the Judiciary as an institution in rectifying anomalies in the law and its application, and in bringing culprits to justice. This is a strange kind of crusade.

A major plank to justify the hunger strike is the string of scams that have hit the UPA-II, most notably the 2G Spectrum Scam and the scandals associated with the Commonwealth Games.

Yet the 2G Spectrum Scam probe is being closely supervised by the Supreme Court and the principal accused are already in jail – without help from Hazare or his associates.

On the Commonwealth Games – Hazare & Co. are conspicuous by their silence on the Report of the V.K. Shunglu Committee which has nailed Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit, Lt. Governor Tejinder Khanna, and the Central Ministries associated with the Games for all the sins of omission and commission. The shameless manner in which Mrs Dikshit has sought to ridicule the Shunglu Committee, her meeting to garner the support of Ms Sonia Gandhi, the failure of Sonia Gandhi and Congress to move against Dikshit, all speak eloquently about who shields corruption in the UPA.

I would have had faith in the Anna Hazare fast if he had made action on the Shunglu Committee the pivot of his crusade and fast in Delhi, and not made the personally honest Prime Minister the target of his rage. The fact that this very live issue of high level corruption in the capital – which still reverberates in world capitals – did not even occur to him or his associates should be evidence enough of an unspoken agenda and an illegitimate target. It reminds one of Sherlock Holmes’ quintessential query – but why didn’t the dog bark?

In conclusion, I must say I cannot agree with the main object of Anna Hazare’s fast –to elevate a select coterie as national super cop and super judge, as a national daily put it so aptly.

I robustly condemn the idea that Magsaysay Award-winning Indians should figure in the Lokpal selection panel. This stinks of an American hand. Without casting aspersions on any individual, it bears stating that the Magsaysay Award is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, though it is named after late Philippine leader Ramon Magsaysay.

As the Rockefeller family has vast business interests all over the globe and doubtless also in India, we shall never know what kind of private networking could take place in government and bureaucracy via its favoured persons, to further Rockefeller interests. Recently we saw US insurance corporate-cum-philanthropist Warren Buffet visiting India and Government pushing to raise FDI in insurance from 26% to 51%! Bill and Melinda Gates were also here – peddling vaccines of unknown quality and of course the detestable GM seeds.

India’s high profile elites derive status from the international NGO cocktail circuit. Their insatiable quest for funds and glory makes them adopt ideas and concepts without examining their validity in an Indian context. As they are very conscious of their elite status, they have unacceptable contempt for the people and their elected representatives. We cannot endorse these non-accountable and glittering Western satellites.

Is it to scare MMS and give kurshi to Rahul?
Anna Hazare is a Congress plant. Beware!

April 7, 2011 by janamejayan

This rascal is hijacking the people’s movement so as to put the Congressmen and Sonia in the limelight with ulterior aim to save Antonia Maino and her mafia from the people’s wrath. Anna Hazare is trying to stop prosecuting the criminals. BEWARE!


SEE WHAT ANNA HAZARE SAYS: “The government is drunk with power and corruption…it is for the people to make it sober” said Anna Hazare. IT IS NOT FOR KICKING OUT THE GOVT BUT MAKE THEM SAY SORRY AND LET THEM OFF THE HOOK! ANNA HAZARE IS A REAL FRAUD!

Trillions of rupees of the hard earned money of the people of India would never be recovered from the criminals! This is the purpose of Anna Hazare’s fast (unto easy fame not tough death!)



I suggest the readers to go through the comments by some eminent people under Sandhyaji's article quoted by Mudyji above. Very informative.
Why are BJP leaders then supporting his fast?
[quote name='ramana' date='08 April 2011 - 04:07 AM' timestamp='1302215364' post='111329']

Why are BJP leaders then supporting his fast?


Hazare is used by Congress to counter Ramdev because Ramdev was directly pointing finger on Dynasty.

BJP is confused lot.

janamejayan Says:

April 8, 2011 at 6:17 pm | Reply edit

It is true that Sonia and her coterie that includes Karunanidhi & co have misused the power to steal and stash the money abroad in a way that has set a world record in this terrible crime. In order to do this Sonia and her mafia had created chamchagiri of media and politicians who surpassed all Goebbals in the world put together. They have rigged the elections with hitech hijack, shamelessly and blatantly bought parlimentarians with huge cash and so forth.

Dr. Swamy was the only non-corrupt politicians who eked a living by the dint of his own vidhya and everyone in his family i.e. his wife, his two daughters and his sons in laws are very highly educated and live by their education and not by stealing from others as the Congressmen and the DMK do. His wife and Children, like him are holding doctorates not those ‘conferred’ for free on Sonia and Karunanidhi but by dint of hard work. He, his older daughter and her husband are all professors at Harward. His younger daughter and son-in-law are also highly educated but in media and other fields. Dr.Swamy is an exception in many ways for he is the only non-corrupt politician so he holds no power and other corrupt politicians hate him. Dr. Swamy is the only surviving Brahmin politicians in a sea of non-Brahminism practiced in Tamilnadu that includes JJ.

He single-handedly thwarted the DMK from blowing up our most sacred Ramasethu. He pioneered the fight against corruption and by his sheer, fearless and relentless crusade corruption minister Raja had to quit and soon was arrested. And because of Dr. Swamy the people’s conciousness that this regime is of Himalayan corruption that uses Gandhi Nehru name has come to take hold. Dr.Swamy and the Supreme Court of India are our only hope to bring this sonia’s mafia accountable.

Yet Jayalalitha is stealing on this brave fight of this single Parasurama against the hoards of viciously corrupt people to come to power. At the centre Anna Hazare had been set up by the Congressmen to divert attention from sending to jail all these corrupt politicians from Sonia onwards and from recovering their stashed away loot. What they want is to make a law for the future condoning all the past so these corrupt criminals can escape with their hoard.

Yet, yes this is a very big YET, that the Congressmen may not succeed and Anna Hazare plot may recoil on them for their crime is so huge and the people’s anger is breaking out like a volcano. Actually the younger people are getting into the action and these youngsters are, unlike the previous generations, are educated and have vision of their future.

Lot of people have extended support to Anna Hazare that includes Dr.Swamy. It is because of their firm belief that the Congressmen may not succeed in using Anna Hazare for their own criminal pursuit.

In fact people like Swamy Ramdev who organized a million people against corruption right at Delhi where he allowed the only one politician to speak namely Dr.Subramanian Swamy, was also there at the site of Hazare’s fast to exort people to go after people who have stolen people’s wealth. Now it is not going to be easy for the Congress to use Anna Hazare to change the direction of the movement.

As for Anna Hazare I am reminded of a thief who seeing that people could catch him, donned an ocre robe and sat under a tree looking like doing thapas. Soon people took him to be a real thapasvi and started worshipping him. The thief soon realized that he could no longer ‘escape’ which was his original idea. So he just stayed there as a thapasvi for ever! These stories are there in our puranas!!

[url="http://janamejayan.wordpress.com/2011/04/07/anna-hazare-is-a-congress-plant-beware/#comments"]My link[/url]
[url="http://janamejayan.wordpress.com/2011/04/09/anna-hazare-ends-hunger-strike/"]Anna Hazare ends hunger strike[/url]

[url="http://janamejayan.wordpress.com/2011/04/10/jan-lokpal-bill/"]JAN LOKPAL BILL[/url]

[url="http://janamejayan.wordpress.com/2011/04/10/the-company-that-hazare-keeps/"]The company that Hazare keeps[/url]
The Hindu newspaper had in recent weeks published 21 front pages based on so-called "cablegate" revelations, Assange said, leading to the Indian opposition walking out four times from the Parliament and a growing anti-corruption movement in the country.

A US embassy cable made public by WikiLeaks had suggested that the UPA government had allegedly paid bribes to buy MPs in support of a trust vote on the Indo-US nuclear deal, creating a furore and prompting denials by the government. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world...933806.cms

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