06-06-2005, 01:27 PM
Correspondents say India has embarked on "pipeline diplomacy" to meet its rising energy needs.
Three pipelines are under consideration - from Iran through Pakistan, from Turkmenistan through Pakistan and Afghanistan, and from Burma through Bangladesh.
Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan stand to reap millions of dollars in transit fees.
<b>India has already signed a $40bn (£21bn) deal to import millions of tonnes of liquefied natural gas from Iran</b>
Lo kar lo gal!
Three pipelines are under consideration - from Iran through Pakistan, from Turkmenistan through Pakistan and Afghanistan, and from Burma through Bangladesh.
Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan stand to reap millions of dollars in transit fees.
<b>India has already signed a $40bn (£21bn) deal to import millions of tonnes of liquefied natural gas from Iran</b>
Lo kar lo gal!