10-04-2005, 01:31 AM
Ex-Russian ambassador rubbishes Mitrokhin
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"Gandhi and the Congress as the ruling party could have raised any amount of money through Indian business houses and were not in the need of foreign funds. Yes, I know that the Communist Party received funds from the CPSU (Soviet Communist party) like any Communist Party of the world. It was never a secret for anyone.
"They were transferred through non-diplomatic channels, so I am not aware of any transactions," Vorontsov said.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"Gandhi and the Congress as the ruling party could have raised any amount of money through Indian business houses and were not in the need of foreign funds. Yes, I know that the Communist Party received funds from the CPSU (Soviet Communist party) like any Communist Party of the world. It was never a secret for anyone.
"They were transferred through non-diplomatic channels, so I am not aware of any transactions," Vorontsov said.