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Jat History
quote=mitradena,Nov 4 2005, 02:35 AM]
Quote:They are found in today’s Madhya Pradesh in Mandsor in the 4th /5th century( Yashodharman Virk).

Where is the proof that Yashodharman was a Jat and his clan name was Virk?

Is Virk derived from the Sanskrit Vrka for wolf?


Virk is a Jat clan name. Virk Jats are found from West Punjab, down to Madhya Pradesh.

Virk Jats are still found in large numbers in the Mandsor region of today’s Madhya Pradesh . Guru Tegh Bahadur stayed with them when he traveled to that area.

Virk from Vrka, Could be!

We find this as a clan name in the Rig Veda too.

See also:



Malwa was named after the Mall or Mull tribes. These tribes were
republican tribes, and they are famous in the Mahabharata and in the
Buddhist period. At this time this surname e is found in the Jats and
the Brahmins. Alexander knew them as the Mall-oi. According to the
grammatical rules of Katyayana, in the Brahmins the names become
Malvi, and in the Jats Malli or Malhi. The names are derived from

The Malls were neighbors of Videha and must have migrated to
Kalantar. This land was previously well known as Avanti. Raja
Vikramaditya was born here. Malwa was famous as a rich and fertile
land. As in Punjab and Sind the Jats populated this land of Malwa.
The Jats not only had kingdoms in this rich land full of treasure,
but also formed empires from here. However much historical material
has been lost. What material is there points to a rich and proud
tradition, but is incomplete.

The first four centuries after Christ are shrouded in darkness. and
what is found is not in sequence.

According to the Mahabharata, in Ujjain two kings existed by the name
of Bindu and Anubindu. Their kingdom was ruled jointly by the two
kings. They must have been from two different tribes. Their kingdom
was republican.

In the area that is known as Malwa, we find the clan names Dsharn,
Dashrah, Malvatsya, Kukar, Kunti, Bhoj, Kuntal, Charman, etc Near
Dhar nagar we find Bhoj, and near Mandsor we find Dsharn and Dashrah
people ruling. Today's Mandsor was previously known as DASHPUR or
DASHOR on the banks of the Chambal River, the Charmanvat people ruled
over Champanagari. Vijay Singh Pathik considers the Dasharn to be
formed of ten tribes, though the ancient texts take them to be of one

Apart from these tribes, Maurya, Gupta, Andhak, and Pawar clans ruled
this land. These clans were from outside Malwa and ruled here after
displacing their forebears. The Mallii ruled here before them, At
the time of Alexander, the Kshudrak Jats are found to be their
neighbors. Of these tribes/ clans some clan's names are found both
in the Jats and the Rajputs. However Deshpuria, Bhoj, and Kuntal are
found only in the Jats.

The Bangari people of Malwa also ruled here, and a part of Malwa –
Bangar is named after them. This surname is found both in the
Brahmins and the Jats.


The groups who came from outside Malwa did great damage to the
republics of Malwa. The republics (Janpadhs) fought the monarchial
groups hard and long, but were defeated in the end. After many
centuries, the republics having been decimated, the monarchial system
arose. Some great individuals came forward and established kingdoms
and empires. From among the Jats, the names that stand out are
Kaniska, Shalindra or Salindra ,and Yashodharma. Maharaja
Vishnuvardhan was the father of Emperor Yashodharma.

Maharaja Vishnuvardhan is sometimes written as Vishnu-dharma. He was
of the Virk clan (goth). A commemorative victory pillar of his is
fund in Bayana (Uttar Pradesh near Etawah), where he is described as
Varika Vishnuvardhan (see Brijendra vansh Bhaskar for an account of
Bayana. Today Virk of Varik is not very well known, its existence is
known from its place in the ancient long lineage in the history of
the Jat Gotras. [The rise of the Jats and their history p 48]. C.V
Vaidya in his Hindu medieval India writes about Vishnuvardhan as

" The kingdom of Malapo or Malwa belonged to Yashodharma
Vishnuvardhan. of the Mandsor inscription. In our surmise their name
ending Vardhan shows he was a Vaisya like the Guptas. His great
exploit was that he defeated Mihirgula the Hun. Now we have already
quoted from Chandra's grammar " Ajai Jartao Hunahn" i.e. the Jats
conquered the Huns". If we apply this sentence to Yashodharma and
there is none else to whom it can be applied, we may surmise that he
was a Jarta or a Jat from the Punjab. In fact like the Gujars of
Bhinwal we may suppose that the Jats from the Punjab to have migrated
to Malwa (which like Rajputana is a favorite land with migrators) to
take refuge from the invasions of the Huns and these Jats getting
strong under Yashodharman inflicted in 528 AD a signal defeat upon
the Huns who had overrun their motherland the Punjab"

[The author questions Vaidya's surmise that if simply because of the
suffix Vardhan, Vishnuvardhan and all Jats are to be considered of
the Vaishya caste, then should we take Devodas of the Vedic age
also to be a Sudra?

Desraj disagrees with Vaidya's contention about the migrations,
stating that from ancient times the Jat clans of Dasharn and Bhoj are
present, and today they are known as Dasor, Dushpuria, and Bhoju]

In Bayana, which is now in the Kingdom of Bharatpur, is a victory
pillar, which is known as Bhim Ki Lat, or Bhim's stick. From this is
inferred that his empire included Bayana. The author of
the `Brijendra Vansh Bhaskar' informs us the in Samvat 428
Vishnuvardhan Virk performed a Yagna (havan, sacrifice) at this site.
In our opinion this was around in Samvat 528, for in Samvat 586, i.e.
529 AD Yashodharman defeated the Huns.

[ the header of this web site is from Vishnuvardhans's inscription

for the full inscription see:

vishnuvardhana Virk.doc
Bijaygarh inscription of Vishnuvardhan Virk ]

If the Brijendra vansh Bhaskar date)(SV 428) is taken as correct,
then the time of Vishnuvardhan is between Samvat 400 and Samvat
550, i.e. 150years, and if we accept that Yashodharman was about 80
years old when he defeated the Huns, then Vishnuvardhan rule of 90 –
95 years can be taken as possible.

Cunningham thinks that Pravarsen of Kashmir is dated at 432 AD.
Pravarsen was a contemporary of Yashodharma, because he gave
sanctuary to Yashodharman son Siladitya and seats him on the throne
of Kashmir. If this is taken as correct than we can take the date of
Vishnuvardhan as 371 AD.

However a substantial group of historians id of the view that
Yashodharman defeated the Huns around 529 AD. Then we are reasonable
in taking the date of Yashodharman victory pillar around AD 528.

C. V. Vaidya thinks that these jat kings ruled from about 500 AD to
641 AD, however we think there rule starts from about 340 AD. At that
time state was not as great as that of Yashodharma, but Western Malwa
was certainly in their empire. When the Gupta kings were ruling
Ujjain, these kings governed Mandsor. Out of these one or two kings
may also have been feudatories of the Guptas. Along with the Gupta
kings, we see another dynasty ruling Malwa as well.


He was a contemporary of Samudragupta. Samudragupta was the foremost,
and most famous king of the Gupta (Dharan) dynasty.

His rule is said to have been between 335 and 385 AD. Singh Varma had
two sons Chandravarma and Narvarma, Chandravarma left Malwa and went
to Puskar in Marwar district of Rajastan and established a kingdom
there. Narvarma stayed and ruled in Malwa. Narvarma had two sons
Banduvarma and Bhimvarma.

The power of the Gupta Empire was in the ascendancy and Banduvarma
accepted the suzerainty of the Gupta rulers of Ujjain. Bhimvarma
accepted the position of governor with Skandgupta Vikramaditya the
son of Kumargupta the first. He was appointed the governor of
Kausambi. The era of Skandgupta is dated 455 Ad to 467 AD.

Forty years after the time of Skandgupta Vikramaditya, in Ujjain we
find Bhanugupta Baladitya on the throne. This is the same Baladitya
who is attached to the Jat emperor Yashodharma, in the latter's
defeat of the Huns.

If after Banduvarma, we join Vishnuvardhan, the dynastical list will
be as follows.

- Singhvarma

- Chandra Varma and Narvarma. (From Singhvarma)

- Vishwavarma (from Narvarma).

- Raghu Varma and Bhimvarma. (From Vishwavarma)

- Vishnuvardhan (from Raghuvarma)

-Yashodharma (from Vishnuvardhan)

- Siladitya from Yashodharma.

Banduvarma, who was the contemporary of Kumar Gupta the First and
Skandagupta, ruled Malwa some 80 years before the victory of
Yashodharma over the Huns. His rule was in Western Malwa i.e. in

We find an inscription of this time.

The Silk weavers of Mandsor has built a temple to the Sun. This was
damaged due to weather, and Banduvarma had it repaired in 530 Samvat
or 473 AD.

This shows that Banduvarma was present on Mandsor (Daspur) in 473 AD.

Following Banduvarma, Vishnuvardhan erected his victory pillar in
Bayana, which is Bayana was also known as Vijaygarh or Bijaygarh.
(The B and V are interchangeable). They must have gained independence
from the Guptas.

If Banduvarma was not of the family of Vishnuvardhan, and was of one
their enemies, then there would be some reference in their
inscriptions to their having conquered Mandsor.

Soon after having the kingdom from Banduvarma, Vishnuvardhan and
Yashodharma took the titles of Emperor. We are told in (Bharat ke
prachin rajvansh- the ancient ruling Dynasties of India,) that
Yashodharma `s father Vishnuvardhan took the title of Maharjadhiraja -
Emperor or Emperors.


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Jat History - by Bharatvarsh - 01-28-2007, 08:49 PM
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Jat History - by Bharatvarsh - 01-28-2007, 09:29 PM
Jat History - by Bharatvarsh - 01-28-2007, 09:35 PM
Jat History - by Bharatvarsh - 02-05-2007, 09:26 AM
Jat History - by Guest - 02-20-2007, 02:55 AM
Jat History - by Bharatvarsh - 05-03-2009, 08:22 PM
Jat History - by Bharatvarsh2 - 11-20-2010, 10:08 PM
Jat History - by Guest - 11-28-2005, 12:55 AM

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