02-15-2006, 07:05 AM
if iran had a contribution in the 65 and 71 wars. then i want to know about it cos its news to me.
i know they dont have much regard for pakistan. also they vetoed a paki attempt to mobilise the opec against india regarding the kashmir issue.
iran cant be clubbed with other islamic nations. those fall in 3 categories - arabs, iran and others. the last is made of countries which never had much of a past, afghanistan, uzbegistan, malayasia, north african countries etc. exceptions are egypt and iraq who are semi-arabs (ie. semetic non arabs) in any case.
iran on the other hand is very proud of its past glory, of its aryan heritage, and even preserves its zorastrian past, or relics like religious carvings thereof.
finally there are the arabs who by virtue of being the founders of islam have a pride of place amongst other muslims. and thats what iran doesnt do - suck up to the arabs, who are sunni. iran is shia.
its ironic if iran harms israel cos historically iran ws a lot friendlier to jews than were the arab tribes. iran may mobilise jehadi forces against usa yes. and it knows that once it gets nukes, usa wont be able to send troops, just as it cant in north korea. which is why iran is hell bent to get nukes.
so far i know iran has never objected to kashmir issue or to india in any way. not even after babri or godhra, like pakis do.
i know they dont have much regard for pakistan. also they vetoed a paki attempt to mobilise the opec against india regarding the kashmir issue.
iran cant be clubbed with other islamic nations. those fall in 3 categories - arabs, iran and others. the last is made of countries which never had much of a past, afghanistan, uzbegistan, malayasia, north african countries etc. exceptions are egypt and iraq who are semi-arabs (ie. semetic non arabs) in any case.
iran on the other hand is very proud of its past glory, of its aryan heritage, and even preserves its zorastrian past, or relics like religious carvings thereof.
finally there are the arabs who by virtue of being the founders of islam have a pride of place amongst other muslims. and thats what iran doesnt do - suck up to the arabs, who are sunni. iran is shia.
its ironic if iran harms israel cos historically iran ws a lot friendlier to jews than were the arab tribes. iran may mobilise jehadi forces against usa yes. and it knows that once it gets nukes, usa wont be able to send troops, just as it cant in north korea. which is why iran is hell bent to get nukes.
so far i know iran has never objected to kashmir issue or to india in any way. not even after babri or godhra, like pakis do.