03-02-2006, 09:55 PM
From: Michael Witzel <witzel@...>
Date: Thu Mar 2, 2006 3:17 pm
Subject: Hindutva announces CA victory witzel_michael
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Though it is not yet the weekend, some amusing news about the CA
textbook story:
It took two days for the Hindutvavadins of CA and beyond to find out
that they actually have *won* the vote of the CA Board of Education's
committee on Monday (which voted 5: zero *against* the Hindutva edits).
How the Hindutvavadins have actually calculated their victory remains
a mystery, at least to the non-initiated. According to commonly used
math, 5 is 5 more than zero.
<b>They must have used "Vedic mathematics" that were invented by (sorry,
"revealed" to) a recent Shankaracharya (a sort of pope of Hinduism).</b>
Vedic math was then introduced in school curricula by the
nationalists in the State of Uttar Prasdesh in the early Nineties. To
be followed by Astrology courses in universities, nationwide, in the
late Nineties/early 2000.
See what we are up to in CA and elsewhere if these groups persist?
Below follows the victory bulletin of the Hindu Press International, a
Hawai'an outfit out of Kauai, whose orange clad Caucasian editor had
flown in from mid-Pacific, all the way to CA, to participate in the
irregular Dec. 2 meeting. Now he has even moved to Davis, CA. Just
like another favorite of ours, Vishal Agawal, who has fled cold MN for
hot Rosemont, CA, to continue his hate mongering blogging from there
(actually, out of his company, Medtronics, as was shown just now on
another list, ipactruth@..., Feb. 28). VA has composed some of
the most vituperative and libelous blogs about the CA process. He has
also given an "eye witness account" (speak: attack against anybody who
does not agree with Hindutva, from Committee members to individual
speakers: you know: "communists" etc. etc.) This is at India
Civilization Yahoo list, # 86614. (To follow, along with others, this
The HIP victory cries include "75% of Hindu edits approved". Sure, if
you count all the 10 or so cases where Bajpai and I agreed on Jan. 6
to change "gods and goddesses" to "deities," and similarly crucial
edits :-)
But not, where really counts: the position of women, the caste system
and Dalits, Hindu "monotheism", and well, yes, even the CA state
mandated "Aryan Invasion" ...
See below.
Unfortunately, this religious news bulletin is in stark contrast to the
despair of the Hindu American Foundation (a "humanitarian" organization
whose President has lauded the worst excesses of the Hindu right; his
effusion still is on their party's own website, the BJP).
The HAF openly declares defeat.
See next message, with an --as always-- confused intro by our
beloved Dr .K.
The HAF cleverly uses this defeat for fundraising.
No Vedic math involved here, but instead the one used in
"pseudo-secular" capitalism...
But then, even the $ bill says: "in GOD we trust" -- as if straight
out of the Hindutva edits...
Maybe *that* is what they were really after?
Cheers, MW
Date: Thu Mar 2, 2006 3:17 pm
Subject: Hindutva announces CA victory witzel_michael
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Though it is not yet the weekend, some amusing news about the CA
textbook story:
It took two days for the Hindutvavadins of CA and beyond to find out
that they actually have *won* the vote of the CA Board of Education's
committee on Monday (which voted 5: zero *against* the Hindutva edits).
How the Hindutvavadins have actually calculated their victory remains
a mystery, at least to the non-initiated. According to commonly used
math, 5 is 5 more than zero.
<b>They must have used "Vedic mathematics" that were invented by (sorry,
"revealed" to) a recent Shankaracharya (a sort of pope of Hinduism).</b>
Vedic math was then introduced in school curricula by the
nationalists in the State of Uttar Prasdesh in the early Nineties. To
be followed by Astrology courses in universities, nationwide, in the
late Nineties/early 2000.
See what we are up to in CA and elsewhere if these groups persist?
Below follows the victory bulletin of the Hindu Press International, a
Hawai'an outfit out of Kauai, whose orange clad Caucasian editor had
flown in from mid-Pacific, all the way to CA, to participate in the
irregular Dec. 2 meeting. Now he has even moved to Davis, CA. Just
like another favorite of ours, Vishal Agawal, who has fled cold MN for
hot Rosemont, CA, to continue his hate mongering blogging from there
(actually, out of his company, Medtronics, as was shown just now on
another list, ipactruth@..., Feb. 28). VA has composed some of
the most vituperative and libelous blogs about the CA process. He has
also given an "eye witness account" (speak: attack against anybody who
does not agree with Hindutva, from Committee members to individual
speakers: you know: "communists" etc. etc.) This is at India
Civilization Yahoo list, # 86614. (To follow, along with others, this
The HIP victory cries include "75% of Hindu edits approved". Sure, if
you count all the 10 or so cases where Bajpai and I agreed on Jan. 6
to change "gods and goddesses" to "deities," and similarly crucial
edits :-)
But not, where really counts: the position of women, the caste system
and Dalits, Hindu "monotheism", and well, yes, even the CA state
mandated "Aryan Invasion" ...
See below.
Unfortunately, this religious news bulletin is in stark contrast to the
despair of the Hindu American Foundation (a "humanitarian" organization
whose President has lauded the worst excesses of the Hindu right; his
effusion still is on their party's own website, the BJP).
The HAF openly declares defeat.
See next message, with an --as always-- confused intro by our
beloved Dr .K.
The HAF cleverly uses this defeat for fundraising.
No Vedic math involved here, but instead the one used in
"pseudo-secular" capitalism...
But then, even the $ bill says: "in GOD we trust" -- as if straight
out of the Hindutva edits...
Maybe *that* is what they were really after?
Cheers, MW