04-15-2006, 12:18 AM
India was not the only ciivlizatin subject to the myth of' white man as savior'. so were the Aztec when they were conquered by Hernando Cortez (after being cordially received at first as a mythical white savior).
we were not the only ones that the history was subverted. but there is one differnce in the case of India. we are the only ones left to correct the tale. so we are in a unique situation . Hence the attempt by the modern day inquisitors to thwart and malign us and hopefully bury us in a welter of confusing lies.
But they did not reckon on the fact that the ethos of India is timeless kept alive by a tenacious bunch.
we were not the only ones that the history was subverted. but there is one differnce in the case of India. we are the only ones left to correct the tale. so we are in a unique situation . Hence the attempt by the modern day inquisitors to thwart and malign us and hopefully bury us in a welter of confusing lies.
But they did not reckon on the fact that the ethos of India is timeless kept alive by a tenacious bunch.