Post 154 (bhushan):
I suggested that riots are the recourse of the Faithful in India who don't mind using pathetic crude methods that ultimately get ignored anyway (when the instigators are the Muslims and the victims are Hindus).
We need better leverage, more success per shot, if you will.
What is wrong about the solution mentioned in Post 98 (Aryawan) of this thread? Or am I referring to the wrong post? No, 98 is the one. Please read it at
Riots will waste more of our resources, besides doing nothing for our image. I know the international media already likes to present us as rioting buffoons (an image that actually only fits the bill of the Islamics). However, as satisfying as the idea may seem to those who're only out for temporary revenge, I can't see it solving our real problem either now or in the long-term. Even if a serious riot keeps the Muslims in a region silent for 5 years, they will still wait until their population size is large enough to take revenge (on our revenge) and wreak havoc all over again. The time for crude action (100 years ago) like resorting to riots is well-past. It will have little effect in a sea of 100 million+ Muslims.
Besides, they will not learn from it, other than that eventually Hindus do wake from their inactive stupor and react before going back to sleep again.
No, I still say it's time for far more organised and effective methods. And time for deniability. And trust me, Hindu methods are more intelligent, more effective and more permanent than anything the Islamics can cook up.
I suggested that riots are the recourse of the Faithful in India who don't mind using pathetic crude methods that ultimately get ignored anyway (when the instigators are the Muslims and the victims are Hindus).
We need better leverage, more success per shot, if you will.
What is wrong about the solution mentioned in Post 98 (Aryawan) of this thread? Or am I referring to the wrong post? No, 98 is the one. Please read it at
Riots will waste more of our resources, besides doing nothing for our image. I know the international media already likes to present us as rioting buffoons (an image that actually only fits the bill of the Islamics). However, as satisfying as the idea may seem to those who're only out for temporary revenge, I can't see it solving our real problem either now or in the long-term. Even if a serious riot keeps the Muslims in a region silent for 5 years, they will still wait until their population size is large enough to take revenge (on our revenge) and wreak havoc all over again. The time for crude action (100 years ago) like resorting to riots is well-past. It will have little effect in a sea of 100 million+ Muslims.
Besides, they will not learn from it, other than that eventually Hindus do wake from their inactive stupor and react before going back to sleep again.
No, I still say it's time for far more organised and effective methods. And time for deniability. And trust me, Hindu methods are more intelligent, more effective and more permanent than anything the Islamics can cook up.