09-03-2006, 02:42 AM
<b>Riding the camel - Humayun Gauhar</b> <!--emo&tupid--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/pakee.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='pakee.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Earlier, I had conjectured about how the neocons could re-divide countries from Turkey to Pakistan. I also said that in addition, the neocons also intend to reinterpret Islam for the Muslims. Now I ask: can the Muslims withstand the onslaught? Kathleen Christison's sentence about Israel in Counterpunch haunts me, for it applies with equal force to Muslims. "A nation that mandates the primacy of one ethnicity or religion over all others will eventually become psychologically dysfunctional."
<b>Israel has a decisive leadership that knows exactly what it wants and how to get it. Instead of becoming a vassal of America, this puny little country of 5 million has made the US into its vassal. As against this, the Muslim countries, barring Iran, form an "Axis of Weasels" - dithering, scared and vacillating, afraid of their own shadows, holding each other in contempt.</b> Some people sit on the fence, not getting off on either side until one side has won. Others ride a tiger, and sometimes get eaten by it if they lose their ideological way. Muslim power elites sit on a camel with one leg dangling on the US side, not knowing which side the camel will finally sit on. The time is coming that if they don't decide soon, and decide right, the camel will crush them. The camel is the Muslim people.
The emergency meeting of the OIC in Kuala Lumpur took place three weeks after Lebanon was attacked. After much pious speechifying and pontificating, it came out with an inconsequential resolution. A week later the Arab League presented its own version of a draft UN Security Council resolution that was ignored. What was expected from them was an ultimatum to Israel to desist, or else. Or else what? Not with this leadership or people who were secretly happy that Shia Hezbollah was getting it in the neck. <b>Two Saudi clerics gave a fatwa that Muslims shouldn't pray for Hezbollah.</b> So far has the Shia-Sunni divide gone, that there were hardly any demonstrations worth noticing in the Sunni world. <b>Sunni leaders were first ambivalent about the war; when they saw that Hezbollah was not caving in and Israel was getting a good run for its money, they decided on attack by verbiage - empty verbiage. They are scared of the Shias winning; they are scared of Iran dominating the region; they are scared of Islam. The effete lives many lead and their weak actions stand testimony to their political and religious impotence. They are beyond the pale. Such people cannot be vehicles of salvation or revolution.</b>
One principle of warfare is: know your enemy, his strengths and weaknesses. The Jews are the most intelligent people in the world. One Nobel laureate out of five is a Jew from a worldwide population of 12 million - less than Karachi. See how 12 million are controlling the world, holding six billion people hostage, have the biggest superpower of all time on call and 1.5 billion Muslims on the rack. They know that power flows from four sources: knowledge, the media, the ability to control and move global capital across borders in a millisecond, and military. The Jews have them all. They dominate the world's best universities and think tanks and are the best-educated people. They dominate world media, including Hollywood, which means that they can influence our thoughts and perceptions without our even realising it - thought control. They dominate global banking and finance. And they not only have the best conventional and nuclear military hardware, they have America, the most powerful nation in history, on their side.
Another principle of warfare is: know your own strengths and weaknesses - especially your weaknesses. <b>The Muslims know neither their strengths nor their weaknesses. They live in a delusional world, Don Quixote-like. They don't have any linkages to any of the four sources of power. Their education systems and think tanks are pathetic, wallowing in the medieval.</b> They send their best and brightest to western schools and colleges. <b>They don't have a press: their newspapers, journals and electronic media are largely state controlled while the few private ones are busy trying to ape the style and programmes of western television channels.</b> They don't have one global commercial or investment bank. Their currencies are tied to the US dollar and are at its mercy. Despite their petrodollars, Muslims were not able to make even one of their currencies a benchmark. Their own oil is traded in US dollars on two oil bourses in New York and London and when they say that they will shift to the Euro (another non-Muslim currency), they get thrashed as Saddam did. Muslims could not establish one oil bourse of their own, trading in their own currency. They have not one multilateral donor or financial institution that is worth a laugh. They haven't one university of consequence. Their military hardware comes from the West or other non-Muslim sources; all they can do is reverse engineer - copying. The money the West pays Muslims for their oil is brainlessly returned to it and parked in American and European banks in which the Jews have incredible influence. Muslims can't even think of taking it out for they will freeze it. <b>The GDP of all the Muslim countries put together is less than the GDP of one US state for God's sake, California. As a proportion of total population, the Muslims have the largest number of poor. They also have the largest number of illiterate.</b> None except Pakistan has nuclear weapons, and we had to develop ours surreptitiously, with the entire world against us. And who got us into trouble over 'proliferation'? Two Muslim countries: Libya and Iran.
<b>The truth is that the West holds all our strings. If they were to cut off all supplies to us, I would not even have this computer to write on. Soon, there would be no planes, no tanks, no medicines, no books, no submarines, no guns, no nothing.</b> Even Hezbollah and the Palestinians are fighting with western made weapons. Thank God for the black market and its gunrunners. The only weapons we have are our numbers - 1.5 billion and growing faster than any other people in the world - our oil and our faith. But we fail to galvanise and mobilise our numbers, we fail to use the oil weapon that could bring the global economy crashing down and America to its knees, and we have lost touch with the true spirit of our faith. We are in our own Dark Age, mired in obscurantism, dogma and ritual, taking guidance from 'scholars' who themselves are caught in a time warp, trapped somewhere in the 7th Century AD
There is no point in just criticising Muslim leaders. They are but a reflection of the society that accepts them, be they elected or otherwise. <b>As against the intelligent Jews, Muslims keep following false gods like an obsession to self-destruct; gods who have sold them down the drain repeatedly and are one of the prime causes of Muslim woes.</b>
Islam's genuine enlightenment and reformation can only come from within; when the Muslims are historically ready. It won't follow the Christian pattern and those outside the religion certainly cannot impose it on them either.
E-mail: hgauhar@nation.com.pk
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