09-09-2006, 02:30 AM
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->US text row resolved by Indian
Akshaya Mukul
[ 9 Sep, 2006 0124hrs ISTTIMES NEWS NETWORK ]
NEW DELHI: In India, a sharply divided community of historians has failed to resolve the controversy about history textbooks.
But in a similar controversy in US, a crucial affidavit by eminent historian and president of the Indian History Congress, D N Jha, in the superior court of the state of California played a major role in the court dismissing the petition of Hindu American Foundation against the California State Board of Education (CSBE).
The matter in US relates to the Class 6 ancient history textbook. When the book came out, HAF protested against the content relating to the caste system, women and deities, origin of Aryans apart from alleging that the book was generally anti-Hindu.
One of the main points of contention by HAF was that the textbook should give equal weightage to the theory that Aryans originated in India, as they do to the Aryan migration theory.
Opposed to HAF, Friends of South Asia (FSA), another US-based organisation, supported the contents of the book. CSBE first set up a curriculum review committee of Michael Witzel (Harvard), Stanley Wolpert (UCLA) and James Heitzman (UC Davis). Based on their recommendation, when CSBE did not entertain HAF's protest, the latter sued the education board.
A host of organisations like FSA, Ambedkar Center for Justice and Peace and others filed amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief in the court.
Jha filed the affidavit on behalf of amicus and confined himself to the Aryan origin controversy. Jeffery D Long of Elizabethtown College, Pennsylvania, filed the affidavit on behalf of HAF...
In his affidavit, Jha said, "The evidence on whether the Aryans came to India from outside or were the indigenous people is drawn mainly from linguistics and archaeology, and recently from archaeogenetics."
Arguing that the mature phase of the Harappan civilisation lasted from 2500 BC to 1900 BC â "much earlier than the Rigveda whose composition is placed around 1500 BC" â Jha said: "The technology, crafts and commerce of the Harappans are also not reflected in the Rigveda, nor does it bear testimony to the existence of their planned urban settlements and large structures built of burnt bricks."
Giving a hint of the Aryan origin debate in India, Jha asked the court not to fall for the "indigenous Aryan" claim since it has led to "demonisation of Muslims and Christians as foreigners and to the near denial of the contributions of non-Hindus to Indian culture"
Akshaya Mukul
[ 9 Sep, 2006 0124hrs ISTTIMES NEWS NETWORK ]
NEW DELHI: In India, a sharply divided community of historians has failed to resolve the controversy about history textbooks.
But in a similar controversy in US, a crucial affidavit by eminent historian and president of the Indian History Congress, D N Jha, in the superior court of the state of California played a major role in the court dismissing the petition of Hindu American Foundation against the California State Board of Education (CSBE).
The matter in US relates to the Class 6 ancient history textbook. When the book came out, HAF protested against the content relating to the caste system, women and deities, origin of Aryans apart from alleging that the book was generally anti-Hindu.
One of the main points of contention by HAF was that the textbook should give equal weightage to the theory that Aryans originated in India, as they do to the Aryan migration theory.
Opposed to HAF, Friends of South Asia (FSA), another US-based organisation, supported the contents of the book. CSBE first set up a curriculum review committee of Michael Witzel (Harvard), Stanley Wolpert (UCLA) and James Heitzman (UC Davis). Based on their recommendation, when CSBE did not entertain HAF's protest, the latter sued the education board.
A host of organisations like FSA, Ambedkar Center for Justice and Peace and others filed amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief in the court.
Jha filed the affidavit on behalf of amicus and confined himself to the Aryan origin controversy. Jeffery D Long of Elizabethtown College, Pennsylvania, filed the affidavit on behalf of HAF...
In his affidavit, Jha said, "The evidence on whether the Aryans came to India from outside or were the indigenous people is drawn mainly from linguistics and archaeology, and recently from archaeogenetics."
Arguing that the mature phase of the Harappan civilisation lasted from 2500 BC to 1900 BC â "much earlier than the Rigveda whose composition is placed around 1500 BC" â Jha said: "The technology, crafts and commerce of the Harappans are also not reflected in the Rigveda, nor does it bear testimony to the existence of their planned urban settlements and large structures built of burnt bricks."
Giving a hint of the Aryan origin debate in India, Jha asked the court not to fall for the "indigenous Aryan" claim since it has led to "demonisation of Muslims and Christians as foreigners and to the near denial of the contributions of non-Hindus to Indian culture"