Goan Mangoes
Daughters of the Cross among the Siddis of Yellapur
Foral of Afonso Mexia; Goan Charter of Rights and Obligations (1526)
Konkani Language: Myths & Reality
Earliest surviving Konknni publication in Roman Script (1622)
Is it really Konknni? Please check!
RAJHAUNS VITRAN (SWAN PUBLISHERS) is a small publishing firm run by Mr. R. Bhidye of Panjim. He has been doing yeoman service to Goa, by publishing (against the odds, one feels, as a reviewer of Goa books) a number of titles related to this tiny region, in Konkani, English and Marathi. For these titles, the market is small. When a book is published, nobody seems interested. By the time interest is built up, the book is out of print. There is not much money in this. These are the travails which people like Bhidye have to put up with. To add to the problem, many Goans don't seem to think its worth investing in books (and relevant information). Rajhauns offers a mail-order service. If interested, contact them directly:
Rajhauns Vitran, 1 Meenakshi Building,
Dr. Wolfango da Silva Marg,
Panjim 403001.
It is located just opposite Junta Building, in the heart of the capital.
The Government Printing Press in Panjim also has a large amount of old books, dating back to the Portuguese regime, and offered for sale at prices as ludicrously low as Rs 1 or 2 each. Worth checking out too.
Research publications on Goa's History produced by the Xavier Centre of Historical Research may be obtained directly from that Institute at
Alto Porvorim,
Goa 403 521
(Fax: +91-832-217772),
or from
Concept Publishing Company,
Commercial Block ,
Mohan Garden,
New Delhi 110 059
(Fax: +91-11-559 8898).
Goa University and Konkani Akademi also have their publications, including an excellent first volume of the Konkani Encyclopaedia (Konknni Vishvakosha).
The other great distributor of many reprints of valuable books on Goa is
Mr. J. Jetley,
Asian Educational Services,
C-2/15, S.D.A.,
Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016
(Fax: +91-11-6852805).
A detailed catalogue may be ordered.
A wide spectrum of books on Goa may be ordered by e-mail from The Other India Book Store (Mapusa, Goa). For a catalogue on books available at this store, check out
The last Portuguese naval action in Goa (1961)
For those who do not have easy access to what is being published in Portuguese and in Portugal, here is a reference that could fill in more details about the 1961 military action that led to the end of the Portuguese rule in India. The Vol. VIII (1808-1975) of "Batalhas e Combates da Marinha Portuguesa" by Saturnino Monteiro (Lisboa, Liv. Sá da Costa Editora, 1997). The author is a retired Naval Officer (Capitão-de-mar-e-guerra) and former professor of Naval Academy.
Pages 149-182 cover the Goa event (including the naval encounter at Diu). The author presents a very objective picture of the Portuguese political and strategic weaknesses at the time. Refers to the Portuguese complacent attitude vis-a-vis the post-World War II hegemonic tendencies and decolonization process. Quotes on p. 150: "This has nothing to do with us. There is no racism in our colonies. Our blacks (pretos) are happy with us and the idea of becoming independent is nowhere in their heads".
The book describes in quite some detail the military (particularly naval) strength and weaknesses of India at the time. Describes how Salazar relied in vain upon the diplomatic support of USA and UK, and had requested Pakistan and China to create border pressures. The author praises the last Governor General of Goa for ignoring the instructions of Salazar to resist till the last man. According to this account, two batches of artillery men were sent at the very end disguised as football teams. They were to handle the two obsolete anti-air guns the Portuguese had in Goa.
A request from Goa military asking for sausages (meaning ammunition for these artillery pieces) was responded literally by Lisbon authorities with various brands of Portuguese sausages! It became a joke among the Portuguese during a long time to come. Not many in Goa are aware of it as yet.
The book provides a very detailed description of the strategy and action (with maps indicating the battle positions) that ended the last Portuguese naval battles at Mormugão and off Diu. The names of the Portuguese officials who participated in these actions and lost their lives get a due mention.
There is reference to Indian navy having sensed the presence of a submarine. This was later confirmed to have been a British submarine on its way to Far East. The Indian navy was prepared for such an eventuality and several anti-submarine frigates, such as "Trishul", "Kuthar", "Kirpan" and "Khukri" were inducted in the operation. This book should be read alongside the "Operation Vijay" published by the government of India (ed. S.N. Prasad, National Archives of India) with details of Indian military documentation.
If you come across other interesting and relevant links on this them, or if you have a contribution of your own,
please send it to to add it to this list.,prtpage-1.cms?
Even 36 years after Goa´s Liberation, 22 years after the formation of the Goa SSC & HSSC Board of Education, 12 years after the establishment of the Goa University, there is still no Atlas of Goa, neither a good (1:50,000) wall map with standard geographic details available anywhere.Government officials, teachers and students are managing with tourist-maps of Goa!
The Survey of India maps are classified and are not available to the public. The best map is the regional map of Goa, which is a colour-coded, foldable wall map, stressing on the land utilisation pattern as envisaged in 1989. There are no contours or hydrographic or physiographic features in the map. Even then, for Rs 30 it is a buy.
With all these difficulties in mind, Dr. Nandakumar Kamat compiled one thousand geographically interesting facts about Goa. This article deals with seven. These have been selected not necessarily because they are the best natural wonders of Goa. Many of these "wonders" are everyday features, to the people who take them for granted.
Let each of these wonders tell you an interesting story. Each wonder has its secret. Let us explore these wonders, one by one:
Some 10,000 to 25,000 years ago, the sea-level must have been higher than it is at present. As you travel by the Cortalim-Vasco road, after crossing Sancoale, wherever the road has been widened by cutting the laterite, a continuous winding deposit of white marine shells is seen exposed.
This marine fossil bed is sandwitched between two layers of lateritic soil. The upper layer seems to have been formed recently. Similar fossils are found on the other side of the Zuari river at Siridao on the paddy fields, which are at almost the same level.
These marine fossil-beds are not only interesting, but could also tell us much more about ancient climate and sea-recession. The best of these deposits are exposed at Chicalim.
A look at the map of South Goa district with draw your attention to the peculiar liner shape of the district's coastline from Majorda to Betul. Such linearity represents uniform seaprecession and a young coastline.
As compared to the interior areas of Goa, this coastal stretch seems to have been formed recently (6,000-15,000 years ago). Majorda, Varca, Betalbatim, Colva... many famous beaches are located on this linear coastline -- a trekker's dream- stretch.
This linearity was a function of protective sand- dunes which are today getting demolished. Once the dunes disappear, this linear-wonder will become a zigzagging nightmare, due to change in the coastal geomorphology under tidal action.
This writer noticed this striking feature while trekking the Pernem coastline from the Keri-beach to Morjim many years ago. There are two routes to reach Arambol beach from Kerim along the coastline. One is via the coast and the other via the hillside.
The rock-arch forms a cave-like shelter near the hillside. When you enter the cave-like structure you realise it to be a massive arch which allows you to cross to the other side of the beach in a few minutes, while your colleagues walking along the coastline may need half an hour.
On closer inspection, the arch was found to be architectured by wave action. It is perhaps the only such passage in North Goa, but still it is less- investigated.
An interesting, layered rock formation is projected in the sea, just below the famous Baga Retreat House, looked after by the Jesuit Fathers. A deep, well-like structure, fully surrounded by massive rock-walls, except for a small opening, is known as "Choram Baim" (or, the well of thieves).
Sea-water gushes in this hollow, emitting a peculiar, metallic sound, which is so haunting and transfixing that it glues one to the site instantly.
These rocks are very old and may be remnants of the continental drift, which separated Goa from Madagascar and Antarctica.. According to one tradition, thieves used to hide valuable items in the hollows of the rocks near the well, and thus it came to be known as choram (thieves) baim (well).
My interpretation is that 'choram' means a deep ditch, and hence the local name indicates a ditch- like deep geological formation influenced by the sea.
One of the interesting topographic features of South Goa is the centrally-located, strategically formed Chandranath hill. Actually, there are two hillocks, with almost uniform contour lines and a triangular majestic elevation.
One hillock is 300m and the other is 350m high.
Originally known as Parvat, Prithviparvat or Paroda hills, these two magnificient peaks command the massive, fertile plains of Salcete and Quepem talukas between Mulem to Ambaulim and Talavardem to Sarzora.
Molem hill(175m) on the north, Adnem hill(161m) on the south, and Cuncolim(100m) hillock at the south-east form a triangle around this plain.
A meteorite fell on Chandranath mountain during the pre-historic period. A temple was built at that place during the Sata-Vahana period. The Bhoja kings developed this temple when they were ruling from Chandrapura -- today's Chandor at the foot of Paroda hill.
These hills are unique central watersheds of the Paroda river. There are no comparable landmarks in South Goa. In terms of location, topography, antiquity and natural charm. 'Chandrashila', the iron-meteorite worshipped in the temple, further adds to the mystery of this place.
Goa boasts of some huge banyan (Ficus) trees. The one at Parcem-Pernem spellbinds you due to its height. But the giant banyan tree near the Vaishnavite Partagali Math (religious centre) at Partagal-Canacona standing close to the Talpona river bank is a charming creation of nature's phytoarchitectural skills.
It is a horizontal foliar-wonder. This tree, believed to be at least 2000 years old, is spread over a vast area which can encompass about one thousand people in its shade. The site selection for the Math, a local religious centre of prominence, in the fifteenth century might have been influenced by the presence of this banyan tree, regarded as being holy. It is a tree not to be missed.
Sacred groves are ancient, untouched, virgin, protected forests. There are hundreds in Goa. Some are small -- comprising just one giant tree, mostly banyan. Some are huge, like the 'Nirakarachi Rai' near Valpoi. But the most interesting of all is the sacred grove of Morpila in Quepem taluka.
It protects the source of a mountain stream called 'Paikacho Vhal' (stream of the forest-spirit Paik). To reach it, one has to remove any leather sandals, climb a steep gradient, enter a long tunnel of bushes, walk on fours as the tunnel gets narrower and narrower and then come out to witness a cascading spring emerging out of the heart of a dense forest.
Not a leaf has been lifted from this area for thousands of years. This makes the grove a repository of ancient, untouched biodiversity.
During our last visit, Dr. Jairam Bhat found new species of aquatic fungi in this place, not known to science. The (tribal) Velip community has zealously tabooed and guarded this place for centuries. It is not a picnic spot, so visitors will be turned back. Morpila's sacred grove is a wonder of nature because of its pristine habitat and undisturbed biodiversity.
From: THE NAVHIND TIMES * Zest,June 14, 1997.
Dr Nandkumar Kamat is
Goan Mangoes
Daughters of the Cross among the Siddis of Yellapur
Foral of Afonso Mexia; Goan Charter of Rights and Obligations (1526)
Konkani Language: Myths & Reality
Earliest surviving Konknni publication in Roman Script (1622)
Is it really Konknni? Please check!
RAJHAUNS VITRAN (SWAN PUBLISHERS) is a small publishing firm run by Mr. R. Bhidye of Panjim. He has been doing yeoman service to Goa, by publishing (against the odds, one feels, as a reviewer of Goa books) a number of titles related to this tiny region, in Konkani, English and Marathi. For these titles, the market is small. When a book is published, nobody seems interested. By the time interest is built up, the book is out of print. There is not much money in this. These are the travails which people like Bhidye have to put up with. To add to the problem, many Goans don't seem to think its worth investing in books (and relevant information). Rajhauns offers a mail-order service. If interested, contact them directly:
Rajhauns Vitran, 1 Meenakshi Building,
Dr. Wolfango da Silva Marg,
Panjim 403001.
It is located just opposite Junta Building, in the heart of the capital.
The Government Printing Press in Panjim also has a large amount of old books, dating back to the Portuguese regime, and offered for sale at prices as ludicrously low as Rs 1 or 2 each. Worth checking out too.
Research publications on Goa's History produced by the Xavier Centre of Historical Research may be obtained directly from that Institute at
Alto Porvorim,
Goa 403 521
(Fax: +91-832-217772),
or from
Concept Publishing Company,
Commercial Block ,
Mohan Garden,
New Delhi 110 059
(Fax: +91-11-559 8898).
Goa University and Konkani Akademi also have their publications, including an excellent first volume of the Konkani Encyclopaedia (Konknni Vishvakosha).
The other great distributor of many reprints of valuable books on Goa is
Mr. J. Jetley,
Asian Educational Services,
C-2/15, S.D.A.,
Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016
(Fax: +91-11-6852805).
A detailed catalogue may be ordered.
A wide spectrum of books on Goa may be ordered by e-mail from The Other India Book Store (Mapusa, Goa). For a catalogue on books available at this store, check out
The last Portuguese naval action in Goa (1961)
For those who do not have easy access to what is being published in Portuguese and in Portugal, here is a reference that could fill in more details about the 1961 military action that led to the end of the Portuguese rule in India. The Vol. VIII (1808-1975) of "Batalhas e Combates da Marinha Portuguesa" by Saturnino Monteiro (Lisboa, Liv. Sá da Costa Editora, 1997). The author is a retired Naval Officer (Capitão-de-mar-e-guerra) and former professor of Naval Academy.
Pages 149-182 cover the Goa event (including the naval encounter at Diu). The author presents a very objective picture of the Portuguese political and strategic weaknesses at the time. Refers to the Portuguese complacent attitude vis-a-vis the post-World War II hegemonic tendencies and decolonization process. Quotes on p. 150: "This has nothing to do with us. There is no racism in our colonies. Our blacks (pretos) are happy with us and the idea of becoming independent is nowhere in their heads".
The book describes in quite some detail the military (particularly naval) strength and weaknesses of India at the time. Describes how Salazar relied in vain upon the diplomatic support of USA and UK, and had requested Pakistan and China to create border pressures. The author praises the last Governor General of Goa for ignoring the instructions of Salazar to resist till the last man. According to this account, two batches of artillery men were sent at the very end disguised as football teams. They were to handle the two obsolete anti-air guns the Portuguese had in Goa.
A request from Goa military asking for sausages (meaning ammunition for these artillery pieces) was responded literally by Lisbon authorities with various brands of Portuguese sausages! It became a joke among the Portuguese during a long time to come. Not many in Goa are aware of it as yet.
The book provides a very detailed description of the strategy and action (with maps indicating the battle positions) that ended the last Portuguese naval battles at Mormugão and off Diu. The names of the Portuguese officials who participated in these actions and lost their lives get a due mention.
There is reference to Indian navy having sensed the presence of a submarine. This was later confirmed to have been a British submarine on its way to Far East. The Indian navy was prepared for such an eventuality and several anti-submarine frigates, such as "Trishul", "Kuthar", "Kirpan" and "Khukri" were inducted in the operation. This book should be read alongside the "Operation Vijay" published by the government of India (ed. S.N. Prasad, National Archives of India) with details of Indian military documentation.
If you come across other interesting and relevant links on this them, or if you have a contribution of your own,
please send it to to add it to this list.,prtpage-1.cms?
Even 36 years after Goa´s Liberation, 22 years after the formation of the Goa SSC & HSSC Board of Education, 12 years after the establishment of the Goa University, there is still no Atlas of Goa, neither a good (1:50,000) wall map with standard geographic details available anywhere.Government officials, teachers and students are managing with tourist-maps of Goa!
The Survey of India maps are classified and are not available to the public. The best map is the regional map of Goa, which is a colour-coded, foldable wall map, stressing on the land utilisation pattern as envisaged in 1989. There are no contours or hydrographic or physiographic features in the map. Even then, for Rs 30 it is a buy.
With all these difficulties in mind, Dr. Nandakumar Kamat compiled one thousand geographically interesting facts about Goa. This article deals with seven. These have been selected not necessarily because they are the best natural wonders of Goa. Many of these "wonders" are everyday features, to the people who take them for granted.
Let each of these wonders tell you an interesting story. Each wonder has its secret. Let us explore these wonders, one by one:
Some 10,000 to 25,000 years ago, the sea-level must have been higher than it is at present. As you travel by the Cortalim-Vasco road, after crossing Sancoale, wherever the road has been widened by cutting the laterite, a continuous winding deposit of white marine shells is seen exposed.
This marine fossil bed is sandwitched between two layers of lateritic soil. The upper layer seems to have been formed recently. Similar fossils are found on the other side of the Zuari river at Siridao on the paddy fields, which are at almost the same level.
These marine fossil-beds are not only interesting, but could also tell us much more about ancient climate and sea-recession. The best of these deposits are exposed at Chicalim.
A look at the map of South Goa district with draw your attention to the peculiar liner shape of the district's coastline from Majorda to Betul. Such linearity represents uniform seaprecession and a young coastline.
As compared to the interior areas of Goa, this coastal stretch seems to have been formed recently (6,000-15,000 years ago). Majorda, Varca, Betalbatim, Colva... many famous beaches are located on this linear coastline -- a trekker's dream- stretch.
This linearity was a function of protective sand- dunes which are today getting demolished. Once the dunes disappear, this linear-wonder will become a zigzagging nightmare, due to change in the coastal geomorphology under tidal action.
This writer noticed this striking feature while trekking the Pernem coastline from the Keri-beach to Morjim many years ago. There are two routes to reach Arambol beach from Kerim along the coastline. One is via the coast and the other via the hillside.
The rock-arch forms a cave-like shelter near the hillside. When you enter the cave-like structure you realise it to be a massive arch which allows you to cross to the other side of the beach in a few minutes, while your colleagues walking along the coastline may need half an hour.
On closer inspection, the arch was found to be architectured by wave action. It is perhaps the only such passage in North Goa, but still it is less- investigated.
An interesting, layered rock formation is projected in the sea, just below the famous Baga Retreat House, looked after by the Jesuit Fathers. A deep, well-like structure, fully surrounded by massive rock-walls, except for a small opening, is known as "Choram Baim" (or, the well of thieves).
Sea-water gushes in this hollow, emitting a peculiar, metallic sound, which is so haunting and transfixing that it glues one to the site instantly.
These rocks are very old and may be remnants of the continental drift, which separated Goa from Madagascar and Antarctica.. According to one tradition, thieves used to hide valuable items in the hollows of the rocks near the well, and thus it came to be known as choram (thieves) baim (well).
My interpretation is that 'choram' means a deep ditch, and hence the local name indicates a ditch- like deep geological formation influenced by the sea.
One of the interesting topographic features of South Goa is the centrally-located, strategically formed Chandranath hill. Actually, there are two hillocks, with almost uniform contour lines and a triangular majestic elevation.
One hillock is 300m and the other is 350m high.
Originally known as Parvat, Prithviparvat or Paroda hills, these two magnificient peaks command the massive, fertile plains of Salcete and Quepem talukas between Mulem to Ambaulim and Talavardem to Sarzora.
Molem hill(175m) on the north, Adnem hill(161m) on the south, and Cuncolim(100m) hillock at the south-east form a triangle around this plain.
A meteorite fell on Chandranath mountain during the pre-historic period. A temple was built at that place during the Sata-Vahana period. The Bhoja kings developed this temple when they were ruling from Chandrapura -- today's Chandor at the foot of Paroda hill.
These hills are unique central watersheds of the Paroda river. There are no comparable landmarks in South Goa. In terms of location, topography, antiquity and natural charm. 'Chandrashila', the iron-meteorite worshipped in the temple, further adds to the mystery of this place.
Goa boasts of some huge banyan (Ficus) trees. The one at Parcem-Pernem spellbinds you due to its height. But the giant banyan tree near the Vaishnavite Partagali Math (religious centre) at Partagal-Canacona standing close to the Talpona river bank is a charming creation of nature's phytoarchitectural skills.
It is a horizontal foliar-wonder. This tree, believed to be at least 2000 years old, is spread over a vast area which can encompass about one thousand people in its shade. The site selection for the Math, a local religious centre of prominence, in the fifteenth century might have been influenced by the presence of this banyan tree, regarded as being holy. It is a tree not to be missed.
Sacred groves are ancient, untouched, virgin, protected forests. There are hundreds in Goa. Some are small -- comprising just one giant tree, mostly banyan. Some are huge, like the 'Nirakarachi Rai' near Valpoi. But the most interesting of all is the sacred grove of Morpila in Quepem taluka.
It protects the source of a mountain stream called 'Paikacho Vhal' (stream of the forest-spirit Paik). To reach it, one has to remove any leather sandals, climb a steep gradient, enter a long tunnel of bushes, walk on fours as the tunnel gets narrower and narrower and then come out to witness a cascading spring emerging out of the heart of a dense forest.
Not a leaf has been lifted from this area for thousands of years. This makes the grove a repository of ancient, untouched biodiversity.
During our last visit, Dr. Jairam Bhat found new species of aquatic fungi in this place, not known to science. The (tribal) Velip community has zealously tabooed and guarded this place for centuries. It is not a picnic spot, so visitors will be turned back. Morpila's sacred grove is a wonder of nature because of its pristine habitat and undisturbed biodiversity.
From: THE NAVHIND TIMES * Zest,June 14, 1997.
Dr Nandkumar Kamat is