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News & Trends - Indian Society Lifestyle Standards
Its the statements like the above that make no sense to a lot of people (including myself).

For the above statement to make any sense you will have to define what is the "hindu way of life". You could perhaps compare a particular caste's way of life in a particular village decade over decade but thats about it. There are no rules and fortunately we dont have to follow what a few nuts said 1300 or 2000 years ago either. So that in one way would mean that no hindu has ever lived the hindu way of life.

Having said that I still agree that the hindu way of life is loosing out. The way of life I refer to is a consensus reached to by a self-confident hindudom - whatever it is, if that involves daily doses of 10 patiala pegs by topless women then so be it. The keyword being a self-confident-hindudom. The self-confidence is lacking and hence the way of life of hindus today is nothing but way-of-life-through-imitation. The self-confidence has to come back and then whatever way hindus live will be the hindu way of life.

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News & Trends - Indian Society Lifestyle Standards - by Guest - 10-02-2006, 02:02 AM

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