12-20-2006, 10:35 PM
Indian political novices created history
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> A partial victory for the community was when the Hindu American Foundation prevailed in its legal action on behalf of Hindu parents in California against the California School Board of Education (SBE).
In September, a California Superior Court Judge upheld HAFâs claim that the sixth grade textbooks were inappropriate in their presentation of Hinduism. Although the court did not grant a revision of the textbooks, it held that the textbook adoption process was flawed and illegal.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> A partial victory for the community was when the Hindu American Foundation prevailed in its legal action on behalf of Hindu parents in California against the California School Board of Education (SBE).
In September, a California Superior Court Judge upheld HAFâs claim that the sixth grade textbooks were inappropriate in their presentation of Hinduism. Although the court did not grant a revision of the textbooks, it held that the textbook adoption process was flawed and illegal.