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News & Trends - Indian Society Lifestyle Standards
TITLE: Authority in Hinduism - The Caste System

RELIGION: Hinduism
AGE RANGE: Key Stage 3
NO. OF LESSONS: 2 lessons (2 x 1 hour)


* To help students explore and learn about the ancient Hindu caste system which divides people into groups.
* To give students the opportunity to reflect upon and discuss some issues raised e.g. the importance of your birth; occupation and employment.

Key skill: Students organising and managing group work.

Outline of lesson:

* Split students into five groups. Each group is to represent a different caste.

* Give each group information about one of the castes/varnas in Hinduism

* Students are to read through the information together and highlight the key beliefs and functions of each caste.

* Each group is to prepare a short account of what their caste/varna believes and the jobs they perform in society.

* Nominate three students from each group to go and visit each of the other groups to find out about the beliefs and functions of the castes/varnas they are representing.

* Nominated students to note down at least three points about the caste the group they visited was representing.

* Students to return to their original group and share their findings with each other and complete a mind map about the Hindu caste system.

* In their groups students to come up with at least one question they would like to ask the other groups about belonging to the caste/varna they are representing.

* Or students can discuss in their groups the following questions and share their views with the class:
o Who has the most authority/power in Hindu society?
o Why might some people think the caste system is unfair?
o Can you think of any benefits of the caste system?
o Why do you think that Brahmins tend to keep the rules about caste more strictly than many other groups?
o If you could choose to be born into one of the four main castes, which would it be, and why?
o How do you think caste might affect Hindus living in Britain?
o Do you think social class makes a difference to the jobs you are able to do in Britain?

ICT Opportunities

This lesson can make effective use of the Mind Manager Smart software to help students organise findings from the different groups in a mind map.

Each group could produce a PowerPoint presentation on one of the castes and deliver it to the whole class.

Students could suggest and evaluate useful websites and other ICT based resources to help other students to find out about the Hindu caste system.

Inspiration software can be used to create a flow chart. On this students could organise the Hindu caste system in order. This activity might be helpful for SEN students.

Useful websites




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News & Trends - Indian Society Lifestyle Standards - by acharya - 01-04-2007, 06:26 AM

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