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Assasination Of Mahatma Gandhi
Part III newstodaynet.com

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Gandhi, the moulana of Muslim appeasement-III


        The historical basis for Dr Manmohan Singh's new fangled infatuation for Muslims with infinite dimensions embracing the whole universe dates back to the days of Khilafat Movement in 1921. The Ali Brothers � Mohammed Ali and Shaukat Ali � who were digging the ground under the feet of Mahatma Gandhi all the time affirmed their loyalty to the doctrine of Pan-Islamism. Mohammed Ali sent a letter to Amanulla, the Amir of Afghanistan, inviting him to invade India. The British government got scent of this and arrested the Ali Brothers. When Mohammed Ali was produced before the Jury in the sessions court, he confirmed his complicity in the act of treason: 'The clear law of Islam requires that no Mussalman should render any assistance to the British government against the Amir of Afghanistan and if the Jehad approaches his region, every Mussalman must join the Mujahidin and assist them to the best of his or her power.'

        Mohammed Ali later gave a written assurance of good conduct confirming that he was no opponent of the British government and thereafter he was released. It is on public record that, again in 1921, when the Khilafat agitation was at its peak, Mohammed Ali sent a wire to Amanulla, Amir of Afghanistan urging him not to enter into any kind of peaceful agreement with Britain. At one of the Congress meetings when Swami Shradhananda criticised Mohammed Ali for his act of sending a telegram to the Amir of Afghanistan, Mohammed Ali took him aside and gave him the handwritten draft of a wire. Swami Shradhananda recorded in his book: 'What was my astonishment when I saw the draft of the self-same telegram in the peculiar handwriting of the Father of the Non-violent, Non-cooperation Movement.' To this charge, however, Gandhi replied that he did not remember to have done so.

        In May 1921, there were again public rumours that the Ali Brothers would be arrested by the British government for conspiring with the Amir of Afghanistan to invade India. Mahatma Gandhi's conscience was quickened by this public rumour and he poured out his compassionate Muslim-loving heart to the even more compassionate Hindu-loving Ali Brothers. At a public meeting in Allahabad on 10 May, 1921, with tears in his eyes, Mahatma Gandhi said: 'I cannot understand why the Ali Brothers are going to be arrested as the rumour goes, and why I am to remain free. They had done nothing which I would not do. 'Writing in Young India in May 1921, Mahatma Gandhi declared with Jehadic piety: 'I would, in a sense certainly assist the Amir of Afghanistan if he waged a war against the British government.' Mohammed Ali was known for his decency and decorum and fidelity. He showed his noble qualities in 1924 when he declared at Aligarh and Ajmer: 'However pure Mr Gandhi's character may be, he must appear to me from the point of view of my religion inferior to any Mussalman, even though he be without character... Yes, according to my religion and creed, I do hold an adulterous and a fallen Mussalman to be better than Mahatma Gandhi.'

        Mahatma Gandhi's public posture and attitude towards the treasonable acts of Ali Brothers were severely criticised by prominent public personalities of the day like V S Srinivasa Sastri, C Y Chintamani, the Editor of Leader, Allahabad and C F Andrews, Gandhi's confidant. All of them including Annie Besant told him in categorical terms that his speeches and writings were unmistakably such as to justify the treasonable act of Mohammed Ali's invitation to the Amir of Afghanistan to launch an invasion against India.

        Apart from the genuinely noble tribute paid by Mohammed Ali with Islamic conviction to Mahatma Gandhi referred to above, what was the reaction of the other Muslim leaders of the time to the generosity of spirit, largeness of heart and greatness of mind shown by Mahatma Gandhi towards his ever peace loving and supremely humane Muslim brothers? A Muslim leader who was considered as a 24-Carat Nationalist by all the Congressites in general and Mahatma Gandhi in particular soared to unimaginable heights when he presided over the Khilafat Conference at Ahmedabad in December 1922. That was Hakim Ajmal Khan. With Mahatma Gandhi and all the other great national leaders� unbelieving Hindu Kafirs� like C R Das, Lala Lajpat Rai, and many others sitting by his side on the dais, Hakim Ajmal Khan declared in a historic speech: 'I envisage a glorious future awaiting our Pan-Islamic Empire. India on the one side and Asia Minor on the other are but two extreme links in a chain of future Islamic Federation, which are gradually but surely joining together all intermediate States in one great system.' When he concluded his speech, Mahatma Gandhi went and embraced him which gladdened the Pan-Islamic hearts of Congressites present on that occasion.

        The frenzy of Jehad generated by the inspiring Khilafat leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, ably guided by the Ali Brothers, soon spread like wild fire in different parts of India. Beginning with the Moplah rebellion in Malabar district in 1921, it spread to a few places in Punjab and Bengal in 1922 and by 1923 it enveloped many other provinces. The main centres of Hindu-Muslim riots were Amritsar, Lahore, Panipat, Multan in the Punjab; Moradabad, Meerat, Allahabad, Saharanpur in UP; at Bhagalpur in Bihar, at Gulbargah at Hyderabad State and at Delhi itself. At most of these places, it was the Muslims joining the Moharrum procession who had sparked off the communal outbreak and given the green signal for widespread uprising against the Hindus.

        Rajendra Prasad, who cannot be dismissed by the Congress vermin of UPA government today as a fervent and doughty champion of communal Hindutva, minced no words in pinpointing the Muslim complicity in these riots: 'Towards the later part of 1922 there occurred serious riots in Multan in which Hindu places of worship were desecrated, many Hindus were killed and many Hindu houses were looted and burnt. This was the first of a large number of communal riots which continued for several years and which occurred in almost all parts of the country.'

        In all these riots sparked of by the Khilafat agitation led by Mahatma Gandhi, numberless Hindus fell victims to the spectre of Muslim barbarism. Countless Hindu women were raped and kidnapped. Practically every Hindu festival� Ram Lila, Durga Puja, Holi, Ganapathi Puja � was a signal for a fierce Muslim assault as an integral aspect of Khilafat agitation. Mahatma Gandhi gave his infantile reactions through Young India in 1924. He wrote: 'The Hindus have written to me complaining that I was responsible for unifying and awakening the Mussalmans and giving prestige to the Moulvis which they never had before. Now that the Khilafat question is over the awakened Mussalmans have proclaimed a kind of Jehad against the Hindus... The tales that are reported from Bengal of outrages upon Hindu women are the most disquieting if they are even half-true. My own experience but confirms the opinion that the Mussalman as a rule is a bully, and the Hindu as a rule is a coward. Need the Hindu blame the Mussalman for his cowardice? Where there are cowards, there will always be bullies... But as a Hindu, I am more ashamed of Hindu cowardice than I am angry at the Mussalman bullying.' The tone of this hypocritical, if not patently mad, writing of Mahatma Gandhi makes it clear that he had total contempt for his perceived cowardice of the Hindus and profound respect and regard, bordering on unstated veneration, for the blackmailing tactics of the Mussalmans.

        Dr.Annie Besant, one of the top leaders of the Congress, fully realised the folly of the perverse Khilafat policy of Mahatma Gandhi: 'Since the Khilafat agitation, things have changed and it has been one of the many injuries inflicted on India by the encouragement of the Khilafat crusade, that the inner Muslim feeling of hatred against unbelievers has sprung up, naked and unashamed, as in years gone by... If India were independent, the Muslim part of the population � for the ignorant masses would follow those who appeal to them in the name of their Prophet � would become an immediate peril to India's freedom. Allying themselves with Afghanistan, Baluchistan, Persia, Iraq, Arabia, Turkey and Egypt and with such of the tribes of Central Asia who are Mussalmans, they would rise to place India under the rule of Islam � Those in 'British India' being helped by the Muslims in Indian States and would establish Mussalman rule.' These fears of Annie Besant are getting confirmed in letter and spirit through the day to day policy pronouncements of the UPA government � whose ghastly if not gory deeds will land all the peace loving Hindus of India in irretrievable gloom for ages to come.

        The same fear as that of Annie Besant was expressed by Lala Lajpat Rai in a letter to C R Das in 1924: 'I am not afraid of seven crores of Muslims of Hindustan. But I think the seven crores of Hindustan plus the armed hosts of Afghanistan, Central Asia, Arabia, Mesopotamia and Turkey will be irresistible... I am willing to trust the Muslim leaders, but what about the injunctions of the Koran and Hadis? The Muslim leaders cannot override them. Are we then doomed? I hope not.'

        Mahatma Gandhi sowed the wind of Khilafat in 1921 and we reaped the whirlwind of Pakistan in 1947. In 2006, we are preparing to create a federation of neo-secular Pakistans within our country by our consciously chosen divisive policies based on religion, caste, colour, creed and community running counter to the known letter and spirit of our Constitution.

        (To be contd...)

        (The writer is a retired IAS officer)

        e-mail the writer at vsundaram@newstodaynet.com

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Assasination Of Mahatma Gandhi - by Guest - 12-16-2005, 10:02 PM
Assasination Of Mahatma Gandhi - by Sunder - 12-16-2005, 11:08 PM
Assasination Of Mahatma Gandhi - by Guest - 12-17-2005, 01:39 AM
Assasination Of Mahatma Gandhi - by Guest - 12-17-2005, 01:44 AM
Assasination Of Mahatma Gandhi - by Guest - 09-06-2006, 12:26 AM
Assasination Of Mahatma Gandhi - by Guest - 10-10-2006, 10:40 PM
Assasination Of Mahatma Gandhi - by Guest - 10-10-2006, 10:43 PM
Assasination Of Mahatma Gandhi - by Guest - 10-10-2006, 10:59 PM
Assasination Of Mahatma Gandhi - by Guest - 10-12-2006, 12:57 AM
Assasination Of Mahatma Gandhi - by Guest - 10-12-2006, 06:57 AM
Assasination Of Mahatma Gandhi - by Guest - 10-12-2006, 07:04 AM
Assasination Of Mahatma Gandhi - by Guest - 10-12-2006, 07:12 AM
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Assasination Of Mahatma Gandhi - by acharya - 10-13-2006, 01:17 AM
Assasination Of Mahatma Gandhi - by Sunder - 10-13-2006, 01:30 AM
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Assasination Of Mahatma Gandhi - by Guest - 10-13-2006, 08:47 PM
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Assasination Of Mahatma Gandhi - by Bharatvarsh - 10-14-2006, 04:54 PM
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Assasination Of Mahatma Gandhi - by Bharatvarsh - 05-14-2007, 11:10 PM
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Assasination Of Mahatma Gandhi - by acharya - 07-31-2007, 12:31 AM
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Assasination Of Mahatma Gandhi - by Bharatvarsh - 11-15-2007, 07:08 PM
Assasination Of Mahatma Gandhi - by Guest - 03-03-2008, 08:41 PM
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