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Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron
Again, post 218:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In the Christian world, Christians criticize Christianity freely and extensively.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Really? Slowdoh doesn't realise he has the Enlightenment and the growth of real Secularism to thank for that. Before that, when christianity still ruled Europe, if you criticised that terrorist religion, you'll answer to Ze Holy Inquisition or to the
Protestant inquisitions
. When the Church lost all power over controlling the populace - that was when it could no longer crush the dissent and criticism. Is Slowmo living under a rock or something? Is this what all Indian christos learn: the history of christianity as told by the compulsively lying church and missions?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Almost all of this are attacks on the practice of Christianity, not the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Nothing to attack in the life and teachings of jeebus creepus, since there never was a jeebus creepus and therefore no teachings. He's fiction. The 'teachings' attributed to him were written by many different scribes over several centuries. Slowdoh/playdoh needs to read some current books on New Testament scholarship.

But, there has been endless criticism of jeebus nonetheless, mostly of the evilness of the teachings attributed to that non-existent terrorist. Many thinkers, experts on the Bible and theologians, former-christian priests have been exposing the fraud since the inception of christianity. They became fewer during the Dark Ages - the ages when Christianity was in control. But since the enlightenment, they've grown in numbers again. The worst insults of christianity I've ever heard (all of which I now realise are true, but I didn't know it then so it shocked me) all came from former-devout-christians. Insults like: jeebus never existed.

Slowmo actually tripped over himself and fell, as far back as the 2nd paragraph of his nonsense writing:<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Your attacks on Jesus and Christianity made me go back to the gospels about Christ’s life and the sermons of St. Paul. These are the two greatest Jews and individuals that ever lived. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Is he saying the only good Jews are non-existent and inadequately documented Jews? See the indirect anti-semitism coming from Indian-turned-christoterrorist Slowjo. Anymore from him and I'm reporting him to any Jewish rights organisation I can find (Anti-Defamation League?).

<b>Briefly about 'Paul/St. Saul':</b>
- Pauline epistles: "Some of these epistles are by far the oldest parts of the NT, having been composed at least 30 years before the oldest gospel." ( http://freetruth.50webs.org/B2c.htm )
meaning they're older than the four canonical gospels which were later attributed to the names 'Matthew, Mark, Luke and John'.
- But Paul's epistles don't count as eyewitness testimonies for jeebus, because he makes it clear he never met Jesus in the flesh.
- This is however more interesting. Who is Paul?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->And six of the thirteen letters of St. Paul are not by him. Even his "real" letters were later heavily edited by the Church. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->And Frank Zindler writes in Did Jesus exist:<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->- it turns out that only four [of the 13 letters attributed to Paul] can be shown to be substantially by the same author, putatively Saul.
- Even the letters supposed to contain authentic writings of Saul/Paul have been shown by a number of scholars to be as composite as the gospels. ... the core Pauline material in these letters is what might be termed a <b>pre-Christian Gnostic</b> product.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->So which Paul is slowmo talking about? Several scribes wrote the Pauline Epistles, one of whom we can '<i>putatively</i>' dubb Paul. And that putative Paul never met jeebus anyway. What's more:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The Falsified Paul: Early Christianity in the Twilight by Hermann Detering (NT scholarship of the Radikal Kritik school):
This book shows that <b>all the Pauline letters are all 2nd-Century fabrications</b>, Catholically redacted from Marcionite gnostic dualist-god original versions.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> What that means is that 'Paul' did not write any of the epistles attributed to him. So nothing is known about the Paul that Slowmo is talking about, because he left no written works behind.

Slowmo opines that besides his two biggest idols - jeebus and Paul - two other Jewish people deserve the thumbs-up (and, for a change, the following two are real, historical, documented people this time):
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The other two would be Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Jewish 'Christian' Isaac Newton - I read he was Catharan (Christian heresy, which explains a lot). So he gets Slowmo's stamp of approval because he's christian, like the purported St Saul was?
But here's a mystery: why does Slowmo approve of Albert Einstein, when the latter had no love for christianity and knew about this evil religion.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->According to Jesus the Jew, God has no chosen people. We are all equal under god.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->According to Jeebus? Who cares what the babble scribes have to put into the mouth of the non-documented (and therefore non-existent-as-described-by-gospels) character jeebus? Jeebus of the babble is a jeebus unknown to history. Other Jesuses there were, but they were not the jeebus creepus of the babbling book.

Judaic God Yahweh <i>has</i> a chosen people, according to Judaism wherein Judaic God Yahweh is known.

Christianity is a terrorist religion that steals others' religions and twists it to put jeebus in the centre. There is no jeebus in Judaism. He'd have been an unimportant non-entity to them had that non-existent character not caused anti-semitism: he brought nothing but pogroms and holocausts to Jewish people.
The christian demon 'gawd' Jehovah is jeebus' god. And no, Jews are not this demiurge's chosen people. They are the chosen people of their God Yahweh. Hard for the appropriating christoterrorists to understand. Jeebus and Jehovah have nothing to do with the Jews. The Old Testament is stolen from the Jewish people and twisted to make it seem like Jeebus of the New Testament fullfilled the OT prophecies.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->So why don't Jews believe in Jesus the Jew and his Jewish disciples especially Paul?<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Why would anyone ask a christoterrorist like Slowmo to explain why Jews don't believe in jeebus? Let's let knowledgeable Jews answer that for themselves, in a page appropriately titled:
'Why don't Jews believe in jesus?' http://www.simpletoremember.com/vitals/jewsandjesus.htm
The author is being kind, not referring to the non-existent nature of The Creepus. Simple reason why they don't believe in him: The invented character of jeebus was a fraud who is not a messiah, and christian scribes manipulated the OT to make jeebus the messiah. Problem is, those christo scribes didn't know enough about Judaism to do a good job: they made infantile mistakes and christianity is embarrassed to admit it's a fraud and so anti-semitism started and christos murdered Jews to silence them and keep the christianity-shattering mistakes hidden.

(Pulled the links and quotes above from http://freetruth.50webs.org/ again)

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Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 02-17-2006, 04:42 PM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 02-17-2006, 04:46 PM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 02-17-2006, 05:43 PM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 02-18-2006, 10:37 PM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 02-19-2006, 04:01 AM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 02-19-2006, 07:58 AM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Bharatvarsh - 02-19-2006, 08:48 AM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 02-20-2006, 12:03 AM
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Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by narayanan - 02-20-2006, 09:21 PM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 02-21-2006, 04:54 AM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 02-21-2006, 05:01 AM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 02-21-2006, 09:09 AM
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Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Bharatvarsh - 02-22-2006, 12:20 AM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 02-22-2006, 12:33 AM
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Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Amber G. - 02-22-2006, 09:27 PM
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Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 05-07-2006, 01:32 AM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Amber G. - 05-20-2006, 04:10 AM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 05-24-2006, 09:07 PM
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Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 09-17-2006, 11:37 PM
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Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by agnivayu - 09-20-2006, 04:40 AM
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Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 01-08-2007, 12:54 AM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 01-08-2007, 01:12 AM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 01-19-2007, 04:01 AM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Shambhu - 01-19-2007, 04:11 AM
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Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Bharatvarsh - 01-19-2007, 07:05 PM
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Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Shambhu - 01-20-2007, 09:49 PM
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Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Shambhu - 10-05-2007, 07:03 PM
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Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 03-09-2006, 11:45 PM
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Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 03-11-2006, 02:10 AM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by agnivayu - 03-11-2006, 02:28 AM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 03-11-2006, 05:10 AM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Amber G. - 03-11-2006, 05:51 AM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 03-11-2006, 07:54 AM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 03-11-2006, 12:24 PM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 03-11-2006, 02:56 PM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 03-11-2006, 07:08 PM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 03-11-2006, 07:38 PM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 03-11-2006, 09:47 PM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by agnivayu - 03-11-2006, 10:13 PM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 03-11-2006, 10:36 PM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 03-15-2006, 08:40 AM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 03-15-2006, 12:57 PM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 03-15-2006, 11:48 PM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 03-16-2006, 12:02 AM
Harvard Ethics: An Oxymoron - by Guest - 03-16-2006, 12:33 AM

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