Again, post #218
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"[some villains] called Hinduism an evil religion"<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->I wouldn't want villains to pay Hinduism a compliment anyway.
'Evil' in christianity is really twisted. In christianity, it's okay for christians to kill and destroy civilisations for their cherished christianity - as exhibited throughout history. See
As for real evil, Slowmo needs to read the Babble. For the moment, let's take it seriously, like Christos always do.
Who'd want to go to heaven to meet Jehovah, after reading the babble? Which other being imaginable is more evil than the demiurge of the OT - the christian gawd? (Okay, the islamic one matches up, but they're the same: one christoislamic gawd.) Oh yeah - the answer is jeebus. Creepus is worse than The Demiurge. Why? Because in the OT, we have the Demiurge who can only torment man in life. He gets people to dash their children against rocks, he 'goes forth' and destroys entire nations, and more dreadful genocidal terrorism on nation-wide scale. (This is all biblical, see: or or - GASP! all western sites that have nothing to do with Hindus!)
But even Demiurge is okay - he can only make you suffer during your life. After which, the OT puts the believer in Sheol, which is where the shades of all the dead went. Then came the NT and its terrible central character jeebus creepus: the Demiurge born as his own Son via Gawd as the Holy Spook making Mary conceive. Now jeebus invents the ultimate punishment: he loves you, he says. 'He loves you', but if you don't love his non-existent self back, he threatens with ETERNAL DAMNATION. Jeebus invented hell and he threatens with hell every little while in the NT, just in case you forgot about it. See - hellfire jesus.
Love jeebus or else. Demiurge of OT can only get you in life. Demiurge's new-and-improved NT version Jeebus will torment you for eternity with the concept of hell 'he' invented in the NT. No wonder my friend (former christian, former baptist) prefers the Demiurge to jeebus. I would too. Jeebus is a jealous character who needs your love - wholly consistent with Jehovah the Demiurge who is also jealous and needs your love - but jeebus doesn't just threaten to kill you and your countrymen. He wants you all to pay <i>forever</i>. Jeebus is whiny, needy - if this were your girlfriend/boyfriend you'd dump him/her in a flash.
('Demiurge' above not meant in the original Platonic sense, nor in the different sense of early Gnosticism, but in the sense that medieval Catharan heretics used it)
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Christian West's religion and Jesus himself, all behind the backs of the Christian West.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->I'm guessing Slowjo lives in America which is all of the 'Christian west' he could be describing, because the places I've lived outside India were mostly atheist. Many Scandinavians whose writings I've read have shown their dislike for christianity. I've seen several write about how christianity, islam (and unfortunately they include judaism) are all the same religion anyway. And some describe christianity and islam in particular as terrorist ideologies and equate them with fascism and communism. I've now come to agree with this opinion. But I didn't invent it. So slowbo better blame the formerly-christian west, rather than Hindu India.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->You will never see such behavior and attitudes among East Asian Americans or even Muslim Americans.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Don't know any East Asian Americans. Muslims hate christianity, but they hate judaism and the other 'kafir' religions the most. Slowbo doesn't have a clue. Muslim Americans are a minority. And when (not if) they become a majority, slowdoh will experience what they really think of his religion. They will utterly destroy it (it's a numbers-and-who's-got-the-gun game, after all) without advertising their plans in English first. From the little I've seen translated in the news, there are enough sites in middle-eastern languages and Urdu that spew hate about christians and threaten horrible deaths for christos.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Similarly, Buddhists, Shintoist, Taoist and Confucian followers may criticize the behavior of Christian countries, but they never attack Christianity itself. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->I personally know several Buddhists and Taoists and a Shintoist - and they have been more knowledgeable about christianity and for longer than I have been. They have not a good word to say about the terrorist jeebus and the religion built about him. But maybe their older generation is more respectful of christianity and The Creepus, like the old generation Hindus are.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->On the other hand, in the Christian world, Christians avoid slandering and defaming other religions, especially Hinduism.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Slowmo is not only slow, he's either a liar or has been living under a rock (actually, that's not impossible... would that he'd crawl back). But I'll leave it at that.
By the way, what's the 'christian world'? Oh, he's talking about The Dark Ages. The Christos from Portugal were very respectful indeed. One needs but read what they did to Hindu temples and what they wrote about slowmo's ancestral religion of Hinduism to discover how respectful they were.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->"[some villains] called Hinduism an evil religion"<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->I wouldn't want villains to pay Hinduism a compliment anyway.
'Evil' in christianity is really twisted. In christianity, it's okay for christians to kill and destroy civilisations for their cherished christianity - as exhibited throughout history. See
As for real evil, Slowmo needs to read the Babble. For the moment, let's take it seriously, like Christos always do.
Who'd want to go to heaven to meet Jehovah, after reading the babble? Which other being imaginable is more evil than the demiurge of the OT - the christian gawd? (Okay, the islamic one matches up, but they're the same: one christoislamic gawd.) Oh yeah - the answer is jeebus. Creepus is worse than The Demiurge. Why? Because in the OT, we have the Demiurge who can only torment man in life. He gets people to dash their children against rocks, he 'goes forth' and destroys entire nations, and more dreadful genocidal terrorism on nation-wide scale. (This is all biblical, see: or or - GASP! all western sites that have nothing to do with Hindus!)
But even Demiurge is okay - he can only make you suffer during your life. After which, the OT puts the believer in Sheol, which is where the shades of all the dead went. Then came the NT and its terrible central character jeebus creepus: the Demiurge born as his own Son via Gawd as the Holy Spook making Mary conceive. Now jeebus invents the ultimate punishment: he loves you, he says. 'He loves you', but if you don't love his non-existent self back, he threatens with ETERNAL DAMNATION. Jeebus invented hell and he threatens with hell every little while in the NT, just in case you forgot about it. See - hellfire jesus.
Love jeebus or else. Demiurge of OT can only get you in life. Demiurge's new-and-improved NT version Jeebus will torment you for eternity with the concept of hell 'he' invented in the NT. No wonder my friend (former christian, former baptist) prefers the Demiurge to jeebus. I would too. Jeebus is a jealous character who needs your love - wholly consistent with Jehovah the Demiurge who is also jealous and needs your love - but jeebus doesn't just threaten to kill you and your countrymen. He wants you all to pay <i>forever</i>. Jeebus is whiny, needy - if this were your girlfriend/boyfriend you'd dump him/her in a flash.
('Demiurge' above not meant in the original Platonic sense, nor in the different sense of early Gnosticism, but in the sense that medieval Catharan heretics used it)
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Christian West's religion and Jesus himself, all behind the backs of the Christian West.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->I'm guessing Slowjo lives in America which is all of the 'Christian west' he could be describing, because the places I've lived outside India were mostly atheist. Many Scandinavians whose writings I've read have shown their dislike for christianity. I've seen several write about how christianity, islam (and unfortunately they include judaism) are all the same religion anyway. And some describe christianity and islam in particular as terrorist ideologies and equate them with fascism and communism. I've now come to agree with this opinion. But I didn't invent it. So slowbo better blame the formerly-christian west, rather than Hindu India.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->You will never see such behavior and attitudes among East Asian Americans or even Muslim Americans.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Don't know any East Asian Americans. Muslims hate christianity, but they hate judaism and the other 'kafir' religions the most. Slowbo doesn't have a clue. Muslim Americans are a minority. And when (not if) they become a majority, slowdoh will experience what they really think of his religion. They will utterly destroy it (it's a numbers-and-who's-got-the-gun game, after all) without advertising their plans in English first. From the little I've seen translated in the news, there are enough sites in middle-eastern languages and Urdu that spew hate about christians and threaten horrible deaths for christos.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Similarly, Buddhists, Shintoist, Taoist and Confucian followers may criticize the behavior of Christian countries, but they never attack Christianity itself. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->I personally know several Buddhists and Taoists and a Shintoist - and they have been more knowledgeable about christianity and for longer than I have been. They have not a good word to say about the terrorist jeebus and the religion built about him. But maybe their older generation is more respectful of christianity and The Creepus, like the old generation Hindus are.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->On the other hand, in the Christian world, Christians avoid slandering and defaming other religions, especially Hinduism.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Slowmo is not only slow, he's either a liar or has been living under a rock (actually, that's not impossible... would that he'd crawl back). But I'll leave it at that.
By the way, what's the 'christian world'? Oh, he's talking about The Dark Ages. The Christos from Portugal were very respectful indeed. One needs but read what they did to Hindu temples and what they wrote about slowmo's ancestral religion of Hinduism to discover how respectful they were.