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Holy Swastika For Hindus
The following is from an amazon.com (America) review saved a year and a half back for the book 'Kreuz und Hakenkreuz. Die evangelische Kirche im Dritten Reich' by Kurt Meier

But now that that particular version/edition of the book is apparently not sold in amazon America anymore, the following review has gone missing (more on that later). In any case, I can't find it and don't care enough for amazon to try to track it down. Anyway, here's the review for the older edition that I'd saved:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Kreuz & Haknekreuz, Cross & Hooked Cross, not Swastika. , April 2, 2005
Reviewer: E. R. CURRY "RexCurry.net" (Tampa, FL USA) - See all my reviews
The book "Kreuz und Hakenkreuz. Die evangelische Kirche im Dritten Reich" by Kurt Meier is very educational.

Even the title is educational in exposing the "swastika myth" -that the symbol of the National Socialist German Workers' Party was not a "swastika" in Germany, but a "Hakenkreuz" (hooked cross).

The myth began in translations of Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" containing the only comments ever made about the symbol by the leader of the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis). Hitler did not use the word "swastika." Hitler used the German word "hakenkreuz." The most literal translation is "hooked cross." Most readers intuitively understand "hooked cross" or "crooked cross" or even "hakenkreuz," but not "swastika." There is no evidence that Hitler knew "swastika." The word "swastika" as used in English for the symbol of the National Socialist German Workers' Party was a misleading translation of "hakenkreuze."

A Hakenkreuz is not a swastika. A swastika can point left or right, and historically sits flat on one side in a square shape. Miller's book helps to debunk the claim that the swastika was used by Hitler as a sankrit sign for "good luck" and stolen from an eastern culture (or that it was reversed for "evil").

Even the English language at first used the word "hooked cross." British propaganda of WWII also used 'crooked cross.'

"Hakenkreuz" is in Adelung's dictionary (of German words) of 1811, and "Swastika" is not. Adelung's reference of 1811 for "Hakenkreuz" predates the "swastika" reference of 1871 in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) by 60 years. The OED also lists "hakenkreuz" as an English word used in the Times in 1931.

To judge from the OED, there was not a single widely-known term for the symbol in the early 1930's when, suddenly, every newspaper needed one. The OED indicates that for a while, the newspapers imported 'Hakenkreuz.' It would be interesting to know how 'swastika' became the usual name. It seems that Germans didn't have anything to do with it.

Translators changed "hakenkreuz" to "swastika." Who was the first bad translator and why did others repeat the misrepresentation?

"Swastika" translators might have wanted the National Socialist German Workers' Party to stain a foreign symbol rather than their own. "Hakenkreuz" is a reference to a cross.

The cross reference might have been a reminder that in ancient times it was for torture and execution. The Nazi Hakenkreuz was used in the persecution of people for various reasons, including religious differences. It came to represent the socialist sins of the Nazis.

The Nazi Hackenkreuz combined the German-Prussian Iron Cross (Ritterkreuz -"rider cross" or "Knight's Cross") with the pre-Nazi Hackenkreuz to form new intertwined "S" shapes for the "socialist" dogma of the horrid National Socialists as shown in the history-making discovery by the journalist Rex Curry.

Military medals and Nazi posters show it, as do flags and banners.

The USA's chief National Socialist was Edward Bellamy, a fan of the Prussian military and its educational system. The Prussian system was Bellamy's blueprint for "military socialism" that he espoused three decades before the Nazis. His book "Looking Backward 2000-1887" was an international bestseller in 1888 and in its German translation.

Bellamy spent a year in Dresden (1868-9), learning to speak and write German and attending lectures. His stay occurred shortly after the war between Prussia and Austria. Saxony, of which Dresden was the capital, had sided with Austria, had been conquered by Prussia, and then had joined the North German Federation. While Bellamy was there the German Workers' Party issued its program of socialist cliches that Bellamy repeated in his bestseller and for the rest of his life. Who influenced who the most?

Edward Bellamy was cousin and cohort to Francis Bellamy, creator of the straight-arm salute of the pledge of allegiance. Both Bellamys were leaders in the "Society of Christian Socialists" that called its dogma "Christian Socialism" in the USA.

Miller's book is fascinating and worth the time to review.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->The reviewer, whose review for this book (above) has gone missing, has however regurgitated some of the above when I googled for his name in the amazon namespace. See http://www.amazon.com/gp/wiki/alt-pdp-wiki...Z0NRUHJR&page=2
Look for occurrences of the word 'hakenkreuz' on this page

On another matter, it seems amazon now works with a wiki to become 'amapedia'. Sigh, probably another wannabe encyclopaedia in the making.

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Holy Swastika For Hindus - by acharya - 01-21-2007, 01:43 AM
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Holy Swastika For Hindus - by Guest - 02-01-2007, 05:11 AM
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Holy Swastika For Hindus - by acharya - 02-02-2007, 11:02 PM
Holy Swastika For Hindus - by acharya - 02-02-2007, 11:03 PM
Holy Swastika For Hindus - by Guest - 02-03-2007, 10:27 PM
Holy Swastika For Hindus - by Guest - 02-03-2007, 11:05 PM

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