03-20-2007, 02:59 AM
Hindus betraying Hindus
March 18, 2007
Hindu youth reduced to second class status
By O.P. Gupta, I.F.S. (retd.)
It is painful to see how a class of 'secular, progressive and liberal' Hindu politicians right from the days of the 1916 Congress-Muslim League Lucknow Pact till date in the form of the Sachar Committee report has been systematically collaborating with Muslim and other minority politicians in concocting justifications to reduce, bit by bit, the educational, employment and economic (E3) opportunities for Hindu boys and girls, including leftist Hindu boys and girls.
Religious minority institutions have been empowered by none other than our 'secular' Hindu politicians to treat Hindu applicants as second-class citizens of India at the mercy, whims and fancies of "minority managements" even where these institutions receive under Article 30(2) state grants out of taxes largely collected from we Hindus.
As the political parties in their manifestos openly declare that they will give special considerations to Muslims and Christians, they cannot be accused of betraying Hindu youth. Those Hindu parents who give their votes blindly to such political parties are the real ones who by casting their votes to such parties accept in principle that minority students be given special preference over their own children and, thus, unknowingly, end up betraying their own children, grandchildren and the Hindu youth.
It is painful to see how Hindu parents are being media managed to harm and hurt educational, employment, economic and business opportunities of their own children and grandchildren by giving their notes and votes to such political parties which shout from their political rooftops that they will give special preferences to Muslims and Christians over Hindus.
Since the employment situation is worsening day by day, it is important that those Hindu parents who have college going children or grand children, and, those Hindu youth who will soon be entering into employment market seriously look for and identify those Hindu politicians who are bent upon to reduce their E3 space.
In January 2007, the Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India, sent a note to all "heads of departments, public sector banks and financial institutions, quasi-government organisa-tions, autonomous bodies and all appointing authorities," asking them to "scrupulously observe" guidelines to make selection panels more representative. All selection panels recruiting ten or more vacancies must have one member belonging to a minority community.
What is more important, the departments have been instructed to submit half-yearly and annual reports, beginning March 2007, detailing number of vacancies at all levelsâGroups A, B, C and Dâand the number of minorities hired. Dr Manmohan Singh is the Minister for DOPT. This circular instructs to give special considerations to minorities in all appointments, so danger bell is ringing loud and clear for all Hindu job-seekers whether they are leftists or rightists that despite their better profiles percentage of Hindu intake will be reduced adversely affecting them all.
A one man Commission headed by Justice Ranganath Mishra was silently set up by the UPA government which is looking at status of non- Muslim minorities, and, is mandated to recommend ways of helping them get better representation in government services. Its report is due by March 31, 2007. So this Commission is also looking at ways and means to further reduce percentage of Hindus in public services, bank loans etc.
Suppose there are 10,000 vacancies, seats reserved for SC Hindus would be 1500, for ST Hindus 750 and for OBC 2700. Not many Hindus know that about 70 per cent of Muslims are already covered under the Mandal Commission formula and are enjoying benefits under the 27 per cent quota.
In Andhra Pradesh, the Congress government led by Shri Y.S. Rajsekhar Reddy reserved five per cent of seats in government colleges and in government jobs for Muslims. It means that only 9500 seats would be available to all categories of Hindus and other minorities having reserved 500 seats exclusively for Muslims. So, the number of seats available for SC Hindus will get reduced to 1425 from 1500, the number of seats for ST Hindus will get reduced to 712 from 750, and, the number of seats reserved for OBC will get reduced to 2565 from 2700. Number of general category seats in which caste Hindus fall will also shrink from 5000 to 4500. So giving special preferences to minorities over Hindu candidates, which is the core policy of Congress Party, equally hurts educational and employment opportunities of all groups of Hindus, whether SC Hindus, or ST Hindus, or OBC Hindus, or caste Hindus, or leftist Hindus. It is mere arithmatic. If more than 500 Muslims got more marks than the last Hindu candidate, then Muslim candidates will spill over into general category 9500 seats. Incidentally in Andhra Pradesh Muslims enjoy higher literacy rate than Hindus.
In February 2007, Chief Minister of West Bengal issued instructions that "at least 10 per cent of the appointees should be from the minority community." By courtesy of Leftist Hindu voters, the percentage of Hindus' job intake is set to fall in West Bengal.
Shri Arif Mohammad Khan, a former Union Minister in the Rajiv Gandhi government, has pointed out that 10 Muslim communities are already part of the Scheduled Tribes and another 83 Muslim communities are included in the OBC list. "Together," he maintains, "they constitute more than 70 per cent of total Muslim population leaving out only the Muslim creamy layer." Similarly, a good chunk of Christians are already included in the Scheduled Tribe and the OBC category.
In Bihar, the OBC quota has been divided by 'secular' Hindu politicians into backward and most backward to help put nine Muslim groups in the first category and 27 Muslim groups in the second category.
In Kerala and Karnataka, the Hindu politicians of Congress Party and the Communist parties have declared the entire Muslim community backward just to reduce the percentage of Hindus in colleges and in government jobs.
In Tamil Nadu, 95 per cent of Muslims are included into backward formula though Muslims have higher literacy rate in Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu than Hindus.
Dr Manmohan Singh is a Rajya Sabha Member from Assam and no wonder there is already five per cent reservation for Muslims in the recruitment for the Assam Police, adversely affecting employment opportunities for SCs, STs, OBCs and all other Hindus as shown above.
It is painful to see how a class of 'secular, progressive and liberal' Hindu politicians right from the days of the 1916 Congress-Muslim League Lucknow Pact till date in the form of the Sachar Committee report has been systematically collaborating with Muslim and other minority politicians in concocting justifications to reduce, bit by bit, the educational, employment and economic (E3) opportunities for Hindu boys and girls, including leftist Hindu boys and girls, pushing them to second and third-class status vis-Ã -vis minority boys and girls. It is a sad story of Hindus betraying Hindus.
This is symptomatic of the slave mentality, which is defined as a tendency to harm, hurt and humiliate members of one's own community so as to appease 'others' at the cost of one's own community. This habit is also known as gulamiat pasand (GP) or Genetically Acquired Slave Syndrome (GASS). These terms more accurately describe this class of Hindus. Raja Jaichand, Mirza Raja Man Singh of Akbar time, Raja Jaswant Singh of Aurangzeb time etc. were also Hindus but were GP type carrying GASS virus. In rural areas they are called 'Jaichandi Hindus'.
We Hindus are told day in and day out that India is a 'secular' state where religion should be a private matter and every citizen is equal before law. But in practice our secular Hindu parliamentarians and legislators have been passing such laws where the State asks for the religion of an individual and then discriminate against we Hindus. In this game of secularism, Hindu youth turn out to be the worst victims of GP Hindu politicians.
The Article 14 of the Constitution reads: "The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territories of India." The Article 15(1) reads: "The State shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, and place of birth or any of them." The Article 29(2) reads: "No citizen shall be denied admission into any educational institution maintained by the State or receiving aid out of State funds on grounds only of religion, race, caste, language or any of them." The Article 30(1) reads: "All minorities, whether based on religion or language, shall have the right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice." Article 30(2) reads, "The State shall not, in granting aid to educational institutions, discriminate against any educational institution on the ground that it is under the management of a minority, whether based on religion or language."
One may see that the pith and substance of the Article 30 is very much there in the 14 Points of Jinnah because 28 out of 31 Muslim members of the Indian Constituent Assembly which drafted the Indian Constitution were elected on tickets of the Muslim League of Jinnah. This fact is generally suppressed by 'secular' Hindu historians.
But on calculated mis-representations and soft-peddling by Attorney Generals appointed by Congress governments, the Supreme Court of India has ruled that equal treatment guarantee of Articles 14 and 29(2) was not available to Hindu boys and girls in minority-run institutions, and; that religious minority educational institutions under Article 30(1) can reserve up to 50 per cent of seats for co-religionist candidates with the result Hindu students including comrades with better marks do not get admissions in such institutions but minority students with lower marks easily get admissions within their reserved 50 per cent quota.
Religious minority institutions have been, thus, empowered by none other than our 'secular' Hindu politicians to treat Hindu applicants as second-class citizens of India at the mercy, whims and fancies of "minority managements" even where these institutions receive under Article 30(2) state grants out of taxes largely collected from we Hindus. In the minority institutions, the SC Hindus and ST Hindus are denied benefits of their constitutional reservations of 15 per cent and 7.5 per cent under Article 15. And, for this misfortune of Hindu boys and girls those Hindu voters are responsible who being unaware of harm they inflict upon their own children cast their votes in favour of 'secular' parties or don't go to cast their votes at all.
Hindu politicians have passed such laws that enable a minority student to get cheaper educational loans at three per cent interest per annum from the National Minority Development & Finance Corporation. A minority businessman can get margin money loan for business at five per cent interest from NMDFC. Minority students are required to repay educational loans in five years after completion of his course but a Hindu student has to repay education loan after one year of completion of his course. One may see details at (www.nmdfc.org ). A Hindu student or a Hindu businessman gets bank loans at much higher rates of interest and harsher terms whether he is a member of the Students Federation or that of the NSUI or the ABVP etc. This ill-treatment a Hindu voter has invited for himself and his children by giving his vote to the so-called secular parties or by abstaining from voting.
Congress and other 'secular' Hindu politicians have invented such a legal system where a Muslim candidate or a Christian candidate has all the legal rights to compete on equal footings with a Hindu candidate for employment, but there are thousands and thousands of posts paid from government funds for which Hindus cannot even apply, such as the post of the Principal and Vice Principal of St. Stephen's College, Delhi. GP Hindus have set up the National Minority Commission with nominal Hindu presence to ensure that minorities are not discriminated but there is no Commission to ensure that Hindus are not victimised by minorities.
The National Minority Commission does not reflect the religious demographic reality of India so it does not enjoy the confidence of Hindus in general. Either more than three-fourth members of the Minority Commission and other commissions should be Hindus in proportion to their population or these should be abolished being unrepresentative and undemocratic.
Dr Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister, his Sachar Committee and many liberal Hindus make a lot of fuss that Muslims are under- represented in civil services and in higher education. According to the Sachar Committee [page 64], only four per cent of the total Muslim population in India within age group 20 years and above are graduates. At page 65, the Sachar Committee reports that in case of Muslims (age 20 and above) the number of graduates was under four million i.e. only 1.6 per cent of Muslims are graduates if their population as per Imam Bukhari is taken to be 250 million or 2.6 per cent of Muslims are graduates if their population is taken to be 150 million. Since only educated persons can aspire for public jobs, it is natural that percentage of Muslims in government jobs should not be more than 2.6 per cent. Muslim percentage in government service is already more than this percentage by relentless efforts of Congress party to reduce the Hindu percentage.
Sachar Committee reports that while 26 per cent of those above 17 years age and above complete matriculation, this percentage is only 17 per cent for Muslims. So the recommendation is to open more schools and colleges in Muslim areas. The Sachar Committee does not tell that bulk of Muslims who drop out from schools seek gainful employment and start earning more at younger age than what they will earn even after graduating. The Census Report 2001 [Statement 10] lets the cat out of bag when it reports that in the category of household industries (HHI) workers, Muslims representation was 8.1 per cent which is double the national average of 4.2 per cent. This index is only 3.2 per cent for Hindus. In the category of "other workers" Christians enjoyed 52.8 per cent representation, followed by Muslims (49.1 per cent) and Hindus only (35.5 per cent). Thus, higher percentage of Christians and Muslims are in jobs than Hindu percentage and still Hindu politicians of 'secular' parties are working hard to reduce E3 space for Hindu students that too with the help of the votes of Hindu parents.
In a significant development, after the tabling of the Sachar report, Muslim MPs, cutting across party lines, handed over a wish-list of sorts to Human Resource Development Minister Arjun Singh: IITs and IIMs exclusively for Muslims, 5,000 schools, two lakh scholarships and more campuses of the Aligarh Muslim University across the country. A senior HRD official, present at the meeting, said, "The MPs said since IITs and IIMs have less than two per cent of Muslim students, the HRD Ministry should create IITs and IIMs exclusively for Muslim children." Urdu schools, they also demanded, should be given adequate infrastructure support. "Minority-run societies and NGOs, if they wish to open schools, should be given CBSE affiliation without any delay," an MP demanded. The Muslim MPs said that these suggestions should get reflected in this year's budget as well as the Eleventh Plan.
It is painful to see how Hindu parents are being media managed to harm and hurt educational, employment, economic and business opportunities of their own children and grandchildren by giving their notes and votes to such political parties which shout from their political rooftops that they will give special preferences to Muslims and Christians over Hindu youth in matters of education, training facilities, government jobs, jobs under police and paramilitary forces, employment in banks and other public sector undertakings and bank loans, educational loans, etc.
As the political parties in their manifestos openly declare that they will give special considerations to Muslims and Christians, they cannot be accused of betraying Hindu youth. Those Hindu parents who give their votes blindly to such political parties are the real ones who by casting their votes to such parties accept in principle that minority students be given special preference over their own children and, thus, unknowingly, end up betraying their own children, grandchildren and the Hindu youth. I suggest rather than giving their votes to their 'caste candidate,' Hindu parents should start casting their votes in favour of welfare of their own children and grandchildren as Muslim and Christian voters do.
The following data show that the Hindu politicians of the Congress Party have history, habit and precedent of giving second-class treatment to Hindus. Giving second-class treatment to Hindus still continues to be the hidden agenda and core policy of the Congress Party. The more the Hindus give their notes, votes and support to the Congress Party, the more emboldened this Party becomes to treat them and their sons and daughters as the second class.
Let us look at some manifestos of the Congress Party which has been consistently promising that if elected it will give preferential treatment to minorities over Hindus.
The 1996 Manifesto of Congress Party states: "(i) The Congress regards the 15-point programme for the welfare of the minorities as a charter of duties. (ii) It has established the National Minority Finance and Development Corporationâto support projects that promote the well-being of minoritiesâwith a capital of Rs 500 crore. (iii) A Rapid Action Force comprising young men from different communities has been set up. (It is understood that percentage of Hindus in this Force under instructions of the Congress Governments is much below their traditional 95 per cent) (iv)The Minorities Commission has been given statutory status".
Congress Manifesto of 1998: "(i) Indira Gandhi's 15-point programme for minorities continues to be our blueprint. Each and every element of this programme will be implemented with renewed vigour. (ii) The Congress will create a new ministry for minorities to ensure better coordination and integration. (iii) A high-powered commission will be set up to examine and give recommendations on how the representation of minorities in public services could be enhanced in a meaningful manner. (iv) The Congress will amend the Constitution to establish a Commission for Minority Educational Institutions and provide direct affiliation for minority professional institutions to central universities".
Congress Manifesto 1999: "(i) to ensure the reinvigoration of Indira Gandhi's historic 15-point programme and the monitoring mechanism devised by Rajiv Gandhi. (ii) Measures will be taken to increase the representation of minorities in all public, police and para-military services both in the central and in state governments. (iii)The Constitution will be amended to establish a Commission for Minority Educational Institutions and to provide direct affiliation for minority professional institutions to central universities (iv)The National Minorities Development Corporation and the State Minorities Development Corporations will be made direct-lending institutions".
Congress Manifesto 2004: "(i) The Congress believe in affirmative action for all religious and linguistic minorities. The Congress is committed to adopting this policy for socially and educationally backward sections among Muslims and other religious minorities on a national scale. (ii)The Congress commits itself to amend the Constitution to establish a Commission for Minority Educational Institutions that will provide direct affiliation for minority professional institutions to central universities".
Hindu readers may note that the 2004 Manifesto boldly stated: "The Congress has provided reservations for Muslims in Kerala and Karnataka in government employment and education on the grounds that they are a socially and educationally backward class". But the Census report of 2001, as we have seen above, states that in Kerala and in Karnataka literacy rate of Muslims was higher than that of Hindus. Even the discredited Sachar Committee admits it. So it is dishonesty to call Muslims educationally backward in Kerala and Karnataka states but Congress and communist Hindu politicians are not ashamed to use false data just to reduce percentage of Hindus in educational institutions and in government jobs. Hindu voters of Kerala and Karnataka should take note of this fraud being played on careers of their children with help of their votes.
The Congress party and its UPA allies claim that they are the genuine well wishers of the SC Hindus. Is it true? Christians are demanding that their 'dalits' should be included in the 15 per cent reservation quota available to SC Hindus. Muslims are also demanding that 'dalit Muslims' be included in the same 15 per cent quota. No one knows precise definition of 'dalit Christian' and 'dalit Muslims'. Since Christians enjoy much better educational facilities as well as literacy rate than Hindu SCs, it is natural that Christians will grab a larger chunk of services within the 15 per cent quota further worsening the employment opportunities of Hindu SC boys and girls. Even Sachar Committee admits that Muslims also enjoy better literacy rate of 59.1 per cent compared to 52.2 per cent for SC & ST Hindus.
Congress party and allies of UPA are supporting the demand to place 'dalit Christians' and 'dalit Muslims' under the SC category. Shri Abdul Rahman Antulay, Union Minister for Minority Affairs publicly stated in November 2006 that it was time to include dalit Muslims and dalit Christians in SC/ST Reservations.
Close on the heels of Prime Minister Sardar Manmohan Singh's "Muslim first" remarks made at the National Development Council meeting, a High Level Committee of the Human Resource Development Ministry led by Shri M.A.A. Fatmi, Minister of State, has made a case for review of the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order 1950 so as to include Muslims and Christians in the SC category (Indian Express, February 19, 2007).
A NGO has already moved to the Supreme Court to include dalit Christians into the SC definition by amending the 1950 order, and; no wonder the Manmohan Singh-led Government may manage to lose this case by not presenting the case of Hindu SCs properly. So the danger bell for SC Hindu students is already ringing. The point is whether they and their parents are aware about it.
In its 2004 manifesto, the CPI(M) promised to extend reservation facility to 'dalit Christians' by including them in the 15 per cent quota. The 1998 Joint-manifesto of all Left parties also promised to include 'dalit Christians' into the SC reservations of 15 per cent quota.
BSP leader late Kanshi Ram was reported to have assured support of his party to include 'dalit Christians' in the Presidential Order of 1950.
DMK leader K. Karunanidhi, Chief Minister Tamil Nadu, also supports inclusion of 'dalit Christians' into the SC category.
In September 2004, Ram Vilas Paswan, president of Lok Janshakti Party had promised to grant Scheduled Caste status to socially and economically backward Muslims. In December 2006, he supported a sub-quota for Muslims within the 27 per cent OBC quota who are already covered under the Mandal OBC formula while supporting demand to include 'dalit Christians' and 'dalit Muslims' under the 15 per cent quota. Shri V.P. Singh also supports a sub-quota for Muslims within the 27 per cent OBC space.
On December 5, 2006 the Samajawadi Party led by Shri Mulayam Singh, the Congress party and their other allies in UP passed a resolution in the UP State Assembly demanding reservations for 'dalit' Christians and 'dalit' Muslims within 15 per cent quota which will harm the employment opportunities of SC and ST Hindus as Christians and Muslims both enjoy higher literacy rate over SC and ST Hindus.
So those SC and ST Hindus who do not want to harm and hurt career prospects of their children should never cast their votes in favour of any of these secular parties. SC and ST Hindu job seekers and students must explain difficulties which await them if their parents did not exercise their votes with due caution or abstained from voting.
No parent knowingly wants to hurt career of his children so it is duty of Hindu students studying in colleges and universities to brief their parents the misfortune which will visit them if they voted to any party which wants to include Christians and Muslims in the 15 per cent quota. A parent is so busy in earning livelihood that he does not get time to read the manifesto and thus understand dirty tricks of GP Hindu politicians being played against Hindu Youth.
Since the employment situation is worsening day by day, it is important that those Hindu parents who have college going children or grand children, and, those Hindu youth who will soon be entering into employment market seriously look for and identify those Hindu politicians who are bent upon to reduce their E3 space.
The problem of unemployment continues to worsen day by day and in this environment Congress and other secular parties are hell bent through the Sachar Committee to reduce employment space available to Hindu youth. The National Sample Survey Organisation's latest report of January 2007 shows that unemployment is much higher among youth (15-29 years age) as compared to overall population, and, that unemployment is rising.
The unemployment rate in Delhi has gone up from 3.2 per cent in 1999-2000 to 5.3 per cent in 2004-05 and in Kolkata from 7 per cent to 8.1 per cent. (Indian Express February 16, 2007)
At the end of December 2005 about 393 lakh job seekers were waiting for jobs on the live registers of 947 employment exchanges across the country against which only 1.73 lakh got jobs in 2005. About 50 to 55 lakh new persons register every year with the employment exchanges looking for jobs.
Over 52 lakh graduates and post-graduates were waiting for jobs in December 2005 in all the employment exchanges.
According to the Sept 2006 National Sample Survey report, 58 per cent of Indians were without jobs in 2004-05 and the unemployment rate was higher among educated ones than among less educated ones. In rural areas, 56 per cent of people were unemployed and in urban areas 63 per cent were unemployed. According to a study by the Hewitt Associates, by 2020, India will have the largest number of educated but unemployed youth in the world.
M.V. Rajasekharan, Minister of State told the Lok Sabha (August 23, 2006) that annual growth rate of employment creation during the 1983-99 was 2.7 per cent which slowed to 1.07 per cent during 1994-2000. Shri Suresh Pachaury, Minister of State informed the Parliament (August 23, 2006) that there was no proposal to remove ban on creation of new posts in the government sector.
Mulayam Singh Yadav, Chief Minister of UP has been claiming that he has fulfilled his promise to the Muslim community to raise percentage of Muslims in the UP Police to 15 per cent.Traditionally percentage of Hindus in the UP Police had been above 95 per cent. So the credit for reducing job opportunities of Hindu youth in the UP Police should go to those Hindu parents who vote for Mulayam Singh. It is a tragic case of Hindu parents voting for someone who is determined to reduce employment space of their own children.
In December 2006 press reported that Raghubansh Prasad Singh's Ministry of Rural Development, for the first time in the history of Independent India, set aside Rs 1,000 crore for religious minorities for the three schemes (i) Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) (ii) Indira Awas Yojana (IAY) and(iii) Sampoorna Grameen Rojgar Yojana (SGRY). Till now such physical and financial allocations were made only for SCs and STs. Thus, under these three schemes, funds are available to Hindus including those Hindus who had voted for Shri Raghubansh Prasad Singh in the 2004 election and has been reduced by Rs1000 crore by this Hindu politician. It is another tragic case of a Hindu politician betraying his own Hindu voters.
Even the discredited Sachar Committee Report admits (page 53) that the SCs and STs are still the least literate group both in urban and rural India but Manmohan Singh thunders that "Muslims" shall be have the "first" claim over national resources. We must stand up and tell this minority politician who never won confidence of any Lok Sabha constituency that if any group which has legitimate first claim over national resources it is the group of farmers and SC & ST Hindus. For the anti-Hindu policies of Manmohan Singh-led UPA government, the price was paid by Captain Amrinder Singh specially in the urban areas of Punjab in recently held assembly elections.
The National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) data shows that level of acute poverty is equally high among all communities including Hindus also. As much as 84 per cent Hindus in the below poverty line (BPL) category in rural areas live in conditions dubbed as "below double poverty line". But showing its anti-Hindu bias, the Congress is diverting huge funds only to address the poor among Muslims. Why it is not simultaneously addressing the poverty of Hindus too?
(To be continued)
[Shri O.P. Gupta recently retired in the rank of Secretary to the Government of India in the Indian Foreign Service (1971 batch). He has served as Ambassador to Finland, Estonia, Jamaica, Tunisia, Tanzania, etc., and Consul General, Dubai and Birmingham (UK).]
March 18, 2007
Hindu youth reduced to second class status
By O.P. Gupta, I.F.S. (retd.)
It is painful to see how a class of 'secular, progressive and liberal' Hindu politicians right from the days of the 1916 Congress-Muslim League Lucknow Pact till date in the form of the Sachar Committee report has been systematically collaborating with Muslim and other minority politicians in concocting justifications to reduce, bit by bit, the educational, employment and economic (E3) opportunities for Hindu boys and girls, including leftist Hindu boys and girls.
Religious minority institutions have been empowered by none other than our 'secular' Hindu politicians to treat Hindu applicants as second-class citizens of India at the mercy, whims and fancies of "minority managements" even where these institutions receive under Article 30(2) state grants out of taxes largely collected from we Hindus.
As the political parties in their manifestos openly declare that they will give special considerations to Muslims and Christians, they cannot be accused of betraying Hindu youth. Those Hindu parents who give their votes blindly to such political parties are the real ones who by casting their votes to such parties accept in principle that minority students be given special preference over their own children and, thus, unknowingly, end up betraying their own children, grandchildren and the Hindu youth.
It is painful to see how Hindu parents are being media managed to harm and hurt educational, employment, economic and business opportunities of their own children and grandchildren by giving their notes and votes to such political parties which shout from their political rooftops that they will give special preferences to Muslims and Christians over Hindus.
Since the employment situation is worsening day by day, it is important that those Hindu parents who have college going children or grand children, and, those Hindu youth who will soon be entering into employment market seriously look for and identify those Hindu politicians who are bent upon to reduce their E3 space.
In January 2007, the Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India, sent a note to all "heads of departments, public sector banks and financial institutions, quasi-government organisa-tions, autonomous bodies and all appointing authorities," asking them to "scrupulously observe" guidelines to make selection panels more representative. All selection panels recruiting ten or more vacancies must have one member belonging to a minority community.
What is more important, the departments have been instructed to submit half-yearly and annual reports, beginning March 2007, detailing number of vacancies at all levelsâGroups A, B, C and Dâand the number of minorities hired. Dr Manmohan Singh is the Minister for DOPT. This circular instructs to give special considerations to minorities in all appointments, so danger bell is ringing loud and clear for all Hindu job-seekers whether they are leftists or rightists that despite their better profiles percentage of Hindu intake will be reduced adversely affecting them all.
A one man Commission headed by Justice Ranganath Mishra was silently set up by the UPA government which is looking at status of non- Muslim minorities, and, is mandated to recommend ways of helping them get better representation in government services. Its report is due by March 31, 2007. So this Commission is also looking at ways and means to further reduce percentage of Hindus in public services, bank loans etc.
Suppose there are 10,000 vacancies, seats reserved for SC Hindus would be 1500, for ST Hindus 750 and for OBC 2700. Not many Hindus know that about 70 per cent of Muslims are already covered under the Mandal Commission formula and are enjoying benefits under the 27 per cent quota.
In Andhra Pradesh, the Congress government led by Shri Y.S. Rajsekhar Reddy reserved five per cent of seats in government colleges and in government jobs for Muslims. It means that only 9500 seats would be available to all categories of Hindus and other minorities having reserved 500 seats exclusively for Muslims. So, the number of seats available for SC Hindus will get reduced to 1425 from 1500, the number of seats for ST Hindus will get reduced to 712 from 750, and, the number of seats reserved for OBC will get reduced to 2565 from 2700. Number of general category seats in which caste Hindus fall will also shrink from 5000 to 4500. So giving special preferences to minorities over Hindu candidates, which is the core policy of Congress Party, equally hurts educational and employment opportunities of all groups of Hindus, whether SC Hindus, or ST Hindus, or OBC Hindus, or caste Hindus, or leftist Hindus. It is mere arithmatic. If more than 500 Muslims got more marks than the last Hindu candidate, then Muslim candidates will spill over into general category 9500 seats. Incidentally in Andhra Pradesh Muslims enjoy higher literacy rate than Hindus.
In February 2007, Chief Minister of West Bengal issued instructions that "at least 10 per cent of the appointees should be from the minority community." By courtesy of Leftist Hindu voters, the percentage of Hindus' job intake is set to fall in West Bengal.
Shri Arif Mohammad Khan, a former Union Minister in the Rajiv Gandhi government, has pointed out that 10 Muslim communities are already part of the Scheduled Tribes and another 83 Muslim communities are included in the OBC list. "Together," he maintains, "they constitute more than 70 per cent of total Muslim population leaving out only the Muslim creamy layer." Similarly, a good chunk of Christians are already included in the Scheduled Tribe and the OBC category.
In Bihar, the OBC quota has been divided by 'secular' Hindu politicians into backward and most backward to help put nine Muslim groups in the first category and 27 Muslim groups in the second category.
In Kerala and Karnataka, the Hindu politicians of Congress Party and the Communist parties have declared the entire Muslim community backward just to reduce the percentage of Hindus in colleges and in government jobs.
In Tamil Nadu, 95 per cent of Muslims are included into backward formula though Muslims have higher literacy rate in Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu than Hindus.
Dr Manmohan Singh is a Rajya Sabha Member from Assam and no wonder there is already five per cent reservation for Muslims in the recruitment for the Assam Police, adversely affecting employment opportunities for SCs, STs, OBCs and all other Hindus as shown above.
It is painful to see how a class of 'secular, progressive and liberal' Hindu politicians right from the days of the 1916 Congress-Muslim League Lucknow Pact till date in the form of the Sachar Committee report has been systematically collaborating with Muslim and other minority politicians in concocting justifications to reduce, bit by bit, the educational, employment and economic (E3) opportunities for Hindu boys and girls, including leftist Hindu boys and girls, pushing them to second and third-class status vis-Ã -vis minority boys and girls. It is a sad story of Hindus betraying Hindus.
This is symptomatic of the slave mentality, which is defined as a tendency to harm, hurt and humiliate members of one's own community so as to appease 'others' at the cost of one's own community. This habit is also known as gulamiat pasand (GP) or Genetically Acquired Slave Syndrome (GASS). These terms more accurately describe this class of Hindus. Raja Jaichand, Mirza Raja Man Singh of Akbar time, Raja Jaswant Singh of Aurangzeb time etc. were also Hindus but were GP type carrying GASS virus. In rural areas they are called 'Jaichandi Hindus'.
We Hindus are told day in and day out that India is a 'secular' state where religion should be a private matter and every citizen is equal before law. But in practice our secular Hindu parliamentarians and legislators have been passing such laws where the State asks for the religion of an individual and then discriminate against we Hindus. In this game of secularism, Hindu youth turn out to be the worst victims of GP Hindu politicians.
The Article 14 of the Constitution reads: "The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territories of India." The Article 15(1) reads: "The State shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, and place of birth or any of them." The Article 29(2) reads: "No citizen shall be denied admission into any educational institution maintained by the State or receiving aid out of State funds on grounds only of religion, race, caste, language or any of them." The Article 30(1) reads: "All minorities, whether based on religion or language, shall have the right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice." Article 30(2) reads, "The State shall not, in granting aid to educational institutions, discriminate against any educational institution on the ground that it is under the management of a minority, whether based on religion or language."
One may see that the pith and substance of the Article 30 is very much there in the 14 Points of Jinnah because 28 out of 31 Muslim members of the Indian Constituent Assembly which drafted the Indian Constitution were elected on tickets of the Muslim League of Jinnah. This fact is generally suppressed by 'secular' Hindu historians.
But on calculated mis-representations and soft-peddling by Attorney Generals appointed by Congress governments, the Supreme Court of India has ruled that equal treatment guarantee of Articles 14 and 29(2) was not available to Hindu boys and girls in minority-run institutions, and; that religious minority educational institutions under Article 30(1) can reserve up to 50 per cent of seats for co-religionist candidates with the result Hindu students including comrades with better marks do not get admissions in such institutions but minority students with lower marks easily get admissions within their reserved 50 per cent quota.
Religious minority institutions have been, thus, empowered by none other than our 'secular' Hindu politicians to treat Hindu applicants as second-class citizens of India at the mercy, whims and fancies of "minority managements" even where these institutions receive under Article 30(2) state grants out of taxes largely collected from we Hindus. In the minority institutions, the SC Hindus and ST Hindus are denied benefits of their constitutional reservations of 15 per cent and 7.5 per cent under Article 15. And, for this misfortune of Hindu boys and girls those Hindu voters are responsible who being unaware of harm they inflict upon their own children cast their votes in favour of 'secular' parties or don't go to cast their votes at all.
Hindu politicians have passed such laws that enable a minority student to get cheaper educational loans at three per cent interest per annum from the National Minority Development & Finance Corporation. A minority businessman can get margin money loan for business at five per cent interest from NMDFC. Minority students are required to repay educational loans in five years after completion of his course but a Hindu student has to repay education loan after one year of completion of his course. One may see details at (www.nmdfc.org ). A Hindu student or a Hindu businessman gets bank loans at much higher rates of interest and harsher terms whether he is a member of the Students Federation or that of the NSUI or the ABVP etc. This ill-treatment a Hindu voter has invited for himself and his children by giving his vote to the so-called secular parties or by abstaining from voting.
Congress and other 'secular' Hindu politicians have invented such a legal system where a Muslim candidate or a Christian candidate has all the legal rights to compete on equal footings with a Hindu candidate for employment, but there are thousands and thousands of posts paid from government funds for which Hindus cannot even apply, such as the post of the Principal and Vice Principal of St. Stephen's College, Delhi. GP Hindus have set up the National Minority Commission with nominal Hindu presence to ensure that minorities are not discriminated but there is no Commission to ensure that Hindus are not victimised by minorities.
The National Minority Commission does not reflect the religious demographic reality of India so it does not enjoy the confidence of Hindus in general. Either more than three-fourth members of the Minority Commission and other commissions should be Hindus in proportion to their population or these should be abolished being unrepresentative and undemocratic.
Dr Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister, his Sachar Committee and many liberal Hindus make a lot of fuss that Muslims are under- represented in civil services and in higher education. According to the Sachar Committee [page 64], only four per cent of the total Muslim population in India within age group 20 years and above are graduates. At page 65, the Sachar Committee reports that in case of Muslims (age 20 and above) the number of graduates was under four million i.e. only 1.6 per cent of Muslims are graduates if their population as per Imam Bukhari is taken to be 250 million or 2.6 per cent of Muslims are graduates if their population is taken to be 150 million. Since only educated persons can aspire for public jobs, it is natural that percentage of Muslims in government jobs should not be more than 2.6 per cent. Muslim percentage in government service is already more than this percentage by relentless efforts of Congress party to reduce the Hindu percentage.
Sachar Committee reports that while 26 per cent of those above 17 years age and above complete matriculation, this percentage is only 17 per cent for Muslims. So the recommendation is to open more schools and colleges in Muslim areas. The Sachar Committee does not tell that bulk of Muslims who drop out from schools seek gainful employment and start earning more at younger age than what they will earn even after graduating. The Census Report 2001 [Statement 10] lets the cat out of bag when it reports that in the category of household industries (HHI) workers, Muslims representation was 8.1 per cent which is double the national average of 4.2 per cent. This index is only 3.2 per cent for Hindus. In the category of "other workers" Christians enjoyed 52.8 per cent representation, followed by Muslims (49.1 per cent) and Hindus only (35.5 per cent). Thus, higher percentage of Christians and Muslims are in jobs than Hindu percentage and still Hindu politicians of 'secular' parties are working hard to reduce E3 space for Hindu students that too with the help of the votes of Hindu parents.
In a significant development, after the tabling of the Sachar report, Muslim MPs, cutting across party lines, handed over a wish-list of sorts to Human Resource Development Minister Arjun Singh: IITs and IIMs exclusively for Muslims, 5,000 schools, two lakh scholarships and more campuses of the Aligarh Muslim University across the country. A senior HRD official, present at the meeting, said, "The MPs said since IITs and IIMs have less than two per cent of Muslim students, the HRD Ministry should create IITs and IIMs exclusively for Muslim children." Urdu schools, they also demanded, should be given adequate infrastructure support. "Minority-run societies and NGOs, if they wish to open schools, should be given CBSE affiliation without any delay," an MP demanded. The Muslim MPs said that these suggestions should get reflected in this year's budget as well as the Eleventh Plan.
It is painful to see how Hindu parents are being media managed to harm and hurt educational, employment, economic and business opportunities of their own children and grandchildren by giving their notes and votes to such political parties which shout from their political rooftops that they will give special preferences to Muslims and Christians over Hindu youth in matters of education, training facilities, government jobs, jobs under police and paramilitary forces, employment in banks and other public sector undertakings and bank loans, educational loans, etc.
As the political parties in their manifestos openly declare that they will give special considerations to Muslims and Christians, they cannot be accused of betraying Hindu youth. Those Hindu parents who give their votes blindly to such political parties are the real ones who by casting their votes to such parties accept in principle that minority students be given special preference over their own children and, thus, unknowingly, end up betraying their own children, grandchildren and the Hindu youth. I suggest rather than giving their votes to their 'caste candidate,' Hindu parents should start casting their votes in favour of welfare of their own children and grandchildren as Muslim and Christian voters do.
The following data show that the Hindu politicians of the Congress Party have history, habit and precedent of giving second-class treatment to Hindus. Giving second-class treatment to Hindus still continues to be the hidden agenda and core policy of the Congress Party. The more the Hindus give their notes, votes and support to the Congress Party, the more emboldened this Party becomes to treat them and their sons and daughters as the second class.
Let us look at some manifestos of the Congress Party which has been consistently promising that if elected it will give preferential treatment to minorities over Hindus.
The 1996 Manifesto of Congress Party states: "(i) The Congress regards the 15-point programme for the welfare of the minorities as a charter of duties. (ii) It has established the National Minority Finance and Development Corporationâto support projects that promote the well-being of minoritiesâwith a capital of Rs 500 crore. (iii) A Rapid Action Force comprising young men from different communities has been set up. (It is understood that percentage of Hindus in this Force under instructions of the Congress Governments is much below their traditional 95 per cent) (iv)The Minorities Commission has been given statutory status".
Congress Manifesto of 1998: "(i) Indira Gandhi's 15-point programme for minorities continues to be our blueprint. Each and every element of this programme will be implemented with renewed vigour. (ii) The Congress will create a new ministry for minorities to ensure better coordination and integration. (iii) A high-powered commission will be set up to examine and give recommendations on how the representation of minorities in public services could be enhanced in a meaningful manner. (iv) The Congress will amend the Constitution to establish a Commission for Minority Educational Institutions and provide direct affiliation for minority professional institutions to central universities".
Congress Manifesto 1999: "(i) to ensure the reinvigoration of Indira Gandhi's historic 15-point programme and the monitoring mechanism devised by Rajiv Gandhi. (ii) Measures will be taken to increase the representation of minorities in all public, police and para-military services both in the central and in state governments. (iii)The Constitution will be amended to establish a Commission for Minority Educational Institutions and to provide direct affiliation for minority professional institutions to central universities (iv)The National Minorities Development Corporation and the State Minorities Development Corporations will be made direct-lending institutions".
Congress Manifesto 2004: "(i) The Congress believe in affirmative action for all religious and linguistic minorities. The Congress is committed to adopting this policy for socially and educationally backward sections among Muslims and other religious minorities on a national scale. (ii)The Congress commits itself to amend the Constitution to establish a Commission for Minority Educational Institutions that will provide direct affiliation for minority professional institutions to central universities".
Hindu readers may note that the 2004 Manifesto boldly stated: "The Congress has provided reservations for Muslims in Kerala and Karnataka in government employment and education on the grounds that they are a socially and educationally backward class". But the Census report of 2001, as we have seen above, states that in Kerala and in Karnataka literacy rate of Muslims was higher than that of Hindus. Even the discredited Sachar Committee admits it. So it is dishonesty to call Muslims educationally backward in Kerala and Karnataka states but Congress and communist Hindu politicians are not ashamed to use false data just to reduce percentage of Hindus in educational institutions and in government jobs. Hindu voters of Kerala and Karnataka should take note of this fraud being played on careers of their children with help of their votes.
The Congress party and its UPA allies claim that they are the genuine well wishers of the SC Hindus. Is it true? Christians are demanding that their 'dalits' should be included in the 15 per cent reservation quota available to SC Hindus. Muslims are also demanding that 'dalit Muslims' be included in the same 15 per cent quota. No one knows precise definition of 'dalit Christian' and 'dalit Muslims'. Since Christians enjoy much better educational facilities as well as literacy rate than Hindu SCs, it is natural that Christians will grab a larger chunk of services within the 15 per cent quota further worsening the employment opportunities of Hindu SC boys and girls. Even Sachar Committee admits that Muslims also enjoy better literacy rate of 59.1 per cent compared to 52.2 per cent for SC & ST Hindus.
Congress party and allies of UPA are supporting the demand to place 'dalit Christians' and 'dalit Muslims' under the SC category. Shri Abdul Rahman Antulay, Union Minister for Minority Affairs publicly stated in November 2006 that it was time to include dalit Muslims and dalit Christians in SC/ST Reservations.
Close on the heels of Prime Minister Sardar Manmohan Singh's "Muslim first" remarks made at the National Development Council meeting, a High Level Committee of the Human Resource Development Ministry led by Shri M.A.A. Fatmi, Minister of State, has made a case for review of the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order 1950 so as to include Muslims and Christians in the SC category (Indian Express, February 19, 2007).
A NGO has already moved to the Supreme Court to include dalit Christians into the SC definition by amending the 1950 order, and; no wonder the Manmohan Singh-led Government may manage to lose this case by not presenting the case of Hindu SCs properly. So the danger bell for SC Hindu students is already ringing. The point is whether they and their parents are aware about it.
In its 2004 manifesto, the CPI(M) promised to extend reservation facility to 'dalit Christians' by including them in the 15 per cent quota. The 1998 Joint-manifesto of all Left parties also promised to include 'dalit Christians' into the SC reservations of 15 per cent quota.
BSP leader late Kanshi Ram was reported to have assured support of his party to include 'dalit Christians' in the Presidential Order of 1950.
DMK leader K. Karunanidhi, Chief Minister Tamil Nadu, also supports inclusion of 'dalit Christians' into the SC category.
In September 2004, Ram Vilas Paswan, president of Lok Janshakti Party had promised to grant Scheduled Caste status to socially and economically backward Muslims. In December 2006, he supported a sub-quota for Muslims within the 27 per cent OBC quota who are already covered under the Mandal OBC formula while supporting demand to include 'dalit Christians' and 'dalit Muslims' under the 15 per cent quota. Shri V.P. Singh also supports a sub-quota for Muslims within the 27 per cent OBC space.
On December 5, 2006 the Samajawadi Party led by Shri Mulayam Singh, the Congress party and their other allies in UP passed a resolution in the UP State Assembly demanding reservations for 'dalit' Christians and 'dalit' Muslims within 15 per cent quota which will harm the employment opportunities of SC and ST Hindus as Christians and Muslims both enjoy higher literacy rate over SC and ST Hindus.
So those SC and ST Hindus who do not want to harm and hurt career prospects of their children should never cast their votes in favour of any of these secular parties. SC and ST Hindu job seekers and students must explain difficulties which await them if their parents did not exercise their votes with due caution or abstained from voting.
No parent knowingly wants to hurt career of his children so it is duty of Hindu students studying in colleges and universities to brief their parents the misfortune which will visit them if they voted to any party which wants to include Christians and Muslims in the 15 per cent quota. A parent is so busy in earning livelihood that he does not get time to read the manifesto and thus understand dirty tricks of GP Hindu politicians being played against Hindu Youth.
Since the employment situation is worsening day by day, it is important that those Hindu parents who have college going children or grand children, and, those Hindu youth who will soon be entering into employment market seriously look for and identify those Hindu politicians who are bent upon to reduce their E3 space.
The problem of unemployment continues to worsen day by day and in this environment Congress and other secular parties are hell bent through the Sachar Committee to reduce employment space available to Hindu youth. The National Sample Survey Organisation's latest report of January 2007 shows that unemployment is much higher among youth (15-29 years age) as compared to overall population, and, that unemployment is rising.
The unemployment rate in Delhi has gone up from 3.2 per cent in 1999-2000 to 5.3 per cent in 2004-05 and in Kolkata from 7 per cent to 8.1 per cent. (Indian Express February 16, 2007)
At the end of December 2005 about 393 lakh job seekers were waiting for jobs on the live registers of 947 employment exchanges across the country against which only 1.73 lakh got jobs in 2005. About 50 to 55 lakh new persons register every year with the employment exchanges looking for jobs.
Over 52 lakh graduates and post-graduates were waiting for jobs in December 2005 in all the employment exchanges.
According to the Sept 2006 National Sample Survey report, 58 per cent of Indians were without jobs in 2004-05 and the unemployment rate was higher among educated ones than among less educated ones. In rural areas, 56 per cent of people were unemployed and in urban areas 63 per cent were unemployed. According to a study by the Hewitt Associates, by 2020, India will have the largest number of educated but unemployed youth in the world.
M.V. Rajasekharan, Minister of State told the Lok Sabha (August 23, 2006) that annual growth rate of employment creation during the 1983-99 was 2.7 per cent which slowed to 1.07 per cent during 1994-2000. Shri Suresh Pachaury, Minister of State informed the Parliament (August 23, 2006) that there was no proposal to remove ban on creation of new posts in the government sector.
Mulayam Singh Yadav, Chief Minister of UP has been claiming that he has fulfilled his promise to the Muslim community to raise percentage of Muslims in the UP Police to 15 per cent.Traditionally percentage of Hindus in the UP Police had been above 95 per cent. So the credit for reducing job opportunities of Hindu youth in the UP Police should go to those Hindu parents who vote for Mulayam Singh. It is a tragic case of Hindu parents voting for someone who is determined to reduce employment space of their own children.
In December 2006 press reported that Raghubansh Prasad Singh's Ministry of Rural Development, for the first time in the history of Independent India, set aside Rs 1,000 crore for religious minorities for the three schemes (i) Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) (ii) Indira Awas Yojana (IAY) and(iii) Sampoorna Grameen Rojgar Yojana (SGRY). Till now such physical and financial allocations were made only for SCs and STs. Thus, under these three schemes, funds are available to Hindus including those Hindus who had voted for Shri Raghubansh Prasad Singh in the 2004 election and has been reduced by Rs1000 crore by this Hindu politician. It is another tragic case of a Hindu politician betraying his own Hindu voters.
Even the discredited Sachar Committee Report admits (page 53) that the SCs and STs are still the least literate group both in urban and rural India but Manmohan Singh thunders that "Muslims" shall be have the "first" claim over national resources. We must stand up and tell this minority politician who never won confidence of any Lok Sabha constituency that if any group which has legitimate first claim over national resources it is the group of farmers and SC & ST Hindus. For the anti-Hindu policies of Manmohan Singh-led UPA government, the price was paid by Captain Amrinder Singh specially in the urban areas of Punjab in recently held assembly elections.
The National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) data shows that level of acute poverty is equally high among all communities including Hindus also. As much as 84 per cent Hindus in the below poverty line (BPL) category in rural areas live in conditions dubbed as "below double poverty line". But showing its anti-Hindu bias, the Congress is diverting huge funds only to address the poor among Muslims. Why it is not simultaneously addressing the poverty of Hindus too?
(To be continued)
[Shri O.P. Gupta recently retired in the rank of Secretary to the Government of India in the Indian Foreign Service (1971 batch). He has served as Ambassador to Finland, Estonia, Jamaica, Tunisia, Tanzania, etc., and Consul General, Dubai and Birmingham (UK).]