04-08-2007, 01:46 AM
CON men and COMMIE scoundrels are even going to the extent of stopping IIM/IIT admissions to reach their goal of destroying INDIA and Indian growth. I think people are getting sick day by day filled with anger at the destruction being brought upon by evil UPA. The wimp ManMohan singh is letting SONIA and enuch chamchas led by SCUMBAGS such as Arjoon Singh. I think people realized the greatest mistake they have committed in the last election. This SH!TTY alliance is OUT to DESTROY INDIA and its GROWTH.
CON men and COMMIE scoundrels are even going to the extent of stopping IIM/IIT admissions to reach their goal of destroying INDIA and Indian growth. I think people are getting sick day by day filled with anger at the destruction being brought upon by evil UPA. The wimp ManMohan singh is letting SONIA and enuch chamchas led by SCUMBAGS such as Arjoon Singh. I think people realized the greatest mistake they have committed in the last election. This SH!TTY alliance is OUT to DESTROY INDIA and its GROWTH.