06-04-2007, 10:32 PM
On 3/22/07, Radha Rajan <radharajan7@...> wrote:
> Rajiv, will sending the vigil NGO book to selective sensitive american govet
> establishments help to wisen them up to the presence of communists in the
> american womb? if so let me know and i will courier, the second edition, as
> many copies as you want, it will be expense well worth the effort if the
> american extablishment can throw some kind of spanner in their works. RR
Radha, not so simple as it seems - per your email below.
Its not a valid assumption that US is naive/ignorant about its
sponsorship of the indian left. Co-opting the third world Left became
the explicit strategy of ford foundation after world war 2, with
active cooperation from CIA(Christian) etc. Why? one must understand this...Our
folks are too naive because they dont believe in enough purvapaksha of
the others except in superficial ways. US has and will play both sides
on most third world conflicts - see iraq, pakistan, the british
history in india. Which is why the russians threw out western
missionaries, china does not allow human rights interference by
foreign funding/influence - THESE (china/russia, etc) are topics of
great importance in reports on foreign(Christian) funding of indian ngo's,
because many middle-of-the-road desis do get influenced by
china/russia as reference points
the present axis of left-islam-christianity against hinduism is
weakest in the islam-christian clash globally. THIS has not been
utilized by hindus though i mentioned it a few times. The pat
robertson brigade has all the anti-islam masala one can imagine. at
the same time the islamic side has all the anti-christian rhetorec.
But india in the ONLY large country where they are being held together
(by the left incharge) because there is a common enemy - enough food
for all predators since the elephant is very large, unmanaged and
sending your ngo book will not help by itself without a bigger/broader
context in place first.
for the april event, the report that was done 2 years ago as rejoinder
to the anti-idrf report must get distributed to attendees even though
the orgsanizers of the event will try to block this. the HAF reports
on hindu human rights and gautier's reports on hindu holocaust must be
given out also. As part of such a package your NGO report belongs.
But most of all, there have to be bright courageous indian youth
participating, who are well versed in all this subject matter. and who
can raise objections from the floor citing these works as evidence.
The latest target of the left-islamist-christianevangelist axis is the
hindu diaspora, because these are selfempowered indians outside of
indian politics. Hence:
-- prema kurien has been bred as 'diaspora' expert (she will give a
talk at the madison conf on south asia);
-- jack hawley's 'hinduism here' project at columbia does surveillance
of hindu groups in usa using students;
-- the anti-IDRF report was done in this context;
-- various attacks on the california textbook matter shows how
organized they are.