07-20-2007, 10:26 AM
Some points to note:
--Genocides have been a part of world history since the earliest times. Illiterate non-Abrahamic tribes of similar racial composition have carried it out. An example is the famous genocide of Moriori by Maori (both fellow Austronesians) that was narrated by leftist scientist Jared Diamond.
--The Anglosphere tries to claim moral superiority by citing Christianity and the "Enlightenment" as causes. Nothing can be farther from the truth. Christianity like Islam actually abolished any innate humanity people might have had and allowed them to commit genocides with full justification and "divine" sanction. European nations were amongst the greatest purveyors of genocide even as the so called "Enlightenment" was under way in their lands.
--Historically, genocides was considered the most effective solution to any human conflict so no military leader really even found a need to justify it.
--Along with the Jewish genocide, there were many genocides in the great upheavals of of the 1800-1900s. E.g.:
Gypsy genocide- Nazis;
Hindu genocides- British;
Genocides of various nations- Russian Stalinists;
Japanese genocide- Americans;
Chinese genocide- Japanese;
Armenian genocide- Turks;
Chinese/Tibetan genocide- Chinese Maoists;
Cambodian genocide- Cambodian socialists;
Bangali Hindu genocide- Pakistani Muslims;
AND many many African genocides in all sizes by Africans themselves on other Africans.
-Now most of these genocides were of comparable sizes and I personally feel one cannot be considered a lesser crime than another. Yet we must remember the following: 1) Victors write history and demonize the defeated 2) The world media is essential under Anglospheric control and does not really care of non-whites.
-The Nazis were losers so the victors (Anglosphere+Russia) got a chance to simultaneously write history and divert attention from their own killings by highlighting the Nazi murders.
-Anti-Jewish and Anti-gypsy sentiment has been very common Europe throughout the middle ages and the so called "Enlightenment" did not make it go away one bit. Now the Nazis merely made the move of translating this ambient sentiment to actual genocide of Jews and gypsies.
-Since the French revolution the Jews started gaining enormous financial ascendancy in Europe. Their financial ascendancy allowed them to form powerful alliances with English and American elites. Their tasting financial success also resulted in a great revolution in Jewish society where they started devoting their innate high intelligence to secular areas like science, literature and political thought. It is no understatement that this Jewish intellectual revolution more or less "made" the modern Euro-American world - from Karl Marx to Einstein to Rosalind Franklin -- it was as or more important than the Renaissance for the West. Hence, in the choosing the Jews in the midst of their intellectual revolution as a target the Nazis made their biggest mistake-- they were actually hitting at the real intellectual and financial under-girding of the Euro-American world and trying to take it over. They bit much more than they could chew and the result was their end. Given this unique position of the Jews in the Euro-American world, they could leverage enormous public coverage to their genocide -- so every one knows of it.
--Genocides have been a part of world history since the earliest times. Illiterate non-Abrahamic tribes of similar racial composition have carried it out. An example is the famous genocide of Moriori by Maori (both fellow Austronesians) that was narrated by leftist scientist Jared Diamond.
--The Anglosphere tries to claim moral superiority by citing Christianity and the "Enlightenment" as causes. Nothing can be farther from the truth. Christianity like Islam actually abolished any innate humanity people might have had and allowed them to commit genocides with full justification and "divine" sanction. European nations were amongst the greatest purveyors of genocide even as the so called "Enlightenment" was under way in their lands.
--Historically, genocides was considered the most effective solution to any human conflict so no military leader really even found a need to justify it.
--Along with the Jewish genocide, there were many genocides in the great upheavals of of the 1800-1900s. E.g.:
Gypsy genocide- Nazis;
Hindu genocides- British;
Genocides of various nations- Russian Stalinists;
Japanese genocide- Americans;
Chinese genocide- Japanese;
Armenian genocide- Turks;
Chinese/Tibetan genocide- Chinese Maoists;
Cambodian genocide- Cambodian socialists;
Bangali Hindu genocide- Pakistani Muslims;
AND many many African genocides in all sizes by Africans themselves on other Africans.
-Now most of these genocides were of comparable sizes and I personally feel one cannot be considered a lesser crime than another. Yet we must remember the following: 1) Victors write history and demonize the defeated 2) The world media is essential under Anglospheric control and does not really care of non-whites.
-The Nazis were losers so the victors (Anglosphere+Russia) got a chance to simultaneously write history and divert attention from their own killings by highlighting the Nazi murders.
-Anti-Jewish and Anti-gypsy sentiment has been very common Europe throughout the middle ages and the so called "Enlightenment" did not make it go away one bit. Now the Nazis merely made the move of translating this ambient sentiment to actual genocide of Jews and gypsies.
-Since the French revolution the Jews started gaining enormous financial ascendancy in Europe. Their financial ascendancy allowed them to form powerful alliances with English and American elites. Their tasting financial success also resulted in a great revolution in Jewish society where they started devoting their innate high intelligence to secular areas like science, literature and political thought. It is no understatement that this Jewish intellectual revolution more or less "made" the modern Euro-American world - from Karl Marx to Einstein to Rosalind Franklin -- it was as or more important than the Renaissance for the West. Hence, in the choosing the Jews in the midst of their intellectual revolution as a target the Nazis made their biggest mistake-- they were actually hitting at the real intellectual and financial under-girding of the Euro-American world and trying to take it over. They bit much more than they could chew and the result was their end. Given this unique position of the Jews in the Euro-American world, they could leverage enormous public coverage to their genocide -- so every one knows of it.