11-09-2007, 11:41 PM
Courtright authored "Ganesa" in which he made false claims to denigrate Hinduism abandoning all academic ethics. Vishal Agarwal and I wrote an extensive critique exposing this fraud. In the recently published "Invading the Sacred" we wrote another version of the critique highlighting the dishonesty that pervades Hinduism studies in the American academy.
Like all Hinduphobes, Courtright vented his spleen against us in a recently published article in "Little India." We did not respond in kind; after all, when you have facts on your side you need not indulge in abusive personal attacks. Instead, we asked the editor to set up an open debate between us and Courtright. Both sides were required to present evidence for every claim they made.
As the below cited piece illustrates, Courtright was confronted with evidence and was forced to admit he was wrong. This is a significant victory for Hindus though only a beginning. This also illustrates that Hindus can expose bigoted academics if only Hindus take a scholarky approach and the academics are ready to debate. This also introduces readers to the extent Hinduphobia pervades American adademy, a point Rajiv Malhotra aptly documents.
Here is the investigative report for your reading pleasure:
Please circulate widely.
Like all Hinduphobes, Courtright vented his spleen against us in a recently published article in "Little India." We did not respond in kind; after all, when you have facts on your side you need not indulge in abusive personal attacks. Instead, we asked the editor to set up an open debate between us and Courtright. Both sides were required to present evidence for every claim they made.
As the below cited piece illustrates, Courtright was confronted with evidence and was forced to admit he was wrong. This is a significant victory for Hindus though only a beginning. This also illustrates that Hindus can expose bigoted academics if only Hindus take a scholarky approach and the academics are ready to debate. This also introduces readers to the extent Hinduphobia pervades American adademy, a point Rajiv Malhotra aptly documents.
Here is the investigative report for your reading pleasure:
Please circulate widely.