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News & Trends - Indian Society Lifestyle Standards
While there is an ongoing thread discussing the dangers of Islamic extremism in India, there are some wider issues which can also be discussed.

India, and its mainly Hindu citizens are facing economic cultural competition from four major sources. And discussion is certainly warranted. Note that I am distinguishing between West secular pop culture(which has Greco-Roman and Enlightenment, and some Christian influences) and purely Christian culture.

1. Economic & Socio-cultural Competition from Western secular popular culture:

While the West has some good ideas about civil liberties, social justice, let us not forget that absolute and utter liberty is not good for all citizens who then can not be cared for by the State. Liberty and Welfare should go together. We should be more like Scandinavia then say some right wing states in the US, without state mandated health insurance, etc.

2. Economic & socio-cultural Competition from Christianity:

Christianity has some good aspects to it, no doubt, like emphasis on charity and caring for one's fellow human being, but Christianity in competition with Indian ideologies in India is a pre-Enlightenment(European development of ideas of liberty, social justice) ideology which is anti-secular and anti-liberal. They oppose separation of Church and State, Women's rights to Abortion, and have a dated social and cultural view.

3. Economic & social-cultural competition from Political Islam:

Political Islam seeks to replace the existing Hindu dominated political and cultural landscape with a purely Islamist one. There may be more tolerant streams of political Islam, but they are not as strong in numbers as the more maintstream orthodox Wahabbi inspired thought-groups.

4. Economic & socio-cultural competition from Sino-Marxism:

Marxists and their Chinese compatriots want to weaken the dominant Hindu mindset of India to make room for a mindset which acknowledges Chinese pre-imminense in Asia, and makes room for the cultural desert of Marxism.


The above four are acknowledged sources of competition and have been spoken about by thinkers such as B. Raman, etc.

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News & Trends - Indian Society Lifestyle Standards - by acharya - 01-08-2008, 12:17 PM

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