02-26-2008, 08:11 AM
The De-Hinduization of a Continent
Personal Thought: Save Hinduism
As can be seen by any keen observer, there is a multi-pronged attack
to finish off Hinduism the way other native cultures and religions
have been wiped off from the world.
It is a sad spectacle to see glorious Hindu religion that once
stretched from Afghanistan to Indonesia being reduced to its present
pitiable plight.
Yet Hinduism can be saved; and will be saved.
But before explaining its rescue, let us know the danger faced by
Entire Indian sub-continent was Hindu land with no Muslim presence
till Muslim attack in 8th century. Hindus lost Afghanistan to Muslims
in 987, and Pakistan in 1947.
At present, just five thousand Hindus and Sikhs are left in
Afghanistan. And Pakistan and Bangladesh too present a dismal
picture. In 1947, Hindus accounted for 24 per cent of the then
Pakistan's population, but now number under two per cent. In
Bangladesh Hindus numbered 30 per cent in 1947; but now number nine
per cent. Nevertheless, in India, the present percentage of Muslim
population is much higher than that in 1947.
And independent India has seen genocide and eviction of Hindus from
Kashmir to become refugees in their own country.
In their mission to destroy and dismember India, Pakistan and
Bangladesh have dispatched crores of their nationals as also
terrorists into India. If Pak-Bangla alliance is focussed to Islamize
India, missionaries are determined to Christianize India. With each
passing day, India is being made more Islamic and more Christian and
less Hindu.
And under the pretext of bringing democracy to Nepal, anti-Hindu
forces, missionaries and Maoists want to shatter the Hindu identity
of Nepal, the only Hindu nation in the world.
Apart from discriminatory government control of all prominent Hindu
temples (whereas no Christian church or Muslim mosque has been
touched by government control), discriminatory Article 30 of the
Constitution of India is also demolishing Hinduism.
Articles 26 and 30 of the Indian Constitution have been misused by
the government to appropriate Hindu temples, and to deny Hindus the
same freedom of running their religious and educational institutions
given to non-Hindu (minority) communities. And this discrimination
against Hindus is demolishing Hinduism.
Over-optimism lacks information; pessimism lacks imagination. Let us
be realistic to know how Hinduism can be saved from its present
Many Hindus just surrender to attacks on Hinduism since they have
been de-Hinduised by Macaulayan education, and brain-washed by anti-
Hindu media. And some Hindus indulge in self-flagellation.
Since self-pity or self-flagellation or abject surrender has never
helped any victim, Hindus will continue to be attacked till they
confront their tormentors.
But Hindus can confront their tormentors only if they have the basic
weapons of an unbiased media and a strong nationalist political
party. Gross Hindu hurt can be expressed only through an unbiased
media and redressed only through a strong nationalist political
At present Hindus have neither unbiased media nor a strong
nationalist political party to protect their interests. Both these
instruments are a must to rescue Hinduism from discrimination and
There is no other way to save Hinduism. And these two weapons will
resolve all problems of Hindu society.
Both these requirements are discussed below.
In any modern democracy, both electronic and print media are powerful
weapons to mould public opinion.
In India, many of print and electronic media are controlled by anti-
Hindu forces. They are denigrating Hinduism, spreading misinformation
about Hindu scriptures, dividing Hindu society and hurting Hindu
sentiments. Hindus are being brain-washed to forget their religion,
heritage and history; and Hinduism is being derided, distorted and
destroyed by anti-Hindu media.
Killing of thousands of Hindus in Kashmir and eviction of several
lacs of Hindus from Kashmir are no news whereas Gujarat riots which
started after Hindu rail passengers were torched at Godhra are always
in the news in anti-Hindu media. Infiltration of crores of Pak-Bangla
nationals threatening to create one more Islamic country on Indian
soil finds no space in media. Similarly, conversion of poorer Hindus
to Christianity by fraud, inducement and coercion creates no ripples
in anti-Hindu media.
Pro-Hindu elements do not have even one nation-wide multi-city daily
news-paper to project their view-point. To ensure that the truth
reaches the masses, Hindus must have nation-wide mass media. Besides
boycotting anti-Hindu media, Hindus must have unbiased daily news
papers and television channels in various languages to enlighten the
readers about current affairs, Hindu religion, heritage and history.
There is no absolute justice in the world. To survive in the world
believing in "survival of the fittest", Hindus have to assert; and
reject injustice, discrimination and degradation.
To protect Hinduism from continuous onslaught, confrontation with
anti-Hindu forces is inevitable. Unfortunately, no existing political
party plans to end discrimination against Hindus or confront gradual
Pak-Bangla take-over of India.
Congress-led UPA government has no plan to end discrimination against
Hindus, or to confront terrorism and demographic invasion. Rather, it
is having soft borders with Pakistan and Bangladesh disregarding the
disastrous consequences.
And while in power, BJP too did nothing to end discrimination against
Hindus; or to fight terror, deport the infiltrators and curb their
daily influx. It did not punish even the Pakistan-sponsored attack on
Indian Parliament in 2001.
Only a strong nationalist political outfit can confront and defeat
Pak-Bangla design to dismember India. Besides, only a strong
nationalist political entity can implement genuine secularism wherein
there would be justice to all and appeasement of none.
In this dismal situation, though RSS must join active politics
immediately, RSS has given no such indication so far. Therefore, the
only alternative is to form a strong nationalist political party to
save India from disaster.
And there are some developments in this regard. Recently Bharatiya
Jana Sangh led by Balraj Madhok has been revived by Prafull Goradia,
former BJP Member of Parliament. It would be interesting to watch
further events in this respect.
Efforts of non-resident Indians for Hindu cause are admirable. But
war to save Hinduism has to be fought primarily in India since only
if Hinduism survives and prospers in India, it will survive and
prosper in other lands. Therefore, even the non-resident Indians must
focus their efforts to create the nation-wide mass print and audio-
visual media and strong nationalist political party in India to
shield Hinduism.
While web-sites, e-mails, internet groups and online petitions are
very helpful and should be continued, these must be in addition to,
and not a substitute for, mass media and regular political activity
in India.
As per French President Jacques Chirac (born 1932), "Politics is not
the art of the possible; it is the art of making possible what is
With the help of the strong nationalist political party and unbiased
media, the all embracing Sanatana Dharma (eternal religion), the
world's oldest religion popularly known as Hinduism, will not only
survive but will prevail.
Anti-Hindu historians have created the misconception that Hindus
never fought foreign invaders. But it is solely due to heroic Hindu
resistance to foreign invaders for several centuries that Hindu
religion and culture are still alive while many other ancient
religions and cultures have been wiped off long back. Hindu history
is full of heroes who fought for their religion and every inch of
Let us also do our utmost to preserve ancient India's magnificent
heritage in whatever is left as truncated India.
And the right effort is bound to bring success as Atharva Veda
(7.52.8) proclaims, "Kritam may dakhshine haste, jayo may savya
aahitah" ("Effort is in my right hand, and victory in my left").
JG Arora
Personal Thought: Save Hinduism
As can be seen by any keen observer, there is a multi-pronged attack
to finish off Hinduism the way other native cultures and religions
have been wiped off from the world.
It is a sad spectacle to see glorious Hindu religion that once
stretched from Afghanistan to Indonesia being reduced to its present
pitiable plight.
Yet Hinduism can be saved; and will be saved.
But before explaining its rescue, let us know the danger faced by
Entire Indian sub-continent was Hindu land with no Muslim presence
till Muslim attack in 8th century. Hindus lost Afghanistan to Muslims
in 987, and Pakistan in 1947.
At present, just five thousand Hindus and Sikhs are left in
Afghanistan. And Pakistan and Bangladesh too present a dismal
picture. In 1947, Hindus accounted for 24 per cent of the then
Pakistan's population, but now number under two per cent. In
Bangladesh Hindus numbered 30 per cent in 1947; but now number nine
per cent. Nevertheless, in India, the present percentage of Muslim
population is much higher than that in 1947.
And independent India has seen genocide and eviction of Hindus from
Kashmir to become refugees in their own country.
In their mission to destroy and dismember India, Pakistan and
Bangladesh have dispatched crores of their nationals as also
terrorists into India. If Pak-Bangla alliance is focussed to Islamize
India, missionaries are determined to Christianize India. With each
passing day, India is being made more Islamic and more Christian and
less Hindu.
And under the pretext of bringing democracy to Nepal, anti-Hindu
forces, missionaries and Maoists want to shatter the Hindu identity
of Nepal, the only Hindu nation in the world.
Apart from discriminatory government control of all prominent Hindu
temples (whereas no Christian church or Muslim mosque has been
touched by government control), discriminatory Article 30 of the
Constitution of India is also demolishing Hinduism.
Articles 26 and 30 of the Indian Constitution have been misused by
the government to appropriate Hindu temples, and to deny Hindus the
same freedom of running their religious and educational institutions
given to non-Hindu (minority) communities. And this discrimination
against Hindus is demolishing Hinduism.
Over-optimism lacks information; pessimism lacks imagination. Let us
be realistic to know how Hinduism can be saved from its present
Many Hindus just surrender to attacks on Hinduism since they have
been de-Hinduised by Macaulayan education, and brain-washed by anti-
Hindu media. And some Hindus indulge in self-flagellation.
Since self-pity or self-flagellation or abject surrender has never
helped any victim, Hindus will continue to be attacked till they
confront their tormentors.
But Hindus can confront their tormentors only if they have the basic
weapons of an unbiased media and a strong nationalist political
party. Gross Hindu hurt can be expressed only through an unbiased
media and redressed only through a strong nationalist political
At present Hindus have neither unbiased media nor a strong
nationalist political party to protect their interests. Both these
instruments are a must to rescue Hinduism from discrimination and
There is no other way to save Hinduism. And these two weapons will
resolve all problems of Hindu society.
Both these requirements are discussed below.
In any modern democracy, both electronic and print media are powerful
weapons to mould public opinion.
In India, many of print and electronic media are controlled by anti-
Hindu forces. They are denigrating Hinduism, spreading misinformation
about Hindu scriptures, dividing Hindu society and hurting Hindu
sentiments. Hindus are being brain-washed to forget their religion,
heritage and history; and Hinduism is being derided, distorted and
destroyed by anti-Hindu media.
Killing of thousands of Hindus in Kashmir and eviction of several
lacs of Hindus from Kashmir are no news whereas Gujarat riots which
started after Hindu rail passengers were torched at Godhra are always
in the news in anti-Hindu media. Infiltration of crores of Pak-Bangla
nationals threatening to create one more Islamic country on Indian
soil finds no space in media. Similarly, conversion of poorer Hindus
to Christianity by fraud, inducement and coercion creates no ripples
in anti-Hindu media.
Pro-Hindu elements do not have even one nation-wide multi-city daily
news-paper to project their view-point. To ensure that the truth
reaches the masses, Hindus must have nation-wide mass media. Besides
boycotting anti-Hindu media, Hindus must have unbiased daily news
papers and television channels in various languages to enlighten the
readers about current affairs, Hindu religion, heritage and history.
There is no absolute justice in the world. To survive in the world
believing in "survival of the fittest", Hindus have to assert; and
reject injustice, discrimination and degradation.
To protect Hinduism from continuous onslaught, confrontation with
anti-Hindu forces is inevitable. Unfortunately, no existing political
party plans to end discrimination against Hindus or confront gradual
Pak-Bangla take-over of India.
Congress-led UPA government has no plan to end discrimination against
Hindus, or to confront terrorism and demographic invasion. Rather, it
is having soft borders with Pakistan and Bangladesh disregarding the
disastrous consequences.
And while in power, BJP too did nothing to end discrimination against
Hindus; or to fight terror, deport the infiltrators and curb their
daily influx. It did not punish even the Pakistan-sponsored attack on
Indian Parliament in 2001.
Only a strong nationalist political outfit can confront and defeat
Pak-Bangla design to dismember India. Besides, only a strong
nationalist political entity can implement genuine secularism wherein
there would be justice to all and appeasement of none.
In this dismal situation, though RSS must join active politics
immediately, RSS has given no such indication so far. Therefore, the
only alternative is to form a strong nationalist political party to
save India from disaster.
And there are some developments in this regard. Recently Bharatiya
Jana Sangh led by Balraj Madhok has been revived by Prafull Goradia,
former BJP Member of Parliament. It would be interesting to watch
further events in this respect.
Efforts of non-resident Indians for Hindu cause are admirable. But
war to save Hinduism has to be fought primarily in India since only
if Hinduism survives and prospers in India, it will survive and
prosper in other lands. Therefore, even the non-resident Indians must
focus their efforts to create the nation-wide mass print and audio-
visual media and strong nationalist political party in India to
shield Hinduism.
While web-sites, e-mails, internet groups and online petitions are
very helpful and should be continued, these must be in addition to,
and not a substitute for, mass media and regular political activity
in India.
As per French President Jacques Chirac (born 1932), "Politics is not
the art of the possible; it is the art of making possible what is
With the help of the strong nationalist political party and unbiased
media, the all embracing Sanatana Dharma (eternal religion), the
world's oldest religion popularly known as Hinduism, will not only
survive but will prevail.
Anti-Hindu historians have created the misconception that Hindus
never fought foreign invaders. But it is solely due to heroic Hindu
resistance to foreign invaders for several centuries that Hindu
religion and culture are still alive while many other ancient
religions and cultures have been wiped off long back. Hindu history
is full of heroes who fought for their religion and every inch of
Let us also do our utmost to preserve ancient India's magnificent
heritage in whatever is left as truncated India.
And the right effort is bound to bring success as Atharva Veda
(7.52.8) proclaims, "Kritam may dakhshine haste, jayo may savya
aahitah" ("Effort is in my right hand, and victory in my left").
JG Arora