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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5
Hilda Raja's reply to Margaret Alva's "me is christian---me is not victim yet, but if me were victim, me is the only victim that counts" whine..
Nov 6, 2008

<b>‘Margaret Alva -- Be faithful to the Truth’: Dr Mrs Hilda Raja</b>

Response to Margaret Alva's interview

From hilda raja
Date Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 10:37 AM
Subject Response to Margaret Alva's interview

Margaret Alva in her interview ‘Religion has become politicised’ (Third Eye-IE 2nd Oct)decries the politicization of religion and rightly so. But what strikes me is the fact that she is pointing an accusing finger for this state of affairs to the Hindus. Her grandson wonders if their house would be burned-her seven year old granddaughter is afraid to go to church fearing that it would be burned .Like Mrs Alva I am a catholic and belong to the same church as she--Why is it that the minorities are suffering from a fear psyche when they are safer and more secure than the majority community? Why is it that a few instances of attacks against the minorities are being blown beyond proportion and enlarged in such a way as to darken the whole face of the country? To be fair Margaret Alva should have clearly educated and assured her grandchildren that she and her family are safer than the thousands of other little children in the country-children who go to the streets to buy sweets for Diwali are killed-a little girl who went to school simply disappeared, a father who went to pick up his son from the school never returned. So comparatively the minorities are safer than the majority community. Poor God whom Margaret Alva worships-if she is given a chance to question God she tells us that she would ask him why there is so much of injustice. I envisage the following response from her God who incarnated as Jesus will bend down and write and show her what he has scripted and she would be horrified to read the script -- “Why has the Party to which you belong done this to my people? Why have you betrayed the Justice for which I lived and died? Why this hypocrisy of a prayer ‘Father forgive them for they know now what they do”, Who is your Father when you condemn your brothers and accuse them? Remember the story of Cain and Abel? There is no Fatherhood if there is no Brotherhood. Why are you like the Pharisee pointing at others and thinking that you and the Party to which you belong are just? In the last six months have you and your Party taken an enumeration of the number of people killed in the serial bomb blasts? How many mothers and little children were raped? Why is it that you and the Party to which you belong not taken effective steps to stop this ruthless killing of innocent people on the road. That too I am aware is done in the name of a religion and of a god. Do you know that those who were victims do not have any security-they have no cars to take them to the markets and like me they walk the dusty roads yet they are killed? Your Party was and is in power for the longest period and can you truthfully tell me what your Party did to stop this mad killing of the poor. I was poor and hence you should have seen me in them. You talk of the minority people attacked-do you know two years ago before a Diwali a holy man--Sankaracharya of Kancheepuram was arrested while he was performing his usual daily puja. All holy men carry a spark of ME. Did you condemn that act? Would you not shout your self hoarse if an Archbishop-or even a priest while celebrating Mass was arrested? You were not scandalized when the police entered with their boots into the temple and stood around the sacred fire and hand cuffed him? All are children of God- the convent school in which you studied should have taught you this in the catechism class. But you differentiate people and silently watch this sin against me-this crucifixion reacted. Just before this Diwali-the Feast of Lights another holy man was brutally murdered within his ashram in Orissa along with his disciple-a holy nun. You did not condemn the dastardly murders. But when a nun of the church to which you belonged was raped the heavens heard the thunder and the rumbling created by the church and leaders of your party. I suffer in silence daily when women-mothers, daughters and wives and even little children are raped in India. Nobody heeds to their pain, anguish and your Party which is in power did nothing to ease their agony. I am puzzled that the nuns of the Catholic Church are comparatively safer and secure but what kind of security is provided to the thousands of women working in the fields and meeting with such brutal violence. Their suffering does not arouse you? But when churches are damaged and ransacked you and the Party to which you belong is quick to point an accusing finger at the perpetrators. I feel sorry for you and the likes of you it was one of my own who betrayed me. You differentiate the value of lives on the basis of the religion. If you had read the bible you will recall that I stood before the majestic temple of Jerusalem and predicted that it will be destroyed-Why are you making such a noise over the destruction of structures- of stones and mortar while you calmly overlook the destruction of lives-and of livelihood? This is what those in power during my time did. Did you not know that it was the priests and the civil rulers who persecuted me and crucified me-? Because they wanted to kill Truth –they were able to destroy my physical body but not my soul, not the values for which I stood for. Truth cannot be destroyed. I repeated during my lifetime and now I repeat it to you-‘do not be like the “white washed tombs” and do not scandalize You cannot pray to me unless you strike your breast and say ‘mea culpa, mea culpa-For your prayers to be heard embrace all as brothers only then you are you permitted to address my FATHER.I do not distinguish my people as majority and minority- it is for ALL that I came suffered and died. I belong to no one religion and no one denomination. You cannot hijack me-for Truth is all pervading and when my arms were painfully out stretched on the cross I embraced the whole world and its people. They belong to me and I belong to them. When you keep them outside you shut me out also. The fundamental truth you have not been taught in your convent school- namely- there is only one God and one Heaven. There cannot be a salvation story with discrimination, appeasement and discord. Teach that to your grandchildren. Cry not for me but for yourselves and your children. Purify yourself and purge yourself of all the prejudices and biases only then you are worthy to address my Father. I had taught my small group of disciples how to pray when they asked me. I now like to remind you Margaret Alva recite the ‘Our Father’ truthfully and try to grasp its portent. You as a leader and as one privileged to be educated should be courageous to stand for Truth and to die for it. To those to whom more is given more will be expected.--Be faithful to the Truth.

Dr Mrs Hilda Raja,

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