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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->A newschannel ticker here says: Pope to act on holocaust-denier Bishop.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->I heard different. The news here had it that The Foremost Anti-Semitic Institution (Vatican) had reconciled with the hyper anti-semitic renegade catholic Society of Saint Pius X (to which I think Lucio Mascara~nhas - the crazed christoterrorist of supposed Indian origin - belongs. Mel Gibson too, wasn't it?).

Yes, check: The anti-semitic Rat Pope is finally ready to re-establish love with fellow anti-semitic catholics who had fallen out due to a lovers tiff they had.

This is a landmark move by the Vatican, as the Pius X Society will not budge on Holocaust denial and other things like opposition to Angelo Roncalli's 'laxity' (Vatican II, etcetera) when it comes to Ze True Faith. This means the Vatican has implemented more reversals to the 'reforms' made by Roncalli. The Holy Inquisitor is taking catholicism back to its true form. No wonder the Catholic Church/Vatican/catholics are terrorising/inquisitioning Hindus and re-embracing their anti-semitism in public - they are starting to assert their original and true nature again.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>ratzy pardons and embraces Holocaust denier, Jews furious
jan 25th, 2009</b>
i have noticed that, alas, a lot of hindus are also anti-jewish. this
is because of incessant anti-jewish propaganda by the reds and the
greens. actually the jews are the victims of arab aggression (and have
been the victims of christist aggression for centuries). the
palestinians are the victims of arab uncaringness. every palestinian
could have been accommodated and rehabilitated by saudi arabia and
other rich oil states.

in any case, if palestinians are being brutalized by israel, hindus
have been ethnically cleansed, brutalized and oppressed by mohammedans
in kashmir. they are living in squalid refugee camps for 19 years. so
instead of wasting your breath on palestinians, do something for the

i used to find it quite entertaining when kerala's communists would
show up at my parents' house asking for donations for the 'palestinian
cause'. i asked them, "did any palestinian donate for any indian
cause, like tsunamis or earthquakes?". they used to get pretty upset,
because i wouldn't give them any money, and we both knew that the
funds were going to not the palestinians, but to the local 'red fund
for boozing and whoring'.

oh yeah, pius x and limey holocaust-denier. fine bunch. i am sure the
limey has got instructions from the labor party to kiss arab ass.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: n

<b>Pope pardons Holocaust denier, Jews furious</b>

25 Jan 2009, 0036 hrs IST, REUTERS

VATICAN CITY: Pope Benedict on Saturday rehabilitated a traditionalist
bishop who denies the Holocaust, despite warnings from Jewish leaders
that it would seriously harm Catholic-Jewish relations and foment

The Vatican said the pope issued a decree lifting the excommunication
of four traditionalist bishops who were thrown out of the Roman
Catholic Church in 1988 for being ordained without Vatican permission.
The four bishops lead the ultra-conservative Society of Saint Pius X
(SSPX), which has about 600,000 members and rejected modernisations of
Roman Catholic worship and doctrine.

... deleted


2. http://rajeev2004.blogspot.com/2009/01/tru...-nunneries.html
Also mentions the Vatican and Society of Piux X getting it on again, but but has more besides:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>the truth about christist dracula nunneries: a lot of legalized rape goes on</b>
jan 25th, 2009

they are brutal places where young women are physically and mentally and sexually abused.

see this movie, based on the real life story of the magdalene sisters who openly violated the lives, minds and bodies of young women under their control:

the dracula nunneries in kerala are exactly the same. young women, powerless, their spirits broken, are brutalized, raped, impregnated, etc. this is basically legalized rape and prostitution that is going on under the nose of the indian constitution. and when the women's rights commission attempted to question this in kerala, it was quickly shouted down by the white-dominated media. the commission was just wondering whether teenage girls were being sent to nunneries against their will.

the nytimes' kristof wrote recently of the slavery in brothels in cambodia. i don't see anything much different about the dracula nunneries. http://www.iht.com/articles/2009/01/01/o...ristof.php

<b>the limeys used to claim that the devadasis attached to temples were prostitutes. it turns out, as it usually does, that it is the christist system that has legalized prostitutes. they accuse others of their own sins.</b>

also, there's something interesting about pius x in the nytimes: it is the name of one of the most-arch-conservative groups in the vatican hierarchy. in other words, extreme sociopaths. no wonder pius x convent is where abhaya was murdered. ratzy and co are particularly fond of these sociopaths -- they have just reinstated them after years of being out in the cold despite (or perhaps because of) their hatred of other religions, especially judaism.

surely ratzy will rehabilitate the trio of kottoor-puthrakkayil-seffi even if they are sentenced to death for the murder of abhaya. the e. ahamed-equivalent from the vatican will be shuttling back and forth between sonia and rome until these people are released. they will probably also get to the sainted, for accurately carrying out the church's strictures -- extreme personal corruption, and the oppression of the innocent and powerless.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

3. http://rajeev2004.blogspot.com/2009/01/mis...-of-andhra.html
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Sunday, January 25, 2009
<b>Missionary agenda of YSR CM of Andhra Pradesh: From the Horse's Mouth</b>
jan 25th, 2009

this is how the republic is supporting 'secularism', ie. the eradication of hinduism. very appropriate on republic day.

samuel reddy evangelizes at taxpayer expense.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sriram

  This is from someone in the hinduism forum who compiled data on the christist YSR on distributing state money to the missionaries.


There are always allegations about the missionary zeal of the Christian Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Y.S Rajasekhara Reddy or commonly known as YSR. But many times due to absence of hard evidence, these are often discarded as nothing more than chest-thumping.

For people who believe only in "evidences" here it is. its a  collection of  all the Government Orders (GO) by the Government of AP allotting funds to various Churches in AP.  source of information is no secret either. It is the online portal of Govt of AP listing all the GOs it issued (the government portals are treasure houses of information; you just have to know how to dig out what you need). You can see the data in this page:


The following is the summary of the data from that sheet:

1. The GO portal is active only from February 2008, hence the data  given is only of 1 year (ie., Feb 2008 to Jan 2009). Note that although vast, it is by no means comprehensive (ie., I have shown Govt 263.07 lakhs to Christian institutions. This amount is the minimum spent on them, not the maximum).

2. But even for a single year, an amount of 263.07 lakhs was given as aid to various Christian institutions.

3. More than 258 churches benefited from these grants for construction/renovation of churches.

4. An amount of 1316.54 lakhs was given as aid to various Muslim institutions through Wakf boards.

<b>5. Not a single GO granting any aid to a Hindu temple can be found. This in spite of the fact that in AP, the Hindu temples are managed by the Endowments Ministry (put it simply they take all the money which the temples generate).

6. Govt takes away all the money which Hindu temples generate, but do not grant a single penny to any of its temples. It does not touch the money from Christian and Muslim institutions, but grants them huge amounts of money.</b>

I have always argued that the "Missionary Charity" is just a myth ( http://ssksurya.blogspot.com/2006/05/quest...ry-charity.html ). These new evidence only reinforce my earlier points. I do not want to waste more words how the Christian CM of AP is perusing his missionary zeal not just through individual actions, but also through direct grants from the Government of AP. As I said, the facts speak louder. Let the reader judge for himself.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

4. http://rajeev2004.blogspot.com/2009/01/dal...can-herald.html
Like any sleazy adult christian movie, the following one is reality footage too. But it will doubtless get nominated for 10 Oscars in the 'independent movie' category.
Note that it is christians who are exposing the christianist sleaze here:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Sunday, January 25, 2009
<b>DalitFreedomNetwork: Deccan Herald - Kerala nun's sexcapade stuns church</b>
jan 25th, 2009

the dalit freedom network is doing good work in exposing the shenanigans of ratzy's boys and girls.

i like this nun's story. i remember reading in the malayalam media that the godwoman showed no remorse. she said she was bonking the guy with full consent. she just had no idea his camera phone was on. she was like, "yeah, i did it. so what?" i am sure she would have blown the whistle and revealed that the godmen were constantly bonking all the godwomen, but the media suppressed that.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Pastor <unitedchurch@eml.cc>
To: dalitfreedom@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 11:21:41 PM
Subject: DalitFreedomNetwork: Deccan Herald - Kerala nun's sexcapade stuns church

Deccan Herald - Kerala nun's sexcapade stuns church
From R Gopakumar, DH News Service, Thiruvananthapuram:
A nun who was caught on a cellphone video clip having sex in a hospital room in Kochi has been stripped of her nunhood and sent back home.

The incident that happened at the hospital run by the Congregation of the Mother of Carmel (CMC) at Aluva has left the clergy stunned.

The 37-year-old nun hailing from Alappuzha had attained nunhood 20 years ago and was employed as a receptionist of the hospital, according to a senior hospital official. "Some of our well-wishers rang us up and said they had come across a familiar face in a video that was being circulated,'' she said when contacted over phone.
The church authorities inspected the clip and found that there was substance in the allegation. When the nun was shown the video she admitted that the woman in the film was indeed her. The nun was having an affair with the hospital driver.

"She also revealed that they had sex in a room in the hospital, but that she had no idea that the  encounter was being filmed,'' the source said.
Christianists behave like the Kerala nun above because it was *always* thus with christianism:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>During the reign of Pope Damasus I (366-383):</b>
    The biblical scholar and ascetic <b>St Jerome</b> (c342-420) warned the women of Rome that the Catholic Church, under Damasus I, was monstrously corrupt. <b>He claimed that priests, monks, professional virgins all were debauched and that they engaged in "love feasts" - orgies - in churches on saints' days. Virgins "fall every day" he wrote in a letter to an aristocratic woman called Eustochium, warning her to avoid the pontiff's flock.</b>

    In another epistle, Jerome said that men became priests and deacons "so that they may see women more freely".
    Jerome warned one Roman woman to never remain alone in a room with a priest. Should she find herself in such a situation, the woman was told to "plead that either her bowels or bladder needed relieving".
    Christian women were not to be trusted either, according to Jerome. "Never enter the house or be in their company alone," he said.
    <b>To Jerome, the only women of virtue to be seen on the streets of Rome were not Christians but pagans.</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->More examples at link.
True then. True now. True forever. Because it is inherent in <i>christianism</i>, not the people: the more christianist people are (psecularised -> christo-conditioned -> fully christian/islamic), the more prone to bad taste and tackiness they become.

Some centuries after Rome fell, christianism was into the same thing:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>    The Vices of Nuns [9th Century]</b>

        <b>"...female convents were [no] more successfully regulated [than monasteries], for the Council of Aix-la-Chapelle (Church Council!), in 836, states that in many places they were rather brothels than houses of God;</b> and it shows how close a supervision over the spouses of Christ was thought requisite when it proceeds to direct that nunneries shall be so built as to have no dark corners in which scandals may be perpetrated out of view. The effect of these efforts may be estimated from a remark... of Erchenbald, Chancellor of Charlemagne... that the <b>licentiousness of nuns</b> commonly resulted in a worse crime, infanticide."
        <b>-- History of Sacerdotal Celibacy within the Christian Church by Henry Charles Lea (American Quaker historian of the Church), p. 108</b>
Link http://www.priestsofdarkness.com/heritage1.html<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->From christoterrorised Rome on, all the way down to our time in India: zombies of christianism haven't changed.

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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5 - by Guest - 09-09-2008, 06:52 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5 - by Guest - 09-14-2008, 05:13 PM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5 - by Guest - 09-16-2008, 03:52 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5 - by Guest - 09-17-2008, 12:51 AM
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