I wouldn't be surprised if they had lost, but for different reasons from Elst.
It's naivete to think Hindus stand any chance in the US. There <i>is no</i> dialoguing with christianism. It will fully crush paganism, and it will *most certainly* do so completely in a christian country. Hindus who live in America don't seem to realise that for some reason, but instead think that they have a chance for equality. The appearance of equality in the US is only an illusion.
Much of the christoterrorism against Hindu Dharma in Bharatam originates in the US, and from the US government. If that isn't an indication as to their intent to eradicate Hindu Dharma, I don't know what is.
IMO, it would have been better had CAPEEM made the case to get Hindu Dharma out of school textbooks altogether - the way Taoism, Shinto, Hellenismos, Mazda Yasna, African religions, Native American religions, NW European heathenry and others are probably not covered. Of course this would not have succeeded either most likely - explicit dawaganda against and demonisation of Hindu Dharma and Hindus is the first and essential step for christianism in its attempts to convert Hindu Bharatam - but it would have been the only right course to take.
If Hindus don't want their kids to learn christian propaganda against Hindu Dharma, then don't live in the US. Simple. And it's the <i>only</i> way to avoid it. Same as how it would be futile for Jews in the first half of the 20th century to expect anything living in christian Germany.
The real war is in Bharatam and for Bharatam, I wish those who lived outside and cared for Hindu Dharma would stop getting distracted. There is no future for NRIs, there may be one for the Hindu generations still in Bharatam. They're all that *ought* to matter.
Christoislamicommunism won't let Hindus be. They can't bear that "Hateful Paganism" (Hindu Dharma in this case) is still being adhered to somewhere in the world, and that Hindus moreover have a country to themselves (which means they can't be genocided so easily). You can see this from the fact that the christian world gets <i>so</i> agitated by our continued existence that they go out of their way to make an anti-Hindu propaganda movie. A movie which is only different from the christian nazis' anti-Jewish and anti-Slav propaganda movies in that its propaganda is more subtle and therefore more effective, attuned to the times.
I wouldn't be surprised if they had lost, but for different reasons from Elst.
It's naivete to think Hindus stand any chance in the US. There <i>is no</i> dialoguing with christianism. It will fully crush paganism, and it will *most certainly* do so completely in a christian country. Hindus who live in America don't seem to realise that for some reason, but instead think that they have a chance for equality. The appearance of equality in the US is only an illusion.
Much of the christoterrorism against Hindu Dharma in Bharatam originates in the US, and from the US government. If that isn't an indication as to their intent to eradicate Hindu Dharma, I don't know what is.
IMO, it would have been better had CAPEEM made the case to get Hindu Dharma out of school textbooks altogether - the way Taoism, Shinto, Hellenismos, Mazda Yasna, African religions, Native American religions, NW European heathenry and others are probably not covered. Of course this would not have succeeded either most likely - explicit dawaganda against and demonisation of Hindu Dharma and Hindus is the first and essential step for christianism in its attempts to convert Hindu Bharatam - but it would have been the only right course to take.
If Hindus don't want their kids to learn christian propaganda against Hindu Dharma, then don't live in the US. Simple. And it's the <i>only</i> way to avoid it. Same as how it would be futile for Jews in the first half of the 20th century to expect anything living in christian Germany.
The real war is in Bharatam and for Bharatam, I wish those who lived outside and cared for Hindu Dharma would stop getting distracted. There is no future for NRIs, there may be one for the Hindu generations still in Bharatam. They're all that *ought* to matter.
Christoislamicommunism won't let Hindus be. They can't bear that "Hateful Paganism" (Hindu Dharma in this case) is still being adhered to somewhere in the world, and that Hindus moreover have a country to themselves (which means they can't be genocided so easily). You can see this from the fact that the christian world gets <i>so</i> agitated by our continued existence that they go out of their way to make an anti-Hindu propaganda movie. A movie which is only different from the christian nazis' anti-Jewish and anti-Slav propaganda movies in that its propaganda is more subtle and therefore more effective, attuned to the times.