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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5
5 items in no particular order.

1. A heretic catholic telling a catholic nun <i>who has the Vatican's benediction</i> what is and isn't christianism/catholicism. Note that only Hindus will be pleased with and blinkered by this article and will therefore post and repost this everywhere. All christian apologetics are applied to heathens, to take effect on heathens alone; it is immaterial whether the heretics applying the apologetics believe in what they're saying or not. (By the way, from my POV, 'heretic' is a compliment and 'christian' is an insult.)
Anyway the important bit is the indisputable facts of the case, which are:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The new Superior General of the Missionaries of Charity (MoC)Sr.Mary Prema made two revelations-that religious conversion-‘is God’s work. That-if she received divine inspiration she would go to Kandhamal.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

2. http://rajeev2004.blogspot.com/2009/03/vam...resurfaces.html
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>the 'vampire of cochin' resurfaces!</b>
mar 30th, 2009

the 'vampire of cochin' who had quietly vanished under the vatican's "identity-change and criminal-protection plan" seems to have been rousted.

wonder of wonders, he has been living with the nubile 25-year-old woman whom he had "adopted"!


of course the ELM is completely silent about the antics of this hornball godman. not only did he 'adopt' the young woman and get 'spiritual nourishment' from her, he sprinked her blood around his ornate bishop's palace, and promised that her to-be-born son, who would be born bearing an iron rod, would fix the various problems the church faced. it is left as an exercise to the reader as to who is supposed to be the father of the to-be-born son. i am sure it was going to be another virgin birth.

first-class example of what christism does to the brain (using the term loosely, of course). i wonder what has happened to thattunkal's massage parlors and hospitals in cochin. vatican must be making money off of them.

incidentally, his replacement -- one godman acharuparambil -- has been observed recently telling the kkkangress which candidates to choose. no, no, this is *not* interference in the state by the church. it is entirely 'pseudo-secular'. that is, semites can do anything they want.
Posted by nizhal yoddha at 3/31/2009 11:38:00 PM 0 comments <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

3 http://haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?P...471&SKIN=C
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Bishop Thattunkal found at house of ‘adopted daughter’</b>
30/03/2009 22:33:36  PNS | Pathanamthitta

Controversial Catholic bishop John Thattunkal, who was removed in October last from his official duties as Bishop of Kochi following his adoption of a mature woman and performance of exorcism on the Bishop’s Palace using her blood, is again fallen into further trouble with his stay at the house of the “adopted daughter”.

The Vatican had ordered his removal from holy rites after the adoption and exorcism became a huge controversy as the Canon Laws of Rome did not have any provision for adoption by priests. Even then, certain outfits of believers had pointed out that way a Bishop could keep a mature woman with him was to conduct a “secret marriage”, and his present stay at the woman’s place justified this argument, said an influential priest under Kochi diocese.

The priest was spotted on Sunday at the house of Fr CK Joseph, a priest of the Orthodox Church, whose adopted daughter this mature woman was, at Makkamkunnu in Pathanamthitta town. Even when mediapersons arrived at the place with the information, the neighbours had no idea of the former Kochi bishop living in that house. The camera crew of a television news channel spotted the bishop and the woman sitting together on the balcony of the house. The cleric was in ordinary dress and not cassock.

Clergy at the Archdiocese of Varappuzha, Kochi, under which he had been serving as bishop, said this was a shock to them as Thattunkal had informed them while surrendering his position as bishop following the controversy that he would be leaving for Bangalore. It was said that he had never gone to Bangalore and could have been frequenting the house of his “adopted daughter” ever since his removal as Kochi bishop.

When mediapersons and local residents tried to enter the fortified house, Fr Joseph tried to prevent them saying Thattunkal was not inside. Though the mediapersons were prepared to cooperate with the Orthodox church priest, the local residents persisted in their demand which necessitated the arrival of the police.

Despite protests from the Orthodox priest, the police searched the house and found bishop Thattunkal hiding in a room. The police left the place after they were convinced that there was nothing for them to do but the local residents continued their protest saying such practices could not be allowed there. The family of Fr Joseph, against whom the Thumbamon diocese of the Orthodox Church had taken disciplinary action twice in connection with the relationship with the “adopted daughter”, had been living in total isolation from neighbours.

He told mediapersons that he had been staying at the house for the past one month
and would be continuing to stay there one week more before leaving for Rome, to where he had been called. He said envoy of The Vatican for India, Pedro Lopez Quintana was in the know of his whereabouts.

Thattunkal said he had to take shelter in the house as he had nowhere else to go. Though he had tried to stay in the facilities of the church after being removed as bishop, he had to leave all those places. Information was that he had stayed at different places and had come to Pathanamthitta from his ancestral house in Ezhupunna, Alappuzha district.

Thattunkal became the central character in a controversy after he announced that he had adopted Sonia, 26, after identifying “certain spiritual qualities” in her. He had also done some consecration rites using this woman’s blood on the Bishop’s Palace in Kochi, which was a blasphemous act of exorcism as far as the Catholic Church was concerned.

The Varappuzha Archdiocese of the church came under pressure from majority of the parish priests who protested against the adoption and act of exorcism. Archbishop Daniel Acharuparampil contacted Pedro Lopez Quintana and took up the issue with The Vatican. Rome acted by constituting a three-priest panel to look into the matter, which found Thattunkal guilty, following which he was removed from his position on October 23 last.

Reports had said that Thattunkal had come across the woman (who, according to a version was actually well into her late 30s) during a pilgrimage through Europe. Those who had travelled with them in that trip had said that Sonia had been trying to be near Thattunkal at all occasions. Fr Joseph had adopted Sonia, hailing from Konni in Pathanamthitta district, when she was three years old.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

4. http://rajeev2004.blogspot.com/2009/03/chr...e-year-old.html
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>christist maniac murders one-year-old hindu boy via starving him to death</b>
mar 31st, 2009

the ELM will obviously not carry this news as it makes those christist nutcases look bad. what do you have to say, t n ninan, pamela philipose, b g verghese, arundhati susan roy, a j philip and a whole host of other kerala christists who have infiltrated the media?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Arvind
Subject: Bobby Jindal should watch out!
To: Rajeev Srinivasan

I'm worried for Bobby (real name Piyush) Jindal. He has already done some crazy stuff like chasing away demons. Authorities should take Piyush's wife and kids into protective custody.


A Maryland woman involved with a group described as a religious cult pleaded guilty in the starvation death of her son, but insisted that the charges be dropped when he is resurrected.
Ramkissoon, a member of a group called One Mind Ministries, believes Javon Thompson, her year-old son, will rise again, and as part of her plea agreement, authorities agreed to the clause.
Authorities believe the boy's body was then placed into a wheeled suitcase along with mothballs and fabric-softener sheets, documents said.
Silverman described her as a petite, soft-spoken woman who <b>rejected her family's Hindu religion, became a devout Christian and wanted to raise her son in that religion.</b>

Posted by nizhal yoddha at 3/31/2009 11:29:00 PM 0 comments <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

5. This most certainly goes under christianism.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Tuesday, March 31, 2009
<b>Move to malign Sai Baba fails</b>
mar 31st, 2009

so the sai baba was not doing anything dubious.

what happened to all the alleged "1000s of cases"? i guess it is like the "2000 muslims killed in gujarat" and "78 virgins" and "jesus christ" and "'saint' thomas who came to india". pure figments of the imagination. very convenient for those with vested interests.

i do hope the sai baba folks sue this crazy drug-addict/lush for $100 million bucks just to make a point. the co-defendants the BBC and the danish channel surely have deep enough pockets and will settle out of court for $10 million to avoid punitive damages in libel.

and yes, as sandhya says, the ELM will not say a word about this. actually it will, if india today is named as a co-defendant in the defamation suit. they will crawl, they will beg, they will lick anybody's boots.

actually such a suit could be a broad one, with amicus curiae briefs filed by the CAPEEM, the HAF, and others. it could terrorize people like witzel and courtright who persist in lies, libel and defamation about hinduism and hindus.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shahryar


Tuesday, March 31, 2009 |

<b>Move to malign Sai Baba fails</b>

Sandhya jain

On March 14, a lingering, insidious smear campaign against Sathya Sai Baba quietly fizzled out when Channel Nine MSN removed a biased anti-Baba broadcast from its official Website. Ardent Sai defamer <b>Robert Priddy</b> admitted on his blog that <b>Channel Nine MSN</b> "would not have removed the video had there not been legitimate complaints about the content and disinformation in their video".

Sai Baba devotees following the so-called sex scandal case were gratified to find that over the past few years many accusers were exposed as liars and worse. The main accuser, who inspired a <b>BBC</b> documentary, withdrew his California court case against the Sai Baba Society on realising exposure was nigh.

As usual, when false accusations are made against Hindu gurus, a high-decibel media campaign begins. But when the innocence of the accused is established, the cacophony melts into stoic silence. It is to the credit of devotees that anti-Sai Baba information has been purged from <b>US Government and UNESCO Websites</b>, among others.

... deleted

Posted by nizhal yoddha at 3/31/2009 11:56:00 PM 0 comments <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->EDITS | Tuesday, March 31, 2009 | Email | Print |

<b>Move to malign Sai Baba fails</b>

Sandhya jain

On March 14, a lingering, insidious smear campaign against Sathya Sai Baba quietly fizzled out when Channel Nine MSN removed a biased anti-Baba broadcast from its official Website. Ardent Sai defamer Robert Priddy admitted on his blog that Channel Nine MSN “would not have removed the video had there not been legitimate complaints about the content and disinformation in their video”.

Sai Baba devotees following the so-called sex scandal case were gratified to find that over the past few years many accusers were exposed as liars and worse. The main accuser, who inspired a BBC documentary, withdrew his California court case against the Sai Baba Society on realising exposure was nigh.

As usual, when false accusations are made against Hindu gurus, a high-decibel media campaign begins. But when the innocence of the accused is established, the cacophony melts into stoic silence. It is to the credit of devotees that anti-Sai Baba information has been purged from US Government and UNESCO Websites, among others.

Mr Alaya Rahm’s sexual abuse allegations against Sai Baba gained international notoriety when featured on the documentaries, Seduced By Sai Baba and Secret Swami. His allegations were published in Britain (The Daily Telegraph) and India (India Today). <b>An army of anti-Sai activists translated the allegations into several languages and spread them via the Internet. At first, the claims seemed disturbingly true; now they have simply vanished!</b>

Mr Rahm filed his lawsuit, Alaya Rahm vs Sathya Sai Baba Society, in the Superior Court of California on January 6, 2005 (Case No. 05cc01931). Under California’s statute of limitations, an individual can file a lawsuit for alleged sexual molestation up to his/her 26th birthday, if the alleged events occurred before the age of 18. Mr Rahm filed his case two days before this expiry date.

The trial was set for April 28, 2006, but on April 7 the plaintiff self-dismissed his own lawsuit. He attempted to sue for money damages, but no offers of settlement were made and no money or other consideration was paid; the case was dismissed “with prejudice” and is binding under the international doctrine of res judicata. This means <b>Mr Rahm can never file another lawsuit against Sathya Sai Baba, in the US or in India, for the same claims made in this case.</b>

Mr Rahm never sought medical or psychiatric treatment for alleged trauma and could not itemise any wage losses. Moreover, no other alleged victim came forward to testify in support of his allegations, though anti-Sai activists claimed there were “over a hundred” alleged victims in the US. He gave no reasons for quitting; no deposition was filed and no witnesses were identified to the court on his behalf.

Although Mr Rahm’s accusations received publicity, his claims were not thoroughly investigated until the lawsuit was filed. During the subsequent legal process, it was found that Mr Rahm and his family members made speeches at a number of retreats and conferences between 1995 and 1999, the period in which the alleged sexual abuses took place. Many talks were recorded and found to contain no suggestion of wrongdoing. Rather, there was enthusiastic praise of the Baba; Mr Rahm even wrote a love poem to him.

The legal process identified witnesses present at the Indian ashram when the events allegedly occurred. One witness, Mr Lewis Kreydick, purchased Mr Rahm’s ticket and accompanied him to India in 1995 and in 1997; he was present in some meetings in which Mr Rahm later claimed to have been sexually abused.

Mr Kreydick inter alia testified that he had close links with Mr Rahm from 1995 to 1997, and spoke with him daily when at the ashram in 1995 and 1997, discussing details of each meeting Mr Rahm had with Baba. Though Mr Rahm shared confidential details about his sexual past with Mr Kreydick, he never related or suggested, in this period, that any misconduct, wrongdoing or sexual actions had transpired between him and Baba. In fact, he only narrated positive and miraculous experiences.

Mr Kreydick signed his typed deposition on April 7, 2006. The same day, the defendant (the Sathya Sai Baba Society) filed Mr Kreydick’s deposition as part of the official record, and Mr Rahm self-dismissed his case! Obviously, he did not feel confident to take his case to trial, though he was represented by an experienced sexual abuse trial lawyer.

Further, in Form Interrogatory No. 6.3, Set One, Mr Rahm admitted to being a daily user of illegal street drugs and alcohol from 1995 to 2005. Thus, throughout his allegations and the filming of the BBC Documentary Secret Swami and the Danish Documentary Seduced By Sai Baba, Mr Rahm was under the influence of illegal street drugs and alcohol. This was suppressed from the general public by his family and anti-Baba associates.

The controversy persisted because of the doggedness of ex-devotees, possibly persons who infiltrated the ashram in the guise of devotees, with the intention of maligning Baba later. Key blogs in the defamation were robertpriddy.wordpress.com; barrypittard.wordrpess.com; briansteel.wordpress.com. None of these gentlemen was sexually abused, nor had personally witnessed any incident of alleged abuse. Interestingly, some eminent Western ‘Hindus’ joined the anti-Sai crusade with startling enthusiasm, fuelling suspicions about the possible political agendas of these faux converts.

No alleged victim ever filed a police or court case against Baba in India for alleged improprieties, though former devotees kept chanting that ‘hundreds’, indeed ‘‘thousands’’ of ‘‘minors’’, ‘‘children’’ and ‘male youth’ were molested by Sathya Sai Baba.

Who inspired these venomous former devotees to launch investigations into vile rumours? Devotees say the ‘Anti-Sai Movement’ is an extremist hate group which habitually makes wild allegations, including the laughable claim that the Baba is allied with terrorists! One magazine published a fake picture of Sai Baba holding hands with Idi Amin!

The truth is that neither Sai Baba nor any organisation associated with him has been charged or implicated for sexual abuse, either directly or indirectly, and that reputable media agencies and independent journalists have not been able to confirm a single instance of sexual abuse linked to Sai Baba or his organisations. Gutter allegations tend to choke on their own stink.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

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