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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5
1. Old news, but I was not aware. The christian terrorist Sangliana was already mentioned earlier by Viren and Acharya.
Acharya had written:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Sangliana is the head of New Life, the christian group which published the booklets which incited hate towards hindu gods.
Now he goes and hand overs a "detailed dossier" to an official of foreign govt.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Sangliana is a christian=terrorist posing as a cop. Should never allow the terrorist ideologies to get quota in armed forces and police, else the result will be like in J&K and like this entity:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Top Karntaka Police Official involved in Christian Conversions</b>
Posted May 12, 2005
15/05/2003 At 12:21

H.T. Sangliana Director General of Police (Prisons) of Karnataka is directly involved with few Christian Missionaries in Conversions in Rural Areas of Karnataka.

Sangliana, an I.A.S of 1969 Batch from Meghalaya, was the Police Commissioner of Bangalore City and Director General of Police till recently. Sangliana, a North Eastern Christian, has been in the news for quite some time in Karnataka for being too much biased with Christian and Muslim organizations.

<b>The moment he assumed charge of his office, he first tried to keep track on all the Hindu organizations.</b> He was given a free hand by the previous Chief Minister of Karnataka S.M. Krishna and few of his cabinet colleagues.

The First time when Sangliana came to limelight was in Nov 2001, when few Hindu Organizations protested against some Christian Missionaries in Doddabalapur (Bangalore Rural), where mass conversions were being held. Violence broke out when the Christian missionaries attacked the Hindus. But the DGP instead of taking action and arresting the missionaries, instead ordered the arrest of all members of Hindu organizations and got them booked under false cases, many of whom are still undergoing imprisonment.
(Ah yes. The common christian trick of arresting innocent Hindus and letting them languish in prison indefinitely. Reminiscent of Dara Singh and the Hindus christo-inquisitioned under the christo-manufactured charges of "Hindu terror".)

<b>There are plenty of instances where this Police Top Brat was involved; he has ordered Arrest of over 1,000 activists for just attending in the All India R.S.S meet held in Hebbal Bangalore in 2001. He ordered Arrest of the Activists without any warrant. These activists were brutally beaten and tortured by the Police Officers.</b>
(That's right: the christian torture of the heathens. Like what they did to Kanchi Acharya and again: like the Hindus christo-inquisitioned on false charges of "Hindu terror".)

<b>In another Instance, Sangliana stood and supported the Church people, when they were involved in demolishing of Maa Bhagavathi temple in Devanahalli (Bangalore Rural) and Sri Durgamba Temple in Banaswadi (Bangalore) in 2002. In both the cases the temples were demolished for construction of Churches</b> despite strong protest by various Hindu Organisations other than R.S.S. The Protestors had failed as they had no alternative left because the church members were supported by the Chief Minister himself and two of his cabinet colleagues T.JOHN (Infrastructure Minister) & J.ALEXANDER (Bharthinagar M.L.A) and above all VYALAR RAVI (A.I.C.C KARNATAKA), who has close links to Sonia Gandhi. Today 84 Churches have come up in this area in the span of last two years.

Sangliana and few other officers from the Police Department give lectures about Bible to all students every Saturday at the BIBLE COLLEGE OF INDIA, Bangalore. These colleges consists over 1,000 Students who are mostly from North Eastern States.

The Hindu community people have been the target of Sangliana even during the celebrations of any of the Hindu Festival or any National Celebration. The DGP was strict with Hindu people; he drafted a time frame for celebrations of Ganesh Chathurthi and other Hindu Festivals. In fact, since the last year he has banned the use of traditional fire-crackers during Diwali celebrations.

Very recently, after India�s success over Pakistan in the World Cup cricket match, when Indians were celebrating the victory, a group of over 300 Muslims protested the celebration and attacked the celebrating Hindus with dangerous soda bottles. Over 84 Hindus were severely injured and 14 of them died in the attack by the Islamists.

But to everybody�s surprise only 8 Muslims were arrested and 518 Hindus arrested for just taking part in the celebration. The very next day all the 8 Muslims who were arrested by the police, were ordered to be released without paying any bail amount by the DGP Sangliana, C.K. JAFFER SHARIEF (CONGRESS M.P) and ROSHAN BAIG (TOURISM AND HAJ MINISTER KARNATAKA). <b>Till today, there are over 312 Hindus still undergoing imprisonment in Bangalore jail, as they do not have enough money to pay out for bail.</b>
(And again. Are they free now? Does any Hindu know? Or have these poor Hindus also been swallowed up permanently by the christoinquisition?)

When a group of around 20-25 men meet the Chief Minister of Karnataka, the Chief Minister brushed aside their plea and told them the following words: � IT IS BETTER THAT YOU PEOPLE MIND YOUR BUSINESS, IF YOU ARE SO MUCH CONCERNED ABOUT ANTI-NATIONALS, YOU MAY JOIN THEM IN THEIR CELL , I WILL MAKE ARRANGEMENTS�.

We know that Chief Minister of Karnataka is bound by his loyalty to his Italian Leader Sonia Gandhi, In fact, the Chief Minister, his son and other members of his party are getting monetary <b>benefist from few Italian Companies who are actually close to his madam</b>. So he alone is not be blamed for all the happenings in Karnataka, but the entire Government Machinery of Karnataka has failed to put a check on the activities and rise of Missionaries and Madarassas in Karnataka. It is still not late, before it is completely in the hands of Anti-Hindu Forces.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b>Error Correction:</b> See #480.

2. Is this the LTTE (christian terrorist org in Sri Lanka)? No.
The NLFT (christian terrorist org of Tripura)? No.
The NSCN (christian terrorist org of Nagaland)? No.
The NDFB (christian terrorist org of Bodoland)? No.
The Kuki National Army (a christian terrorist org in Assam)? No.
But one would be forgiven for getting confused.
It's the *other* christian terrorist organisation: the LRA. Not the Indian subcontinent, but Uganda in Africa.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Millions terrorized by Christian Militants in Africa</b>
Posted January 13, 2006
Wikipedia - Lord's Resistance Army

The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) has waged a bloody war in northern Uganda since 1987, to replace President Yoweri Museveni's government with one based on the Biblical Ten Commandments.

<b>Up to 12,000 people have been killed in the violence, with many more dying from disease and malnutrition as a direct result of the conflict. Nearly two million civilians have been forced to flee their homes,</b> living in internally displaced person (IDP) camps and within the safety of larger settlements, sleeping on street corners and in other public spaces.

<b>It is estimated that around 20,000 children have been kidnapped by the group since 1987 for use as soldiers and sex slaves.</b>

The LRA has abducted large numbers of civilians for training as guerrillas; most victims were children and young adults. The LRA abducted young girls as sex and labor slaves. Other children, mainly girls, were reported to have been sold, traded, or given as gifts by the LRA to arms dealers in Sudan. While some later escaped or were rescued, the whereabouts of many children remain unknown.

In particular, the LRA abducted numerous children and, at clandestine bases, terrorized them into virtual slavery as guards, concubines, and soldiers. <b>In addition to being beaten, raped, and forced to march until exhausted, abducted children were forced to participate in the killing of other children who had attempted to escape. Amnesty International reported that without child abductions, the LRA would have few combatants.</b> More than 6,000 children were abducted during 1998, although many of those abducted later escaped or were released. Most human rights NGOs place the number of abducted children still held captive by the LRA at around 3,000, although estimates vary substantially.

To avoid abduction by the LRA, every night as many as 40,000 children flee their homes in the countryside to sleep in the relative safety of towns. Known as "night commuters", they seek refuge overnight at churches, hospitals, bus stations and temporary shelters before returning home again each morning.

<b>The LRA rebels say they are fighting for the establishment of a government based on the biblical Ten Commandments.</b> They are notorious for kidnapping children and forcing them to become rebel fighters or concubines. More than one-half-million people in Uganda's Gulu and Kitgum districts have been displaced by the fighting and are living in temporary camps, protected by the army.

<b>Forty-eight people were hacked to death</b> near the town of Kitgum in the far north of Uganda on 25 July 2002. Local newspaper reports said <b>elderly people were killed with machetes and spears, and babies were flung against trees.</b> Ugandans were shocked by the brutality of the latest attack by the rebel Lord's Resistance Army.
(They're really following the bible, not even forgetting the christian <i>culture</i> of dashing babies' brains out. A very christian theme.)

The vicious rebel attack in northern Uganda raised questions about planned peace talks between the group, the Lord's Resistance Army, and Uganda's government. President Yoweri Museveni had recently agreed to peace talks brokered by Ugandan religious leaders. The Ugandan army has been trying to crush the LRA rebellion for 16 years without success. President Museveni gave his backing to peace talks to be brokered by religious leaders. But, Ugandan army spokesman Major Shaban Bantariza said he believes this is a waste of time because the rebel leader, Joseph Kony, does not have any real agenda to discuss.

Rebels of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) attacked a camp for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in war-ravaged northern Uganda on 16 May 2004, killing scores of people and abducting others. A group of rebels attacked Pagak displaced people's camp in three prongs: one attacked the camp, a second one attacked the soldiers guarding it and the third one concentrated on the patrol units. The group that attacked the camp set ablaze dozens of grass-thatched huts to create confusion, then looted food and abducted people whom they forced to carry their loot for a distance before they killed them along with their babies.

The LRA has also operated across the porous border region with Southern Sudan , subjecting Sudanese civilians to its horrific tactics.

The LRA has been known by a number of different names, including the Lord's Army (1987 to 1988) and the Uganda Peoples' Democratic Christian Army (UPDCA) (1988 to 1992) before settling on the current name in 1992. Some academics have included the LRA under the rubric Lakwena Part Two. For simplicity's sake, this article will refer to all of these various manifestations as the "Lord's Resistance Army".

While the LRA now appears to consist of less than two thousand combatants that are under intense pressure from the Ugandan military, the government has been unable to end the insurgency so far. Ongoing peace negotiations have been complicated by an investigation by the International Criminal Court. The conflict continues to retard Uganda's development efforts, costing the poor country's economy a cumulative total of at least $1.33 billion, which is equivalent to 3% of GDP, or $100 million annually. A 2005 poll of humanitarian professionals, media personalities, academics and activists identified the conflict in the north of Uganda as the second worst "forgotten" humanitarian emergency in the world.

A small domestic insurgency (June 1988 to March 1994)

The June 1988 peace accord between the UPDA and the NRA, as well as the defeat the year before of the Holy Spirit Movement, left the group led by Kony as the only significant rebel force operating in Acholiland. Former commander Odong Latek of the UPDA and some of his soldiers refused to accept the accord and joined the LRA. Latek gained a lot of influence in the organization, and convinced Kony to adopt conventional guerrilla tactics. Prior to this, LRA forces normally attacked in a cross-shaped formation with designated persons sprinkling holy water, much like the Holy Spirit Movement. (Behrend 184) Tactics since consist primarily of surprise attacks on civilian targets, such as villages. These attacks are carried out by highly mobile groups of 15 that split into groups of three to six to disperse after the attack. (Refugee Law Project 21) The LRA will also occasionally carry out large-scale attacks to underline the inability of the government to protect the populace. The tactical changes were reflected in the adoption of yet another organizational name, the Uganda Peoples' Democratic Christian Army (UPDCA).

Operation North (1991 to 1992)

March 1991 saw the start of a massive government attempt to destroy the LRA, later known as "Operation North." The whole of Northern Uganda was locked down and all humanitarian organizations were forced to leave in preparation for counterinsurgency operations. Operation North combined efforts to destroy the combatants while cutting away its roots of support among the population through heavy-handed tactics, including arbitrary arrests, torture and extralegal executions. (Gersony 31, [6]) While Operation North was prompted partially by the activities of the LRA, the World Bank had made a loan available for reconstruction of Northern infrastructure, which could not be implemented in an insecure environment.

As part of Operation North, Minister Bigombe created "Arrow Groups", mostly armed with bows and arrows, as a form of local community defence. As the LRA was armed with modern weaponry, the bow-and-arrow groups were overpowered. Nevertheless, the creation of the Arrow Groups angered Kony, who began to feel that he no longer had the support of the population. In response the LRA mutilated numerous Acholi who they believed to be government supporters, cutting off their hands, noses and ears, padlocking their mouths shut through holes cut in their lips, or simply hacking them to death with machetes. (Dolan 15, Gersony 33) Kony would later explain the reasons for these actions: "If you pick up an arrow against us and we ended up cutting off the hand you used, who is to blame? You report us with your mouth, and we cut off your lips? Who is to blame? It is you! The Bible says that if your hand, eye or mouth is at fault, it should be cut off."<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5 - by Guest - 09-16-2008, 03:52 AM
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