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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5
This garbage is never-ending. Just check this one link and all its comments.

There are also some comments with Tamizh news items at the link, if you know Tamizh head over to the above link. (The parts where they give summaries/translations in English are copied over below.)

Items are from 2008 (and some from before).

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->  <b>Bishops rape, defraud and fight with each other in Tamilnadu! [Good Bishops excluded].</b>
Published on February 6th, 2008 In Blogging, Careers-Life, Philosophy, Politics |  Views 3736
Earlier, we used to read a lot about the Kerala Bishops involved in sex scandals etc., but now, it appears our Tamilnadu Bishops / Christian Head-priests, Fathers and other categories follow their suit faithfully. In today alone, I find three such Fathers / Priests involved in different cases:

The Christian Father refused bail

Chennai February 6, 2008:  The Madras High Court has refused to grant bail to the Christian Father involved in the rape of a girl.

Sumatra hails from Chavadiyur, Elangalappatti, Palakkodu, Dharmauri District. She is studying in 9th standard. She attended Bible coaching class last May 2007 during summer vocation. The Bible coaching organizers had taken the girls to a dam near Palakkodu on a picnic.

At that time, Amalanathan, a Christian Father / priest from Elattagiri, Krishnagiri was moving with Sumathra very closely. Thus, Sumathra became pregnant and cgave complaint to Dharmapuri police. Amalanatan was arrested by the police last month – January. So he filed a petition for bail in the Madras High Court, but the Judge Suthandhiram rejected.

<b>Complaint against Bishop for defrauding Rs. 10 lakhs – One Million INR!</b>

Chennai February 6, 2008:  The Church employees of Tanjavur, Thiruvarur and Nagapattinam have complained to the Police Commissioner, Chennai about a Bishop, a Christian Head-Priest for swindling of Rs. 10 lakhs – One Million INR assuring that he would help them through a NGO.

The details of the complaint are as follows: " Bishop Victor runs a NGO of name and style, “The World Revival of Mission" at Nesapakkam, Jayabalaji Nagar, Annammal Nagar, Chennai. He and his wife approached our Churches in 2006 and promised that they would prvide Rs. 500/- every month to those who are poor, deserted old-people, physically handicapped. Mentally retarded and inflicted with dreadful diseases. But one should register with them by paying Rs. 200/- as registration fees and Rs.200/- as traveling expenses to avail of the grant to be provided.

Believing this, we collected Rs. 10 lakhs – One Million INR from our members and gave it it to them. But the Bishop Victor has not granted any amount as promised or rendered any help. When asked, he threatens us with rowdies and even warns that we would be killed. He invited us to come to Madras on January 30 assuring that he would give money, but when we went there, the rowdies threatened us, “If anybody comes to the Bishop asking for money hereafter, he would be killed". Therefore, we request that the amount paid to him may be recovered and paid back to us".

The Police Commissioner, Nanjil Kumaran has ordered the Police of Crime Branch to take action on the basis of the complaint filed.

Interestingly, a research on R. Victor of “The World Revival Mission" yields the following sites, but one of them works, as the site in particular expired reportedly by January.1,  2008!

<b>The Bishop of Thirunelveli was thrashed and beaten up!</b>

Thirunelveli February 6, 2008: The Bishop who came to the C. S. I. Church, Thirunelveli was beaten up and his car damaged.

A case has been registered against Jayapaul David, for threatening with a revolver the Bishop during the fight erupted at the time elections for CSI.

For the consultative meeting in the yesterday morning, Bishops came to discuss there in the Church at Palayangottai on the eve of their starting penance. Jayapaul David also came there to participate. A group hidden came out and attacked him at that time. Punches were given on his face and jaws; his Bishop-dress was torn; the chairs and tables of the Church were broken; Thus, there was pell-mell there. The Police was engaged for security. However, the driver of the Bishop Pakhiyanathan and four other Bishops were injured in the attack.

The Police Commisioner, Manjunatha said, “The clashes have been taking place for the last few months. R. D. O enquiry is also going on. <b>A case has also been registered against the Bishop who threatened other with a revolver</b>. Now we have arrested four persons in connection with the attack of the Bishop and searching for others".

<b>Bishop attacked in Nellai church</b>
Wednesday February 6 2008 02:49 IST


TIRUNELVELI: A long standing factional rivalry in the Tirunelveli diocese of Church of South India came to a head on Tuesday when Bishop Rev S Jayapaul David was attacked by a group at Cathedral Church in Palayamkottai.The bishop had come to the church in the morning for a meeting of priests when a group stormed in, smashed chairs and microphones, and raised slogans against him. Some of the intruders then assaulted the bishop. The priests" attempts to rescue him failed and the bishop"s driver Backyanathan, who tried to intervene, was also beaten up. The mob also smashed the windscreen of the bishop"s car.A police team led by Palayamkottai Inspector rescued the bishop and picked up Selvaraj (47) of Melaseval, Gunapaul Jayasingh (59) of Yemankulam, Kingsley (31) of Pattamadai and Paul Balasingam (65) of Mukkoodal for interrogation.

The attack is reportedly a fallout of the recent elections in the diocese, which was fiercely contested by two factions — one headed by the bishop and the other by the diocesean Secretary A D J C Dhinakar. The bishop plans to initiate action against the attackers as per the diocesean laws

<b>This is the old report on Kerala Bishops:  </b>

<b>Church in Kerala is rocked by sex scandals</b>

George Iype in Kochi

** In 1995, Father Cyriac Karthikapally, a parish priest of Kurumbanadam church in the Changanacherry archdiocese, lured a 15-year old school-going girl to his bedroom. For the next two years, the priest entered into a sexual relationship with the minor girl that she gave birth to a female child on September 15, 1998.

The Changacherry police on Tuesday registered a case against Father Karthikapally for raping, abducting and compelling the victim for abortion. The police has submitted before the local judicial court a first information report against the priest under sections 315, 316 and 336 of the Indian Penal Code that deal with provisions on rape and abduction.

** In 1993, the dead body of 21-year old Sister Abhaya was flushed out from the well of St Pious X Convent, Kottayam. Six years of police investigations reached nowhere and in July this year the Central Bureau of Investigation closed the sensitive case as it failed to fix the liability of the young nun"s murder. Church critics circulate two theories for Sr Abhaya"s death. One, she was murdered when she refused the sexual advances of a priest or a bishop. Second, she was killed because she knew that some of her colleague nuns had sexual relationships with two Catholic priests — Fr Jose Putrukayal and Fr Thomas Kattoor.

While the Sister Abhaya case is closed forever, a popular Malayalam movie was released three weeks back on the incident. Titled Crime File and starring superstar Suresh Gopi, the film depicts the Church in bad light by portraying what many say “the real story" behind Sister Abhaya"s murder.

** In 1998, Sr Jyothis of Sacred Heart Convent at Mukkom in Kozhikode district was found murdered in the convent"s well. Investigations so far have made no headway, but the police suspect that sexual motive could have been the cause behind the murder.

Recently, Sister Jyothis"s father, K M Jose filed a case in the Kerala high court pleading for a CBI investigation into his daughter"s murder in the convent.

** Last month, a gang of students belonging to the Student Federation of India attacked Father Geo Pulickal, principal of the Catholic-run Nirmalagiri College at Koothuparamba in north Kerala. SFI students allege that the principal is a sodomite and subjected a college student to sodomy and two priests were involved in a ragging case in the college hostel. Posters depicting the priests and nuns in bad light appeared on the college campus.

The tug of war between the SFI activists and the Catholic church over the attack on Father Pulickal reached a flashpoint when Nirmalagiri College was closed last month and later re-opened after mediations between the Church officials and the ruling Communist Party of India-Marxist.

Is the vow of celibacy that priests and nuns adopt to serve the Catholic church in Kerala becoming suspect? Why are increasing numbers of sex scandals involving the clergy coming up in the state?

Church leaders, especially those belonging to the Syro-Malabar Church in Kerala are upset as social groups are mounting protests for trying to protect priests like Father Karthikapally from the clutches of civil law.

But Catholic activists who have launched a movement against the church claim that cases of priests caught in sex crimes are increasing in the state. “It seems priests in Kerala are losing their faith and virginity. We know the names of many priests who deliberately fail to keep their sacred pledge of a celibate lifestyle," says Sebastian Vattamattam, secretary of Kottayam-based Vikas Institute that has raked up the sex scandal involving Father Cyriac Karthikapally.

“Priests are sinning against their church and the community. But their crimes have thrown up legal, ethical and moral issues for debate within the church and the catholic community," he said.

Vattamattom, a college professor in the Changanacherry archdiocese-run Saint Berchman"s College, is one of the many active Catholics who have launched a movement against what they call “erring and immoral priests and nuns."

Critics like him cite many reasons why priests and nuns are stepping out of their pastoral and missionary duties to the forbidden paths. “All the modern priests are very educated and rich. They are exposed to the world and lured by the luxuries of the modern world. They are spiritually corrupt and indulge in all sorts of immoral activities," accuses Vattamattam.

Kurian Verghese, a Catholic activist in Kochi, who himself left priestly studies mid-way and became an engineer later, says the fault lies with the seminaries. “Seminaries where students are trained and moulded to become priests are old-fashioned. They are taught philosophy and theology of the old order without any freedom of thought or action," he points out.

“I left the seminary after five years because I felt suffocated. So I think once they are out of seminaries, the present generation of young priests are attracted by the outside world which they have never seen or experienced," Verghese says.

“I know many priests who drink and womanise regularly. But they still remain within the dioceses and pastoral ministry and serve the local people. Our social set-up is such that a priest giving up the cassock for marriage is a butt of ridicule," he said.

Therefore, he says, the best thing that the church should aim for is to encourage those “immoral priests" to get out of the church services and help them get married.

But Church officials point out that some of the sex scandals rocking the Catholic community in Kerala are “stray instances" and have been blown out of proportion by “some misguided catholic activists."

According to Bishop Thomas Chakiath of Ernakulam archdiocese, it is sad that “some vested interests have launched a smear campaign against the church basing their arguments on some stray incidents."

“Of course, there have been incidents in which priests were accused of disobeying the sacred order of celibacy. But it is improper to accuse that the church is plagued by sex scandals," he said.

Bishop Chakiath said often priests who indulge in immoral activities leave their pastoral job and embrace matrimony. “But these all are very rare instances and they do not mean that the church has lost its mission, unity and integrity," he asserted.

However, according to Professor M J George, a member of the action council that is now pursuing the Father Karthikapally case the gravest mistake within the church is that “it itself is the protector of criminal clergy."

George said when the Father Karthikapally sex scandal rocked the Changanacherry archdiocese, what the Archbishop did was to get him tried in the diocese"s own tribunal, which “punished" him by removing him from the pastoral ministry and offering remuneration to the girl.

“The accused priest is still with the diocese. His residence is provided by the diocese and he is protected by the church while his daughter is growing up in an orphanage," George said.

Catholic activists claim in many dioceses across Kerala, many “clerical gangsters" have come up. “Our information is that Father Karthikapally used to take the minor girl to his priest friends in other parishes. They had actually formed a sex racket involving many girls," says Vattamattam.

But Changanacherry Archdiocese Chancellor Father Gregory Naduviledam refutes the charges levelled by the church pressure groups. “They are misguided activists who are acting with some vested interests against the church," he said.

As for Father Karthikapally sex case, he said, the diocesan tribunal decided to try the priest after the victim"s parents approached Archbishop Joseph Powathil for a settlement on the case from the church side.

“In the tribunal the priest confessed to his crime. We found him guilty and punished him by relieving him of all pastoral duties. He is now living in a remote village without serving any parish or other diocesan institutes," Father Naduviledam said.

As to the accusation that the diocese did not take the case to the police, he said “it was not the duty of the church." “It was the duty of the offended party to approach the police. But the girl"s parents instead wanted that the priest should be tried by the church tribunal only," Father Naduviledam added.

According to Father Paul Thelakkat, editor of Sathyadeepam, a popular Catholic weekly, “It is an unfair argument that the church has lost its image because one among thousands of its priests is involved in a sex scandal."

“In every religious society and community in the world, there are erring members. The Catholic church considers the rare instances of sex scandals in Kerala as insignificant," he asserted.

One of the first sex scandals that rocked the Kerala church was in the 1970s, that too in the Changanacherry diocese. A diocesan priest, Father Benedict entered into a sexual relationship with Mariakutty, a regular church-goer. But when their relationship began doing the rounds, Father Benedict allegedly killed Mariakutty.

Father Benedict was arrested and fought the case in many courts for years, but was later set free for want of sufficient evidence of murder.

Old timers recall when Father Benedict was acquitted and released, he was given a warm reception by the Changanacherry archdiocese.

“I think this is the fault with the church. It does not punish those priests who break their celibacy and seek immoral means of life. But the church is always eager to protect the clergy who are found guilty," says Joseph Punnen, a devout catholic who had launched a movement against Father Benedict in 1970s.

Note: This is posted, as all keep quite without any reaction or response, unlike in other cases.

In fact, within few days, the news die diown and perhaps, the cases also would be closed down silently.

No historian, social scientist, psychologist, or politician, makes any comments.

TV channels do not trace them and give sensational news daily.

Media persons do not run after and report day to day basis!

Let us see what happens!


06-02-2008 <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

And the comments contain more news stories:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>1.  Vedaprakash  Says:</b>
Posted on February 6th, 2008

I just post some reterieval material on the topic:

Freedom to oppressed
Wed, 06 Feb 2008 09:21:08 +0000
Comment on Misappropriation of Tsunami Fund!!! by tuticorin diocese
tuticorin diocese
Wed, 31 Oct 2007 09:52:31 +0000
The bishops of Tamil Nadu are the worst bishops in the whole world. Now the Tsunami has made them still worse. Starting from “Archbishop” Peter Fernando, Sivagangai man Susai Manickam and drunkard bishops Yvon and Remigius, all have swollen the Tsunami funds. Now these bishops are saying Tsunami came to make them richer. The coastal people of Sivagangai went to complain that no tsunami funds has come to their hands. Bishop Susai Manckiam told them,”Go to the Procurator!” How they pass the buck. Bishop Peter Fernando has swallowd crores of Tsunami funds just like Bishops Yvon and Remigius. God, O God, will you not render justice to these unholy bishops! Come and save our church!
- The bishops of Tamil Nadu are the worst bishops in the whole world. Now the Tsunami has made them still worse. Starting from “Archbishop” Peter Fernando, Sivagangai man Susai Manickam and drunkard bishops Yvon and Remigius, all have swollen the Tsunami funds. Now these bishops are saying Tsunami came to make them richer. The coastal people of Sivagangai went to complain that no tsunami funds has come to their hands. Bishop Susai Manckiam told them,”Go to the Procurator!” How they pass the buck. Bishop Peter Fernando has swallowd crores of Tsunami funds just like Bishops Yvon and Remigius. God, O God, will you not render justice to these unholy bishops! Come and save our church!


Comment on News about Bishop Yvon Ambrosie!!!! by tuticorin diocese
tuticorin diocese
Wed, 31 Oct 2007 09:46:49 +0000
Dear friends, We are praying that your crusade for truth and justice triumphs! The injustice and lies being perpetrated by “Bishop” Yvon Ambroise is too much. Mr.Gayas of Manapad did a heroic job in lambasting the hypocrite bishop Yvon Ambroise on 11 September 2007. But this man Yvon is not bothered about that. Bishop Yvon proved himself as “anti-christ” on 13th and 14th sept. in Manapad. He insulted not only the parish priest, Fr.Xavier George of Manapad but also the whole people who had gathered there on the Manapad hill on that day. He refused to shake hands with the parish priest on suspicision that Fr.Xavier George was one of the supporters of Gayas. The people stood shocked that the bishop refused to shake hands with the parish priest and refused to accept the reception accorded by the people down the centuries. Worse happened the next day. Bishop Yvon came again to Manapad to celebrate Mass on 14 Sept. He spent overnight in the “Tajmahal” of “Imsai Arasan” William Sandanam. William Sandanam provided Bishop Yvon with wine and women, a feat William Sandanam enjoys everyday in his Tajmahal. The concubine of William Sandanam by name, “Litti” entertained Sandanam and Bishop Yvon. Sandanam told the drunken Bishop Yvon that Gayas was financially supported by Fr.Xavier George, the close relative of Fr.William Sandanam. Bishop Yvon was burning with anger. So when he came for Mass, he looked angrily at Fr.Xavier George. He did not speak a word. After Mass , he left again with angry look, without breakfast, heading for Tajmahal. Bishop Yvon has proved himself unchristian. Jesus says, “If you are even angry with your brother, leave the offering on the altar, reconcile with your brother and then come to give your offering.” Bishop Yvon celebrated Mass without reconciliation with Fr.Xavier George. Fr.Xavier has not yet recovered from the shock. Can a bishop behave like this!” What a shame! Bishop Yvon has proved himself that he is not worthy of the dignity of bishop. We appeal to the Pope that this man be immediately sacked.
- Dear friends,
We are praying that your crusade for truth and justice triumphs! The injustice and lies being perpetrated by “Bishop” Yvon Ambroise is too much. Mr.Gayas of Manapad did a heroic job in lambasting the hypocrite bishop Yvon Ambroise on 11 September 2007. But this man Yvon is not bothered about that. Bishop Yvon proved himself as “anti-christ” on 13th and 14th sept. in Manapad. He insulted not only the parish priest, Fr.Xavier George of Manapad but also the whole people who had gathered there on the Manapad hill on that day. He refused to shake hands with the parish priest on suspicision that Fr.Xavier George was one of the supporters of Gayas. The people stood shocked that the bishop refused to shake hands with the parish priest and refused to accept the reception accorded by the people down the centuries.
Worse happened the next day. Bishop Yvon came again to Manapad to celebrate Mass on 14 Sept. He spent overnight in the “Tajmahal” of “Imsai Arasan” William Sandanam. William Sandanam provided Bishop Yvon with wine and women, a feat William Sandanam enjoys everyday in his Tajmahal. The concubine of William Sandanam by name, “Litti” entertained Sandanam and Bishop Yvon. Sandanam told the drunken Bishop Yvon that Gayas was financially supported by Fr.Xavier George, the close relative of Fr.William Sandanam. Bishop Yvon was burning with anger. So when he came for Mass, he looked angrily at Fr.Xavier George. He did not speak a word. After Mass , he left again with angry look, without breakfast, heading for Tajmahal. Bishop Yvon has proved himself unchristian. Jesus says, “If you are even angry with your brother, leave the offering on the altar, reconcile with your brother and then come to give your offering.” Bishop Yvon celebrated Mass without reconciliation with Fr.Xavier George. Fr.Xavier has not yet recovered from the shock. Can a bishop behave like this!” What a shame! Bishop Yvon has proved himself that he is not worthy of the dignity of bishop. We appeal to the Pope that this man be immediately sacked.


Comment on News about Bp Yvon Ambroise by Tuticorin Diocese
Tuticorin Diocese
Fri, 26 Oct 2007 08:13:30 +0000
Tsunami funds have been stolen by many bishops, Yvon Ambroise, Susai Manickam, and Peter Fernando. Tsunami funds have not been given to the poor fishermen. These bishops are eating the money. These bishops are scandal.
- Tsunami funds have been stolen by many bishops, Yvon Ambroise, Susai Manickam, and Peter Fernando. Tsunami funds have not been given to the poor fishermen. These bishops are eating the money. These bishops are scandal.


Comment on Trouble makers by John Bosco
John Bosco
Sun, 30 Sep 2007 18:35:01 +0000
It is surprising to hear all that are said about the custodians of catholic faith and leaders of the people. I take all of them to God in prayer.
- It is surprising to hear all that are said about the custodians of catholic faith and leaders of the people. I take all of them to God in prayer.


Comment on News about Bp Yvon Ambroise by John Bosco
John Bosco
Sun, 30 Sep 2007 18:24:36 +0000
Your statement “We do not know when our Lord takes his cane to chase these people!!!!” tells me all about your concern for the Diocese of Tuticorin. I do understand that unlike many, you can not tolerate the injustice done by our shepherds. Don’t you think God is using you for the benefit of the people of Tamilnadu Church? May the Good Lord guide you and strenthen you in every step you take forward! You are playing a profetic role. Therefore be stedy and cling to God and God alone.
- Your statement “We do not know when our Lord takes his cane to chase these people!!!!” tells me all about your concern for the Diocese of Tuticorin. I do understand that unlike many, you can not tolerate the injustice done by our shepherds. Don’t you think God is using you for the benefit of the people of Tamilnadu Church? May the Good Lord guide you and strenthen you in every step you take forward! You are playing a profetic role. Therefore be stedy and cling to God and God alone.


Comment on Bishop Ivan Ambroise’s Letter by Paravan
Fri, 21 Sep 2007 09:02:27 +0000
then why Bishop doing the signature movement in the parish after this letter issued?
- then why Bishop doing the signature movement in the parish after this letter issued?


<b>2.  Ezhavendan  Says:</b>
Posted on February 7th, 2008

When Sankaracharya was arrested, there was a report that a Christian Father involved in raping, killing of inmates of Ashram in Kanyakumari district appeared in Dinamalar and other vernacular papers.

But while the sensation of Sankaracharya continued and continues, the case of Christian Father disappeared, forgotten and none is known now.

How they could manage like this?

<b>3. Ezhavendan Says:</b>
Posted on February 7th, 2008

There has been an old news in the context:

—————————————R 12;————————
Bishop held for siphoning off money
5 Aug 2006, 1243 hrs IST,PTI

SMS NEWS to 58888 for latest updates
KANCHIPURAM: A self-styled bishop has been arrested on charges of siphoning off around Rs 10 crore from three contractors on the pretext of constructing houses for poor people, police said on Saturday.

‘Bishop’ Daiva Anandaraj of Molin Vision Church, Mahabalipuram, was arrested following a complaint by building contractors Sinha, Sivakumar and Ganesan belonging to Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Tamil Nadu respectively, they said.

Anandaraj, claiming himself to be a bishop, had been widely publicising since last five years that he would be constructing low-cost houses for the poor in the area.

The contractors complained that the accused had not returned the huge amounts collected from them as earnest deposit for the project, which failed to take off.

Cases have been registered against 12 others, including the family members of Anandaraj, following the complaint, police said.

After the police began search of the ‘bishop’, his church on the East Coast Road was shut down.

He was arrested on Thursday night, police added.
—————————————& #8212;———————-

Here also, we do not know what happened?
<b>4. MNachiappan Says:</b>
Posted on February 9th, 2008

Bishop arrested on charges of cheating contractors

Saturday, August 05 2006:

Chennai, Aug 5 (UNI) Police have arrested a Bishop on charges of cheating contractors in Southern States to the tune of several crore of rupees.

Acting on information that Bishop Anandaraj (45), who had gone underground for the last one year, would be passing through the East Coast Road, a special police team headed by Mamallapuram Inspector Sakthivel, intercepted his vehicle and arrested him on the night of August three.

He was later remanded in judicial custody yesterday.

‘’As per my records he had cheated builders to the tune of Rs two crore. We have registered two cases against him here.

There were complaints from various builders from different states like Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala'’, Mr Sakthivel told UNI.

The amount he had cheated might run into several crore, police sources said.

The Bishop, who was running a church at Perur village on the ECR road, advertised in a newspaper that he would construct about 10,000 houses for poor people. The response was quite tremendous, as the builders made a beeline to him and made deposits to him.

He had also told them that he would get funds from abroad for constructing the houses. As the construction in various places neared completion, the Bishop gave ‘fake’ cheques to the builders and went underground.

Investigations revealed that the Bishop had amassed wealth in his name and in the name of his family members by using the funds given by the contractors.

A group of contractors headed by one Sivakumar from Kerala, who had given Rs 50 lakh to the Bishop for the housing project, monitored his movement and got definite information that he was passing through the ECR, leading to his arrest.

Police are also on the look out for more than ten people, including his family members and his personal assistant, for their alleged involvement in the fraud.

3 ewhat happened to bishop Anandraj?

<b>5. MNachiappan Says:</b>
Posted on February 9th, 2008

Two evangelists arrested in tsunami-shelter scam
Wednesday June 27 2007 10:15 IST
http://www.newindpress.com/NewsItems.asp?I...5411&Page=T&Tit le=Southern+News+-+Tamil+Nadu&Topic=0

THOOTHUKUDI: Two evangelists were arrested on charges of cheating a fishermen’s community of about Rs 8 lakh near Tiruchendur here on Tuesday.

The two accused, Claret (43) and John Britto (42) were allegedly connected to the self-styled ‘bishop’ Yobu Saravanan, whose arrest led to the discovery of a scam.

According to a complaint lodged by Robinson, Shelton and Thommai Anthony, fishermen from Singidurai, with the Arumuganeri police on Monday, the residents of Singidurai and Keela Vaipar donated Rs 8,13,000 in three installments to the ‘clergy’ for the construction of tsunami-shelters for the affected fishermen.

However, the money was not utilized for the said purpose even after a year. Interrogation following Claret’s arrest on Tuesday revealed that Britto, another preacher, was also involved.

Following his arrest, Britto informed police that the entire sum collected from the fishermen had been handed over to Yobu Saravanan.

<b>6. MNachiappan Says:</b>
Posted on February 9th, 2008

UN accused of ignoring tsunami fraud and corruption
A former UN deputy director of investigations has claimed that tsunami reconstruction funds worth 500 million dollars are being lost to fraud and corruption, as the organisation has failed to implement its own anti-fraud measures.

Melbourne, Oct 6 : A former UN deputy director of investigations has claimed that tsunami reconstruction funds worth 500 million dollars are being lost to fraud and corruption, as the organisation has failed to implement its own anti-fraud measures.

Frank Montil, a former ASIO officer, who for a decade was the deputy director of the UN’s internal watchdog unit, set up to investigate fraud and corruption within the UN and its agencies, said the oil-for-food scandal “taught them nothing.”

According to Montil, the fraud and corruption that had been occurring during the tsunami reconstruction period would come back to haunt the UN, for it had wilfully ignored all the warnings.

“When you have a disaster zone, you have all sorts of drifters and conmen walking in. It is the equivalent to the old gold rushes,” said Montil, who was sent to the devastated areas of Indonesia after the tsunami as a senior UN investigator.

His task was to assess the risks of fraud, waste and mismanagement to the public funding that the tsunami public appeal generated, and which the UN was responsible for allocating, The Age reported.

Montil’s inquiries showed that every project would automatically attract a 10 per cent premium to cater for bribes “to a variety of parties who may have an influence on whether or not a project will go ahead.”

The daily said that in large infrastructure and building procurement, his team learnt there was almost always collusion between the winning company and public officials. And, if there was no government involvement, there was collusion between large contractors who operated an invisible roster.

The company that won the contract through a “fake” lowest bid inevitably overpriced it as it had already been determined it would win. It would then offer subcontracting jobs on the project to the unsuccessful bidders, Montil claimed in his report.

“These government bodies are duplicating, tripling and even quadrupling their approaches to the various foreign aid and UN agencies for the very same equipment,” Montil warned the UN General Assembly in his report.

http://www.andhranews.net/Intl/2007/Octobe...unami-fraud-181 22.asp

<b>7. MNachiappan Says:</b>
Posted on February 9th, 2008

Kerala christioan controversies

If you think ‘COMA’ type stories are possible only in the Western world, think again. In Kerala, the church is involved in murders of the christian faithful, who come to their faith healing centre. Recently in Tamilnadu, four bishops stole Rs. 40 crore meant for the Tsunami victims and some of them are arrested under goondas act. Kidney sale is a fact in Tamilnadu and some 500 poor persons were forced to sell their kidneys to the christian hospitals operating there.

On 10 March 2006, the Kerala High Court issued an order with an ultimatum to the government to make a thorough investigation on the public allegation against the Christian Divine Retreat Centre in Muringoor in Kerala state, India. Justice Padmananbhan Nair has ordered the government to make a thorough investigation about sexual abuse, homicide, foreign exchange violation, forceful conversion, abduction, intimidation and imprisonment of unwilling residents at the center. The court decided to conduct the inquiry after receiving a complaint from a former christian employee of the centre. Some of the inmates had made two video CDs and sent a letter to the court for necessary action against the christian faith racket that was going on in Kerala with political and police protection. Divine Retreat Centre, started in the eighties, is a christian mafia faith healing centre. For several years, the general public and civic leaders have complained against Muringoor Christian center about the foreign currency violation, sex abuse, misdemeanor, felony, forceful conversion, murder, rape and abduction and medical malpractice committed at the center. The Kerala christian Churches are organized on the lines of Italian mafia and have undue influence on the government and government officials have turned a deaf year to the public plea against the anti social activities at the Center. Reluctantly, government has appointed IG Winson M Paul to investigate the Muringoor Divine center. The Marxist communist government of Kerala ordered only a partial investigation for fear of Christian backlash.

One of the Muringoor Divine Center Director George Panackal filed a law suit demanding one crore rupees for the police investigation and the High Court had dismissed the frivolous law suit. Pinaroy Vijayan, General Secretary of the Marxist communist Party, who was recently caught with live cartridges at Chennai airport, paid a visit to the Center and praised and admired their activities in public thus endorsing their illegal activities.

Many inmates were murdered for their wealth and the centre used to secretly cremate murdered bodies at the corporation graveyard in Kalamassery. Divine Retreat Centre is involved in illegal foreign funding to criminal and other activities. Many inmates were gone missing from this christian mafia centre over the years. It has been stated that almost twenty bodies have been burnt in the last four years alone. Dasan, the watchman of the corporation graveyard in Kalamassery said that he used to get Rs 750 for burning each body and that it was the same person who used to bring the bodies from the divine centre always. A christian doctor, Dr Thankamma Francis of the divine centre was the doctor who always used to issue death certificate to all those bodies cremated secretly. It should be noted that christians are not cremated in Kerala and are buried. The police investigation was carried out in Divine Retreat Centre on 30 September and 1 October 2006.

Sonia Gandhi had put christians in many states as the Inspector General of Police and Kerala is also a christian by name Winson M. Paul. The Kerala government had put Winson M. Paul for enquiring the illegal activities in the Divine faith healing centre and constituted a police team under him based on the court directive. Several public servants such as Inspectors General of Police and the wife of a State Minister are closely associated with the functioning of the Divine Centre. They are also members of the Advisory Body of the centre. A group of senior IAS, IPS and other government officials of Kerala are working behind this ‘underworld’ operations of the faith healing centre. This centre receives huge funds from the Social Welfare Department of Kerala government. Some 9000 people are on the voters list of the christian faith healing centre.

The congress party in India is christian controlled. The Italian catholic christian, Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi is the president of the congress party of India. The congress party of Kerala state is headed by a christian who is a front man of a Dubai based audio video piracy firm that operates on a much bigger scale worldwide than that of Dawood Ibrahim’s set up in Dubai. Christian politicians of Kerala like Umman Chandi and K.M.Mani were funded by this centre. Congress party members boycotted the Kerala assembly proceedings when police raided the christian faith healing centre in Muringoor, Kerala. The christian leaders like K M Mani tried to paint that police misbehaved towards christian patients including women at the centre to divert the public attention from the main issue of dozens of murders in the christian faith healing centre. The christian K.M. Mani was a former law minister and claimed that police violated norms in the Criminal Procedure Code and harassed HIV/AIDS patients who were being cured at the Divine faith healing centre. K. M. Mani, on 3 October 2006 at the Divine Retreat Centre stated that the faith healing centre has become an oasis for the poor, sick people abandoned by medical science and a home of refuge for the mentally challenged people. He said that he always visited the centre as he also felt mentally challenged at times.

After cornering the private education field in Kerala with the political clout, the Kerala christians are now concentrating on medical field to raise funds for the christian conversion work going on in India manned by the Kerala christians. With the advent of AIDS the christian church concentrated on faith healing to make money. The faith healing centers are a method to extract the last drop of blood from AIDS patients, drug addicts and the like. The christian priests and nuns, who form the slave labor force of the church runs educational institutions and medical centers. The christian priest Fr.Augustine Vallooran, a Director of Divine Retreat Centre was arrested by the police.

A Christian fanatic has issued a death threat to Justice Padmanabhan Nair for ordering the state government to probe the unlawful and anti social activities of the Muringoor Christian Divine Center. The Marxist endorsement reinforced the Center to continue illegal activities and motivated the Christian extremist to issue death threat against Justice Padmananbhan Nair. The death threat was sent to Justice Padmanabhan Nair from an Ernakulum Telephone Booth. The death threat was specifically made to Justice Padmanabhan Nair warning him that he will be murdered for ordering investigation against the illegal activities and forceful homicide at the Christian Divine Center. The death threat against Justice Padmanabhan Nair shows the danger to India from the radical Christianity of India and its unholy nexus between the Marxist Party.
<b>8. MNachiappan Says:</b>
Posted on February 9th, 2008

Date:10/05/2005 URL: http://www.thehindu.com/2005/05/10/stories...51005870300.htm
—————————————& #8212;————————————̵ 1;
Tamil Nadu

CPI (M) alleges fraud in tsunami relief

Special Correspondent

VILLUPURAM: Activists of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), led by C. Muthukumaran, staged a demonstration at Kottakuppam near here on Monday, alleging malpractice in tsunami relief.

The activists said that the official machinery had “swindled nearly Rs. 1.50 crores” in the name of tsunami relief for the villages of Kottakuppam and Bommaiyarpalayam in Vanur block.

The villagers had sent several representations, seeking remedy from the Governor and the Chief Minister, but in vain, Mr. Muthukumaran alleged. He urged authorities to order a CBI enquiry into the issue.

The Perambur Constituency MLA, S.K. Mahendran, participated in the agitation.

Allegation denied

The Special Officer of the Moongilthuraipattu Co-operative Sugarmill S. Mohan, who is the officiating Collector, denied the allegations. He said that 9,500 people (5,854 in Tindivanam and 3,646 in Villupuram taluks) had been identified as tsunami victims, and the entire government package had been handed over to them.

Official sources said Village Relief Monitoring Committee had been set up in the affected villages and relief measures were distributed with the knowledge of these panels.

The district-level committee, in which the Member of Parliament too was a member, was monitoring the relief and rehabilitation measures. The allegations were unfounded, the sources said.

© Copyright 2000 - 2008 The Hindu

<b>9. MNachiappan Says:</b>
Posted on February 9th, 2008

Date:03/03/2005 URL: http://www.thehindu.com/2005/03/03/stories...30308630400.htm
—————————————& #8212;————————————̵ 1;
Tamil Nadu

Rs. 1,000 crores for tsunami relief

By Our Special Correspondent

cHENNAI, MARCH 2. As expected, the impact of the December 26, 2004 tsunami was felt in the State budget for 2005-2006.

Explaining the relief and rescue operations undertaken by the State Government in phases, the Finance Minister, C. Ponnaiyan, said Rs. 895.18 crores was sanctioned for temporary and permanent rehabilitation in the affected areas. The budget estimates included a provision of Rs. 1,000 crores for relief and permanent rehabilitation measures there.

Except an advance of Rs. 250 crores, no Central fund was released, though the Centre had sanctioned Rs. 1,726.72 crores against the State’s demand for Rs. 4,800 crores to undertake relief and rehabilitation and Rs. 5,000 crores for putting up sea walls, creating shelter belts and regenerating mangroves as part of the coastal zone protection plan.

The budget called for immediate release of the sanctioned funds from the National Calamity Contingency Fund, besides reiterating the demand for one hundred per cent subsidy for permanent rehabilitation measures for fishermen. It urged the Centre to sanction additional funds for reconstruction of assets lost in the disaster.

The demand for waiver of all loans due from fishermen to commercial banks and cooperative credit institutions was also highlighted.

Fisheries development

the budget dwelt at length on the Government’s move to draw up a comprehensive plan for development of fisheries as the tsunami had destroyed the livelihood of fishermen in the coastal districts. A task force would be constituted with experts to suggest new approaches to improve the fisheries sector rapidly.

Relief to and rehabilitation of fishermen would receive priority. A major part of the allocation for rehabilitation in the tsunami-affected areas would be earmarked for their housing, infrastructure and permanent livelihood.

Shelter belts plan

The budget included an initial provision of Rs. 7.48 crores for a programme of creating shelter belts and developing mangrove plantations wherever possible. “This will be expanded based on the requirements.”

The Government had drawn up proposals for upgrading the Cuddalore and Nagapattinam ports, which were hit by giant waves, at a cost of Rs. 70 crores. It expressed the hope that the Centre would sanction funds for undertaking these works on a war-footing.

The tsunami-related relief expenditure was one of the factors which contributed to the hike in revenue expenditure.

© Copyright 2000 - 2008 The Hindu

<b>10. Ezhavendan Says:</b>
Posted on February 11th, 2008

‘Realtor’ in Rs 46 lakh serial fraud case
Sunday August 27 2006 11:23 IST
http://www.newindpress.com/NewsItems.asp?I...0151&Topic=0&Ti tle=Southern%20News%20-%20Tamil%20Nadu&Page=T

PERAMBALUR: Complaints of fraud running to a tune of Rs.46 lakh have been lodged with the police against Bishop Anandaraj of Chennai by six persons who fell victim in a row to his promise of real estate promotion in and around Perambalur.

According to sources, Bishop Anandaraj, has a long track record of defrauding the gullible public promising to have houses constructed for them and win them building contracts at several places.

In July 2004, he had promised Marimuthu, son of Palanimuthu, of Brammadesam, to get him 100 houses constructed and received a whopping Rs 12.95 lakh in 11 instalments. In June 2004, Bishop Anandaraj had promised JSR Karunanidhi of Venkatesapuram to win him building contract for 550 houses and received Rs 5.55 lakh in nine instalments.

In June 2004, he had promised S Kalaiselvan of Bharathinagar to win him building contract for 200 houses and received Rs 4.91 lakh. In July 2004, Bishop Anandaraj had promised Samikkannu, son of Ponnnan of Brammadesam, to get him 125 houses constructed and received Rs 12.70 lakh.

In April 2004, he had promised Kaspar, son of Pitchai of Palanganatham, to get him 210 houses constructed and received Rs 8.90 lakh. In April 2005, Bishop Anandaraj had promised Rajagopal, son of Ayyamperumal of Veppur, to win him building contracts for 100 houses and received Rs 1.25 lakh.

In a complaint lodged with the Superintendent of Police, these six victims have sought legal proceedings against Bishop Anandaraj, his wife Daisy, accomplices Suresh Kumar and Palani and mediators Selvakumar of Thuraimangalam, Gulzar Ali of Valikandapuram and Rajarathinam of Velacherry, Chennai.

<b>11. MNachiappan Says:</b>
Posted on February 12th, 2008

I think some interesting pattern is emerging in the involvement of Bishops, Christian priests and others in these crimes and frauds:

1. All start only in the name of Jesus Christ, Church and salvatrion.

2. Then, the Head Priest, whoever may be - a Bishop, Father etc., floats a private Company and starts collecting money by way of membership in the case of tsunami relief; jobs for women; bible coaching for girls.

3. Then, they start their game-plan - build some houses; give jobs to women; teach bible to the girls with much funfare, publicity and programmes.

4. Slowly, they expose their colour - they stop the construction work on one pretext or the other; women are sexually harassed by the Christian priests and they are threatened if they tell outside; fearing the loss of job, invariably keep quite, unless in few cases, they complain and the Bishop caught red-handed or otherwise; so also in the case of bible-teaching, holiday retreat centres, going picnic after the bible course etc., the girls are raped and made “Virgin mothers”!

5. In all such situations, the affected are poor people - and they are perhaps silenced by the High priest to save the honour ofthe Church in the name of Jesus Christ!.

6. The benefitted are the Christian head-priests of various categories.

7. Within short time, they get all material benefits and enjoy life like anything.

8. Complains follow; police take action; some culprits arrested;…………..

9. But, again with money power, they come out; the complaintants are threatened or adjusted; evidences and witnesses are removed or eliminated; complaints are withdrawn - cases settled out of court - even case files disappear from the courts - so these Godmen of Christianity come out clean.

10. Again, he starts his life at some other place after promotion and at new place, he starts his modus operandi. Nothing happens, as known people are adjusted.


<b>13.  MNachiappan  Says:</b>
Posted on March 23rd, 2008

I do not know why all of sudden, the Tamil fonts are not apperaing (the above posting).

The report (Dinamalar, Chenni March 23 2008) is about the Krishnagiri Bishop - Kumar.

Now two more girls complaint that they have been raped by him.

They also point iout that she has wives at Bangalore and other places.

For full details, see tody’s Dinamalar.

<b>14. Ezhavendan Says:</b>
Posted on March 23rd, 2008

The Bishop of Kerala, some time back urged / ordered Christians to produce more children!

So whether the Bishops are following his direction?

Or what is the divine logic bhind making virgns pregnant?

Perhaps, they brainwash that you are like a Mary and you are bearing or begetting Jesus and so on?

How theseteenage girls fall prey to christian priests / bishops just like to Liyakat Ali etc?

One has to analyze it psychologically.

<b>15.  Ezhavendan  Says:</b>
Posted on March 24th, 2008

Madhya Pradesh church priest held on rape charge

Jan 4, 2007 Times of India
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/India/M...iest_held_on_ra pe_charge/articleshow/2675859.cms

KATNI: A church priest was arrested for allegedly raping a woman on January 1 in the Majhgava forest area near Katni, police said.

The priest of the local Gayatri Nagar church was arrested and produced in the court on Friday after which he was sent to jail, Katni Suprinendent of Police (SP) Renu Shukla told reporters.

The incident occurred when the woman’s husband, a truck driver, went to Indore for some work. Taking advantage of the situation, the priest Kaushik Nayak took the woman on his motor-cycle with a promise to get her a job of a nurse.

However, after reaching Majghava forest area he allegedly raped her and fled from the spot, the SP said.

The woman later narrated the incident to her husband who reported the matter to the police following which the priest was arrested.

<b>16.  Ezhavendan  Says:</b>
Posted on April 11th, 2008

I am adding the following news of today, where <b>a bishop has kidnapped a child and demanded ransom:</b>
(Tamizh news)

17.  Ezhavendan  Says:
Posted on April 11th, 2008

I do not know why the Tamil is not appearing.

The Bishop Prem Karthik (29) of Perambr confessed to the police that he kidnapped the girl, as he could not get any job after undergoing “Bishop” training!

He told that there are children of rich studyiing in Anna Adarsh School of Anna nagar and therefore he decided to kidnap so that he could get money.

So it is surprising that what for the Bishop-training is given and all.

<b>19.  MNachiappan  Says:</b>
Posted on April 12th, 2008

Today Dinamalar reports that another Bishop swindles 29 lakhs of rupees and fradulent case registered against him and his accomplices.
(Tamizh news)

<b>20.  MNachiappan  Says:</b>
Posted on April 12th, 2008

Another report:
The CSI christians fight with each other because of property dispute:
(Tamizh news)

<b>21.  Ezhavendan  Says:</b>
Posted on April 21st, 2008

Another Bishop involved in money-swindling case and arrested in Madras.

Jeyapaul Xavier, Bishop of Sivakasi has been one of the three arrested in connection with multi-crore money swindling and cheating case. The gang including the Christian priest used to cheat public by assuring to get bank loans, but uissue spurious letters, sanction orders and even cheques.
(Tamizh news)

22.  Ezhavendan  Says:
Posted on April 27th, 2008

December 20, 2006
Daily Pioneer
Source Link

Pioneer News Service | Bangalore

Hundreds of parents staged a dharna on Tuesday demanding the arrest of Father Mathew, Principal of St Claret High School, who would allegedly molest girl students regularly.

An angry crowd of parents had stoned the car of Bangalore Archbishop Bernard Moras on Monday when he visited the area after a riot was sparked by reports of the “sex maniac” priest.

Even as the agitation snowballed, the Karnataka Government ordered an inquiry into the matter by Deputy Commissioner of Police Malini Krishnamurthy. Father Mathew is absconding.
<b>23. Vedaprakash Says:</b>
Posted on May 9th, 2008

<b>Case filed on three Christians including a CSI Bishop!</b>

Again and again the Bishops are getting involved in the cases of all sorts. Many times, it has been stressed that the Bishops should not handle issues where money is involved. There have been precedence, where even Popes, Cardinals and others involved in all sorts of scandals, frauds etc. But, the Indian Bishops cannot take shelter under such justification.

According to their Bible, it is said that Jesus drove away the money lenders from the place of worship.
John 2.14: And found in the temple those that sod oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting;

John 2.15: And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew tables.

John 2.16: And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not “my Father’s house an house of merchandise”
He advised that God and Mammon cannot go together. But, the Bishops and other Church clergy have been living two lives – one sacred and another secular. They pose so sacred inside the Churches and other religious places and become so secular in other activities. The handbills circulated after Sunday prayers by their own disgruntled groups tell so-many stories. When one ignores or brush aside as stories, they are coming in papers with facts and figures. The true Christians have been feeling sorry and pained about such incidences. How is that they have been making the temple a business place and dealing always with merchandise?

Perhaps, the Christ has to come again to make a scourge of small cords, and drive them all out of the temple! Anyway, here, Hindus have been also at receiving end, as the Dravidian looters have been following Aurangazeb. Of course, there is no Christ here to make a scourge of small cords, and drive them all out of the temples! Talking Periyarism, Annaism, they cover up all frauds.
<b>Madurai, 08-05-2008:</b> A case has been registered against three including a CSI Bishop, Christopher Asher as per the directions of the Court in a fraud case.

Arokhyadas hails from Jawaharnagar, is an employee of M/s. Reliance and Accessories Private Limited. In the case filed, he has stated as follows:

“A tender was floated on behalf of the CSI Diocese Church Office to offer of a sale of seven acres land in Rakhanyapuram, Puthur, Madurai for building a Dental and Arts College.

“An amount of Rs. 20 lakhs was paid to Johnson Israel, Property Officer of the diocese Church; Bishop Christopher Asher and Bobin Sathyamurthy, the CSI Centre officer on behalf of M/s. Reliance and Accessories Private Limited. /s. Reliance and Accessories Private Limited.

“But they gave the tender to some other Company. They have been threatening us to take back the given money. Therefore, action should be taken against the three”.

After conducting the enquiry, the Magistrate ordered for registering a case against the three involved. The Police have registered a case against Johnson Israel, Property Officer of the diocese Church; Bishop Christopher Asher and Bobin Sathyamurthy, the CSI Centre officer Johnson Israel, Property Officer of the diocese Church; Bishop Christopher Asher and Bobin Sathyamurthy, the CSI Centre officer.


<b>24. MNachiappan Says:</b>
Posted on May 19th, 2008

AS per the SUN-news and vernacular papers, one more Christian priest has been involved in the high-fee demand case of Nursing course. Girl students gave complaint in Vadacheri Police station, of Kanyakumari district against agents who acted as brokers in getting admission and paying fees.

Initially, they asked Rs. 8 lakhs and now, they are demanding Rs. 2 lakhs more. Thus, the girl student have given complaint.

At the same time, one group of people were supporting one Christian priest, who is involved in the issue.
http://www.dinamalar.com/districtnews_main...kumari&ncat_ta= கன்னியாகுமரி

<b>25.  MNachiappan  Says:</b>
Posted on May 22nd, 2008

A bishop married Bishop loved another woman, kidnaps the woman-lover and files petition that she came with him violuntarily!!

Jambunathan, a Bishop used to conduct prayer at Polachi. One woman used to come to the prayer. As the Bishop loved the woman, the Bishop’s wife named Malathi herself decided to get him married with the woman-lover!

So the Bishop’s wife faithfully went to the parents of her husband’s lover and sought the marriage with her husband! The parents scolded her and driven away.

The next day, surprisingly, the woman-lover of the Bishop disappeared. Therefore, they gave complaiont to the Police that the Bishop kidnapped their daughter. when the complaint is there, the Bishop has filed an anticipatory bail petition in the Madras High Court, wherein, he pleaded that the woman-lover came with him voluntarily!<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Continued in Post 509 (two posts down).

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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5 - by Husky - 04-26-2009, 06:47 PM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5 - by Guest - 05-04-2009, 07:07 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5 - by Guest - 05-13-2009, 04:12 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5 - by Guest - 05-13-2009, 06:20 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5 - by Guest - 05-16-2009, 02:41 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5 - by Guest - 05-21-2009, 07:43 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5 - by Guest - 05-27-2009, 03:54 PM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5 - by Guest - 06-03-2009, 07:19 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5 - by Guest - 06-06-2009, 06:53 PM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5 - by Guest - 06-07-2009, 06:32 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5 - by Guest - 06-08-2009, 11:51 PM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5 - by Guest - 06-09-2009, 12:56 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5 - by Guest - 06-10-2009, 10:41 PM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 5 - by Guest - 06-13-2009, 08:15 PM

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