05-09-2009, 02:14 AM
Im not a historian but i read about it.This site imninalu contains some errors like telling that gipsy are jews.This is not true ,both genetic and their aparence show them as being indians.Is more likely that they converted to judaism or proto-chritianism almost 2000 years ago as Sandor claim when he said that gipsy enter in conflict whit hindu rajputs and have no choise then exit India.
I was on jatla only to point out the conection betwin dakia-gets and the dahya and jats.I very unlikely that gipsy are jats(the evidence pointing for a more southern origin of gipsy ) but is posibile that gipsy was contaminated whit jats customs or even take some jats whit them when the migrate from central India to Punjab area.
Personaly i belive that dakia-gets migrate in Balkan area around 600 BC from Central asia and formed a bigger kingdom in 80BC under the lidership of king Burebista.