"Why don't the impudent christians sacrifice? Perform the act of every Roman, of every patriot: Sacrifice, to prove your nationalism, your loyalty to Rome."
"No!" screeched the christian terrorists to the pagan Roman state. "NEVER. We will never sacrifice because sacrifice is by definition to your Gods, honouring them, and the babble's non-existent gawd commands us with its jealous threats of eternal damnation that Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. Therefore, we WILL betray you ever, conspire ever against you and work with your enemies, until such a time as we finally succeed in converting you. (Rome-for-christ)"
That kept repeating until there was no more pagan Rome.
And that is why, zipping down to late 20th and early 21st centuries of CE, we see the following:
- Christos like at the Goan christo forums wanting to ditch Vande Mataram because it is unchristian.
- Islamics finally deciding to go public and declare Vande Mataram unislamic. (Knowing that now no 'Indian' govt will take any action against their open treason and incitement to treason.)
They are both right. Because Vande Mataram IS unchristoislamic. Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati have nothing to do with christoislamicommunism.
Indian nationalists need to get this through their heads: Christoislamics are following their #1 commandment.
Indian nationalists who imagine that nationalism will become christoislamics' national religion and scuttle the #1 place in christoislamic affections are deluding themselves no end. There is no room for Tying For First Place in the first commandment: "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me" means no other Gods alongside it either.
While Vande Mataram is clearly unchristoislamic, not singing the Vande Mataram is UnIndian. But then, christoislamics are unIndian. Not until the nation is converted to either of the Onlee Troo Religions and screeching allah-ho-akbar or a ho-sannah as the national theme will the christoislamic be enthusiastic about 'nationalism'. (See Rome again.)
There is only one thing heathens need to remember to understand christoislamism. It is the babble's commandment #1 - which is paraphrased in islam as: "there's only one gawd, allah, and mohammed is its sockpuppet (so behead the infidels)".
It is only the readily unaffiliated Indian nationalists (of Hindu origin and with Hindu calling card) who keep imagining - contrary to all fact - that the Vande Mataram is somehow secular <i>just because it managed to become</i> (and so far remain) the national tune of a country that had declared itself a secular republic.
Indian nationalists need to (but won't) understand: There is no secular nationalism (leastways, where christoislamism is in the picture). That dream is - once again - for the de-Hinduisation of the Hindu onlee (which has been made to reconfigure itself to proudly proclaim itself a 'nationalist' before being a Hindu; and if it comes down to a choice between the two, nationalism will always win. Since nationalism has come to mean Infinite Heathen Attempts At Unity With Internal Treacherous Enemy Ideologies At All Costs).
Again, this secularised, secularising 'nationalism' infects no one else: none of the christoclass mindvirus is prone to it. They always remember where their first, foremost and sole allegiance lies: in "Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me". Their loyalty is only to their non-existent gawd and its word (koran/babble).
It is so simple to understand. But why don't the Indian nationalists understand this? Why do they keep writing article after article bleating for christoislamics to stop producing turncoat after turncoat and to finally start singing Vande Mataram universally, knowingly, full-willingly - expectant that one day this will miraculously happen. No. <i>By definition.</i> (Anyone who sings it, knowing and accepting its meaning, CANNOT be a christoislamic. Hence the islamics issued a fatwa to remind the ummah that the meaning is wholly at odds with islamania.)
The miracle won't happen. Rather, like the Romans, one day the Indian nationalists will be screeching the ho-sannas or allah-ho-akbars.
(Not a prediction. Just an extrapolation.)
Indians need to try to understand their enemy, rather than live in denial, in a vacuum, making up happy endings of happy co-existence. No indefinite religious pluralism/co-existence is possible with the christoclass mindvirus (any - and invariably and increasingly troubled - co-existence lasts only while the heathens are in majority and in charge).
<i>Ultimately, it will come down to either the heathens converting (or dying), or the christoislamics reverting.</i> (This is the requirement forced on all by the prime exclusivism of christoislamism - #1st commandment again). One can guess how often in the history of humanity all christoislamics reverted, versus how often in that same history, heathen nations were converted-or-killed, never to be reverted again.
Despite the weight of all history, Indian nationalists will still keep dreaming of a harmonious co-existence - "a beautiful unity of the Dharmics with christoislamics towards a common nationalist purpose". And they will continue dreaming it until the day they cease to be able to wake up.
"No!" screeched the christian terrorists to the pagan Roman state. "NEVER. We will never sacrifice because sacrifice is by definition to your Gods, honouring them, and the babble's non-existent gawd commands us with its jealous threats of eternal damnation that Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. Therefore, we WILL betray you ever, conspire ever against you and work with your enemies, until such a time as we finally succeed in converting you. (Rome-for-christ)"
That kept repeating until there was no more pagan Rome.
And that is why, zipping down to late 20th and early 21st centuries of CE, we see the following:
- Christos like at the Goan christo forums wanting to ditch Vande Mataram because it is unchristian.
- Islamics finally deciding to go public and declare Vande Mataram unislamic. (Knowing that now no 'Indian' govt will take any action against their open treason and incitement to treason.)
They are both right. Because Vande Mataram IS unchristoislamic. Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati have nothing to do with christoislamicommunism.
Indian nationalists need to get this through their heads: Christoislamics are following their #1 commandment.
Indian nationalists who imagine that nationalism will become christoislamics' national religion and scuttle the #1 place in christoislamic affections are deluding themselves no end. There is no room for Tying For First Place in the first commandment: "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me" means no other Gods alongside it either.
While Vande Mataram is clearly unchristoislamic, not singing the Vande Mataram is UnIndian. But then, christoislamics are unIndian. Not until the nation is converted to either of the Onlee Troo Religions and screeching allah-ho-akbar or a ho-sannah as the national theme will the christoislamic be enthusiastic about 'nationalism'. (See Rome again.)
There is only one thing heathens need to remember to understand christoislamism. It is the babble's commandment #1 - which is paraphrased in islam as: "there's only one gawd, allah, and mohammed is its sockpuppet (so behead the infidels)".
It is only the readily unaffiliated Indian nationalists (of Hindu origin and with Hindu calling card) who keep imagining - contrary to all fact - that the Vande Mataram is somehow secular <i>just because it managed to become</i> (and so far remain) the national tune of a country that had declared itself a secular republic.
Indian nationalists need to (but won't) understand: There is no secular nationalism (leastways, where christoislamism is in the picture). That dream is - once again - for the de-Hinduisation of the Hindu onlee (which has been made to reconfigure itself to proudly proclaim itself a 'nationalist' before being a Hindu; and if it comes down to a choice between the two, nationalism will always win. Since nationalism has come to mean Infinite Heathen Attempts At Unity With Internal Treacherous Enemy Ideologies At All Costs).
Again, this secularised, secularising 'nationalism' infects no one else: none of the christoclass mindvirus is prone to it. They always remember where their first, foremost and sole allegiance lies: in "Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me". Their loyalty is only to their non-existent gawd and its word (koran/babble).
It is so simple to understand. But why don't the Indian nationalists understand this? Why do they keep writing article after article bleating for christoislamics to stop producing turncoat after turncoat and to finally start singing Vande Mataram universally, knowingly, full-willingly - expectant that one day this will miraculously happen. No. <i>By definition.</i> (Anyone who sings it, knowing and accepting its meaning, CANNOT be a christoislamic. Hence the islamics issued a fatwa to remind the ummah that the meaning is wholly at odds with islamania.)
The miracle won't happen. Rather, like the Romans, one day the Indian nationalists will be screeching the ho-sannas or allah-ho-akbars.
(Not a prediction. Just an extrapolation.)
Indians need to try to understand their enemy, rather than live in denial, in a vacuum, making up happy endings of happy co-existence. No indefinite religious pluralism/co-existence is possible with the christoclass mindvirus (any - and invariably and increasingly troubled - co-existence lasts only while the heathens are in majority and in charge).
<i>Ultimately, it will come down to either the heathens converting (or dying), or the christoislamics reverting.</i> (This is the requirement forced on all by the prime exclusivism of christoislamism - #1st commandment again). One can guess how often in the history of humanity all christoislamics reverted, versus how often in that same history, heathen nations were converted-or-killed, never to be reverted again.
Despite the weight of all history, Indian nationalists will still keep dreaming of a harmonious co-existence - "a beautiful unity of the Dharmics with christoislamics towards a common nationalist purpose". And they will continue dreaming it until the day they cease to be able to wake up.