Naive to suppose that christoislamism=christoislamic scheming (seen in such things as Susan Roy, Teesta Seetalvaddle, foreign media lying about Godhra like they did with Yugoslavia and the christomedia in India doing the same all for jeebusjehovallah's greater purpose) can be stopped in its tracks by 'revealing' the truth.
The damage is already done. And that was the sole purpose.
It's like with Yugoslavia: for a long time, most people in the world - being human sheep - will continue to think the Serbs were "those evil systematic rapists and genociders". All the concerted christolying has done the trick: so that it no longer matters that various minor retractions were printed in US news papers a long time after the same papers first blazoned the manufactured lies on their front pages. And this is why whenever the christowest needs to bring Serbia down again, those papers will merely resuscitate the christofictions against Serbs once more - ignoring all their own retractions (well, that's the use of the Tiny Print Page X retractions: keeps readers from noticing or remembering them).
It comes down to a simple but fundamental principle for christoislamicommunism: it is not about truth. It is all about perception - fooling people is a goal in itself. Popular perception, i.e. the mass's Belief: for the christo mindvirus, Belief is more important than truth. This principle therefore self-justifies all their lying: getting the masses to Believe their lies is for the "greater and higher" cause (of jeebusjehovallah's utopia).
Christoism knows that by far most people fall for the first thing (incl. lies) they hear on any matter and that it therefore better make its lies the loudest and most-heard. Christoism knows people will never read the miniscule-print retractions, and that the masses' memories will only recall the overblown stuff they caught on TV and heard on EnDeeTeeVee and other jeebus-junk news channels.
So christoislamicommunism hoards all speaking rights (e.g. through christomedia, by shouting down the views of the heathen opposition and by concealing the facts revealed by heathens like in the proof of the Ayodhya Temple case), the way it monopolises all of history-perception via history-writing (which has become another avenue for the christolying exercise) - such as through christoism's books on "Hinduism" and "Indian history".
So even when the facts about Godhra get established now - and then over and over again some time in the future - even when Modi and Gujarat and Hindus are cleared, even when there is nothing left to be refuted since it's all been covered, then, at a moment's notice the future christian Susan 'Arundhati' Roys and islamic Teesta Seetalvaddles and other assorted (declared and crypto)christoislamics can resurrect the entire fabrication of hysteria at a moment's notice: they will merely bring up the "2000 and still-counting muslims killed in Godhra" again and again and again. As needed. Because christoislamism knows that their mass-scale fictions are *all* that live in the collective's memory: they made sure of that with the foundation they cemented with their initial lying spree using their media's blitz to hammer it into people's minds.
Like the centuries-old christian libel against Jews (down to the later Protocols of Zion concoction) lives on in unreflecting popular imagination no matter how often it's all been disproved, and which continues to be brought up forever-and-a-day by christianism (and in more recent times by islamism and other parrots it has trained): christianism has a habit of opportunistically rehashing lies for an audience already tutored/conditioned into believing them merely because "they've heard these things before".
The christoclass meme reasons that familiarity through repetition breeds Belief (as also speaking loudly and ensuring you're the only one speaking by silencing all disagreement - so that onlookers can't find out about all the facts deliberately being kept from them).
It's just how christianism works. It knows Lies Live Long, and actual truth was never a concern for christoism (for them the sole Truth is jeebus - the two are equated - and jeebus/gawd/babble itself is christianism's first and foremost lie). This technique of lying on a genocidal scale IS christianism (and is inherited by islamism, communism). Heathens continue to have no answers on how to counteract christolying=christoislamicommunism. 1700/1800 year old question.
Quote:Monday, April 12, 2010
Enough evidence against Teesta Setalvad- not Modi
apr 12th, 2010
in any normal country, teesta setalvad would be prosecuted for contempt of court, witness tampering and interfering in the conduct of a case. she would be jailed for a few years for subverting the judicial system.
in india, she is a heroine. go figure. her star witness, zahira sheikh has testified that teesta prepared some printouts from a computer and thrust them under her nose and told her to sign them. this is a matter of public record. btw, zahira is illiterate. so what did the courts do? they fined *zahira*! yup, punish the victim, not the perpetrator.
why are hindus so clueless about using the due process of law? someone should file a PIL and others can support it with amicus curiae petitions pleading restraint based on section 153A and 295A, hurting the sentiments of a community and inducing communal hatred, as well as any other sections that pertain to witness tampering.
just like susan arundhati roy should be charged with advocating treason and stripped of indian citizenship. there is the famous short story "man without a country".
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From: Manmath
Teesta Setalvad claimed on 11 March 2010 that- "There is enough evidence against Narendra Modi". Actually- there is enough evidence against Teesta Setalvad- not Modi. The website brings out the truth of the Gujarat riots- and defends Modi against all the charges made by Setalvad and other stark liers like Tehelka. Now we come to the part of- evidence against Teesta Setalvad.
A must read article on this is by Uday Mahurkar in India Today weekly "Inhuman rights":
"Soon after the riots, the human rights activists and the Muslim witnesses had alleged that a pregnant woman Kausarbanu's womb was ripped open by rioters and the foetus was flung out at the point of a sword. The gruesome The wait for justice for Gujarat's riot victims is still not over
incident was seen as the worst-possible example of medieval vandalism in the modern age. The wait for justice for Gujarat's riot victims is still not overLast week, eight years after
the alleged incident, Dr J.S. Kanoria, who conducted the post-mortem on Kausarbanu's body on March 2, 2002, denied that any such incident had ever happened. Instead, he told the court: "After the post-mortem, I found that her foetus was intact and that she had died of burns suffered during the riot." Later Kanoria, 40, told INDIA TODAY, "I have told the court what I had already written in my post-mortem report eight years ago. The press should have checked the report before believing that her womb was ripped open. As far as I remember, I did her post-mortem at noon on March 2, 2002."
A careful study of the three police complaints, claiming that Kausarbanu's womb was ripped open by the rioters, shows several loopholes. While one complaint accuses Guddu Chara, one of the main accused in the Naroda Patiya case, of ripping open Kausarbanu's womb, extracting her foetus and flinging it with a sword; another complaint accuses Babu Bajrangi, yet another accused in the case, of doing the act. A third complaint, on the other hand, does not name the accused but describes the alleged act."
So- Teesta's guilt- subversion of truth. UTTERING STARK LIES-by claiming that the womb was ripped open- and the foetus was flung out at the point of a sword. Violation of 153-A of Indian Penal Code- by instigating Muslims- infuriating them needlessly. Violation of Section 500 of IPC (Defamation)- by needlessly blaming BJP and Narendra Modi for this-and defaming them saying- "Such medieval acts occured under Modi's rule". Also -tarnishing the fair name of India worldwide- by needlessly fabricating such lies worldwide.
Uday Mahurkar continues:
"Modi will also have reasons to smile at the affidavits filed by the Muslim witnesses in the SC in 2003 at the behest of Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) and Teesta Setalvad on the basis of which the trial in nine cases were stalled for six long years. The most glaring hole is in the affidavit of Nanumiya Malek, a key witness in the Naroda Gam case. In his affidavit before the SC filed on November 15, 2003, Malek stated that a newly married woman called Madina, who lost four of her relatives, including her husband in the riots, had been raped by the rioters.
Malek's affidavit states: "I was witness to the crimes of murder and rape that took place on Madina and her family. I also saw seven people being burnt alive, including four orphans. I request the SC to keep the details of this rape victim confidential since she is alive and use it only for the purpose of trial and conviction of the rapists." But on May 5, 2009, in his statement before the SIT, Malek said: "I had wrongly claimed that Madina had been raped. I made the charge because of Teesta Setalvad's pressure. I kept on telling her not to include that charge in my affidavit, yet it was included."
In her statement before the SIT on May 20, 2008, Madina, who has remarried now, said: "The charge made by Malek claiming that I was raped by a riotous mob is false. I wasn't raped. When the riotous mob put my house on fire, I tried to run but was attacked by a rioter who injured me with a knife. Later I managed to merge in a Muslim crowd."
This is direct evidence of fabrication done in this done. This is enough evidence to prosecute Teesta Setalvad in this case.
Among other crimes- Setalvad writes in her article- "What ails Gujarat" published in CPM party weekly Peoples Democracy in July 2006- "There was a state sponsored genocide of Muslims in Gujarat in which 2500 Muslims were killed".
- This is also enough evidence to prosecute her. First- there was no genocide in Gujarat at all- Muslims were equally on the offensive even after Godhra. second- There was no -'state- sponsoring'- far from being a party to the violence- the state government managed to actually stop riots in 3 days- all evidences of this are given in She has beren challenged to prove this part- and she has not responded.
Third- 2500 Muslims were not killed- as per UPA figures 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus were killed. For inflating the number of Muslims killed- and ignoring the number of Hindus killed- she can also be prosecuted. Again- instigating Muslims- violation of 153-A- and 500- by defaming the BJP and Gujarat Government through exaggeration and stark lies.
Another lie- she claims that over 120 people were killed in Naroda Patiya- and that too before the 7 year period expired. The fact is- even after the 7 year period expired- and all missing were declared dead- the number of people killed in Naroda Patiya is 95. Setalvad deliberately exaggerates the number of people killed- despite knowing fully well the true number- so as to malign the BJP and Narendra Modi. By that logic- if gives 2500 as the number of Muslims killed in the riots- 1700 more than the true number- then we can say- 1759 Hindus were killed by Muslims in Godhra- 1700 more than the true number of 59. If we do that- allegations will be made against us- for exaggerating and instigating Hindus- inflaming Hindu sentiments.
Thius is just the tip of the ice berg. Teesta's sins will be all out in public if we bring them out. LET US ALL WORK TOGETHER TO UNMASK TEESTA SETALVAD- and all other so-called Human Rights activists- apologists of Islam.
Posted by nizhal yoddha at 4/12/2010 10:15:00 PM 6 comments Links to this post
Naive to suppose that christoislamism=christoislamic scheming (seen in such things as Susan Roy, Teesta Seetalvaddle, foreign media lying about Godhra like they did with Yugoslavia and the christomedia in India doing the same all for jeebusjehovallah's greater purpose) can be stopped in its tracks by 'revealing' the truth.
The damage is already done. And that was the sole purpose.
It's like with Yugoslavia: for a long time, most people in the world - being human sheep - will continue to think the Serbs were "those evil systematic rapists and genociders". All the concerted christolying has done the trick: so that it no longer matters that various minor retractions were printed in US news papers a long time after the same papers first blazoned the manufactured lies on their front pages. And this is why whenever the christowest needs to bring Serbia down again, those papers will merely resuscitate the christofictions against Serbs once more - ignoring all their own retractions (well, that's the use of the Tiny Print Page X retractions: keeps readers from noticing or remembering them).
It comes down to a simple but fundamental principle for christoislamicommunism: it is not about truth. It is all about perception - fooling people is a goal in itself. Popular perception, i.e. the mass's Belief: for the christo mindvirus, Belief is more important than truth. This principle therefore self-justifies all their lying: getting the masses to Believe their lies is for the "greater and higher" cause (of jeebusjehovallah's utopia).
Christoism knows that by far most people fall for the first thing (incl. lies) they hear on any matter and that it therefore better make its lies the loudest and most-heard. Christoism knows people will never read the miniscule-print retractions, and that the masses' memories will only recall the overblown stuff they caught on TV and heard on EnDeeTeeVee and other jeebus-junk news channels.
So christoislamicommunism hoards all speaking rights (e.g. through christomedia, by shouting down the views of the heathen opposition and by concealing the facts revealed by heathens like in the proof of the Ayodhya Temple case), the way it monopolises all of history-perception via history-writing (which has become another avenue for the christolying exercise) - such as through christoism's books on "Hinduism" and "Indian history".
So even when the facts about Godhra get established now - and then over and over again some time in the future - even when Modi and Gujarat and Hindus are cleared, even when there is nothing left to be refuted since it's all been covered, then, at a moment's notice the future christian Susan 'Arundhati' Roys and islamic Teesta Seetalvaddles and other assorted (declared and crypto)christoislamics can resurrect the entire fabrication of hysteria at a moment's notice: they will merely bring up the "2000 and still-counting muslims killed in Godhra" again and again and again. As needed. Because christoislamism knows that their mass-scale fictions are *all* that live in the collective's memory: they made sure of that with the foundation they cemented with their initial lying spree using their media's blitz to hammer it into people's minds.
Like the centuries-old christian libel against Jews (down to the later Protocols of Zion concoction) lives on in unreflecting popular imagination no matter how often it's all been disproved, and which continues to be brought up forever-and-a-day by christianism (and in more recent times by islamism and other parrots it has trained): christianism has a habit of opportunistically rehashing lies for an audience already tutored/conditioned into believing them merely because "they've heard these things before".
The christoclass meme reasons that familiarity through repetition breeds Belief (as also speaking loudly and ensuring you're the only one speaking by silencing all disagreement - so that onlookers can't find out about all the facts deliberately being kept from them).
It's just how christianism works. It knows Lies Live Long, and actual truth was never a concern for christoism (for them the sole Truth is jeebus - the two are equated - and jeebus/gawd/babble itself is christianism's first and foremost lie). This technique of lying on a genocidal scale IS christianism (and is inherited by islamism, communism). Heathens continue to have no answers on how to counteract christolying=christoislamicommunism. 1700/1800 year old question.