04-22-2010, 02:16 AM
May be offensive to many of the Indian astrology followers but some things need to be said:
Above is from the mahApaNDita at mAnasataraMginNI.
Quote:Astrology is very dangerous for the Indians (may be for others too).
It must be generally discouraged rather than encouraged along with a
host of other Indian practices commonly touted as the "spirtual
sciences" of India. It is also necessary to differentiate astrology
from religion. While I happen to be a scientist by profession I am not
speaking from the point of view of a rationalist, western atheist
(not inclusive of the Charvaka or Epicurian) or the humanist. A
proper religion is very important for people and unlike most
scientists believe that atheism, rationalism and humanism are about as
futile as monotheism.
Astrology should be prised out of its place in the people's hearts
along with other things like vastu, pyschoanalysis and the like. It
should be kept in mind that what Wendy Doniger, Jeff Kripal and
Caldwell teach in USA, is as crappy as what T.Vaidyanathan teaches in
India and needs to be disbanded from our environs, just as astrology
If the effects of astrology were about as harmless entertainment as
watching a cricket match on TV it is OK-
But astrology has a perverse effect on Indians in many ways: Given
that the majority of Indians follow the arranged marriage system
astrology really affects their mate choice in a serious way and
creates undue competition between males for females.
Astrology causes a certain sense of inaction and social inferiority:
E.g. When the astrologer says that you would not have kids, one may
alter ones behavior with disasterous effects.
Astrology keeps the our people under fear and ignorance and they fail
to appreciate the beauties of nature. A friend and I once organized a
star viewing sessions where in we were to acquaint people with the
night sky and show them sights through our telescopes. Fear was the
one word that characterized much of the elder generation vistors.
mothers were telling children not to look at Saturn lest the 'evil
eye' fall on them. Yet another middle aged gentleman asked if seeing a
non-naked comet would have a bad effect on him. Another asked what the
presence of Uranus in his rAshi meant? Many lost interest our
astronomical details because astrology was not talked about.
Astrology may make one feel worse unlike religion that makes you feel
Finally there is nothing vedic in 'vedic astrology' simply a misuse of
the word vedic as in vedic astronomy. You do not see much belief in
astrology in the vedic literature.
Above is from the mahApaNDita at mAnasataraMginNI.