02-25-2005, 09:33 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-25-2005, 09:48 AM by G.Subramaniam.)
is run mainly by Indian muslims and the following organisations support it and must be considered anti-hindu
Some of these organisations may simply be dumb and ignorant
but most must be considered as commie fronts
This list has the Rabita trust funded by the saudis
And see how many muslim groups seem to want secularism in India when there is none in islamic countries
Keep in mind, there are many hindu sounding, rss sounding names in this
but they have deliberately been setup by commies to confuse hindus
The following organizations worldwide have endorsed the Promise of India Appeal
(in alphabetical order):
AAINA, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
Aatshankarachari Dharmosthan Sansad, Puri, Orissa, India
Abhinaya Dance Company, Monte Sereno, CA
ACCORD Adivasis of Nilgiris, Gudalur, Tamilnadu, India
Action Aid India, Mumbai, India
ActionAid, Chattisgarh, India
Adhyatma Jagran Manch, New Delhi, India
AFMI American Federation of Muslims of Indian Origin, Dallas Regional Section, TX
AFMI American Federation of Muslims of Indian Origin, Mid-West Region, USA
AICA Asian Indian Cooperation in America, New York, NY
AID Association for Indiaâs Development, Boston, MA
AID Association for Indiaâs Development, India
AID Association for Indiaâs Development, SF Bay Area Chapter (www.AIDSFBay.org)
AID Association for India's Development, Columbia, USA
AID Association for India's Development, Concord, New Hampshire
AID Association for India's Development, Houston Chapter, USA
AID Association for India's Development, Tempe, Arizona
Aid India Socieity, Mumbai. Maharashtra
AIF American India Foundation, USA (www.AIFoundation.org)
AIM, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
AIM Association of Indian Muslims of America, MD
Akhil Bharat Rachanatmak Samaj, New Delhi, India
All India Harijan Sevak Samaj, New Delhi, India
All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat, New Delhi, India
Alliance for Secular Democratic South Asia, Boston, MA
Amity University Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, New Delhi, India
AMU Aligarh Muslim University Association, Buffalo Grove, IL
AMUAA Aligarh Muslim University Alumni Association of Northern California, Foster City, CA
An Assoc of Christian Prayer Fellowship & Social Welfare, Hyderabad, AP, India
ANANDI, Ahmedabad, India
Andhra Pradesh Neil Armstrong Team Rural Org Society, Andhra Pradesh, India
Andolana Voluntary Project/Mission, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
ANHAD Act Now for Harmony and Democracy, New Delhi, India
ARCH-VAHINI, Mangrol Rajpipla, Gujarat, India
Art of Living, New Delhi, India
Asha for Education, USA (www.ASHAnet.org)
AsianOutlook, London, UK
Assoc for Spiritual Awareness, New Delhi, India
Association Imagine New India, Baroda, Gujarat, India
Association of Peoples of Asia, New Delhi, India
AVARD Assoc for Voluntary Associations and Rural Development, New Delhi, India
Basava Seva Trust, Hosur, India
Better India, Flushing, New York, NY
Bharatiya Varishtha Nagarik Samiti, Lucknow, UP, India
BHEL Workers Union, Tiruchi, Tamilnadu, India
Blackstone Franks, London, UK
Books for Change, Bangalore, India
Brothers of Sacred Heart, Trichy, Tamilnadu, India
CAC Coalition Against Communalism, USA (CAC.EKTAonline.org)
Center for Development, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Centre for Communication Studies, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Centre for Culture and Development, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Centre for Federal Studies, New Delhi, India
Centre for Progressive Studies and Research, Pune, India
Centre for Study of Society and Organization, Mumbai, India
CERAS South Asia Center, Montreal, Canada
Chhattisgarh Centre for Entrepreneurship Development, Raipur, India
Chhipa Community Organization, Chhipawad, Ahmedabad, Gujarat and Washington DC
Childright, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
Civil Society, New Delhi, India
CLAP, Cuttack, Orissa, India
Coalition for Egalitarian & Pluralistic India, Los Angeles, CA
COPH Coalition for Peace and Harmony, Hyderabad, India
Core Careers Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata, WB, India
Counter Currents, Kerala, India
CRY Child Relief and You, Mumbai, India
CSDI Coalition for a Secular Democratic India, Chicago, IL
CSSS Center for Study of Society and Secularism, Mumbai, India
Dalit-Tribal Politics, Malappuram, Kerala, India
Darpana Academy, Ahmedabad, India
Delhi Study Group, Palwal, Haryana, India
Dharma Mega, East Lansing, MI
DiP Develop in Peace, Charlotte, NC
Dr. Mallena's Dental Hospitals, Mehdipatnam, A.P., India
EcoMonitors Society, New Delhi, India
ECONET, Pune, Maharashtra
EcoScience Research Foundation, Chennai, India
EKTA A South Asian Progressive Network, San Francisco, CA (http://ekta.org)
EKTA Committee for Communal Amity, Mumbai, India
FDRI Foundation for Democratic Reforms in India, Chicago, IL (www.FDRI.org)
FFDA, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
Forum for Better Democracy, Bronx, New York, NY
Foundation for Pluralism, Dallas, TX
Friends of the Gandhi Museum, Pune, India
G.M. Momin Women's College, Thane, Maharashtra
Gandhian Integrated Forum Trust, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
Gill Heating and Air Conditioning Inc., Lilburn, GA
Globetrotter, Lucknow, U.P.
GMAA Gujarati Muslim Association of America, Lombard, IL
GOPIO Chicagoland NFP, Chicago, IL
Guild of Service, New Delhi, India
Hamdard Education Society, New Delhi, India
Health and Happiness, Chicago, IL
Helping Hand in the Service of Humanity and Enlightenment, Toledo, OH
Hindus for Peace and Justice, Melbourne, FL
HOPE, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
Human Rights Association of Haryana, Palwal, Haryana
Human Rights Congress of Bangladesh Minorities, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Human Rights-Tamilnadu Initiative, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
HumanRights Forum, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
HWWA, Vadodara, Gujarat
HWWA, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
IALW Indo-American League of Women, Sacramento, CA
ICA Indians for Collective Action, USA (www.ICAonline.org)
ICC India Community Center, Milpitas, CA, USA (www.IndiaCC.org)
ICYO Indian Committee of Youth Organizations, New Delhi, India
IDEX International Development Exchange, San Francisco, CA
IDS India Development Service, Chicago, IL (www.he.net/~ids)
ILP India Literacy Project, United States
IMC-USA Indian Muslim Council, USA (www.imc-usa.org)
IMRC Indian Muslim Relief Committee, Palo Alto, CA
India AMU Alumni Association, Buffalo Grove, IL
India Association of Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
India Foundation of USA, East Lansing, MI
Indian Christian Forum, New Hyde Park, USA
Indian Muslim Education Foundation of North America, Downers Grove, IL
Indian Society for Universal Peace, Delhi, India
IndiaWIN Group, Seoul, South Korea
Indo-German Social Service Society, New Delhi, India
INSAF Indian Social Action Forum, Ahmedabad, India
INSAF International South Asian Forum, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
INSAF International South Asian Forum, New York, NY
Institute for Human Rights, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
International Christian Coalition for Human Rights, USA
International Training Network, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
IOS Institute for Objective Studies, New Delhi, India
Islamic Center of Long Island, New York, NY
ISS International Service Society, East Lansing, MI
iWatch, Mumbai, India
J.R. Laliwala Education and Research Trust, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Jain Center of Toronto, Canada
Jain Society of Alberta, Canada
Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India
Jana Chetna Foundation, Gujarat, India
Janvikas, Ahmedabad, India
Jeevodaya Hospice for Cancer Patients, Chennai, Tamilnadu
K.J. Somaiya Center for Studies on Jainism, Mumbai, India
Kainat Foundation, Jehanabad, Bihar, India
Kaliana Farms, Karnal, Haryana
KCWA Kerala Cultural Welfare Association, UK
Kutch Mahila Vikas Sangathan, Bhuj, Gujarat, India
Lal Nishan Party, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
London Chamber of Commerce, London, UK
Mahatma Gandhi Foundation India, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Manavsadhana, Ahmedabad, India
Marumalarchi, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
Mesal High School (An institution dedicated to Gandhian ideology), Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
Military Affairs Group, Chandigarh, Punjab, India
MRGG Movement for Restoration of Good Government, New Delhi, India
Muslim Community Association of SF Bay Area, CA
Muslim Organization of San Diego, CA
Muslim Voters of America, Oak Park, IL
Muslims for Secular Democracy, New Delhi, India
National Allianace of Women, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
National Center for Rural Development, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
National Network for India, New Delhi, India
Navchetna Foundation, Haveri, Karnataka, India
Navrachna, Palampur, HP, India
Navsarjan Trust, Ahmedabad, India
Nayi Azadi Abhiyan, East Lansing, MI
Nayi Azadi Andolan, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
New Socialist Movement, Ahmedabad, India
New Stream Media, New Delhi, India
News for Kidz, Miami, FL
NMR Hospital, Bhopal, MP, India
NRI Milli Forum, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
NRI-SAHI NRIs for a Secular and Harmonious India, USA
Ocwen Financial Solutions, Bangalore, India
OHM Laboratories, North Brunswick, NJ
Optiserv Muskan Services Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Patriotic Sons of Mother India, Delhi, India
People's Action for Saving Lives, Pune, Maharashtra
People's Media Initiative, Mumbai, India
Periyar International, Palos Heights, IL, USA
PHD Peace, Harmony, Development Forum, Ahmedabad, India
PrajaNet - Peopleâs Resolve to Act for Justice and Accountability, USA (www.PrajaNet.org)
PRASHANT, Ahmedabad, India
Prayaas Production, Delhi, India
Railways, New Delhi, India
Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals, NJ
Rashtriya Seva Samithi, Tirupati, AP, India
RIM Rejuvenate India Movement, All India
RLSS Rashtriya Life Saving Society, Pune, Maharashtra, India
SAATH, Ahmedabad, India
SAF South Asian Forum, Madison, WI
SAGAR South Asia Group for Action and Reflection, Chicago, IL
Sahid Laxman Jubak Sangh, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
SAHR WARU Women's Action and Resource Unit, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
SAKRIYA, Delhi, India
SALAAM Theatre, New York, NY
Sambhava Foundation, New Delhi, India
SANCHETANA, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
SANLAAP, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
SANSAD South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy, Coquitlam, B.C., Canada
SAPAC South Asian Progressive Action Collective, Chicago, IL
Sarvadharma, Fremont, CA
Sarvodaya International Trust, Tamilnadu Chapter, India
Satyajeet Trust, Ahmedabad, India
Save India Campaign, Atlanta, GA
Scream Studios, Van Nuys, CA
Seva International, East Lansing, MI
Shakti, Mumbai, India
Sharp PCG, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Shree Hanuman Vyayan Pracharak Mandal, Amaravathi, Maharashtra, India
Singh Foundation, New York, NY
SIPA Silicon Valley Indian Professional Association, Santa Clara, CA (www.SIPA.org)
Society for Civic Initiatives, Delhi, India
Source International Corporation, San Francisco, CA
South Asia Center, Cambridge, MA
South Asian Citizens Web, Herault, France
SPRAT Society for the Promotion of Rational Thinking, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
SPS Samaj Parivartana Sumudaya, Dharwad, Karnataka, India
Sri Satya Sai Organisation, Buenos Aires, Argentina
St. Xavierâs Social Service Society, Ahmedabad, India
St. Xavier's College, Mumbai, India
Sunray Harvesters, MP, India
SVYM Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement, Karnataka, India
SWATI Society for Women's Action and Training, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
The ant, Bongaigaon, Assam, India
The Banyan, Chennai, Tamilnadu. India
The Champa Foundation, Delhi, India
The Federation of Aligarh Muslim University Alumni Associations, Foster City, CA
The Five Families Productions, Berkeley, CA
The India Peace Organization, Hyderabad, AP, India
The Indian Radical Humanist Association, Delhi, India
The Radical Humanist, Thane, Maharashtra, India
The Second Chance Foundation, New York, NY
TiE The IndUS Entrepreneurs (www.TiE.org)
TNSF Tamilnadu Science Forum, Chennai, India
TRACI Theological Research & Communication Institute, New Delhi, India
Trade Studios, Van Nuys, CA
Transvivo Inc., Germany
Trust for Secular and Democratic Values, New Delhi, India
Trust for Village Self Governance, Kuthambakkam, TN, India
Udayan Care, Delhi, India
Universal Association for Spiritual Awareness, New Delhi, India
UP Rabita Committee, Aligarh, UP, India
Uttar Pradesh Association in North America, Orange, NJ
UTTHAN A Development Action Planning Team, Ahmedabad, India
Vaishnava Center of Enlightenment, East Lansing, MI
Vidya Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, London, United Kingdom
VinayRas Infotech, Nagpur, Maharashtra
Washington Watch, East Lansing, MI
Women's Initiative for Peace, New Delhi, India
Work for Harmony, New Delhi, India
World Constitution and Parliament Association, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
World Council of Arya Samaj, New Delhi, India
World Peace and Nuclear Disarmament, New Delhi, India
YESD Consultants (Europe) Ltd., Great Britain, UK
Youth Forum for Gandian Studies, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
Youth-4-Peace, Ahmedabad, India
YUVA Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action, Mumbai, India
Yuva Bharat, Mumbai, India
is run mainly by Indian muslims and the following organisations support it and must be considered anti-hindu
Some of these organisations may simply be dumb and ignorant
but most must be considered as commie fronts
This list has the Rabita trust funded by the saudis
And see how many muslim groups seem to want secularism in India when there is none in islamic countries
Keep in mind, there are many hindu sounding, rss sounding names in this
but they have deliberately been setup by commies to confuse hindus
The following organizations worldwide have endorsed the Promise of India Appeal
(in alphabetical order):
AAINA, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
Aatshankarachari Dharmosthan Sansad, Puri, Orissa, India
Abhinaya Dance Company, Monte Sereno, CA
ACCORD Adivasis of Nilgiris, Gudalur, Tamilnadu, India
Action Aid India, Mumbai, India
ActionAid, Chattisgarh, India
Adhyatma Jagran Manch, New Delhi, India
AFMI American Federation of Muslims of Indian Origin, Dallas Regional Section, TX
AFMI American Federation of Muslims of Indian Origin, Mid-West Region, USA
AICA Asian Indian Cooperation in America, New York, NY
AID Association for Indiaâs Development, Boston, MA
AID Association for Indiaâs Development, India
AID Association for Indiaâs Development, SF Bay Area Chapter (www.AIDSFBay.org)
AID Association for India's Development, Columbia, USA
AID Association for India's Development, Concord, New Hampshire
AID Association for India's Development, Houston Chapter, USA
AID Association for India's Development, Tempe, Arizona
Aid India Socieity, Mumbai. Maharashtra
AIF American India Foundation, USA (www.AIFoundation.org)
AIM, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
AIM Association of Indian Muslims of America, MD
Akhil Bharat Rachanatmak Samaj, New Delhi, India
All India Harijan Sevak Samaj, New Delhi, India
All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat, New Delhi, India
Alliance for Secular Democratic South Asia, Boston, MA
Amity University Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, New Delhi, India
AMU Aligarh Muslim University Association, Buffalo Grove, IL
AMUAA Aligarh Muslim University Alumni Association of Northern California, Foster City, CA
An Assoc of Christian Prayer Fellowship & Social Welfare, Hyderabad, AP, India
ANANDI, Ahmedabad, India
Andhra Pradesh Neil Armstrong Team Rural Org Society, Andhra Pradesh, India
Andolana Voluntary Project/Mission, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
ANHAD Act Now for Harmony and Democracy, New Delhi, India
ARCH-VAHINI, Mangrol Rajpipla, Gujarat, India
Art of Living, New Delhi, India
Asha for Education, USA (www.ASHAnet.org)
AsianOutlook, London, UK
Assoc for Spiritual Awareness, New Delhi, India
Association Imagine New India, Baroda, Gujarat, India
Association of Peoples of Asia, New Delhi, India
AVARD Assoc for Voluntary Associations and Rural Development, New Delhi, India
Basava Seva Trust, Hosur, India
Better India, Flushing, New York, NY
Bharatiya Varishtha Nagarik Samiti, Lucknow, UP, India
BHEL Workers Union, Tiruchi, Tamilnadu, India
Blackstone Franks, London, UK
Books for Change, Bangalore, India
Brothers of Sacred Heart, Trichy, Tamilnadu, India
CAC Coalition Against Communalism, USA (CAC.EKTAonline.org)
Center for Development, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Centre for Communication Studies, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Centre for Culture and Development, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Centre for Federal Studies, New Delhi, India
Centre for Progressive Studies and Research, Pune, India
Centre for Study of Society and Organization, Mumbai, India
CERAS South Asia Center, Montreal, Canada
Chhattisgarh Centre for Entrepreneurship Development, Raipur, India
Chhipa Community Organization, Chhipawad, Ahmedabad, Gujarat and Washington DC
Childright, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
Civil Society, New Delhi, India
CLAP, Cuttack, Orissa, India
Coalition for Egalitarian & Pluralistic India, Los Angeles, CA
COPH Coalition for Peace and Harmony, Hyderabad, India
Core Careers Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata, WB, India
Counter Currents, Kerala, India
CRY Child Relief and You, Mumbai, India
CSDI Coalition for a Secular Democratic India, Chicago, IL
CSSS Center for Study of Society and Secularism, Mumbai, India
Dalit-Tribal Politics, Malappuram, Kerala, India
Darpana Academy, Ahmedabad, India
Delhi Study Group, Palwal, Haryana, India
Dharma Mega, East Lansing, MI
DiP Develop in Peace, Charlotte, NC
Dr. Mallena's Dental Hospitals, Mehdipatnam, A.P., India
EcoMonitors Society, New Delhi, India
ECONET, Pune, Maharashtra
EcoScience Research Foundation, Chennai, India
EKTA A South Asian Progressive Network, San Francisco, CA (http://ekta.org)
EKTA Committee for Communal Amity, Mumbai, India
FDRI Foundation for Democratic Reforms in India, Chicago, IL (www.FDRI.org)
FFDA, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
Forum for Better Democracy, Bronx, New York, NY
Foundation for Pluralism, Dallas, TX
Friends of the Gandhi Museum, Pune, India
G.M. Momin Women's College, Thane, Maharashtra
Gandhian Integrated Forum Trust, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
Gill Heating and Air Conditioning Inc., Lilburn, GA
Globetrotter, Lucknow, U.P.
GMAA Gujarati Muslim Association of America, Lombard, IL
GOPIO Chicagoland NFP, Chicago, IL
Guild of Service, New Delhi, India
Hamdard Education Society, New Delhi, India
Health and Happiness, Chicago, IL
Helping Hand in the Service of Humanity and Enlightenment, Toledo, OH
Hindus for Peace and Justice, Melbourne, FL
HOPE, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
Human Rights Association of Haryana, Palwal, Haryana
Human Rights Congress of Bangladesh Minorities, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Human Rights-Tamilnadu Initiative, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
HumanRights Forum, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
HWWA, Vadodara, Gujarat
HWWA, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
IALW Indo-American League of Women, Sacramento, CA
ICA Indians for Collective Action, USA (www.ICAonline.org)
ICC India Community Center, Milpitas, CA, USA (www.IndiaCC.org)
ICYO Indian Committee of Youth Organizations, New Delhi, India
IDEX International Development Exchange, San Francisco, CA
IDS India Development Service, Chicago, IL (www.he.net/~ids)
ILP India Literacy Project, United States
IMC-USA Indian Muslim Council, USA (www.imc-usa.org)
IMRC Indian Muslim Relief Committee, Palo Alto, CA
India AMU Alumni Association, Buffalo Grove, IL
India Association of Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
India Foundation of USA, East Lansing, MI
Indian Christian Forum, New Hyde Park, USA
Indian Muslim Education Foundation of North America, Downers Grove, IL
Indian Society for Universal Peace, Delhi, India
IndiaWIN Group, Seoul, South Korea
Indo-German Social Service Society, New Delhi, India
INSAF Indian Social Action Forum, Ahmedabad, India
INSAF International South Asian Forum, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
INSAF International South Asian Forum, New York, NY
Institute for Human Rights, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
International Christian Coalition for Human Rights, USA
International Training Network, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
IOS Institute for Objective Studies, New Delhi, India
Islamic Center of Long Island, New York, NY
ISS International Service Society, East Lansing, MI
iWatch, Mumbai, India
J.R. Laliwala Education and Research Trust, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Jain Center of Toronto, Canada
Jain Society of Alberta, Canada
Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India
Jana Chetna Foundation, Gujarat, India
Janvikas, Ahmedabad, India
Jeevodaya Hospice for Cancer Patients, Chennai, Tamilnadu
K.J. Somaiya Center for Studies on Jainism, Mumbai, India
Kainat Foundation, Jehanabad, Bihar, India
Kaliana Farms, Karnal, Haryana
KCWA Kerala Cultural Welfare Association, UK
Kutch Mahila Vikas Sangathan, Bhuj, Gujarat, India
Lal Nishan Party, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
London Chamber of Commerce, London, UK
Mahatma Gandhi Foundation India, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Manavsadhana, Ahmedabad, India
Marumalarchi, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
Mesal High School (An institution dedicated to Gandhian ideology), Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
Military Affairs Group, Chandigarh, Punjab, India
MRGG Movement for Restoration of Good Government, New Delhi, India
Muslim Community Association of SF Bay Area, CA
Muslim Organization of San Diego, CA
Muslim Voters of America, Oak Park, IL
Muslims for Secular Democracy, New Delhi, India
National Allianace of Women, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
National Center for Rural Development, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
National Network for India, New Delhi, India
Navchetna Foundation, Haveri, Karnataka, India
Navrachna, Palampur, HP, India
Navsarjan Trust, Ahmedabad, India
Nayi Azadi Abhiyan, East Lansing, MI
Nayi Azadi Andolan, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
New Socialist Movement, Ahmedabad, India
New Stream Media, New Delhi, India
News for Kidz, Miami, FL
NMR Hospital, Bhopal, MP, India
NRI Milli Forum, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
NRI-SAHI NRIs for a Secular and Harmonious India, USA
Ocwen Financial Solutions, Bangalore, India
OHM Laboratories, North Brunswick, NJ
Optiserv Muskan Services Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Patriotic Sons of Mother India, Delhi, India
People's Action for Saving Lives, Pune, Maharashtra
People's Media Initiative, Mumbai, India
Periyar International, Palos Heights, IL, USA
PHD Peace, Harmony, Development Forum, Ahmedabad, India
PrajaNet - Peopleâs Resolve to Act for Justice and Accountability, USA (www.PrajaNet.org)
PRASHANT, Ahmedabad, India
Prayaas Production, Delhi, India
Railways, New Delhi, India
Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals, NJ
Rashtriya Seva Samithi, Tirupati, AP, India
RIM Rejuvenate India Movement, All India
RLSS Rashtriya Life Saving Society, Pune, Maharashtra, India
SAATH, Ahmedabad, India
SAF South Asian Forum, Madison, WI
SAGAR South Asia Group for Action and Reflection, Chicago, IL
Sahid Laxman Jubak Sangh, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
SAHR WARU Women's Action and Resource Unit, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
SAKRIYA, Delhi, India
SALAAM Theatre, New York, NY
Sambhava Foundation, New Delhi, India
SANCHETANA, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
SANLAAP, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
SANSAD South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy, Coquitlam, B.C., Canada
SAPAC South Asian Progressive Action Collective, Chicago, IL
Sarvadharma, Fremont, CA
Sarvodaya International Trust, Tamilnadu Chapter, India
Satyajeet Trust, Ahmedabad, India
Save India Campaign, Atlanta, GA
Scream Studios, Van Nuys, CA
Seva International, East Lansing, MI
Shakti, Mumbai, India
Sharp PCG, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Shree Hanuman Vyayan Pracharak Mandal, Amaravathi, Maharashtra, India
Singh Foundation, New York, NY
SIPA Silicon Valley Indian Professional Association, Santa Clara, CA (www.SIPA.org)
Society for Civic Initiatives, Delhi, India
Source International Corporation, San Francisco, CA
South Asia Center, Cambridge, MA
South Asian Citizens Web, Herault, France
SPRAT Society for the Promotion of Rational Thinking, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
SPS Samaj Parivartana Sumudaya, Dharwad, Karnataka, India
Sri Satya Sai Organisation, Buenos Aires, Argentina
St. Xavierâs Social Service Society, Ahmedabad, India
St. Xavier's College, Mumbai, India
Sunray Harvesters, MP, India
SVYM Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement, Karnataka, India
SWATI Society for Women's Action and Training, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
The ant, Bongaigaon, Assam, India
The Banyan, Chennai, Tamilnadu. India
The Champa Foundation, Delhi, India
The Federation of Aligarh Muslim University Alumni Associations, Foster City, CA
The Five Families Productions, Berkeley, CA
The India Peace Organization, Hyderabad, AP, India
The Indian Radical Humanist Association, Delhi, India
The Radical Humanist, Thane, Maharashtra, India
The Second Chance Foundation, New York, NY
TiE The IndUS Entrepreneurs (www.TiE.org)
TNSF Tamilnadu Science Forum, Chennai, India
TRACI Theological Research & Communication Institute, New Delhi, India
Trade Studios, Van Nuys, CA
Transvivo Inc., Germany
Trust for Secular and Democratic Values, New Delhi, India
Trust for Village Self Governance, Kuthambakkam, TN, India
Udayan Care, Delhi, India
Universal Association for Spiritual Awareness, New Delhi, India
UP Rabita Committee, Aligarh, UP, India
Uttar Pradesh Association in North America, Orange, NJ
UTTHAN A Development Action Planning Team, Ahmedabad, India
Vaishnava Center of Enlightenment, East Lansing, MI
Vidya Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, London, United Kingdom
VinayRas Infotech, Nagpur, Maharashtra
Washington Watch, East Lansing, MI
Women's Initiative for Peace, New Delhi, India
Work for Harmony, New Delhi, India
World Constitution and Parliament Association, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
World Council of Arya Samaj, New Delhi, India
World Peace and Nuclear Disarmament, New Delhi, India
YESD Consultants (Europe) Ltd., Great Britain, UK
Youth Forum for Gandian Studies, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
Youth-4-Peace, Ahmedabad, India
YUVA Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action, Mumbai, India
Yuva Bharat, Mumbai, India