07-22-2011, 09:06 AM
Quote:Me dearies, this obnoxious Prof. not only trots on paid trips to the US to participate in seminars paid for and organized by the unholy, the man also deposed before an alien country on the gujarat riots.
Such is the poor opinion that Chenoy has in our country's democratic institutions that he ran speedily again on a paid tour to the US to depose in a special hearing of the USCIRF on the gujarat riots.
USCIRF Special Hearing on the Gujarat Riots
Monday, June 10, 2002, 9.12 AM
Room 1302 Longworth House Building washington DC
Felice Gaer, Chairman
Ted Stahnke, Acting Executive Director
Nina Shea, Commissioner
Firuz Kazemzadeh, Commissioner
Teesta Setalvad
Father Cedric Prakash
Panel 1:
Events on the ground in Gujarat
Najid Hussein, University of Delaware
Kamal Mitra Chenoy, JNU, New Delhi
Panel II:
The future of communal relations in India and the US policy response
Sumit Ganguly, University of Texas
Robert Hathaway, Woodrow Wilson International Center
If this not beinga traitor, a squealer, what is? Kamal Mitra Chenoy is an anti-nation so and so.
http://www.coalitionagainstgenocide.org/...script.pdf (Page 358, Appendix 7, NGOs Activists and Foreign Funds: Anti-Nation Industry, Second Edition)
The USCIRF is a pretentious bi-partisam American body. So why is a JNU prof, a Christian missionary and a loud-mouthed activist running to America snivelling about Gujarat? Dont they have any faith in national institutions? I, a Hindu nationalist have no faith in the judiciary eoither but I dont go snivelling to the US State Department or to the USCIRF to protect my temples.
So why is Kamal Mitra Chenoy deposing before an alien government about his country? RR