04-10-2005, 08:08 PM
You still have a problem reading statistics Rajesh, although you are inching forward. I see you are not feigning incompetancy. It is real. My apologies.
Crimes against dalits are hate crimes, separately recorded by the Indian govt as crimes by non dalits against dalits on the basis of 'ethnic differences'. Usual crimes against dalits such as muggings etc are not recorded as hate crimes. <b>It must involve one ethnic group against another</b> to be classified as hate crimes such as poisoning well waters, gang rapes, burning of dalit homes, etc.
<b>these are TOTAL crimes against dalits. It does not say "All India Hate Crimes Against Dalits"</b>
More specific details are not available, but separate classifications means these are race/hate crimes. This is what is implied in the preamble and thru'out the report. The minster says so too.
Because such crimes against other 'ethnic groups' are negligible or non existent, it is not separately recorded.
90 murders a day is not embaressing given the pop size and world averages. 2 race/hate murders a day is! Caste crimes are decreasing in 2003 - that is wonderful! In no time it will be zero. I am happy already.
Now if it still bothers you, why dont you check with HRW as to whether there are such hate crimes. Better still, check with HHR; their existence is simply to see there is no such crimes in India or elsewhere. They have been awfully quiet on these statistics.
Or check UN Social Indices.
Viren, I dont criticise another in his absence. I do it upfront, in the face. Ask Rajesh. Rajesh and you flatter yourselves thinking that you are worthy of discussion or insults outside this forum. No, I'll do it right here, in this forum, as you invite me with your condescending responses. Do you have dalit or seer issues to raise that I can respond to meaningfully?
Agnivayu, you are starting to be insulting? Why? I have not given you a reason!
Apart from a racial riot in 1969, there have been 'zero' race/hate crimes in Malaysia in 40 years.
Crimes against dalits are hate crimes, separately recorded by the Indian govt as crimes by non dalits against dalits on the basis of 'ethnic differences'. Usual crimes against dalits such as muggings etc are not recorded as hate crimes. <b>It must involve one ethnic group against another</b> to be classified as hate crimes such as poisoning well waters, gang rapes, burning of dalit homes, etc.
<b>these are TOTAL crimes against dalits. It does not say "All India Hate Crimes Against Dalits"</b>
More specific details are not available, but separate classifications means these are race/hate crimes. This is what is implied in the preamble and thru'out the report. The minster says so too.
Because such crimes against other 'ethnic groups' are negligible or non existent, it is not separately recorded.
90 murders a day is not embaressing given the pop size and world averages. 2 race/hate murders a day is! Caste crimes are decreasing in 2003 - that is wonderful! In no time it will be zero. I am happy already.
Now if it still bothers you, why dont you check with HRW as to whether there are such hate crimes. Better still, check with HHR; their existence is simply to see there is no such crimes in India or elsewhere. They have been awfully quiet on these statistics.
Or check UN Social Indices.
Viren, I dont criticise another in his absence. I do it upfront, in the face. Ask Rajesh. Rajesh and you flatter yourselves thinking that you are worthy of discussion or insults outside this forum. No, I'll do it right here, in this forum, as you invite me with your condescending responses. Do you have dalit or seer issues to raise that I can respond to meaningfully?
Agnivayu, you are starting to be insulting? Why? I have not given you a reason!
Apart from a racial riot in 1969, there have been 'zero' race/hate crimes in Malaysia in 40 years.