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Uncomfortable topics (e.g. Doniger type tackiness, etc)
1. Ayn Rand's objectivist tripe in novel-form "The Fountainhead" typically has a rape fantasy that Rant thought was just swell and which people are on the fence about whether it was or wasn't actually a rape, although the dubious 'heroine' kept mentally calling it a rape, but then she pursues the 'hero' to continue the 'relationship', where she once more channels wood. Personally, I classed it as a trashy romance novel, which genre also frequently - but I hear "not always" (whatever that means) - chooses to be 'conveniently' (disturbingly) undecided on such sinisterness.

But then, Rant's whole notion on the existence of essential maleness and essential femaleness (don't look at me, I'm too stupid to understand such deep stuff) as well as her view on male-female dynamics and weirdo views on sexuality are unreal and not to mention insane. Her directives to man-worship (to worship human males) are further products of her delirious ideological objectivist 'brain'.

But none of that stops objectivists/cultists from subscribing to this day. Why do these crazy christoclass mindviruses have such success in creating zombies/a following?

There was apparently some movie about Rant - booed at by objectivists - with Helen Mirren playing Rant, and which was based on the biography of one of her female groupie victims. Groupie victim was encouraged by Rant to marry another young groupie she didn't really care to marry, but then Rant (herself already married IIRC) took up with that groupie husband. The new couple explained that they were the alpha female and male of Objectivism, and that groupie victim - being a low-ranking female in objectivism - should just accept it (and presumably so too Rant's husband).

BTW, am I the only one who thinks that Ayn Rand plagiarised her character Howard Roarke and his trials and tribulations for her 1940s The Fountainhead novel from Galsworthy's Bosinney character from the nobel literature prize-winning Forsyte books from the 1920s? Because there are many parallels. E.g.

- both characters are 'brilliant, individualistic, innovative' architects with an artistic and functional vision 'the world had never seen before'

- both take up with the 'impossibly beautiful' female protagonist, who is drawn to them for their talents

- the female protagonist is IIRC already married. In Forsyte Saga she's married to the much-hated rich man who antagonises the poorer hero out of jealousy/spite for his talents. Roarke is also antagonised and dragged through the courts by enemies out of jealousy and spite. (In Galsworthy, the rich husband - who is "The Man of Property" - is the one who rapes his wife and this is condemned by the author as well as the doomed character Bosinney, who is infuriated by it. In contrast, in Rand's work, the male protagonist Roarke and the female protagonist act out Rant's rape fantasy, which seems to be Rant's idea of romance.)

- again, both protagonists get taken to court ostensibly over the building they were commissioned to build, but in reality it's actually in order to sue the hard-working, 'brilliant' but not-yet-affluent man into the ditch of total poverty and break his will. Or something

Nice lampooning of Ayn Rant and her lame writing:


2. Beyond European fairy tales not originally having Freudian readings, there are of course non-European stories that made it into European fairy tale collections. These most certainly never intended to have aliens attach Freudian readings to them. E.g.

- Cinderella is well-known as originally being a Chinese tale. In fact, fairy tale collections explain that the Cinderella tale is known to be a full 1,000 years older in China than its first appearance in the middle-east and its first appearance and subsequent transformation in Europe. (BTW, the tiny feet thing starts to make sense in a Chinese setting.)

- The German variant of Beauty and the Beast is called The Prince beyond the Seven Seas. It's originally Indian and made its way to Europe via Iran, which added some frills to it.

(Don't know about the origins of the French Beauty and the Beast.)

- The Russian folktale of the Swan Queen is derived from Indian and southeast-Asian narratives (and variants were also known in Japan and China). People here on IF had shown that the story was already present in the Hitopadesha.

- Etc.

[Note that Blue Beard is originally an islamic arabic story which became a cautionary 'fairy tale' in Europe: warning people off potential spouses who merely seem decent on the surface but turn out to be, say, serial-murderers. Blue Beard for example liked to de-capitate his wives, especially if they looked in the forbidden cupboard where the heads of the previous wives were kept. 'Curiosity killed the cat' type moralising, except that Bluebeard clearly wanted each new victim/wife to look in there, just so that he could kill again.]

3. Accusations of prudishness against Hindus should be struck back into claimants' courts. Especially easy to do if accusers are AmriKKKan or British.

The Brits are prudes compared to mainland Europe. E.g. regarding their ratings of explicit contents. And Americans are greater prudes than the Brits: as British cinema reviewers observe, America issues higher content classification ratings than the UK for the same movie if it contains explicit scenes, but lower ratings than the UK for graphic violence. That is, children in the US are sooner allowed to see graphic violence than scenes of human mating behaviour than British kids are.

However, Britain has higher content ratings compared to mainland Europe for explicit scenes, a discrepancy which at least the following British reviewer finds enigmatic:


Quote:One final aside: [color="#0000FF"]the "T" (all ages") rating of this film demonstrates how completely different Italy's attitude is to sex when compared to the UK's. The film is actually rated "18" in this country, I suspect partially because of the violence and horror element, but also because it includes a couple of fairly intense sex scenes.[/color] Personally the violence is more of an issue to me than the sex (after all, one causes harm, and the other most certainly does not), but I see no reason for this film not to be shown to children who know the difference between right and wrong.

Other reviewers are not so understanding. A reviewer for the Guardian had dubbed Verhoeven's Zwartboek as softporn (uh?):


[I see Guardian/Observer has lots of reviews for Zwartboek. Those reviewers that hated it like to demote it to softporn and remember only that Verhoeven had made the much-reviled 'showgirls', whereas those that liked Zwartboek remember that Verhoeven had made Robocop in the 80s etc. But Germany seemed to have liked Zwartboek and its leading lady, and it was awarded European cinema prizes including the Gouden Kalf. In NL it's been voted a top national film.]

There's been a considerable number of British reviewers asking Verhoeven else the Zwartboek leading lady Carice v. Houten about the explicit scenes, provoking responses that indicate these don't get why the UK is so hung up about that:


Quote:Verhoeven's brash blockbuster sensibility and his trademark fondness for cinematic sex and violence are deployed heavily in Black Book, an approach that made critics brand him perverted. "Of course there are nude scenes," he announces loudly across De Posthoorn. "I'm Dutch!"


Quote:Nor does she [Carice van Houten] resent the sex scenes that are de rigueur in most Verhoeven movies. [Van Houten:] "I'm from Holland and so I'm used to that nudity stuff - so that wasn't my biggest problem."

Don't know why UK and American reviewers keep pretending such content is unique to Verhoeven's style of filmmaking. It should be obvious from both Verhoeven and Van Houten's responses that it is very commonplace in NL films (as it is commonplace in serious NL literature, which is often dreary, psychological, messy and depressing). But I suppose English-speaking audiences are only familiar with Verhoeven and usually only his English-language hollywho films.

Americans are largely a type of Brits - especially qua culture - so that may explain the shared prudish sensibilities especially as regards NL films. Verhoeven toned down his hollywho works for US audiences, even a certain controversial one from the 80s. His older NL works like Spetters or Turks Fruit won't be popular in the US any time soon I'm guessing: American viewers have dubbed various prized NL literary adaptations even as 'hardcore porn', specifically even famous films that in mainland Europe are watched by teens. It's likely Americans would screech at films like "Turks Fruit" - admittedly a difficult book and film - despite this frequently being voted in NL as the best film NL made. In its homeland, Turks Fruit is watched by 13 year olds (or perhaps younger now) when students want to get better acquainted with the literature they have to read for NL class.

In comparison, America seems to only make crass comedies with sexual innuendo or R-rated tacky juvenile films with implied/explicit scenes - both of which hint that the actual subject itself is taboo and so dealt with underhandedly, and which points to a gravely prudish society.

I think this western mentality must be studied and anthropologised by heathens.

4. To end on a light-hearted note:

Better than the 1-star sneering reviews on amazon US' main page for the '50 shades of <idiocy>' book, are amazon UK's opening page reviews for this book that similarly lampoon the same. Simply hilarious stuff.

Some of the reviews themselves have about a 1000 comments pleading with the amateur reviewer to please take up writing, since they're so hysterical and obviously better than the actual book's writer. One comment to a review was by a man who had surmised that the 50 shades book was so obviously written by a man since it was but so much 'unrealistic crap':

Quote:Posted on 25 Jun 2012 20:30:28 BDT

Pilkenstein says:

I had more fun reading the review than I thought possible! The review is excellently written, hilarious and intelligent :-)

As the owner (and reader) of enough erotica to sink a thousand quips, I just want to thank the reviewer. If that really IS the storyline, then ye gods, I say the writer of '50 Shades' must really be a man. Sound like the kind of cliched cr*p my gender (ok, 'sex'.... fnarr) come (oooh, behave!) up with.

While it's true that numerous men famously - often initially under a female pseudonym - have indeed written criminally-bad "romance" novels (and seem to have no sense of shame and refuse to quit, but then, neither do the equally-daft women, but at least these last don't write trashy romance novels under male names thereby blaming the opposite gender), and while it's also true that men often write (usually under a male name, possibly even their own) "erotica", the 50 shades nonsense appears to be penned by some middle-aged British woman who was a tv executive on one of Britain's channels. Apparently the book has sold more than all the "Harry Potter" novels combined, a fact which some reviewer or commenter on a review seemed to lament. According to them the HP novels were 'great literature' and the '50 shades' tripe was the end of the world. Actually, I thought Harry Potter - plotwise, going by one film of the series that I watched - was already promising the end of the world: wholesale plagiarism from LOTR and CON was the highlight. Apparently younger generations - and the middle-aged who also read HP - had not read LOTR or even CON* when they were reading HP. Yeah, well, if you haven't read originals/the "inspiration", then no wonder you think that Harry Potter was brilliant and original. Tsss. [* Although CON's own highlights had in turn plagiarised frequently from Hellenismos and Roman tradition, as LOTR had from Finnish and Celtic and Germanic/Anglo-Saxon heathenism.]

This comment:

Quote:Fazerfloozie says:

Brilliant review! E L James could simply have copied and pasted the first two chapters repeatedly to fill each 'novel'. Every time I read 'holy crap' (basically every second paragraph) I expected Batman and Robin to appear...... I persevered to the end hoping it would get better...it didn't. Proves what we all know: Sex sells, even if it is appalllingly written.
Hmmm. Easy money, huh? A sinister idea has taken root in what's left of my brain. A vague plan is taking shape.

I think every English-enabled (Hindu) nationalist should get a pseudonym or 5 and start churning out trashy romance novels or even erotica* - whichever people think they'd be better at penning - and then sell it to some national/international publishers and send any moolah back to help less fortunate Hindoos in Bharatam. I mean, how hard can this possibly be? (The many Sagarika Ghoses and Nisha Susans will all be reading it, no doubt: they're just the types.) [* Goes without saying that Hindu nationalists won't be putting S&M or rape fantasies in their silly romance novels or erotica fictions, so it will instantly be a less offensive (=better) class of literature.]

Oooh, maybe even write an online bad-romance-novel generator, to take all the work out?

Instead of nationalists wasting internet blogspace pretending to be 'intellectuals' and not even being able to raise cash with all the talking (let alone protecting Hindoos back home), just shut down all the overactive brains - stop pretending to be clever - and start typing away at silly novels.

"But, but, but, I only like to write bad sci-fi..." (Yeah well, so do I.) Just make it a cheesy romance bad sci-fi.

"But but I'm working on a zombie novel!" (Oh no, not zombie novels :BANSmile Whatever. I just saw that there's a Pride and Prejudice version with Zombies in it - no, I'm not kidding (a dude appears to have written it). So, work some cheese in there too. Maybe some zombies making out, I don't know.

"But what about my epic fantasy set in the rainforests of..." Yupp, epic rainforest fantasy cheese romance.

See? The key is to just insert cheesy romance into it. Is there a pause between paragraphs? Insert cheese. Is there a moment of thoughtful silence? Don't waste it, insert cheese. Are there no wo/men in sight? Insert wo/men, insert cheese.

Yes all your self-respect will be out of the window, you will never be able to look at your self in the mirror again, you'll live in constant fear that someone will find out that you wrote "Zombie Netherworld Romance part 3" (oh, great title right there), and will need to constantly take medication to prevent yourself from vomiting all over your keyboard while you type the cheese, but think of the Money. And money means Powah. And Powah means (never worked that one out myself, but once you have it you'll know what it means).

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Uncomfortable topics (e.g. Doniger type tackiness, etc) - by Husky - 03-30-2014, 03:42 PM

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