<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> <b>Threats from Lashkar-e-Toiba militants </b>
Press Trust Of India
Posted online: Tuesday , August 23, 2005 at 1443 hours IST
Jammu, August 23: Over 50 residents of remote Thathathrika village in Udhampur have fled their homes following threats from Lashkar-e-Toiba militants to kill all the villagers to avenge the death of their;commander;.
<b>Over 50 members of 12 families, mostly relatives of Abdul Lateef who axed to death a Lashkar ;district commander; at his h <!--emo&:cool--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/specool.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='specool.gif' /><!--endemo--> ouse on August 6, migrated to safer areas yesterday,</b> official sources told PTI.
The militants were threatening to massacre all the villagers to avenge the death of the their commander, they said, adding the villagers shifted to Dhamkund, Ramban, Katra and Udhampur.
Most of the migrants who arrived in Udhampur town were put in a government building and deputy commissioner Ashok Parmer directed authorities to provide them food. Adequate security is also being provided.
<b>Abdul Lateef had axed to death Lashkar commander Abdul Adil when the militants tried to rape his kin after killing his brother</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Hindu carnival in Srinagar </b>
SRINAGAR, Aug 27 (SANA): <b>After a gap of 16 years, a Janamashtami procession was taken out from the historic temple of Sheetal Nah at Kralkhud here.</b>
The procession was organized by the Hindu Welfare Society . The procession started in the afternoon and after covering some distance concluded at Ramji Mandir, Barbarshah. It may be recalled that Janamashtami procession was taken out from this temple last year.
For 15 years preceding that no Janamashtami procession was taken out in Srinagar. Senior separatist leader and president of Democratic Freedom Party Shabir Ahmad Shah visited the temple and greeted the pandits on the occasion. He hailed the traditional communal harmony of Kashmir.
Chuni Lal Bhat spokesman of the Hindu Welfare Society thanked the members of majority community for greeting the pandits on the occasion.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b>Over 15,000 visit Kashmiri Panditsâ exhibit in Houston</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>The exhibition titled ââA glimpse of a tragedy without anendââ and designed by journalist and author Francois Gautier, covered the killings and hardships the community has undergone</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The pictures, showcased the rich heritage of kashmiri Hindus, and the violence they have faced due to terrorism.
Many who saw the exhibition, were appalled at the sufferings of the community. ââIt is beyond my imagination, how a community can surviveand hold on to their culture, especially when barely 8,000 Kashmiri Hindus are left in Valley after exodus, said Ashwin Patel, a visitor. ââThe scale of the Kashmir exodus was larger than in Kosovo, yet the world remained silent,ââ fact director Rahul Pandit told PTI. ââAnd, in this whole conflict there is not single mention of the sufferings that these Kashmiri pandits have faced after leaving their home and hearts back in Valley,ââ he added. Special guests to the exhibit included Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (Democrat-Texas), Nick Lampson.
Haphazard ceasefire line in 1947 led to
Kashmir problem: Naval chief
NEW DELHI, Sept 1: Advocating robust deterrence against any threats of first use of nuclear weapons in the neighbourhood, Naval Chief Admiral Arun Prakash said India's second strike capability should be "well protected" and "overwhelmingly devastating".
"Nuclear deterrence lies in the mind of the adversary. To deter someone, you must be able to convince him that the consequences of using a nuclear weapon will be so horrible and devastating, that he should never contemplate it", the Naval Chief said, pointing out that India was faced with a nuclear opponent who has in the past threatened first use.
Along with a robust nuclear deterrence, Prakash, who was addressing a seminar organised to mark the 40th anniversary of Institute of Defence Studies and Anaylses(IDSA), said if India aspired to don the mantle of even a regional power it needed to set up a Rapid Deployment Force and boost its sealift and airlift capability to have sustainable trans-national capability.
"We have to shed our diffidence and find not just the ways and means, but the will to project our power overseas," he said.
The Naval Chief said the India's power projection was a must also in the context of galloping oil prices, which could trigger a major crises for the country, as New Delhi currently was the world's sixth largest energy consumer and by 2010 it would be fourth largest.
With great foresight, the country's planners are pursuing oil projects in the Middle East, Africa, Central and South East Asia, which would make it imperative on the country's armed forces to safeguard these.
"A rapid Deployment force with trans-national capabilities would be ideal for such a purpose", Prakash who is also the Chairman of Chiefs of Staff Committee said.
Elaborating on the Nuclear deterrence, the Naval Chief lamented that in the years following Independence, country had moved from idealism to a quest for a western nuclear umbrella and it was only through Pokhran II that the country had come to a clear defining moment.
And for the first time, for a Service Chief, Admiral Prakash said in 1947-48 operations in Jammu and Kashmir, the country's nascent political and military leadership had given no strategic direction leading to a haphazard cease-fire line being drawn, which he claimed had led to the creation of the so called "Kashmir problem."
"This problem has festered and bled the country for six decades and currently appears to have become an open-ended issue", he said.
Describing the 1962 Sino-Indian conflict as a "military defeat and humilation" for the country, the Naval Chief said although the finest hour of the country's armed forces came in 1971, the nation had faltered in the end game as there had been no "war termination strategy".
He said though 1980 saw major weapons platform acquisition by the country, there was little change in strategic thinking which had led to India's military might seen as threat by countries like China, Australia and others in South East Asia.
Currently, he said the phenomenon of terrorism both within the country and around it posed the greatest security challenge to the armed forces and combating it would take "much of our time and resources in the days ahead."
He also pointed out that island nations of the Indian Ocean like Maldives, Sri Lanka, Mauritius Seychelles and Comoros were vital to India and it was in New Delhi's interest to ensure that these nations were not threatened or sought to be destablised.
"These countries are generally in need of military hardware, training or technical assistance and sometimes need help in policing their waters" Prakash said adding that with the view of building up cooperation with them, a new Directorate of Foreign Cooperation had been culled in the Naval Headquarters under a two star Admiral.
Summing up his lecture on the theme of "Security and Foreign policy perspectives for a resurgent India", the Navy Chief said for this purpose the country would have to build its armed forces into a lean, technology intensive, networked and a joint entity force. (PTI)
Same problem is with McMohan line, Mc Mohan never went to so called Sino-India border, border line was drwan without any refernce to terrain, till now that stupid babu laziness is causing so many problems between Indian and China.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>J&K youth unwilling to join militants: Army report </b>
Press Trust Of India
Posted online: Tuesday , September 13, 2005 at 1752 hours IST
Jammu, September 13: Frequent terrorist strikes in Jammu and Kashmir notwithstanding, militant outfits are finding it increasingly difficult to lure the local youth to join their ranks and carry out suicide attacks, defence sources here claim.
"Terrorist leaders are now finding it very difficult to find volunteers for 'fidayeen' (suicide) attacks. Gullible people, who can be conned to volunteer, are found to be unsuitable for the job and mostly back out at the last moment," the sources said.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Pressure on Pakistan is working. Lack of funds and fatique may be prime reason.
<b>Independent Kashmir Impossible: Sardar Qayyum Khan</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Former J & K Governors Mr. Jagmohan and Mr. GC Saxena, the Indian government's interlocutor on Kashmir Mr. NN Vohra, well-known columnists Mr. Prem Shankar Jha and Mr. BG Verghese, renowned security analysts Vice Admiral KK Nayyar, Mr AS Dullat and Maj Gen (Retd) Afsir Karim, and others participated in the discussion.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
What a crowd!!!
<b>Optical Fibre Cable laid between Srinagar, Leh </b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->New Delhi, Oct 3. (PTI): The idea to connect troops deployed in the difficult terrains of Ladakh region with the rest of the country has seen the light of the day with the successful laying of fibre optics between the region and Srinagar<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Read Left or so called Seculars of India thinking on J&K.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Irfan Husain makes sense.
If I can describe the Kashmir problem briefly, I can do it in one word: it is "unsolvable".
Pakistan has indeed paid an enormous price for its Kashmir. But sohas India.
<b>If I were Jawahar Lal Nehru, and if I could foresee the grief Kashmir will bring to India, I would have let Kashmir go, even though it was the land of my ancestors.</b>
But Nehru was building a new nation, it was his job to create the greatest nation he could, while he that risks are involved.
<b>There is one people who have paid the most for Kashmir problem: the Indian Muslims.</b> A large part of the distrust between Hindus and Muslims in India, is due to 2-nation theory promoted by Pakistan, and Pakistan's relentless pursuit of Kashmir. Muslims have become isolated in India, their economic and educational staus has become comparable to the poorest sections of the Indian society.
The only way Kashmir problem can be solved is that either Pakistan or India crumble and weaken due to some unforessen problems, and the other nation takes Kashmir. I don't see that happening anytime soon.
There is a remote chance that India may agree to a largely independent Kashmir, but only if it can be assured that it will be secular. However it is unlikely that Pakistan will accept an independent Kashmir, it would geographically extremely close to Islamabad.
Thus Irfan Husain's suggestions do look appropriate.
<b>Pakistan demands withdrawal of Indian troops</b>
Dr Shabir Choudhry 30 September 2005
Pakistani High Commissioner in London Dr Maleeha Lodhi in a public meeting held in Nottingham (England), reiterated Pakistan's demand that India should pull out her troops to support the peace process and to achieve regional peace. Dr Lodhi said that the peace process between India and Pakistan has entered a critical phase and withdrawal of troops from urban areas should be the next step. In her view after two years of CBMs and two rounds of composite dialogue it is time for conflict resolution.
Dr Maleeah Lodhi is a popular name in diplomatic circles and since she has taken over the top job in Pakistani High Commission in London, she has made some changes; and has enhanced the reputation of the High Commission in London. She is considered as one of the best Pakistani diplomat, and good thing is that she doesn't have a military background; and unlike some other diplomats who still have military drills fresh in their minds she is articulate and knows how to interact with others and persuade them.
Despite her charm and articulation one wonders if there is any merit in her demand. Pakistan heavily rests its case on the UNCIP resolutions and they ask Pakistan to withdraw her troops. As Pakistani officials and some media people distort facts and propagate that India has refused to withdraw her forces, and do not mention demand the resolution made from Pakistan, it is only appropriate that the relevant sections of UNCIP resolution of 13 August 1948 is quoted (Part 2 section A)
1. As the presence of troops of Pakistan in the territory of the State of Jammu and Kashmir constitutes a material change in the situation since it was represented by the Government of Pakistan before the Security Council, the Government of Pakistan agrees to withdraw its troops from that State.
2. The Government of Pakistan will use its best endeavour to secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and Pakistani nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purpose of fighting.
3. Pending a final solution, the territory evacuated by the Pakistani troops will be administered by the local authorities under the surveillance of the Commission.
1. When the Commission shall have notified the Government of India that the tribesmen and Pakistani nationals referred to in Part II, A, 2 hereof have withdrawn, thereby terminating the situation which was represented by the Government of India to the Security Council as having occasioned the presence of Indian forces in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, and further, that the Pakistani forces are being withdrawn from the State of Jammu and Kashmir, the Government of India agrees to begin to withdraw the bulk of its forces from that State in stages to be agreed upon with the Commission.
2. Pending the acceptance of the conditions for a final settlement of the situation in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, the Indian Government will maintain within the lines existing at the moment of the cease-fire the minimum strength of its forces which in agreement with the Commission are considered necessary to assist local authorities in the observance of law and order. The Commission will have observers stationed where it deems necessary.
3. The Government of India will undertake to ensure that the Government of the State of Jammu and Kashmir will take all measures within its power to make it publicly known that peace, law and order will be safeguarded and that all human and political rights will be guaranteed.
The above quotation which is taken from the UNCIP resolution explains the situation very clearly that it was Pakistan who was asked to vacate areas of the State under her control; and that once Pakistan had acted according to the demands of the resolution, then India would pull out 'bulk' of her forces from the State in stages. And as we all know that, propaganda aside, Pakistan government never vacated those areas, but wasted no opportunity to demand plebiscite which was supposed to take place in stage three- after the withdrawal of Pakistani troops and 'bulk' of the Indian troops.
India could be accused of betraying Sheikh Abdullah, letting down the Kashmiri people and promoting proxy politics in Kashmir. Since 1947 till 1989, India had plenty of time to win hearts and minds of the people but that did not happen; and once the frustrated people had some support from outside they demonstrated their displeasure and anger, which resulted in killing of thousands of innocent people and human rights abuse.
Despite a lot of wrong doings by India in Kashmir the reality, however, is that before 1989, Indian troops had no bunkers in towns and Mahalas, no blockades and were not roaming around the streets of Srinagar and other towns of Jammu and Kashmir. In other words it was militancy which led Indian troops to our cities, towns and our houses; and our sisters, mothers and daughters had to pay heavy price for this as troops as well as some militants did not hesitate to molest and even rape them.
I agree that Indian troops should leave urban areas that people could get some relief, but before we make this in to a serious demand, is it not appropriate that some kind of arrangements are made with regard to militants, after all it was militancy which led the army to take positions in populated areas. I understand it is a sensitive matter, but it is a chicken and egg situation - which came first; and who should leave first.
In my opinion, if we are serious about the withdrawal of Indian troops from the populated areas, then we have to arrange an internal cease- fire between the militants and India. Once an internal cease - fire is in place, and it holds, then the Government of India could be persuaded to withdraw troops to barracks that people of Jammu and Kashmir could get relief.
On the Pakistani side of the LOC Pakistani troops are stationed, and they have no legal right to be there, and I wonder if Dr Maleeha Lodhi and her Government has any plans for withdrawal of Pakistani troops from there and restoring Azad Kashmir Army. Although there is no apparent military movement against the position of Pakistani troops, but there is widespread resentment against stationing of troops in populated areas which lead to social and moral problems.
Writer is a Chairman of JKLF Diplomatic Committee, and author of many books and booklets on Kashmir. He is also Director Institute of Kashmir Affairs.
Email: drshabirchoudhry@...
Dr Shabir Choudhry
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->This is a conversation between two Indian Agents - both Muslims, both
anti-Pakistan, and both trying to conceal their identity.
The Northern Area is not a part of Azad Kashmir for good reasons. Whereas the rest of Jammu and Kashmir was 'purchased' by a Dogra Hindu(Gulab Singh), the barren region of Gilgit and Baltistan was annexed by the Dogra rulers by force. However, neither the purchase nor conquest of territories by ruling princes gives legitimacy to any territorial claim.
Pakistan is the product of a freedom struggle based on the Two Nation Theory. As such all the Muslims majority areas of the erstwhile British Empire in India are Pakistan. Gilgit and Baltistan are Muslim majority areas and therefore legitimately a part of Pakistan.
There is merit in the demand that the Northern Areas should not be treated like Azad Kashmir (territory in dispute) but given the status of a province. It would then enjoy representation in the National Assembly of Pakistan and have ministers in the federal cabinet to represent their area and the people.
+ Usman Khalid +
Director London Institute of South Asia<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->mr usman khalid
i hope that you totally sick by mentally becuase you never understand the real sitiution about pakistan occupied balawaristan(gilgit baltistan).if you are sense less person then why you try to intreption in the politics of kashmir issue.you wrote that gilgit baltistan was anaxated with pakistan .Ara you have any written
prove...................? if available sent me.
mr usman khalid the world knows that pakistan army is the curropt army of the world and you are the part of that army. i suggest you that if you have not complete inform about UNCIP,UNO resolutions shimal and taskand pacts then dont try to intruppt in our political and historical issues.kindly sent yours postal address .i want to sent you all important documents about role of pakistani agencies ,occupation of pakistan,kargil reality un resolution to you first of all study about us then discuss with us .
we are freedom fighters we want to discuss our issues with real politicians humman right organization not with pakistani currupt brigs.pakistani army and agency are killers of our natiion.we never want to live with those who kill our NLI soldiers in kargil. ok bye
shafqat inqalabi<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> <b>100 kgs RDX recovered in Batote</b>
HM ultra apprehended in Kishtwar, 3 OGWs nabbed in Rajouri
JAMMU, Oct 9: Security forces apprehended a HM ultra in Kishtwar town of Doda district while three Over Ground Workers were nabbed in Thannamandi area of Rajouri district.
Elsewhere, security forces seized 100 kilograms of RDX from a truck at Batote and defused two IEDs planted by militants at Batote in Doda district, about 130 km from here on the Jammu-Srinagar highway.
A Defence Ministry release said, a joint column of army, police and CRPF today apprehended a HM ultra while he was crossing a bridge to hurl two grenades in Kishtwar town.
The arrested militant has been identified as Amin alias Arshad, 17, son of Mohammed Yusuf of Mulchitar in Kishtwar.
Release further said, the arrested ultra belonged to HM outfit and had joined militant cadre in 2004.
On his sustained interrogation the ultra disclosed that grenades were given to him by one Arshad Moulvi, Deputy District Commander of HM.
In another incident, three Over Ground Workers were nabbed by police at Poshiana, 13 km northeast of Thannamandi in Rajouri district, said a Defence Ministry release.
They have been identified as Ghulam Nabi Namberdar, 48, son of Abdul Amir, Bashir Ahmed, 50, son of Ahmeda and Mohammed Latif, 45, son of Abdullah Dar, all residents of Thannamandi.
In a separate incident security forces today recovered 100 kgs of deadly RDX from a truck at Batote, about 130 kms from Jammu.
A Defence Ministry spokesman said acting on a tip-off, army troops intercepted a truck loaded with sheep while it was on its <b>way to Srinagar from Delhi</b>.
The search of the truck led to the recovery of RDX, which was concealed in four ghee tins, he added.
Spokesman further said, Army's intelligence unit had specific information that a truck bearing registration number JK02T/9845 was to cross Batote at around 0900 hours on way to Srinagar.
The Army sleuths kept in waiting and as the truck was seen, halted it and a thorough search led to recovery of 100 kg of deadly RDX which could have wreaked havoc.
<b>The driver of the truck Bahar Ahmed Malik, son of Ahmedullah Malik and the co-driver Mohd Iqbal, son of Ghulam Nabi, both residents of Banihal, on interrogation revealed that the an agent in Delhi named Mulla had asked them to deliver the consignment in four Ghee tins to one Ghulam Ahmed Rather of Qazigund</b>.
The RDX was being transported in a vehicle carrying cattle. Two more persons in the truck alongwith driver and co-driver were handed over to police for further interrogation.
<b>Spokesman further said, the seized RDX had an inflammability of 9000 metres per second and had it been used, would have caused massive destruction</b>.
Security forces also defused two Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) planted by militants at Batote, about 130 km from here on the Jammu-Srinagar stretch of the national highway.
A Defence Ministry spokesman said an army patrol came across two IEDs, weighing five kilograms each at Batote.
He said both the IEDs were later defused by the bomb disposal squad of the army.
He further said, a major attempt of terrorists to strike the vital road link to Srinagar was foiled with the timely detection.
<b>He added, two Improvised Explosive Devices on NH 1A, one each at KM 129.7 and KM 134, seven km north of Batote, containing explosive material of approximately 5 kg each at 0915 hours and 1110 hours </b>respectively were recovered by the Road Opening Parties (ROPs).
He said, the ROPs while on patrol came across the two improvised explosive devices and immediately the Bombs Disposal Squad swung into action alongwith the sniffer dogs to neutralise the IEDs, which were subsequently destroyed at a deserted place.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> Five members of a family killed in J&K
Monday, October 10, 2005 (Jammu):
Five members of a family, including a woman, were killed by militants in Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir early today.
A group of militants entered the residence of one Munshi Ram in Kandi village of Bhudal tehsil, and then killed the inmates by slitting their throats, police said.
Militants escaped from the scene after the incident, police said.
Two of the dead have been identified as <b>Munshi Ram and his son Kala Chand</b>, they said.
Senior police officials have rushed to the spot. (PTI)Â <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Woman suicide bomber blown to pieces in Pulwama </b>
In the first incident of its kind since the eruption of militancy in Jammu and Kashmir, a woman was blown to pieces when the Improvised Explosive Device (IED) she was carrying went off in Pulwama district today.
The IED exploded in the compound of the house of one Ghulam Mohammad Bhat at Awantipora on the Srinagar-Jammu national highway at around 1130 hours killing the burqa-clad woman instantly, a police spokesman said.
The main target of the suicide attack seemed to be the national highway which is generally crowded with relief convoys heading towards quake-hit areas these days, official sources said.
Several residential houses, including that of Bhat, a former special secretary in the government, were damaged in the deafening explosion.
Four rifle grenades, a hand grenade and Rs 500 were were recovered from the scene.
<b>In a phone call to a local news agency, a person claiming to be a spokesman of the Pak-based Jaish-e-Mohammad, a militant outfit, said the woman, whom he identified as Hafsa,</b> had blown up an army vehicle in the attack.
However, official sources said none of the security vehicles were passing through the area when the explosion occurred. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>MUST LISTEN</span>
<b>Countdown of Pakistan - Dr. Israr Ahmad (Feb 29, 04</b>)
Please listen to this speech :: AFTER 3 Mins
Here is link
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Central agencies monitoring sources of separatists' funding</b>
NEW DELHI, Oct 14: Alarmed by the separatist groups in Jammu and Kashmir generously donating for the earthquake victims' relief despite chocking of their funding routes, the Home Ministry on Friday asked its agencies to closely monitor their relief operations to dig out the sources from which money still flows to them.
The Home Ministry sources said the government was also not happy with the moderate <b>All Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) opening two bank accounts in the Saudi Arabia and the United States besides another account in Srinagar</b>.
The funds are to be used for relief in Jammu and Kashmir and hence it would have been sufficient for the Hurriyat to open a bank account in Srinagar or Delhi, sources said. The Government agencies can not keep track of the funding if money comes in banks abroad.
The Hurriyat Conference led by<b> Mirwaiz Umar Farooq has so far dispatched seven trucks full of rice, flour, pulses, cooking oil, sugar and warm clothes as well as blankets to affected areas. They were even first to reach villages cut off from rest of the world.</b>
Hardliner Hurriyat group's leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani also on Thursday led a convoy of trucks and distributed essential items among the quake affected people in Bijhama-Uri.
Mirwaiz, who led special prayers for the quake-hit at Srinagar's historic Jamia Masjid on Friday offered full cooperation to the government in the rehabilitation of victims. He also asked people to contribute generously to the relief funds raised for the quake-ravaged people.
The Mirwaiz reiterated his demand for opening of all routes connecting the two parts of Kashmir divided by the Line of Control saying people on both sides were very concerned about the fate of their near and dear ones.
"This line has not been drawn on a piece of land but across our hearts," he said and asked India and Pakistan to act on humanitarian grounds.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Militants kill two soldiers in Kashmir</b>
Kathua | October 15, 2005 6:12:25 PM IST
<b>At least two soldiers were killed in a fierce encounter with militants dressed in army fatigues on Saturday morning.</b>
Eight injured soldiers injured in the incident are undergoing treatment at a hospital.
The Army and the police have launched a massive search operation to nab the militants who escaped after the gunfight. (ANI)<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<img src='http://koshur.org/images/languages.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Jammu, Kashmir & Ladakh:
Ethno-Linguistic Areas
<b>J&K Education Minister Ghulam Nabi Lone shot dead</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Jammu and Kashmir Minister of State for Education and PDP leader Gulam Nabi Lone was on Monday killed when heavily armed terrorists attacked his house in the high security Tulsibagh area.
Two security personnel and a terrorist were also killed and a civilian injured in the attack which took place at around 9 am.
Officials said two heavily armed terrorists firing indiscriminately and lobbing grenades first tried to enter the house of CPI (M) MLA Mohammad Yousuf Tarigami.
After being challenged by security personnel there, they barged into the neighbouring house of Lone and killed him
Paki Kashmiri style to say Thank you for relief efforts.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>No security risk in opening LoC: Centre</b>
Daily Excelsior
NEW DELHI, Oct 19: The Government today dismissed fears that the opening of the Line of Control (LoC) for earthquake relief work would open channels for Pakistan-based militants to cross over into Jammu and Kashmir, keeping in view the killing of State Minister Ghulam Nabi Lone in Srinagar yesterday.
"It is not that the entire LoC will be thrown open. Only a few routes will be opened which will be sufficient for sending help to earthquake victims. Opening of the LoC is needed to provide succour to the people," in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK), said Dr D K Sankaran, Secretary (Border Management) in the Union Home Ministry, who is looking after the relief operations for J and K quake victims.
Dr Sankaran, who was briefing reporters on the relief situation, said he would be visiting the Valley tomorrow to take stock of the situation and the security scenario in the wake of yesterdayâs terrorist attack.
He would also see if more security forces were required.
Lt Gen Madan Gopal, Director General Military Operations (DGMO), who was also present at the press conference, also discounted the security apprehensions saying there would be no let up in the security.
"Rest assured. Security is totally under control. There will be no let up in security...There is no question of opening up the entire LoC," he asserted.
He, however, reiterated that there had been two or three infiltration attempts from across the border and also some violent incidents after October 8.
"No one has said things have changed," he added.
Lt Gen Madan Gopal also played down the assertion that the damage to bunkers on the border by the October 8 earthquake would come in the way of opening of the LoC.
"Bunkers are needed in conventional war. For relief operations bunkers will not be required. Moreover, it is not that all the bunkers have been damaged. Some are still there," he added.
Dr Sankaran also rejected reports about the shortage of tents for the victims and said some more tents would be sent shortly. About 30,000 tents would be sent to the Valley before October 24. (UNI)
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Jawan killed, 3 hurt in blast</span>
Excelsior Special Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 19: One Army jawan was killed and three others were injured when a grenade exploded as the soldiers were cleaning their weapons at 120 Brigade in Bhimber Gali in Poonch district this evening.
They can't stop killing Jawans,ministers, bomb blast, firing etc, no wthey want to open flood gate for terrorist. They should make Sonia stand on LOC.