<b>J&K number two in list of most corrupt state</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->This corroborates the survey conducted by the Transparency International, an international NGO, in association with the Sociology Departenent of university of jammu that <b>J&K is number two after Bihar in the list of most corrupt states</b>.
Out of the over 100 complaints, 21 involves ministers, top bureaucrats and police officers, the sources said.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Incredible! Corruption in India is down
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Contrary to popular perception that corruption was on the rise in India, an international organisation on Tuesday said it had in fact decreased in the past one year and placed the country 88th among 159 nations, down by two ranks.
The Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index for 2004 had placed India 90th among 146 countries. India scored 2.9 in 2005 on a 10 to 0 scale of the index indicating the cleanest score and 0 the most corrupt.
Iceland is the least corrupt country with a score of 9.7 while Bangladesh and Chad have jointly been described as the most corrupt nations in the world ranking 158th (1.7).
<b> Kerala stands as the least corrupt state in India while Bihar tops the list.</b>
Jammu and Kashmir has been ranked the second most corrupt state of the country while Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Rajasthan and Assam are also badly afflicted with the problem. Delhi stands 10th in the list.
The study said all services in <b>Bihar are ranked as the most corrupt in the country</b>. <b>Except hospitals, all services in Jammu and Kashmir are also corrupt </b>while in Madhya Pradesh, municipal services are ranked relatively better.
<b>In Karnataka services like income tax, judiciary, municipalities figure among the top corrupt services in the country</b> while in <b>Rajasthan judiciary (lower) ranks among the less corrupt services.</b>
In Assam, police and electricity figure as the most corrupt services in the country. In Himachal Pradesh most services are ranked as relatively less corrupt. Gujarat is ranked as less corrupt in comparison to other states.
<b>In Tamil Nadu, schools, hospitals, income tax and municipalities rank among the most corrupt departments in the country</b> while in West Bengal water supply service is ranked as the most corrupt service in the country.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Throw Buta Singh out of govt bungalow: SC
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The Supreme Court judges Monday came down heavily on Bihar Governor Buta Singh and 464 other VIPs who were occupying official bungalows in the capital though they had no right to do so.
Corruption is due to poverty. Till the Left Paries stall further liberalisation of the economy and allow disinvestment , there is no hope of improving the situation.
Other reasons for corruption are lack of honesty, accountability and failure to enforce law.
Political leaders and Indian movies encourage such behavior.
Poor people are still honest but those who have money are more greedy and dishonest.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Needed, more whistle-blowers </b>
Joginder Singh
Wherever one looks one sees rampant corruption. In India there is no department which does not offer an opportunity to a person to make a climb from rags to riches. Revenue earning departments are well known for offering vast opportunities for corruption.
Despite the fact, that their top brass have been caught red handed while accepting kickbacks there has hardly been any decrease in corruption. The new entrants in services are as audacious and corrupt as their predecessors.
If any proof was needed of the massive scale of corruption in the country, it has been provided by the latest report of Transparency International. Its Corruption Perception Index, 2005, has placed <b>India in the 88th position among 159 nations</b>. In 2005,<b> India scored 2.9 on a scale of zero to 10, compared with 2.8 last year.</b> It is hardly a consolation that Pakistan has been pronounced as almost doubly corrupt than India and ranked 144th most corrupt in the world.
The latest report by Transparency International, Asia-Insights & Benchmarks from Citizen Feedback Surveys in Five Countries, identifies high levels of corruption encountered by citizens attempting to access seven basic public services. In India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, 100 per cent of respondents who interacted with the police during the past year, reported having encountered corruption. In Bangladesh, this figure was 84 per cent and in Nepal, 48 per cent.
Their experiences with the judiciary revealed that nearly all Indians, Sri Lankans and Pakistanis paid bribes. Judicial corruption was also significant in Bangladesh (75 per cent) and Nepal (42 per cent).
After the police and the judiciary, land administration has been identified as the next most corrupt sector across the region on the basis of the experiences of South Asian households. In Pakistan, 100 per cent of respondents who have dealt with the land administration authorities reported corruption. In Sri Lanka, this figure was 98 per cent. Land administration was somewhat cleaner in Bangladesh (73 per cent reported corruption), India (47 per cent) and Nepal (17 per cent).
The report also shows that even though public services should be made available freely, bribes and undue delays keep many from receiving them. It is primarily the poorest in society who suffer the most. The report also indicates that bribes are a heavy financial burden on the households.
Bribes have to be paid for availing all facilities be it health, education, etc. The survey report also revealed that bribes were extorted by public servants. Middle and lower level bureaucrats have been documented as the key facilitators of corruption in all sectors.
Another little noticed form of corruption in the country or where the Government money has been sunk, are the top 10 defaulters to the banking industry who owe more than Rs 2,000 crore as outstanding dues against their names. Out of the top 10 defaulters, four belong to the steel industry notwithstanding the buoyancy in this sector with profitability of steel companies substantially improved. Apart from this the total non performing assets or bad debts with banks stand at about Rs 55,000 crore.
In the last five years out of gross profit of Rs 1,15,000 crore about Rs 45,000 crore has been utilised for provisioning bad loans or writing off the money dues to the banks. In the last 10 years approximately Rs 75,000 crore of bad loans have been written off. It is obvious that Government has been soft on all those involved in such transactions. The loser is the common man. It is pertinent to point out that all this money has been wasted on the well off sections of the country.
There are about 119 members in the present Lok Sabha who, according to their own affidavits, had some case or the other pending against them at the time of contesting elections. This is an increase from 40 in the previous Lok Sabha. The present situation has caused great disappointment among people. It is almost as if the problem of corruption in public life has become a non-issue.
The situation was projected by Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee while delivering the Bhim Sen Sachar Memorial Lecture: "Large sections of the people are greatly worried about the nexus between crime and politics as well as administration in the country. I am saddened to observe that politics in the country has to a large extent become criminalised and crime has become politicised."
The highest seats of power in the country have not remained untouched by corruption. Unfortunately, the corrupt today have lost the fear of facing ignominy after being charged with corruption. People now take duplicity in their stride to such an extent that violation of traditional ethics and principles has become acceptable to avoid pinpricks and confrontations.
The Santhanam Committed set up in 1962 to investigate into the causes of corruption and evolving remedies to stem the rising tide observed: "The advance of technological and scientific development has contributed to the emergence of a 'mass society' with a large rank and file, and a small controlling elite, encouraging the growth of monopolies, rise of a managerial class, and intricate institutional mechanisms.
The inability of society to appreciate an honest functioning social, political and economic process results in the emergence and growth of white collar and economic crimes. Corruption is a white-collar crime defying any permanent solution.
White-collar crimes have been jeopardising social and moral values. It is recklessly disrupting norms and rectitude. It has promoted hedonism, individualism that has supplanted traditionalism. Detestable competitive sprit to demonstrate affluence, living a life beyond means, living only for today and making the most out of it, an all round breakdown of family, societal, national discipline have all contributed towards mounting corruption, denying the underprivileged their legitimate share, making them poorer than before."
Election after election has produced fragmented verdicts with people known to have criminal records entering the legislatures and holding governments to ransom. There is flagrant violation of political norms. In fact, all political parties vie for with each other in fielding candidates who can win elections - their criminal records be damned. It is ludicrous to see people occupying positions of power, who are at the same time facing trials for corruption.
A standard argument is that these political worthies are presumed innocent till proved guilty. Regrettably, there is no national resolve or commitment to eliminate and wipe out corruption. The existing legal provisions need to be updated to bring about the preponderance of proof as sufficient, instead of proving the case beyond a shadow of doubt. At present, a number of cases end in acquittal due to technical reasons.
There is no reason why people who have been caught accepting bribes and who have assets disproportionate to their means of income should not be punished. There is a need to make the presumption of guilt more comprehensive at least in cases of corruption. Despite the directive of the Supreme Court there is no Whistle Blowers Protection Act, but only a lame duck resolution.
There is a need to bring about a comprehensive Whistle Blowers Protection Act. Corruption and bribery are not part of any Government servant's agenda. At the same time Government permission is required to book an officer of the level of Joint Secretary or above. Ours is the only country where such protection is extended to the corrupt or those suspected of corruption.
What can be greater indictment of the Government than Supreme Court's order to those at the helm in Uttar Pradesh to take action against the State's Chief Secretary?
Therefore, the law providing immunity to the civil servant needs to be scrapped. It is time we reminded the leaders of the country what President JF Kennedy said: "Take time to repair the roof when the sun is shining." It is too late now. But it is better to be late than never.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Mishra favours closure of V George caseÂ
New Delhi
Outgoing CBI chief US Misra has favoured closure of the disproportionate asset case registered against V George, private secretary to the then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and going slow on filing a chargesheet against Congress MP from Chhattisgarh Ajit Jogi in cash-for-MLA case.Â
What is this entity ? When you click on any columnist it takes the user to midday, IE etc. Maybe this discussion belongs in the media thread.
This cobra really bites !
Pretty effective too.
THis will only make politicians devise new ways of taking money.
AFter spending crores in elections, they need to payback to their patrons.
MP's salary is proverbial "Cummins seed in camel's mouth".
What's is the average spending per MP in an election?
My guess is anywhere beginning 1 crore upwards.
I am sure monthly income of MPs would not be less than few lakhs.
So much of BJP, a party with a difference.
yeah <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<!--emo&<_<--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/dry.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='dry.gif' /><!--endemo--> that cobra will only bite bjp and others .
Reason being the whole operation was a front by former tehelka journo , sepia mutiny and cobrapost, all known commie fronts , especially sepiamutiny which on the day the scandal broke out , put up on its home page , the details and claiming history has been made.
I in no way condone the behaviour of the BJP mp's , Bjp is no longer once the party it was filled with rss guys with discipline , it has become a shadow of the congress.
Notice the timing with volcker report , Notice the cornering , also read the trash articles in that cobrapost by yoginder sikand , the white wash specialist .
What Murthy said is correct about India and its politcians. But does Murthy has the moral correctness to say that? I will comment on one point made by him.
<!--QuoteBegin-Aryawan+Dec 29 2005, 06:34 AM-->QUOTE(Aryawan @ Dec 29 2005, 06:34 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Indians, Murthy said, spent over Rs 21,000 crore in bribes and illegal payouts in 2004 â close to 1% of the country's GDP.
It is a well known fact that Murthy got land free of cost for creating job. That land was of the people of Karnataka. It was given by the govt. a. k.a politicians to him, free of cost. Can somebody estimate the price of that land? Was it not a bribe? Why Murthy was unable to create jobs by buying land with money from his pocket? After utilising the politcians for this grab, he now criticise them. Do you know for what? He wants more land free. He is encouraging bribery and illegal payouts,. And shed crocodile tears aganist them.
His words could have some crdibuility if he used his money to buy land a create jobs. His statement is ridiculous and outrageous.
Dewa Gouda opposes any such land grab by this kulak. That is the bottom line.
Govts typically grant land and tax subsidy for corporations to encourage job growth or economic development in parts of a country. It's been done in every nation on earth (of course in some commie lands everything belongs to everyone - on paper - that's different discussion). Atleast Murthy built a profitable business international business which employs thousands.
If Gowda opposes and land grab, let him start first with an institution called "Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts" . Details here
<!--QuoteBegin-Viren+Dec 29 2005, 08:53 PM-->QUOTE(Viren @ Dec 29 2005, 08:53 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Govts typically grant land and tax subsidy for corporations to encourage job growth or economic development in parts of a country. It's been done in every nation on earth (of course in some commie lands everything belongs to everyone - on paper - that's different discussion). Atleast Murthy built a profitable business international business which employs thousands.
If Gowda opposes and land grab, let him start first with an institution called "Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts" . Details here
Where Gowda should start is not the question here. But does Murthy has the moral correctness to shout at bribes and payouts.
I do not disagree with you that Murthy's establishment employs many. But there are thousands of others who started business spending their hard earned money without any govt. subsidies and employs millions.
Where in western paradise land grant and tax subsidy happens?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->But there are thousands of others who started business spending their hard earned money without any govt. subsidies and employs millions.
So have many I know. But if govt. puts out subsidies and why blame those want to avail of the perks that govts provided. If you have issues with subsidies lobby to get it yanked out from the system. You think Tatas or Reliance or Bajaj or Birlas don't avail subsidies?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Where in western paradise land grant and tax subsidy happens?
We could start a thread called - "educating jyothi basu on basics of economics" - but not on this forum. You are free to do it on your time elsewhere.
Hints: google for with 'farm subsidy" in USA or "tax holidays" or "investment lottery" and immigration or "tax breaks for corporation" etc..
That's the last word here - no more this thread diversions with Murthy musings. Feel free to take this up in Business and economy forum.
<!--QuoteBegin-Viren+Dec 30 2005, 08:17 PM-->QUOTE(Viren @ Dec 30 2005, 08:17 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->So have many I know. But if govt. puts out subsidies and why blame those want to avail of the perks that govts provided. If you have issues with subsidies lobby to get it yanked out from the system. You think Tatas or Reliance or Bajaj or Birlas don't avail subsidies?
My question was whether Murthy is morally correct to say that.
He is frustrated only because Deva Gowda objected his claims for more free land grab.
Any body can avail subsidies. After that if one criticise saying all politicians are corrupt and people give bribes for everything is immoral. <!--emo&:devil--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/devilsmiley.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='devilsmiley.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:omg--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/omg.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='omg.gif' /><!--endemo-->
So if I understand your logic correctly any IIT graduate who's benefited from subsidized education has no moral right to call any politican corrupt ?
<!--QuoteBegin-Viren+Jan 3 2006, 10:20 PM-->QUOTE(Viren @ Jan 3 2006, 10:20 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Jyotibasu,
So if I understand your logic correctly any IIT graduate who's benefited from subsidized education has no moral right to call any politican corrupt ?
Murthy is doing his business not from yesterday only. He is there for decades now. He knows the politcians well and he was a regualr guest in many political circles. He got many incentives from Gowda when he was Karnataka's CM and later PM. Now Gowda objected to the proposed land deal.
Do you think the just now only Murthy became aware of the corruption and bribery in India?