<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Sack Ramadoss </b>
The Pioneer News Desk
He is a risk to India's health sector ---- Ever since taking charge as Union Health Minister with the advent of the UPA Government, Mr Anbumani Ramadoss, whose <b>credentials as a medical practitioner do not merit comment, has been going about inflicting enormous damage to the country's health infrastructure with single-minded devotion.</b> From insisting on meddling in the affairs of the Indian Medical Council to poking his nose in the setting up and management of private medical colleges, <b>from authorising bulk purchase of drugs like the anti-bird flu vaccine that are destined to rot away in Government stores at the taxpayers' expense to promoting individuals of questionable repute, his objectionable actions have successfully sullied both his image as well as the office he holds but which he least deserves. </b>Mr Ramadoss's already bruised reputation has taken a fresh beating following his unseemly and uncalled for spat with Dr P Venugopal, Director of the prestigious All-India Institute of Medical Sciences, with the explicit purpose of grabbing control over this premier health facility with a <b>Rs 500-crore budget</b>. It is unthinkable that a Union Minister should get involved with minor administrative affairs of an autonomous institution, slyly ordering the transfer of officials while the Director is on leave. But this is precisely what Mr Ramadoss, true to his style of functioning, has done at AIIMS. That the Minister's gross interference would leave Dr Venugopal - or, for that matter, any self-respecting Director - incandescent with rage was only to be expected. Nor is it surprising that Dr Venugopal, known for his professional accomplishment and personal integrity, qualities that are alien to unprincipled politicians, should have threatened to resign from his post unless the Government reins in its Health Minister. The anger among doctors, who have threatened to put in their papers, and students at AIIMS over the Minister's outrageous conduct bears testimony to the righteous stand taken by Dr Venugopal.
And how has the Minister responded? By justifying his brazen interference, and <b>callously asking Dr Venugopal to resign if he so desires and threatening to take disciplinary action against a doctor who has spent his entire life setting up what is perhaps the best cardio-thoracic-vascular surgery facility in the country. Both commitment and selfless dedication, it would seem, have ceased to matter for the UPA Government.</b> Instead, Ministers utterly lacking in scruples command a premium simply because they represent partners in the ruling alliance whose support overrides all other considerations, including those of probity and rectitude in public life. Here is a Minister whose presence in Government poses a serious risk to the nation's health infrastructure, a Minister who violates norms of propriety, a Minister who disregards the spirit, if not letter, of the Supreme Court's order on the anti-quota agitation, a Minister who throws his weight around and tries to bully people into submission by flaunting his political clout. India can do without such a Minister. Admittedly, stripping Mr Ramadoss of his portfolio is a tough call for the Prime Minister. But that call needs to be taken, and taken now, to save AIIMS. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Ramdoss is diverting funds to TN, appointing his own people, transfering those who are doing good work and pocketing money on every deal.
<b>Venugopal camp thwarts ministerâs move</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Following the row, a lot of dirty linen is being washed in public. The latest instalment is that the Ramadoss went on a binge, spending close to Rs 2.5 lakh in six days from the institute's coffers during his stay at AIIMS. Ramadoss had stayed at the AIIMS guesthouse for more than nine months in 2004, before moving into a government accommodation. According to sources, during those nine months, his daily expenses ranged from Rs 25,000- Rs 30,000.
Ramadoss clarified that he was saving the government's money by staying at AIIMS instead of a hotel. "I was entitled to stay at any hotel but I opted to stay at AIIMS because as the president of the institute, I am entitled to it. I occupied two rooms there while I waited for a house to be allotted to me. During my stay, I paid for my grocery, water and electricity bills. And as far as the fixtures are concerned, they are still at AIIMS, I did not take them with me," said the health minister.
However, <b>after the minister left, his officer on special duty (OSD) stayed back for eight more months.</b> According to the AIIMS administration, only faculty members are allowed to stay in the guesthouse.
<b>"The OSD moved out just four days ago.</b> The minister has left one man in the institute since taking charge as the health minister," said a source.
Venugopal's camp maintains that the amount spent during those nine months would have run into crores and these six days - during which Rs 2,32,000 were spent on hospitality - are evidence enough.
The director's camp further alleged that the health minister's decision to treat patients during last month's strike was a gimmick. âHe is not even registered with the Delhi Medical Council. This was quackery,â a Venugopal aide alleged.
<b>3-member committee to probe AIIMS' functioning: Ramadoss </b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->New Delhi, June 19: In the midst of his turf battle with AIIMS director P Venugopal, Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss today met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and later announced formation of a three-member committee to go into the functioning the premier institute.
Here comes another committee, Babu spineless PM is appointing 100s of committees, when he will start making decision on his own.
In this Anbumani - Venugopal issue, the leftists are supporting anbumani's moves. They project Venugopal as if he is autocratic. And they also throw rhetorics like "He is answerable to people of India" etc.,
The even blame the press for supporing venugopal (their anger also comes from reservation row in which Venugopal took strong opposition)
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Man Friday Moorthy cracks Minister's whip </b>
Praveen Kumar | New Delhi
<i>In the eye of a raging storm at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) is a <b>former sleuth of the Tamil Nadu Police</b>.  </i>
Unusual but true, Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss has been 'managing' the administration of the institute through this<b> former policeman - DS Moorthy - who now functions as the Officer on Special Duty (OSD) to the Minister, the president of AIIMS.</b>
In the past, senior civil servants functioned as the OSD to the president of AIIMS.
When AIIMS Director P Venugopal went on leave recently, Moorthy issued orders relieving Mayank Sharma from the office of the senior financial adviser. Institute spokesperson Dr Arti Vij and sub dean Neerja Bathla were told to quit their posts by Moorthy.
"The timing of the order indicated the Minister's interference in the day-to-day functioning of the institute," a senior faculty member alleged.
Ever since his appointment as OSD, Moorthy has permanently parked himself in the institute, occupying three rooms of the guest house.
The Minister too has remained stationed in the institute guest house on the pretext of the Government unable to provide him proper accommodation. Ramadoss had justified his occupation of the AIIMS guest house on the grounds that he was saving for the Government.
"The guest house is specifically meant for the doctors, senior faculty members, examiners, guest faculty members and lecturers. The Minister's excuse is too churlish to believe," a senior member of AIIMS Faculty Association said.
Moorthy has been selectively targeting faculty members opposed to Ramadoss's interference in the functioning of the institute. He issued memos to the director asking for explanations regarding senior faculty members and even the medical superintendent of the hospital.
Among the several memos to the director, he even demanded that disciplinary action be initiated against 12 senior faculty members for having expressed their differences the Government on the issue of introducing quota for the other backward classes (OBC) in centres of higher learning.
When contacted by The Pioneer, Moorthy said, "I am a very humble person and being targeted unnecessarily. It's public knowledge that I passed orders at the behest of the Minister. Questions should be directed towards him."
When asked as to why he was occupying the three rooms of the AIIMS guest house, Officer on Special Duty Moorthy said,"I would not like to comment."
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In this Anbumani - Venugopal issue, the leftists are supporting anbumani's moves. They project Venugopal as if he is autocratic. And they also throw rhetorics like "He is answerable to people of India" etc., <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Ministers from TN think, they can do TN in Delhi.
I am waiting, when he will get Harayana treatment, I know Punjabi treatment will be too much a shock for him to deal with.
What is Venugopal caste?
Dr Arti Vij and sub dean Neerja Bathla are upper caste. One can expect TN politician will do TN in everywhere they gets their hands.
Do you know any good minister from TN in central Government?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->What is Venugopal caste?
I read somewhere that he is a andhra Brahmin.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Do you know any good minister from TN in central Government?
P. Chidambaram
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Ramadoss flouts Act, ignoring OoP too? </b>
Praveen Kumar | New Delhi
Union Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss' continuation as the president of the All-Indian Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) is "illegal" and against AIIMS Act. Now, observers say, this could add to his problems. Â
<b>For, faculty and students want to know whether holding the AIIMS president's office, along with Minister's post, would make him fit for disqualification from the Lok Sabha. Despite the perks and allowances, Ramadoss enjoys as the president of the institute, AIIMS has failed to find a mention in the Office of Profit Bill, recently passed in Parliament.</b>
According to the AIIMS Act, no provision provides for the nomination of Health and Family Welfare Minister as president of the institute and the Ministry has only the right to nominate its president.
Whereas, explaining various grounds of disqualification from <b>membership of Parliament, the very first clause of Article 102 of the Constitution says: "Person shall be disqualified for being chosen as, and for being, a member of either House of Parliament if he holds any office of profit under the Government of India or of any State, other than an office declared by Parliament by law not to disqualify the holder."</b>
Even eminent lawyers feel this issue needs to be discussed seriously as it is affecting the autonomy of a premier institute such as AIIMS.
<b>"In my view, the Office of Profit Bill is only applicable to the Members of Parliament and I am not sure whether his (Ramadoss) post as president of AIIMS falls under this law. But if we look at the AIIMS Act, his appointment as president is definitely illegal,"</b> said constitutional expert KTS Tulsi.
Supreme Court lawyer Ashok Arora adds: "If the Health Minister enjoys the perks and allowances, which comes with the (AIIMS) president's office, then his post definitely falls under the relevant sections of Office of Profit (Bill). His continuation is then totally illegal and unethical."
Under the existing legal framework, the Union Health Minister's continuing as the AIIMS president is obviously questionable.
<b>"The Minister enjoys all the perks and allowances (allowed) by the institute. Whenever a meeting of the institute body is being held, conveyance is provided (to Ramadoss). Recently, all facilities were provided to the Minister during his stay at the (AIIMS) guest house. He has appointed an OSD in his capacity as the institute president, who is enjoying the same perks. He is an MP. How can he hold an office where he enjoys all the allowances, apart from those which his ministry provides?"</b> a senior AIIMS faculty member questions.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->I read somewhere that he is a andhra Brahmin.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
So TN minister behaviour is on dot. They can't keep hatred to themselves or inside TN.
<!--emo&:thumbdown--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif' /><!--endemo--> <b>Sacked Venugopal 'stunned n' upset</b>
<b>AIIMS director sacked, medical services affected</b>
When people elect jokers to screw country what sensible person can do.
Worst India's PM is spineless and appointed, can't expect anything out of him except bend down in front of Queen.
Worst breed of casteist comes from three states and cheer leaders are Paswan, Lalu, Mayavati, Ramdoss, Meeira Jagjivan Ram.
Very soon one of them will become India's Prime Minister. Get ready.
<b>Political conniving suspected in Venugopal sacking</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The Governing Body has 17 members. Of the 17, only 15 members were present at the meeting. Of the two who didn't turn up, one was Venugopal himself.
Of the 15 present, three were against the resolution brought in by the health minister to terminate Dr Venugopal, while 12 backed it.
But this decision is not final. The final sacking will take place only after the appointments committee of the cabinet clears the recommendation. If they think it is reasonable then it will be accepted.
<b>Political scheming</b>
Sources say it's politics that's driving the AIIMS crisis, especially the recent OBC quota controversy.
Insiders in AIIMS say Ramadoss was gunning for the AIIMS director because of a perception that Venugopal was sympathetic to the recent anti-quota stir.
Ramadoss's party PMK is backed by the <span style='color:red'>OBC vanniyar community. He has been rallying pro-reservation parties and pushing the OBC card </span>
The Congress, sources say, while unhappy with the health minister, is also hemmed by the OBC compulsions. The question begging for answers is whether the AIIMS trouble is just a battle of pride - or its politics.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
So-called serving own caste is more than country.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Diabolical move </b>
The Pioneer Edit Desk
<b>Ramadoss aims to kill AIIMS</b> ---- It is disingenuous of Union Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss to seek legitimacy for his outrageous move to sack the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences director P Venugopal by describing an act of brazen political vendetta as the 'recommendation' of the premier healthcare facility's Institute Body. While it is true that the Institute Body, which met on Wednesday, has ratified the resolution to terminate the services of Dr Venugopal, it does not mitigate the fact that <b>Mr Ramadoss piloted the entire exercise with the ulterior motive of humiliating the director and forcing him out of office</b>. <b>Ever since he was appointed Health Minister, Mr Ramadoss has plotted with single-minded determination the smash-and-grab of AIIMS, unmindful of its autonomy and in violation of all rules and regulations.</b> Not known as a politician who values scruples or maintains probity in public life, Mr Ramadoss, by virtue of being the president of AIIMS - a post which he holds despite being debarred by existing rules - has been gunning for Dr Venugopal for some time now. With the help of his factotum, a small time policeman now ensconced in AIIMS as the Minister's officer on special duty, he has slyly reversed Dr Venugopal's orders, interfered in the administration of AIIMS, and thumbed his nose at those who dared to oppose him. Among India's most celebrated cardio-thoracic surgeons, Dr Venugopal has ostensibly committed the crime of violating the code of conduct by speaking out against the Minister's interference. That, however, is not necessarily the reason that has resulted in the recommendation to remove him from office. <b>Mr Ramadoss, a practitioner of crude caste politics, is upset because he believes that Dr Venugopal instigated the strike by doctors and students against the UPA Government's disastrous reservation policy</b>.
The fallout of Wednesday's bogus meeting where the resolution to sack the director, moved by the Minister, was ratified, has been predictable. Faculty members have gone on a 24-hour strike; junior doctors and students have walked out of wards and classrooms; and, the Indian Medical Association has roundly denounced Mr Ramadoss for undermining the autonomy of AIIMS. The BJP, whose deputy leader in the Lok Sabha, Mr VK Malhotra, along with two other members of the Institute Body opposed the resolution, has decided to take up the issue in the coming Monsoon Session of Parliament. Mr Ramadoss may have the support of what he described during Wednesday's meeting as "the highest authority" for his diabolical ploy to gain control over AIIMS - and the institute's huge budget - but that is unlikely to spare him and the UPA Government from criticism and castigation. Indeed, it makes little sense for the Congress to distance itself from the shameful manner in which Dr Venugopal has been humiliated and the autonomy of AIIMS subverted. <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>In a sense, the nation has begun to pay the price for the Congress-led regime's caste politics and contempt for the rulebook. Can the situation be retrieved? Yes, if the Prime Minister stands up against a Cabinet colleague who has fetched nothing but disrepute and dishonour to the Government.</span> Those who are less optimistic will say that it is futile to expect the Prime Minister to discover that his office accords him authority. Given the UPA's record, this is not an unfair comment.
<b>Ramadoss aims to kill AIIMS, I hope that will make OBC vanniyar community Happy</b> <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<b>The Politician wins, AIIMS loses its Brand Venugopal </b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> <b>The three who opposed Dr Venugopalâs sacking were Malhotra, Deepak Pental, Delhi University Vice-Chancellor, and Dr S S Agarwal who heads the Central Drug Research Institute in Lucknow</b>. Most other members on the board were from the Health Ministry or institutes under it: Health Secretary P K Hota, Director General Health Services, Dr S K Srivastava, <b>PGI Director Dr K K Talwar, who is in the running for the AIIMS Directorâs post</b>, Congress MPs R K Dhawan and Karan Singh Yadav, Director STPGI Kartar Singh and <b>Dr R Surinder of the Stanley Hospital in Chennai</b>. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Basically, Congress supported joker Ramdoss.
What a nerve this joker Ramdoss had, he asked Dr. Venugopal "Say sorry to Minister or face action".
What a shame is casteist Ramdoss?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Dr. P. Venugopal life and achievements:
<b>New Delhi, July 5 (ANI): Joined AIIMS in 1959 as an undergraduate, did his post graduate from AIIMS, and has been associated with it for the last 48 years.
Performed the first heart transplant in India in 1994.
The renowned surgeon has pioneered stem cells research in cardiac ailments called as "cellular cardioplasty" that has saved many lives of those patients on whom by-pass surgery could also not be performed.
He was decorated with the Padma Bhushan award in 1998 for his achievements.
He has been associated with over 50,000 open heart surgeries.
Instrumental in founding Cardio Thoracic and Neuro Sciences Centre (CVTS).
The famous super speciality hospital in Puttaparthi was created under his supervision.
.Kalam saw him as one of India's "great scientists</b> <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Can somebody dig any achievement of ....... Joker RAMADOSS?
By the way what is the meaning of RAMADOSS
<b>AIIMS docs hail HC order of Venugopal's removal</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Striking AIIMS doctors on Friday hailed the Delhi High Court's order staying the removal of hospital's Director P Venugopal and indicated that they would call off their stir in view of the development.
Describing the order as "victory of truth", Resident Doctors Association (RDA) Members Anil Sharma said, "we are happy that the court has stayed the proposed sacking of Venugopal. Now we look forward to his reinstatement".<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Ramadoss forget this is Delhi HC not TN HC which can be used and abused according to sitting CM.
Sack Ramadoss ASAP.
<b>Why PM is mum on Venugopal</b> <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Congress leaders swear that both Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and party president Sonia Gandhi were "very upset" over All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) director P Venugopal's perceived attempts to encourage the 14-day strike over a month ago against caste-based quotas in institutions of higher education.</b>
<b>"Both leaders were disappointed that Venugopal did not do anything to end the strike despite repeated pleas and assurances from the government," </b>a Congress leader said on condition of anonymity. "Many in the government feel that Venugopal was solely responsible for the strike."
Political analysts and party sources insist that Manmohan Singh was maintaining silence over the ouster of Venguopal from the AIIMS due to his unwillingness to interfere in a cabinet minister's decision
So spineless and Queen were behind all this circus. When these idiots will learn, everytime court show them finger?
They are breaking every single norms of civilized society.
<b> Embarrassed Ramadoss to knock at SC door </b>
Hahahahha ! Somebody please tell him this is not TN.
<b>BJP guns for Ramadoss, wants Venugopal back</b> <!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->New Delhi, July 7: As the BJP demanded the resignation of Health Minister A Ramadoss, top party leaders including former Prime Minister A B Vajpayee and L K Advani <b>expressed serious concern over the âarbitaryâ manner of dismissal of AIIMS Director P Venugopal and sought his reinstatement with honour and dignity. </b>
In a joint letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, they demanded that in the interest of the country's professionals, research and academic institutions and for autonomous functioning of institutions of excellence, the services of Venugopal should be restored immediately with honour and dignity.
The letter was issued by Vajpayee, Advani, Jaswant Singh, Murli Manohar Joshi and V K Malhotra. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b>Venugopal is back, with HC verdict</b>
<b>Striking docs to be penalised: Ramadoss</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Stating that only a handful of about 50 doctors/ students, who were earlier behind the anti-quota stir, were also behind the current agitation, he said that it was causing problems for the patients and many of them are dying. The responsibility for it would be fixed, he added<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Stupid Ramdoss should go back. Politicians from TN are screwing India. Yesterday, Karunanidi and for last one month joker Ramadoss.
They are competing with Bihar and UP.
We should start nominating annual Donkey Award to India's politician.
No insult to Donkey, no intention to offend Donkey !!!
<b>Delhi HC stays Venugopal's dismissal</b>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->In his petition, Venugopal has also sought disqualification of the Health Minister on the ground that he was holding an office of profit as the president of the premier institute.
What can be described as the winning point that went in the favour of the director in the marathon three hour argument was the unsatisfactory submission put forth by Additional Solicitor General Gopal Subramaniam.
Basing his argument on regulation 31 of the AIIMS Act which says that the services of the director can be terminated if the institute was of the opinion that the decision was in "public interest", the ASG could not adequately explain the ground of "public interest" in Venugopal's case.
The regulation also states that such an act could not be implemented unless a notice of at least three months was served on the person or three months salary and allowance was advanced to him.
On Thursday, senior counsel Arun Jaitley appearing on behalf of Venugopal had stated that according to the rules and regulations of AIIMS and an earlier Supreme Court decision, the tenure appointment of the AIIMS Director (which is of five years) could not have been curtailed without having justified reasons and issuance of notice. "Today in the entire medical fraternity there is a sense of revulsion at this kind of action. Ministerial jobs are not to create traffic jam in the system," Jaitley stated before the court on Friday while arguing the case.
Meanwhile, on the issue of a complete washout of the termination order from the agenda papers of July 5 meeting, <b>the Government contended, "the decision was taken in anguish". When asked, the counsel for the Government said that the last minute addition was done to the agenda papers only after all efforts at requesting Venugopal to relinquish his post bore no fruit.</b>
<b>Jaitley also came down heavily against the Government's stance which stated that Venugopal had made certain remarks against the Government. Refuting the contention he said that the allegation was completely baseless with respect to a footage of a television channel that affirmed the Government's stand as negative. </b>
It's well known fact that the rank and file PMK cadre much like most of the incompetent Tamil politicians including Anbumani Ramadoss is anti- Brahmin and anti - North Indian. PMK is also well known for the violence and intolerance. Anbumani jus canât stand Dr. Venugopal bâcaz Dr. Venugopal is a Brahmin and on top of it Dr. Venugopal stood aside on the anti reservation stir. Left to PMK , they would have even killed Dr. Venugopal had he been living in Tamil Nadu. The latest drama at AIIMS is nothing but anti-Brahmin bashing .
The goal of PMK is to eliminate this Brahmin ( Dr. Venugopal is a Andhra Brahmin) at AIIMS holding this top most office of AIIMS and perhaps replace him with a Christian or a Vanniar !! Dr. Venugopal is considered as one of the most eminent, competent and brilliant cardiac specialist in the world. It is the individual reputation of Dr. Venugopal and several such distinguished scientists that collectively make AIIMS the most respected institution of the country. Besides, Dr Venugopal has saved precious life of hundreds of fellow Indians, irrespective of their caste, religion and social status.
No matter how many times the RDA go on strike, AIIMS sill the best, cheapest, most compassionate and most ethical medical institution of India. Most of these Tamil OBC/MBC ( reservation category , including Anbumani Ramadoss) could never make to AIIMS for MBBS or MD. Hence their ( PMK and DMK ) approach is always to destroy the standards of such institutions so that the Tamil OBCs/MBCs can easily get in. The only institution that was not possible for PMK/DMK to destroy was IIT âMadras for over 30 years since these Dravidan parties took over the state and now even that is under the threat of reservation !!
It is Anbumani Ramadoss who has to be sacked ! The UPA should hang their head in shame for allowing the corrupt Anbumani continuing to black-mail the Government !
Any one who has studied the Jati structure of TN in any depth would realize that Vanniyars in the past used to call themselves kShatriyas (vahni-kula= vanniyar) and actually trace their ancestory to the North. But in the Dravidianist political system of TN they have metamorphosed into OBCs to obviously grab their share of the anti-upper caste pie. Within the upper caste the brahmins are the Dravidianists favorite targets because they had maximum success. While in TN the other jatis are in tremendous conflict within themselves, the Dravidianist system provided them a means of channelizing all the hate against the brahmins. To differing degrees this is seen all over India.
How did this Ramdoss get his medical degree? The answer is due to the reservation raj in TN. Now he obviously did not do well as physician, because he then drifted to economics. He just wasted one seat in the medical school, which is so hotly contested in India.