I have been hearing a lot of talks about Fatwa in India. There had been news of trouble making Islamist clerics issuing fatwa frequently.
I have a scenario. Say a hate monger cleric XYZ declares a fatwa that Mr. ABC must be killed. Now, some bozo Islamist acts on the fatwa issued by XYZ and kills Mr. ABC. Then what?
Can the family of Mr. ABC sue XYZ for his actions that lead to Mr ABCâs death?
The reason I am asking this question is because India is a dhimmi country. As such, I am not even sure what the laws in India are when it comes to enforcing them on moslems.
I hope we can all learn a few legal stuffs from this thread.
<!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tongue.gif' /><!--endemo--> Lesson learnt:
<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'><span style='font-family:Optima'>Ulemma has already denied having ever issued fatwa!</span></span>
India is not a Islamist country. Fatwa is invalid. They should arrest Mullah.
But till COngress and communist in power they give damn to Indian consitution and India.
Muslims in UP demand creation of an all India board for issuing authentic fatwas.
(news is in Hindi, one needs to download fonts)
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Sep 4 2006, 02:35 PM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Sep 4 2006, 02:35 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->India is not a Islamist country. Fatwa is invalid.
You'd think so right? Au contrarire.. Fatwas issued in India has bigger following than in Islamists nations. Arun Shourie's book 'World of Fatwas' lists the history of Fatwas, impact on social fabric and political ramnifications. Time permitting, I'll post some interesting tit-bits for that book.
Some excerpts/review here: The World of Fatwa's Reviewed by: Harindra Srivastava
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->A fatwa, defines the author in his introductory note, "is a decree, a ruling". The sequence being that a Muslim puts an issue before an authority, and the latter rules on the matter. The authorities who can do so can be individuals as well as institutions. Dar al-Ulema at Deoband, for instance, has a special department for this very purpose. They have already come out with a 12-volume collection of fatwa. But that is not the end. Fatwas are eternal. They accumulate and go on from man to man and from time to time.
Whenever a Muslim is in doubt at some point of conduct or when he is involved in a dispute with another person for any problem of life, he will turn to some authority to find what the authority has decreed in its fatwa on the matter. Issuing fatwas, therefore, is an art to solve all human problems. Obviously, the fatwa-issuing agencies (mufti, maulvi, maulana or ulema) are no ordinary human beings. They are luminaries gifted with an encyclopaedic vision plus celestial omniscience so as to pronounce verdict on infinite problems ranging from personal hygiene to marital relations, from sex with goat and mare to rape and adultery, from finer points to law on inheritance to all those confusions about the cosmic order, i.e., the interplenatary relations of the earth, the sun, the moon and the like. So far, so good.
But as fatwas are the "Shariah in action", the question is - how many of these thousands of fatwas are known (or have been made known) to an average Muslim? If not, why? And if yes, how many of these fatawas are really cared for and put into practice; or they work only as interior decor of their sacred scriptures?
To build up his thesis and comment upon several other associated aspects of fatwas, the author takes into account five collections of fatwas:
Fatawa-i- Rizvia, Vol I to XII
Kifayat-ul Mufti, Vol I to IX
Fatawa-i-Ulema Dar al-Uluma, Deoband Vol I to XII
Fatawa-i-Ahl-Hadis, Vol I to IV
Fatawa-i-Rahimiyyah Vol I to III
Elaborating upon each one of them, the author comes to the main corpus of the work. But - and that is the crux of the matter - with a caution and appeal, for he knows the Muslim psyche too well.
Hindus in UP need to grow some backbone. Muslim problem in UP is worse than anwhere else in India. (In my opinion)
<b>Sting operation shows clerics issuing fatwas for money</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->
<b>A TV channel on Sunday aired purported footage of Muslim clerics in the national capital and Uttar Pradesh issuing fatwas for a payment, triggering condemnation from community leaders and protests in Meerut</b>.
The clerics allegedly issued fatwas on a variety of subjects, including the use of credit cards and camera phones by Muslims, acting in films, and watching television, said the report on Star News that carried out a sting operation along with Cobrapost in Delhi and Meerut.
<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>One of the clerics, Ahmed Nadir Al Qasmi, an official of Delhi-based Islamic Fiqh Academy, was shown allegedly accepting Rs 5,000 for issuing a fatwa.</span>
The footage also purportedly showed Maulana Imran,<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'> a cleric from Meerut, allegedly demanding Rs 50,000 for issuing five fatwas against the wearing of jeans by girls in Muslim-run institutes and the teaching of English in madarsas.</span>
In Meerut, students of a madarssa staged a protest against the clerics, saying the incident had "hurt" the community. Muslim leaders convened a meeting of clerics to decide whether action should be taken against those named in the sting operation.
In a statement, Islamic Fiqh Academy general secretary Maulana Khalid Saifullah Rehmani expressed regret at the incident. He said the body had launched a probe and would take action against anyone found guilty. Ahmed Nadir Al Qasmi had been restrained from issuing any more fatwas, he said.
Rehmani said the academy was not responsible for Qasmi's actions. He said the academy did not charge anything for fatwas, which were issued only after they had been vetted by at least two clerics.
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Who is paying Deoband Mullahs for fatwa?
Yes, you guessed Right --- Congress (UPA/Queen) <!--emo&  --><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<b>Fatwa against Salman for attending Ganesh puja</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The barely-based Daarul-Ifta-Manjar-e-Islam has acted against Salman after the actor took part in the Ganesh Puja celebrations in Mumbai.
The organisation said unless Salman reads the Kalmas all over again, he would not be considered a Muslim.
<b>The order was issued as Islam prohibits all kinds of idol worship.</b>
<b>The Khan family had brought home Ganesh idol for one and a half days. </b>
Salman matched steps with his step mom Helen with his nephew on his shoulders.
The actor went out dancing during the procession before immersing the Ganesh Idol into the sea.
Where is Azmi and other Roy brigade?
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Sep 20 2007, 10:45 PM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Sep 20 2007, 10:45 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin--> <b>Fatwa against Salman for attending Ganesh puja</b><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The barely-based Daarul-Ifta-Manjar-e-Islam has acted against Salman after the actor took part in the Ganesh Puja celebrations in Mumbai.
The organisation said unless Salman reads the Kalmas all over again, he would not be considered a Muslim.
<b>The order was issued as Islam prohibits all kinds of idol worship.</b>
<b>The Khan family had brought home Ganesh idol for one and a half days. </b>
Salman matched steps with his step mom Helen with his nephew on his shoulders.
The actor went out dancing during the procession before immersing the Ganesh Idol into the sea.
<b>Where is Azmi and other Roy brigade?</b>
Psecs are probably busy reading the Kalma composed by Great Lightbulb Psec Mulayam. Also referred to as the "Mulma", it is to be said only after facing Jawaharlal Nehru University. I reproduce it herewith for the benefit of all concerned:
<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><i><b>"There is no voter except the minority, and no motive but political profit".</b></i></span>
what do you make of Salman Khan's sudden conversion? His Ganesh Puja is all over television channels.
A friend commented:
jab maar paDee shamsheeran kee
tab maharaj main naai hoon
{when swords started beating
then, 'king, I am a barber!'}
relates to a story of Prithviraj Chauhan. he had a favourite barber, it is said, who was very muh-lagaa of Chauhan. Barber used to boast of his bravery and used to ask Chauhan to take him along his expeditions as a soldier. So Chauhan took him along on a battle. But no sooner did the war begin, he came running to Chauhan, 'but Maharaj I am just a barber'.
This is a drama in wake of his jail issues in Rajasthan, to gain some popularity, i think, or sympathy of BJP govt?
But it should be welcome.
meanwhile, my father tells me that he saw a group of muslims thronging to Sankat Mochan Mandir in Varanasi and praying to Hanuman Ji, reading Hanuman Chalisa etc ...obviousely if it is true, they are welcome, and no objection to their entry into the temple.
also I notice that in Kolkata, Bangladeshis can be seen turning to Hindu type, if allowed to. You see illegal immigrants everywhere as household help or labourers. To hide their identity they take Hindu name and looks etc, and kind of live like a Hindu (eg no Roja, Namaz instead bindi, tilak and kaleva on wrist, images of Gods etc) What do members feel would this result into, unless the process is aborted my maulavees, psecs, or commies ?
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Hindus in UP need to grow some backbone<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
like, do what?
Bijapur Sultan Ibrahim Aldilshah's <i>Kitab-e-Nauras</i> beings with invocations to Saraswati and Ganapati. Did these mullas have the balls to take on Sultan then?
Ustad Bismilla Khan was a huge devotee of Kashi Vishwanath. Vavar Swami at Sabrimala was muslim before he turned into a Ayappa devotee and even today thousands of Hindus who visit Sabarimala pay homage to his shrine.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->But it should be welcome<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> Absolutely. May Lord Ganesh's choicest blessing shower on Salman and Helen.
In another (Bollywood propoganda) thread there was news of Sanjay Dutt being blessed on reading Hanuman Chalisia and released next day.
In these matters, Swami Vivekananada's words on welcoming back with open arms those who have converted in past (or those whose ancestors might have converted under duress or trickery) comes to mind.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->and kind of live like a Hindu (eg no Roja, Namaz instead bindi, tilak and kaleva on wrist, images of Gods etc) What do members feel would this result into, unless the process is aborted my maulavees, psecs, or commies ?..
There is a huge population that has retained our Indic ethos, traditions and rituals and we don't hear much about these because the psec 'progressive' forces have hijacked the platform and all we hear is the definition of people based on clear cut black and white divide.
Is it possible to list the non-Islamic traditions/rituals that's still in use by locals? It's a pretty big list and can be used to debunk the macho-arab bloodline theories propogated by Pakis or those with Paki mindset. But we'll have to dig this from personal observations/narratives or lesser known publications since such info is usually buried by psec brigade.
Re the Indic ethos,
I read about Bangladeshi popular child actress Shimu or something. Like lots of BDshi, has only 1 name. Wears a bindi. Must be muslim, tho, article said her grandmom name is ayesha.
<b>Fatwa after historic namaaz </b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Cuttack, Nov. 29: A fatwa has banned women praying in public after about 50 women made history last Friday by offering namaaz near a Cuttack mosque.
The act of defiance led by a womenâs organisation had rocked Cuttackâs clergy, who called a meeting of imams and committee heads of all the major 33 mosques in the city.
After the meeting, Wajhul Qamar, the mufti of the Anjuman-Islamia Ahle Sunnat--Jamaat, issued the fatwa (religious edict), which will be adopted by the imams of all the 33 mosques from tomorrow.
âThe fatwa asks the imams to enlighten Muslim men on the Shariat (code of law derived from the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Mohammed), especially on the code of conduct for women, through their discourses during Friday prayers,â Anjuman secretary M.A. Ahad said.
âThis, we hope, will be effective in bringing in self-regulation among women through their husbands.â
<b>The edict, said to be the first of its kind, said women offering namaaz at mosques is âun-Islamicâ.</b>
<b>âWomen should not enter mosques as the Shariat prohibits them from doing so,â mufti Qamar said.</b>
On November 23, the women, aged between 18 and 40, had gathered at the entrance to the Mir Kamalpatna Masjid in the Manglabad locality around 2.30pm. They were led by the Orissa Muslim Womenâs Welfare Organisation.
No one stopped the women but the lack of room in the mosque prompted them to move to a nearby madarsa compound and offer their prayers in full public view.
Farhat Amin, secretary, Orissa Muslim Womenâs Welfare Organisation, later claimed in a media statement that her organisation âhad no intention to participate in prayers inside any mosqueâ.
âNeither did the women have any intention of offering Friday prayers, nor did they seek permission,â it said. Amin alleged she was misquoted in newspaper reports.
Ahad disagreed. âThe Anjuman had confirmed that the women had gathered under the banner of a Muslim womenâs welfare organisation according to a scheduled programme to offer prayers at the mosque,â he said.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The reason I am asking this question is because India is a dhimmi country. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Yep you're right. India is one of the most dhimmi countries that eagerly suck up to christoislamic terrorists. So the question isn't whether fatwas are against India constitution, because the Indian constitution and laws themselves pander to the Islamic agenda. What matters is that they are against Hindus and our well-being.
The Muslims of India on their own is not a major political or social force as such. The problem has been the minority appeasement policy of the political parties, and this is true for every political party having recognition as such by the Election Commission of course with varying degree of involvement. Secondly, a vast majority of the Hindu population is passive or supportive of the various antics of the minority leaders. It is not the Government alone who follow this policy, it gets enough public support from a sizable section of the Hindus that makes it possible for the minorities to get special treatment.
<b>Fatwa against television trashed</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Lucknow, Dec. 19: Television is âharam (sinful)â and even watching religious programmes is not acceptable, an Islamic seminary said in a fatwa that has been trashed by scholars and community leaders.
The fatwa was issued by the Dar-ul Uloom in Deoband, near Muzaffarnagar, in response to a madarsa teacherâs plea to clarify whether watching Islamic channels and televised debates on religious issues was right.
<b>The edict is being seen as regressive. âIf watching TV is anti-Islamic, why do we watch Haj on TV?â</b> asked Khalid Rashid Firangi Mahali of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board.
Khalid questioned how the clerics at Deoband, who are no strangers to television and often come on camera during debates, could take such a stand.
âThese matters (watching Islamic channels) are related to religion, so you should see from whom you are taking your religion. You should learn from authentic and pious people,â the fatwa, issued on December 8, said.
The Deoband clerics argued that while television âis a tool of entertainment and enjoymentâ, it was mostly used for âunlawful and prohibited thingsâ.
A Dar-ul Uloom spokesperson tried to fend off the criticism, saying its muftis had always said fatwas were only an âinterpretationâ of Islamic law and not something that was being âpushed down the throats of peopleâ.
<b>âIt is not compulsory for Muslims to follow it,â</b> he said.
<b>Breastfeeding fatwa ranks in world's "stupidest</b>"<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->First was the 1989 fatwa from Ayatollah Khomeini that sanctioned the killing of Salman Rushdie, the British author of <b>The Satanic Verses, a controversial book on the origins of the Quran.</b>
Then came the<b> "unclothed sex" fatwa that annuls the marriage of a couple who take off all their clothes when having sex, </b>
while the <b>third banned the Japanese Pokemon games </b>because they encourage gambling, which is forbidden in Islam.
In fourth place was the fatwa issued by some<b> Pakistani chieftains that polio vaccines are a Western conspiracy to spread infertility amongst Muslims</b>.
In another poll conducted by IslamOnline.com, the breastfeeding fatwa edged out the fatwa on flogging journalists issued by Al-Azhar's Grand Imam Sheikh Sayed Tantawi and the sacredness of the prophet's urine by Egypt's Mufti Sheikh Ali Gomaa.
Gomaa's statement that the prophet's apostles used to seek blessing by drinking his urine was no less provocative. Gomaa actually cited an incident when a woman drank the urine and the prophet told her "this stomach of yours will never see hell."
In May, Dr. Ezzat Atiya, head of Hadith (Prophetic Tradition) Department at Al-Azhar University, told AlArabiya.net that <b>women should breastfeed their male co-workers so they can be alone in a closed office space.
âBreastfeeding an adult man five times makes it legal for the woman to sit alone with that man at a closed workplace. This way, the woman can take off her veil in front of her work-mate without being in violation of Islamic rulings," </b>Atiya said.
<b>Muslims can use contraceptives, says Deobandâs fatwa</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->New Delhi, January 16: Contradicting the popular belief that methods to control child birth are unlawful in Islam, a leading Islamic seminary has issued a fatwa allowing use of contraceptives by Muslims to keep a gap between two children.
âYes, it is allowable to temporarily use contraceptives,â says a recent fatwa by Islamic seminary Darul Uloom Deoband in response to a query whether one can use contraception to avoid the next child.
Clerics at Uloomâs Darul ifta, the body which issues fatwas, says contraceptives are permissible so that âthe children are properly nourishedâ.
However, the Islamic body doesnât say anything about the permanent methods of contraceptions like vasectomy or tubectomy.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->MUMBAI: An Islamic group in India is asking Muslims to boycott products of a top Indian business group if its owner does not apologise for hosting author Salman Rushdie on a brief holiday this week.
Rushdie stayed at the bungalow of the Godrej family while visiting Mumbai, where he was born and spent many of his early years. The author is a personal friend of the Godrejs, who are one of the big business families in India.
This is Afghan, but relevant:
Please sign the peition. This guy is sentenced to death because he downloaded women's rights documents!